(2014/01) January 2014

yeah maybe. When I remarried after 7 yrs, she's like OMG, why would you want to do that...are you sure....and then she goes on to say she'll NEVER EVER get married again blah blah blah, prefer to be single the rest of her life...
If I'm u I'll b like.... Wtf u not gonna get married again is your problem not mine. N I'm the wan getting married not u. It's none of your biz at all
Sorry girls. I need to rant. Kindly allow me to rant here... Hehe

Fwah! I am really pissed with SGH... Especially the social worker... First, I find that he isn't as helpful as what I have imagined a social worker wld b... Secondly, he's not very efficient and doesn't seem to show any enthusiasm in his work attitude... I seldom hear from him and if I do, when I ask him to update me certain issues, I never really got to hear from him... What infuriates me most was he called me yesterday saying that the team doctors at SGH would like to have a family conference with us to understand more abt my Dad's condition ie. how much the condition worsen n what kind of stress we are going through... I distinctively repeatedly told him we are not available this coming Saturday as we have medical appointment n ask him to try to arrange it on weekdays after 6pm. GUESS WHAT?! I just received an email from him asking if we can meet the team doctors THIS COMING SATURDAY!!! WTF?! He don't understand English isit?! Wa piang!!!! I literally rolled my eyes inside out when I read his email.... Argh!!!
Sorry girls. I need to rant. Kindly allow me to rant here... Hehe

Fwah! I am really pissed with SGH... Especially the social worker... First, I find that he isn't as helpful as what I have imagined a social worker wld b... Secondly, he's not very efficient and doesn't seem to show any enthusiasm in his work attitude... I seldom hear from him and if I do, when I ask him to update me certain issues, I never really got to hear from him... What infuriates me most was he called me yesterday saying that the team doctors at SGH would like to have a family conference with us to understand more abt my Dad's condition ie. how much the condition worsen n what kind of stress we are going through... I distinctively repeatedly told him we are not available this coming Saturday as we have medical appointment n ask him to try to arrange it on weekdays after 6pm. GUESS WHAT?! I just received an email from him asking if we can meet the team doctors THIS COMING SATURDAY!!! WTF?! He don't understand English isit?! Wa piang!!!! I literally rolled my eyes inside out when I read his email.... Argh!!!
aiyo it looks like he's not even listening to the needs that you already communicated to him! should reply him and say this is one thing causing stress also!
Sorry girls. I need to rant. Kindly allow me to rant here... Hehe

Fwah! I am really pissed with SGH... Especially the social worker... First, I find that he isn't as helpful as what I have imagined a social worker wld b... Secondly, he's not very efficient and doesn't seem to show any enthusiasm in his work attitude... I seldom hear from him and if I do, when I ask him to update me certain issues, I never really got to hear from him... What infuriates me most was he called me yesterday saying that the team doctors at SGH would like to have a family conference with us to understand more abt my Dad's condition ie. how much the condition worsen n what kind of stress we are going through... I distinctively repeatedly told him we are not available this coming Saturday as we have medical appointment n ask him to try to arrange it on weekdays after 6pm. GUESS WHAT?! I just received an email from him asking if we can meet the team doctors THIS COMING SATURDAY!!! WTF?! He don't understand English isit?! Wa piang!!!! I literally rolled my eyes inside out when I read his email.... Argh!!!

tsk tsk tsk...tell him that he is adding unnecessary stress...
I'm just so "amazed" by his email... It's like he totally nvr hear what I told him right... Sigh... Call himself a social worker indeed... Totally f*cked dup
Hi deedeez, can I know hw much is the detail scan at KKH? and u remembered who is ur sonographer? hee

hi kmei2! I can't remember now but I kept the receipt at home. If I am not wrong, it was either $114 or $140 (I think it is possibly the first one...get back to you to recfm ok). Can't remember who the sonographer is but she seems to be someone from Myammar? I saw her before for my first scan, I think bcos I am part of the research thingy that they are doing so its the same consistent person each time. Actually she is very patient and nice...still wait up for me and talk to baby so nicely. Hahaha my baby laaa very cheeky, only wanna sleep don't wanna move!!!

