(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

bb yuxi finally doze off... Been feeding her hrly! Think its really growth spurt... I terrible just leave her on my feeding pillow to sleep!

Thanks Jrrt n shugar for the info on bringing ebm out... Realise that my Medela has the cool pack.. Think can use it...

Famela: I got a nursing bib leh... Dun think will get another poncho.. Hv to find a nursing rm or corner at expo on sat..shall try nursing outside...will kiv the poncho n if I'm v comfy with nursing outside, will invest in one...

Roxie:thanks for the info on the funnels.. Actually I'm using the one that comes with pumping pal..for handsfree pumping...cos mine is pis not freeystyle.. The larger funnel seems too huge to provide any suction...also realise that my right nipple is bigger than my left one! Pengz!

siangjiao: your mil was too much.. If its me I sure scold! Its infringement of privacy n your fil in the car somemore...

Speaking of mil 'xin teng' bb..yesterday my mil came over.. Wanted bb to bath before feed (so that bb will be awake and suck) but she was so hungry n wailing away...i could see my mil 'xin teng' face..keep looking and saying 'aiyo'...but she dun dare to say me Haha.. I'm still counting my blessing for not having her do my confinement
Shugar>> PM-ed you liao.

Famela>> Nice pic of Ana! So sweet ... can share how much did you pay for the package and what does it include? You hv to bring baby to her studio?

Boi/Famela>> Hehe ... it's really good to take a breather at the mall. Bought a pair of shoes for myself, some groceries (light weight ones), snacks for tea-break and a magazine to entertain myself. Just these alone made me so happy today. :p

Gal>> I dont use powder on baby. In fact, I remember my PD advises me that it's not necessary.

wow, u sure enjoy urself
glad that ur mom is so understanding wor... mine allow me too, but will nag lo... tmr i gg to do rebonding le or else sat bb bday very messy
today is my first time to NIP at stemcord office. Cos i was attending the free bb massage session organized by stemcord. There r 4 sessions. While i was nursing my bb, realised some men peeping outside(due to curiousity) as i happen to sit facing the window. so funni to see them staring and i stared back at them n contd to nurse. Cos i was wearing a nursing top so there r not able to c anything.

btw, i juz bot 2 pkt of ice gel fm daiso. It can be wrap aro the bottles to keep it cold. Not sure hw useful it is but just to share the info with u gals out there. Cos for short distance of less than an hr, i was thinking to wrap it with ice gel instead. These ice gel will need to be put on freezer compartment before u use them to wrap aro the bottle.
me staying at yishun area and i will be working aro amk area once i am back to work in jan. My hse very near to amk leh so can join u gals if there r gathering at the north.

baby powder,
I am using the pigeon baby powder that r in blue container as blue is the medicated powder while pink is the normal powder. Been using it for my #1 and tink is not bad.
ong: applause for u! Gutsy of u to nurse in public!

Famela: ana is sooooooo cute...after seeing all the newborn photoshoot I'm regretting again! How how how? Should I call kelly? Doubt ill get special price already! And my girl is no longer in newborn category..
My hubby was driving so he couldn't see what was happening behind. FIL was in the front passenger seat, but he turned his head back to see the crying grandson. When the baby was bawling, MIL is a gan cheong spider, the last thing on her mind is my privacy. i did pull the nappy back over my breast, i think she got the hint afterwards

Famela: I managed to make it to Rach's spree in time and ordered a nursing poncho. And Roxie's affirmation of the product makes it even more attractive. Hope this will solve the "EXPOSED" woes.

Shugar: Thanks for the suggestion. I like the water in zip lock bag idea. Will probably express 1 feed EBM when i go out in future. Now with contigency plan, i'm ready to go out again

I got this MIM sarong... still trying to figure it out. When i put baby in, he seems pretty uncomfortable.

Famela: Wah.. already thinking of your daughter's wedding? Ana looks so sweet, happy and contented in the picture
Hello, hw everybody with ur newborn baby? Mine getting better, My baby gal will sleep thru the whole nite till 6 to 7am after ger last feed at 11pm. At least my training is not wasted...haha.
Tien>> that was what happened to me.. I called Kelly up and no special promotion liao... In the end I still take the package and my boy is already 1 month when the photo-shot took place..
yup, Paige's outfit is from Mothercare. It is for tiny baby and was worried at first that it may be too small for her but end up, these are the only clothings she can wear. The others I have are just too big

wow, u chope all the girls so that yr yu heng will have many choices when he grows up issit??? hehe

must post yr boys pix so that we can compare notes.

Thanks from Paige to all the aunties who praised her...

Ana is so sweet and lovable...
joanne>> you are the envy for most of us i guess.. im still struggling every night.. im considered lucky if my girl falls asleep after her feed!!!
Famela, v nice pix of Anna! My girl took hers too by Kelly. When I hv time to login using laptop will post here. She's really good right?

really envy u that u can latch adil after 2 mths. I think I hv no such luck. Called Doris to my place yesterday n suddenly my girl wanted to latch on the nipple shield. I was so happybut the happiness lasted 1 session only. And I realized that session she didn't really drink that much. I can still express out 120ml from that breast
today I tried nipple confusion again. Cried her heads off and I broke down. Keep thinking so. Much milk and yet can't latch. Sob sob.
cos i bot the nursing top long time ago so if i dun use then waste $ so die die take this chance to use it lor and i find the design is very discreet & i do not need to use any nursing shawl over it.

