(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

famela >> a great CL only means more pain on our part when they depart...too reliant on her! but i am slowly crawling along post-CL...like you, more or less there are the must-do activities each day, and the rest, go with the flow!

astro >> yep, audrey was prescribed desitin OIL - 40% zinc oxide! and we also received a tube of that 15% zinc oxide cream YH has. i am inundated with diaper cream..trying hard to figure what's the link with diaper cream and her bloody stools @ KKH... ????

Audrey >> haha, this bb really gave my HB a tough time. I left both of them home to get a much-needed haircut/mani/pedi..the works! finally feel normal of months and months of MS, ballooning tummy etc. Returned home to a very depressed HB - Audrey made a major poop attack..with poop that seeped all the way to her back, dripped all out of her diaper..I really don't know why there's so much poop...placed her on the changing mat, she pooped there...took a bathtub to bathe her, she pooped there too! Best part is, she didn't cry. On the contrary, she LAUGHED! yep..not smile but actual "hahaha"..gurgling and pretty happy at our sorry state. so here's my only venture out for time alone by myself and I am pretty darn sure the second trip is not going to be sanctioned anytime soon :p

loke >> then don't pump! watching the ml on the pump will only make you more vexed > stressed > decrease in supply > more vexed > more stressed...try latching on for the next few days and you might be surprised to find yr supply coming up! bb's the best pump yah?
gal >> i share your woe abt these milk monsters....it's really distressing me. latched her from 5pm-9pm today! a whooping 4hrs...and it still wasn't enough. fed her 50ml + 80ml at the end of that and only then did she finally gave her usual contented sigh and went off to rest. my boobs are crying "no more audrey"...so are my arms. supply issue? maybe but not likely cos i can hear her gulping away and there was milk when i used my fingers to express and check..still can't believe it....tiny bodies but huge appetites. do u think we should try to restrict their diets (more experienced mummies, pls comment)...
Hi mummies!
Astro: dun blue lah!! Positive positive!!! Will probably start some kind of routine only after CL leaves although have started these few days. Only know I hv to keep her awake in afternoon and after 7.

My yuxi was born on 20th oct. Older than Yu He by a few days.

Re: pumping
not an expert at this but I think the timing of pumping might count. If pump after latch cfm very little yield. In fact for me it's mere drops. So one good time could be before a feed when breast is full. But dun drain out everything leave some for bb to suckle. I think our babies are best pumps around. They can really draw milk that we think is not there. Also hydration is impt and not forgetting naps! If you can find time to nap, your breasts will be full in an hour then can pump already.

Xoxo and gal: maybe your babies undergoing growth spurts?
loke> haha.. yeah as what xoxo said. dun pump lor. just latch
I enjoy both pumping and latching.. but my girl latch only for comfort >.< hahha.. cant stay awake for long.. and i'm her human pacifier liao.. still think of ways to kick this habit.. gonna try lots of different brands of pacifier.. have not tried nuk though.
hi PY

not sure the red acnes that u mention is same as wat appears on my bb faces too.

doc say it as rashes due to weather,dirt,given me to medicine to apply. and was told to avoid putting powder for bb. and as i was partial bf-ing, was advise by doc to avoid ginger &amp; herbal stuff too

but was told by others n mum that cos i was bf-ing, these red spots will surely appear de.. due to bf-ing
mine usually stretches ard tt time oso. i wonder issit coz i pump at 8+pm aft she latches, so boobs r not as full, thus she needs to suckle more to get more milk???
i'm oso continuing wif confinement diet till 40 days aft CL leaves. will b gg over to my mum's plc and she will cook. contemplated ordering fr Natal Essentials but darn exp... $30/meal. and my CL looked thru the menu, said the ingredients used 4r v cheap, thus dun warrant tt amt. so i rather pay my mum to cook (thou she wun accept it).

then y dun go back to ur mum's 4 the cooking? I agree tt the diet we eat is v impt. we need the nutrients to produce good milk for baby. if we eat poorly, then baby will not b healthy either. actually to me not essential to really eat confinement fd. as long as its a balanced diet can liao.

dun b stressed as it will affect ss. wat u can give, u give lah. as long as u latch, ss will b able to match bb's appetite. but if u hv decided not to latch, then ss will b stagnant aft a while. watever ur decision is, as long as u r happy wif it, so be it.

how's ur confinement food?

tell me abt it. at times i can hear RN swallowing large amt of milk (the way she swallows makes me so afraid tt she'll choke!) and aft tt if we top up wif some more EBM (on days when i am super tired out by her marathon latchings), she still can finish as well! Same like u, i wondered how come such a small baby can drink so much? But i dun believe in controlling their diet... they r smart, they will only drink when they r hungry, so i'll go wif their flow. esp when RN is so petite, i cant wait to fatten her up!
hahaha... ur poor hb muz b so stressed! for me, i'll b more concerned abt my baby tt i dun dare to leave baby &amp; hb alone. scaredy cat!