Are you going to KKH too? Not many mummies here seem to be going there.
bb_hopeful, I went to Melaka, KL and finally ended up in Cameron Highlands:) looks like you are attempting more places, quite a drive! But I love the fresh air and greenery in Cameron so thought that it would be a good change. Stopped both ways in KL to break the journey so that won't be too tiring for the bums and back hehe

oic... hb thinks KL & JB r no no places in Msia so we seldom go thr. once we clear customs, it's straight onto the highways. yes yes, i miss Cameron, bugged him to say yes before i agreed to the trip.lol!
Sorry girls. I need to rant. Kindly allow me to rant here... Hehe

Fwah! I am really pissed with SGH... Especially the social worker... First, I find that he isn't as helpful as what I have imagined a social worker wld b... Secondly, he's not very efficient and doesn't seem to show any enthusiasm in his work attitude... I seldom hear from him and if I do, when I ask him to update me certain issues, I never really got to hear from him... What infuriates me most was he called me yesterday saying that the team doctors at SGH would like to have a family conference with us to understand more abt my Dad's condition ie. how much the condition worsen n what kind of stress we are going through... I distinctively repeatedly told him we are not available this coming Saturday as we have medical appointment n ask him to try to arrange it on weekdays after 6pm. GUESS WHAT?! I just received an email from him asking if we can meet the team doctors THIS COMING SATURDAY!!! WTF?! He don't understand English isit?! Wa piang!!!! I literally rolled my eyes inside out when I read his email.... Argh!!!
Mayb he need your official reply to show his supervisor that u can't meet tis sat? Or u juz reply him saying u have already told him over the phone that you won't b free tis coming sat
hi kmei2! I can't remember now but I kept the receipt at home. If I am not wrong, it was either $114 or $140 (I think it is possibly the first one...get back to you to recfm ok). Can't remember who the sonographer is but she seems to be someone from Myammar? I saw her before for my first scan, I think bcos I am part of the research thingy that they are doing so its the same consistent person each time. Actually she is very patient and nice...still wait up for me and talk to baby so nicely. Hahaha my baby laaa very cheeky, only wanna sleep don't wanna move!!!

Are you going to KKH too? Not many mummies here seem to be going there.
What research u doing? I'm wif KK too. My previous gynae went to private I followed but don't like. So tis time round back to Kk wif a new gynae. I prefer Kk to private lei
Hi Mummies, any of you have remedies for insomnia?
Since start of 2nd trim, i start to wake up every hour from 1am - 5am, then 6.30am got to wake up for work..
Super tired.................

I'm going for detailed scan this Saturday at Mt A.. hopefully not to expensive as i forgot to ask for price....
any mummies want to join whats app grp for jan mummies & babies ? do leave me your number and i will add you in :)

Not been here for two months .. So many jan mummies . Hihi ...
I'm lost la .. Can't find the google sheet created also ..
Add me in wats app group can ? I so seldom come in here ...

hi kmei2! I can't remember now but I kept the receipt at home. If I am not wrong, it was either $114 or $140 (I think it is possibly the first one...get back to you to recfm ok). Can't remember who the sonographer is but she seems to be someone from Myammar? I saw her before for my first scan, I think bcos I am part of the research thingy that they are doing so its the same consistent person each time. Actually she is very patient and nice...still wait up for me and talk to baby so nicely. Hahaha my baby laaa very cheeky, only wanna sleep don't wanna move!!!

Are you going to KKH too? Not many mummies here seem to be going there.
yup with KKH, seriously if I can chose I will not go there too.. but there's facilities that cater for twins and cost for complication may not be as high as private hospital :)
so the detail scan is at the ADC centre too rite? thanks for the price too.. I agar agar from there haa
hi kmei2! I can't remember now but I kept the receipt at home. If I am not wrong, it was either $114 or $140 (I think it is possibly the first one...get back to you to recfm ok). Can't remember who the sonographer is but she seems to be someone from Myammar? I saw her before for my first scan, I think bcos I am part of the research thingy that they are doing so its the same consistent person each time. Actually she is very patient and nice...still wait up for me and talk to baby so nicely. Hahaha my baby laaa very cheeky, only wanna sleep don't wanna move!!!

