SingaporeMotherhood | Preschooler & Up
January 2013
Craft for Kids: Snakes Alive!

Ssssssssssssssss! The lunar new year in 2013 welcomes the water snake so this month, we’re all a-slitherin’ and a-slidin’ with these silent, scaly predators. This also marks the debut of our craft section, where we introduce hands-on projects that mothers and their little ones can enjoy doing together. As far as possible, we’ll be using recycled materials and things that can be easily found at home, and doing crafts that take as long as a child’s attention span can last to complete. We know… we have kids too š
What you’ll need:
– Toilet rolls
– Paint
– Brushes
– Scissors
– Craft glue
– A bit of thick red paper (construction paper is fine)
– A bit of thick white paper (construction paper is fine)
– Gold, silver, and black marker pens
What to do:
1. Get your child to paint the toilet rolls in his favourite colours. Remind him to paint the inside of the rolls as well. Let them dry overnight.
2. Using a pair of scissors, cut the toilet rolls in a spiral manner.
3. Cut out a little triangle at both edges of one end to form the snake’s head.
4. Cut out a tongue on red paper, and glue it to the snake’s head.
5. Cut out two circles and draw in eyes with a black marker, then glue them on.
6. Decorate the snake’s body with the gold and silver markers. Go dotty, as we have, try stripes, zig-zags, whorls, or any other pattern that you like. Older children can use paint instead of markers, for brighter effects.
7. Coil the snake around your fingers to give it more of a ‘curl’. Take a walk in the park and let your child pick up a good-sized stick from the ground. Twirl the snake around and let the hissing begin!
Keep a camera (or your mobile phone) handy and snap some photos of your darling with his magnum opus as soon as it is complete. If your child is anything like mine, his crafty creations will not last very long!
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