I do hv a nursing shawl fm new maternity as tat is a 2 in 1 in which i can use as a nursing shawl or normal shawl/cardigan(there r 2 holes to slot in your hand) if i no longer nurse but i find it a bit short if i wear non nursing top. Below is the link.


u can go to bodywork clinic as there hv infant massage service. My massage was done by them and they r very pro.


so gd your girl can sleep thru. Mine previously can but now cant as he will still wake up once a nite. tink my bb quite pantang cos i was telling ppl he can sleep thru few wks ago then the same nite onwards, he start waking up for feed. So i try to remind myself nt to praise him too much.

try motherlove more milk plus. i took tat on/ off n of cos, plus anmum (but i hate milk so only took alittle of anmum) n now i hope i can have a separate freezer to store the milk.
hai my CL left liao.. i'm kinda miss her.. when she leave, she tell baby to guai guai at night must sleep.. dun bully mummy.. my tears almost wanna roll down leh
Ong: I see.. I also got some nursing top still haven't tried feeding in them yet.. Shall give it a try..

Winnie: I still think latching baby as often as possible is a good way to increase milk flow. My breasts are always leaking an hour after each feed. Also drink lotsa Warm red date or black bean drink (actually any warm drink do) I always drink one cup before n after latching or pumping. Fish
bone soup is good too. So far with all these, my middle of the nite pumping can yield highest 150 ml. During the day I try to pump 30-50 ml before or after some of the feeds.
PY: think I will miss my CL when she leaves next week. She is soooooo good with everything!

Pigsy: hmmm I still need to convince my hubby. He feels it's not worth the money cos have been spending do much. Also he said since I got an nikon slr sitting around, shld take myself. I was like erm.... Me not even amateur standard.
Just lamenting...sigh need to work hard to express more milk. Need to bring some out on sat in case I can't latch successfully.

Oh pt 2 of my ebm question. If I bring out the ebm in cooler bag with ice pack n yet din use, can still store bk into fridge for later use?
Tien: Check the state of the milk when u reach back. If its still chilled, think its ok but its better to finish it within 24 hours. But if the ice packs have melted and the milk not very chilled anymore then better feed it and not store back in the fridge.

thanks for the web, bt page cant be display... do u hv their contact?

how do let bb dlp through? mine forever wake up to disturb de,,,

is bb able to c all colors nw? heard NB bb can onli c red, black n white... mine is 3 wks le, what color can they c?

There hv a few ofc. This no. is their paragon ofc. U can call n ask as there is only one no. on website.


Do u mean hw to let bb sleep thru? Maybe your bb latch a while n fall asleep tats y he will wake up constantly since he is still nt full yet. U can try to burp him or move him then he shld wake up. Normally i will constantly be pulling out my nipples in order to prevent him dozing off. I only try pulling out the nips at the later stage when he is quite full so he tends to suck very slow.
u asked abt nursing covers? alot of places selling it now, like kiddy palace etc. some online stores hv it too. check these out:




i think most mothers & MIL not so stringent abt confinement rules now as long as we take reasonable care of ourselves. things like dun get caught in the rain, wear long sleeve when heading out etc is reasonable & makes sense to me. my MIL was so funny. she told me she secretly took ice cream some 30 yrs ago during confinement coz it was so hot in tt mth she was doing confinement.
Dear mummies,

I am looking for a nanny for my newborn. Does anyone have any good recommendation?

Also, my baby sleeps easily on my breast despite me trying to burp him, rub his ears/feet/chin and shift position. hence got to resort to expressingl But milk supply declining. Any useful advice on how to increase milk supply? Am currently taking fenugreek.

I'm looking for a good PD in Bishan area.
Any recommendations from mummies? :)
Please PM me as it's quite urgent, and I always get lost here.

sigh ... mummies i broke down today again.. yah my CL went back today.. and i'm kinda feeling very lost... sometimes charlotte cry and i cant pacify her, and she still continue to cry.. today i stare at her helplessly when she cry..

She also cry whenever she want to sleep... and want my boobs.. so it kinda mess up her feeding time as well.. today she keep drinking half of what her normal intake.. and i dunno when is her next feed.. i'm just so lost!!

I cry to my hb and he just continue doing whatever he was doing on his computer.. ask me why i always cry .. then he said he tried to share my job but he's still learning.. so whenever he tried to feed Charlotte or to pacify her.. i will think that Charlotte dun feel comfortable in his hands.. maybe the way he carry or what lah.. =\ he say i dun give him a chance...

I dunno if i really miss my CL's presence or miss her taking care of baby for me.. maybe both ba... i miss her cooking too
I cant believe that i actually miss her lor... and can cry because of this.. eventhough she only stay with us for a short period of 1 month... and initially i still told my hb i want to change her away to another nanny =\ I also miss our daily gossiping session at night, hehe gossip abt my MIL hehe!