Are you going to KKH too? Not many mummies here seem to be going there.

Hi hi,

Im going to KKH for detailed scan under the subsidiced rate. Using KKH as a backup plan for myself just in case i dont have enuff cash to pay for Mt A when im due. KKH detailed scan is abt $60+ after subsidy.
This is our plan too...I'm planning to give birth in Mt. A but have KKH as a back up in case of complications that will make it too expensive for us to go to Mt. A. A friend of mine who gave birth early this year was supposed to go to TMC, but due to complications, she ended up in KK instead and opted for a 6 bedded. Even with that, her bill amounted to 30KSGD, but due to gov't subsidy and company incentive, i think she paid around 1500SGD only
What research u doing? I'm wif KK too. My previous gynae went to private I followed but don't like. So tis time round back to Kk wif a new gynae. I prefer Kk to private lei

Oh, they approached me at random when I first went for my checkup for this research on understanding the risk factors of complications for mums-to-be. Most of their tests are timed similar to the tests that all mums have to go through so I signed up for it lor. Haha, I always got soft spot for research one cos I do research work myself & I know just how difficult to get participants/study subjects!

I chose KKH also cos it's very convenient and I know my way around there. So far so good! Which doc u seeing?
yup with KKH, seriously if I can chose I will not go there too.. but there's facilities that cater for twins and cost for complication may not be as high as private hospital :)
so the detail scan is at the ADC centre too rite? thanks for the price too.. I agar agar from there haa

Oh yeah you are having twins! So exciting! Yup it is at ADC and the price is $112 (i just checked again!). All the best!
Hi hi,

Im going to KKH for detailed scan under the subsidiced rate. Using KKH as a backup plan for myself just in case i dont have enuff cash to pay for Mt A when im due. KKH detailed scan is abt $60+ after subsidy.
thanks junior.. i'm under private
Oh yeah you are having twins! So exciting! Yup it is at ADC and the price is $112 (i just checked again!). All the best!
thanks!! just hope not to meet the 2 china ladies that I have met to do scanning with.. very impatient!
i think without subsidy, the detailed scan at KKH is about $90+.. my gynae's staff told me Mt A do the detailed scan is abt $90+ only. But i still prefer to go KKH at least give dem some records just in case i have no choice to deliver there.. Im going next Tuesday also to enquire about the cost for subsidiced rate for 5 or 6 bedded, natural and csec cost..
This is our plan too...I'm planning to give birth in Mt. A but have KKH as a back up in case of complications that will make it too expensive for us to go to Mt. A. A friend of mine who gave birth early this year was supposed to go to TMC, but due to complications, she ended up in KK instead and opted for a 6 bedded. Even with that, her bill amounted to 30KSGD, but due to gov't subsidy and company incentive, i think she paid around 1500SGD only

Woo that's alot~ the only bad thing about subsidiced rate is the long waiting hours, many procedures and during labour, different doc to see our pte parts.. but i guess at the point of delivery, alr dun care much who is looking at it.. haha..
Woo that's alot~ the only bad thing about subsidiced rate is the long waiting hours, many procedures and during labour, different doc to see our pte parts.. but i guess at the point of delivery, alr dun care much who is looking at it.. haha..
Hahaha..true, this is one disadvantage if the check up is subsidized. But she went to TMC for all her check ups so the check ups were private. Unfortunately, she needs to have an emergency csect during CNY this year since she bled so bad, so no choice even the doctor ask her to run to KKH. She was in ICU longer than her baby. it was one of the KKH nurses who suggested that she go for a 6 bedded for bigger subsidy in everything.
Hahaha..true, this is one disadvantage if the check up is subsidized. But she went to TMC for all her check ups so the check ups were private. Unfortunately, she needs to have an emergency csect during CNY this year since she bled so bad, so no choice even the doctor ask her to run to KKH. She was in ICU longer than her baby. it was one of the KKH nurses who suggested that she go for a 6 bedded for bigger subsidy in everything.