i can eat mee suah soup wif fish slices &amp; veggies every morning w/o feeling sick. hahaha... when i had my son, i was on ML for 3+mths... everyday w/o fail i hv tt for breakfast. coz its nutritious &amp; easy to prepare. tt time my MIL was stayg wif me so she cooked tt 4 me daily. at one pt, she actually asked me if i am sick of eatg tt daily coz she got so scared of cookg the same thing 4 me daily. hahahahaha...
Jrrt: yeah found a kaki who is stuck with a 40 day confinement diet too... I super sian of those food.. Pig kidney n pig stomach all high cholesterol. My mum will be the one cooking for me. She wants ms to move bk but the Thought of moving the bb stuffs just turN me off. So either she will deliver or cone n cook for me .

Btw!! I'm now breaking my own latch record! Today okay hex yuxi from 8-9 then 10-11.30 and 12.30 till now (typing while she is latched on) I really wonder if it's cos of growth spurt or sheis not drawing enough milk from me?

Sore nips ah!!!! Now decided ti try out football hold cos my let down is good but always end up with her choking and sore nips.. Dunno is it cos of my latch or her super suction curling tongue? Want to ask mummies familiar with this position, do you all do it with bb face up or face cleavage? Then if there's clicking sound is it ok?
xoxo: wah.. 40% *gulps* anyway.. i think coz of acidity in the stools .might cause diaper rash.. so prescribed u with that.. but i agree.. too strong leh. anyway. i dun like kkh. did u read they give wrong dosage of med to 2 cancer patients leh..haiz..

i wun say control their diet.. but dun overfeed.. else risk childhood obsity. or big built kids like teng lor.. which might hinder/impede their gross motor development.. teng's very heavy.. so comparing to kids the same age.. he is less agile..

gal: ur post is like xoxo's qn.. bbs have an exteremely strong suckling reflex.. u give them 240ml, they also whallop.. but they ain't hungery per se.. yu he is also like that.. for the matter teng.. theywhallop cleanly.. then they bring up the feeds .. coz too much to handle..so what u are doing is good. dun over feed.. go accordingly to elias's weight.. and stop when need to....
eh, ask u. u meant to say u pumped out 15ml and accumulate all into a 120ml bottle?! wah...

tien: i try lah.. i am blue becoz of the latch issue.. doris is coming back this evening.. i hope this just fires up my determinatin to get it right.. once i am determined.. i can normally perservere to the end.. my fren told me.. 1st - 2nd weeks. most women give up on bf-ing.. i am in that critical zone :S
i see. yuxi is one week older than yh.. so in terms of bf-ing age u are one week older than me.. ehh. no. two weeks older coz i didn't bf yu he when he was in hospital.. steady leh u..still hanging on there! i must learn from u..

jrrt: hmm.. i am not as stressed over the supply than on the latch leh.. coz it still hurts.. and i know there's an obvious problem of latching for YH.. so i am vexed.. and sometimes, middle of the night.. when the boobs are full and engorged, it hurts more
.. i look into the mirror, look at all the cracks on my nipples i can't help sighing.. haiz.. and the stupid free style pump is adding to my woes.. today. after a bad night of terrible engorgement.. pumped only 80?!.. i seriously think the pump is 'underpumping' me.. haiz.. fed up..

aria: how was te session with doris? that session when doris was there, naia managed to latch? did doris speculate on the reason why naia wun latch? how are u and naia coping now with this latching?
tien: i treid football last night.. with my engorged boob.. it totally failed! yh chomped on my nips.. :S.. so back to cross cradle/cradle for me..
hey. cannot have clicking sound.. wrong latch liao..
u steady leh.. how u tahan the pain one?! .. i keep unlatching him to make him latch properly. sometimes in the middle of the night.. i sleepy liao. he still does it.. i will scold him loudly.. bad mood! :S
jrrt/xoxo: which reminds me.. can share with me the steps to nursing lying down? that one takes skills man.. i very tired ot bf in the night.. :S coz i sitting up..
haiz.. till now i still adjusting to waking up in the middle of the night.. sometimes twice.. been a long time since miser and i have to wake up liao. need to adjust.. need to adjust.. haiz..
seems like all bb drank alot at nite. Mine too. He drank ebm of 120ml still nt enuff and i got to offer one side of boob too and immediate after tat, he stop being cranky and go lala land. Guess maybe the bb are undergoing the stage of sleeping thru the nite so they need to drink more in order to sleep at least 5hrs?? Mine was fed with EBM plus latchg aro 12am and he wake up at almost 6am. so i would consider that to sleep thru the nite. During day time, he is drinking normally.