Today i warm up my thawed EBM dated 31/10/09 and when i smell it, it has a kinda fishy smell.. but when it's still cold, there's no such smell.. so i tot is spoilt and i threw my 80ml away...

So i warm up today's EBM and i went to smell, it's the same kinda smell leh... so is that kinda smell normal ??? =.= my mil asked me to taste it myself.. and i did taste a bit... omg haha really dun taste like cow's milk lol. but i dunno is it spoilt or what
Hello everyone, am wondering if any of you (those with babies over a month old) have managed to get some sort of routine in place? I have been trying to do so, but no success so far. My bb is 6 weeks old already, and I am bottle feeding her (ss too low to latch).

My bb doesn't drink at 3 hour intervals, she may cry for milk every hour, for 1.5 hours, at times sleep quite long too.

Anyone has experience taking metoclopramide to increase bm? I've just been prescribed that by my gyne but would like to hear from those with experience using it.
Did u feed her earlier by an hr or more instead of the usual routine of maybe 3 hrs? for me, if i feed earlier by an hr, i will reduce the milk intake(for eg. 120ml to 90ml). Other than tat, it could b u might have bf her for short while b4 feeding her your EBM and that is the reason on y she cant finish her EBM. If u hv bf her , then the ebm amt. shld reduce as well.

It's normal to feel helpless and crying as i been thru tat 5yrs back. U will get used to it in another wk or so after u know abt her routine

I will try to stretch the interval by another 15 to 30mins by letting my bb drink some water that r mix with gripe water. However, nt all ppl will intro water so it depends on individual.
I read your post is like my post leh.. Haha.. Both of us really attached to the CL. My CL nearly in tears . I c liao also nearly moved to tears esp when she hugged and kissed the baby before she handed the baby over to my mum. she even called twice to ask if I m handling ok or not. Now 2nd day after CL left. Can managed the duties but no energy to express milk. Jolie already drank 3 bottles of EBM per day. Now only 1 to 2. don't know enough or not

Jolie's colic worsen. Now not only she cries more at night coz of tummyache, she pukes up milk quite often. Also, on and off she will burp. Getting desperate on this colic thing
Hi ladies,

I am also an Oct mum. My boy was born on 14 Oct.

Have been feeding him with EBM as he refused to latch on since birth. Nursing him is like a fight with him pushing my breasts away.

Can I have the contact no of Doris? What are her rates for home visit?
funzee: my girl Riona also turned 6 weeks yesterday. I guess we gave birth around the same time... mine was on 28th sept. When was urs? I still haven't managed to set any routine for Riona. :-( everyday is so different with her... Some days she just sleeps a lot and some days (and night) she doesn't sleep at all. Since last 1 week, evenings are difficult with her. She keeps on having milk and throwing it out. Some times she takes out the normal milk and sometimes curdled milk.... She gets very cranky also and wants to be lifted. I had stopped her gripe water for a few days cos of her fever. Now started it again. Hope she sleeps thru the night today !!

Ddnikz: have u tried ru yi oil(not sure of spelling) for gas. Babies have tummy ache cos of that.... It helps Riona. You may want to try that and gripe water. Works for colic most of the times...
Ong: hmm ya I know but sometimes she drink halfway dun want liao but want my boobs instead lol. tt y my cl told me those Internet or courses that we took abt nip confusion is bullshit she say bb know how to suck means know one.. If give cupfeed or wat nv practice suckle how can bb suckle on the breast? That's her theory lol

ddnikz: ya v sad hor.. I called her jus now to check with her how to cook red date tea.. Then she told me she doing a new bb tml! Wa she no rest at all lo.. I keep telling bb "auntie go bk Liao.. Go look after another baby.. U must guai guai cannot bully mummy.." then my tears start to roll down again...
Keen on setting up a Home-based business opportunity (not MLM)

Ruben & Shire is a premier lifestyle healthy dried fruits & nuts provider. The company is looking for resellers to expand its network. Very low start up cost but profitable margins.

Very suitable for mommies looking to supplement their income.

Please note that this is NOT an MLM biz.

Please PM me if you are keen


PY : *hug* dun worry am sure you and charlotte will be able to get the hang of things. everybody including mummy, daddy and charlotte learning ya. see last time u nono how to bathe charlotte. now u expert. one thing at a time ya.

I don't know what to make out of this.
2 days ago Elias nose like got mucus (sounds like got flu). but daytime dun have e sound.
yesterday night same thing sound like got flu but daytime dun have.
now since 3am he has been grunting, clearing throat every few minutes. But if I carry i.e. his head higher than body he dun grunt/clear throat sound. I just propped his head with a cloth diaper folded so his head is slightly higher now when he sleep on his cot. Been 5 minutes and so far no grunting sound.

Do u think its blocked airways or something? do i need to c a PD asap? I tried burping, tried feeding him milk(suckle), tried even feeding him sips of water but din work. anybody encounter b4?