Ya.. imagine if she still go for 1bedded.. her bill can easily hit $50k then!! wahhh can die leh.. but she and her baby are both fine now~??
Mind me asking hw much? Issit in Tanah Lot or near any strawberry farms?
It's between tanah rata and brinchang, but if u are driving up should not be a problem, cost around 170 per night for the family room if I am not mistaken. Many strawberry farms around to choose from so can take your pick!
Oh, they approached me at random when I first went for my checkup for this research on understanding the risk factors of complications for mums-to-be. Most of their tests are timed similar to the tests that all mums have to go through so I signed up for it lor. Haha, I always got soft spot for research one cos I do research work myself & I know just how difficult to get participants/study subjects!

I chose KKH also cos it's very convenient and I know my way around there. So far so good! Which doc u seeing?
I choose KKH also because its convenient n ample of car parks. Plus because of my high risk condition it's better to choose gov hospital. Plus same like what oth ladies mentioned, my last preg was asked to went back to kk because of the cost involved. I felt lost, like dumped back to Kk n to any Tom Dick gynae. Thus this time feel is better to stick wif Kk.

I'm wif Prof William Han How Chuan. You ?
Hi Mummies, any of you have remedies for insomnia?
Since start of 2nd trim, i start to wake up every hour from 1am - 5am, then 6.30am got to wake up for work..
Super tired.................

I'm going for detailed scan this Saturday at Mt A.. hopefully not to expensive as i forgot to ask for price....
Try camemile tea. N if your condition permits go for a swim ba. If not talk to your gynae. Hmmm are you too stress till can't sleep? I'm sort of like that muz mid night den sleepy
It's between tanah rata and brinchang, but if u are driving up should not be a problem, cost around 170 per night for the family room if I am not mistaken. Many strawberry farms around to choose from so can take your pick!

okie okie. thk u!
I choose KKH also because its convenient n ample of car parks. Plus because of my high risk condition it's better to choose gov hospital. Plus same like what oth ladies mentioned, my last preg was asked to went back to kk because of the cost involved. I felt lost, like dumped back to Kk n to any Tom Dick gynae. Thus this time feel is better to stick wif Kk.

I'm wif Prof William Han How Chuan. You ?

Gotta agree with you abt the carparks esp cos there's the free valet service there. *super like* Hope you are doing OK...I mite have a complicated pregnancy too if my fibroid thingy is still gonna grow so I guess it is gd that I'm at KKH shld anything happen. Hope that you will have a smooth pregnancy this year. Gd thing that i'm learning a lot frm all of you seasoned mummies here. :)

Oh and my doc is Dr. Cynthia Kew.

jt_junior: i'm under KKH private and the detailed scan was $112. Maybe if its $90+ at Mt. A, then seems like Mt. A is the cheaper alternative! All the best for your detailed scan on Tues!
Gotta agree with you abt the carparks esp cos there's the free valet service there. *super like* Hope you are doing OK...I mite have a complicated pregnancy too if my fibroid thingy is still gonna grow so I guess it is gd that I'm at KKH shld anything happen. Hope that you will have a smooth pregnancy this year. Gd thing that i'm learning a lot frm all of you seasoned mummies here. :)

Oh and my doc is Dr. Cynthia Kew.

jt_junior: i'm under KKH private and the detailed scan was $112. Maybe if its $90+ at Mt. A, then seems like Mt. A is the cheaper alternative! All the best for your detailed scan on Tues!
Sorry ar what's fibroid? Is it liu?

Ya hope that we all have smooth delivery ya :)

Hi mummies, can share some links where you all buy maternity clothes online? I know there some posted earlier but hard to scroll back and find:) running out and need to get more! Thx!