I wouldn't want to control his amt. since this only happen at nite &amp; bb are smart enuff to stop if they r full. If they are overfed, they will burp out the extra too.
ong: i used to think bbs are 'smart' enough.. but i think my yu he not smart enough. he can go on taking and taking.. then end up regurigitate.. ha!
Mine only happen at nite so i am fine with feeding him extra. Does it happen in all feeding times for YH? If yes, then prolly need to control a bit but if just a specific timing, then i guess it shld be fine .
ong: for a period of time.. it happens if i give him a top of up of anything above 30ml of ebm after a full latching.. so now i konw lor..
ya their body system r smart too to block out any excess milk.

btw, u pumped out 80ml is nt bad liao cos your supply and demand shld be matching. I used to pump out 80ml when my bb was drking that amt. It's amazing that d production system will adjust accordingly to match the bb's appetite. My supply will auto match with keith's demand. No matter what supplement i took, i still cant increase any further oso or the most a mere 10ML increase nia.
Famela: thanks. your tip helped a lot yesterday :) Riona was quite cranky arnd 10 pm after 3 feeds b/w 8-10. she wanted to bearried upright only - not in cradle position. she'll go to sleep and as soon as we attempt to put her in bed, she'll start crying. Asp er your suggestion then, i took her in my lap and put her on her stomach and slowly patted her back. withing half a minute she took out a lot of curdled milk. she was so comfortable after that..then she played for a while, had one more round of feed and off to sleep... :)
looks like she wasnt able to bring out the curdled milk and putting her on her stomach helped it...

Astro - since last 3 weeks, i'm feeding Riona in lying down position at nights. its easy as i don't have to get up and sit. Initially it took a while for me as well as Riona to adjust to this lying down method. but now we both are ok. infact the flip side to this is that, Riona now generally sleeps after latching - even if she's full... she will just suck for a minute lying down and off to sleep..

i'm not good at explaining things..but i found something good when i googled on nursing positions. check this out and see if it helps you.

funzee: Riona doesn't sleep thru the night yet. on good days she gets up only once in the night - otherwise twice.. moreover when she gets up, she will be awake for an hr plus !! waiting for the time when she can sleep 6 hrs straight.. :)
ong: Riona too takes a lot of feeds after 7 pm. every 1 to 1.5 hrs..
and she'll regurigitate also only in evenings - cos she's having more than reqd. but if i don't feed her, she keeps on crying and puts her fingers (or shud i say the whole palm!!) in the mouth.
rather than see her crying, i just feed her and let her regurigitate....
thanks for the encouragement. i give myself 3 months to latch naia. hehe.. and yes, you got her name right
i read your blog and saw the bottles of ebm in your freezer.. you solid lah!

as oppose to what you feel, i prefer to latch than to express.. even if i need to sit in the bed for 1 hour.. you know, i rather look at my baby than looking down at the pump ah! i feel like an bm machine expressing every 3 hourly. my supply really a lot that it freaks me out. i sincerely feel i rather work hard for my milk but can latch rather than with lots of milk but cannot latch
Siangjiao>> Welcome to join us at AMK.
Oh by the way, I hv just ordered from Sweetest Moments. Hope it's good!

Gal/Tien>> Dont feel left out, welcome to join us too. Maybe like PY suggested last time, we can hv a Xmas get-together.

Famela>> Thanks for sharing the link to Kelly's site.

Jrrt>> When I had my #2, I also thought we shd close factory but somehow, we now hv our #3. Hehehe ... I guess as my 2 girls grow older, I sorta miss the babyness in them. But well, no regrets, seeing my little boy brings us much joy. But think now, chop and confirm no more #4. Haha ...

PY>> Agree! Mummies are always the most "wei da".
Are you coping better today?

Loke>> Jia you with breastfeeding!! Whatever you can express, just give to baby. I always tell myself, dont stress over this... if I only hv 30ml, I will give 30ml. Not enough, then I give FM. Maybe due to no stress, supply sorta increase.

Gal>> I hv a milk monster too! He's 3+ weeks and taking 110-120ml of ebm every 2 hourly now. Sometimes, can even be 1.5 hours! Biangz... gd thing is when he's real sleepy, can stretch till 3 hours max. Sometimes, no time for other things ... I feed, then burp him, change his diaper, then I go express milk/hv my meals/bath etc, time for next feed. Cycle goes round, too soon for me to catch up! haha ...
jRRt/astro >> same! i thought babies are real smart to determine how much ml they need..bleh, maybe others are bright in this area but for dear audrey, it's gobble as much as she can..the more the merrier...no thinking at all! just asked the PD this qn..the answer: sometimes they just want to suckle for comfort...(bb is comfortable, not the mummy!)

astro >> i won't vouch for my advice regarding positioning cos i don't quite follow everything they play on the video (at Mt A)..but more or less for me, bfg lying down...lie on the side which you're offering to baby - left breast, on the left side. i tend to tuck my left hand in this case, under my head, under a pillow. so there's less risk of me dozing off and suddenly whacking her head. position the baby abt one palm away from the pillow line..do this first before you lie down. once you're on your side, just gently nudge her cheek (left) or turn her body to face you. audrey tends to know this is the cue and latch immediately. that's all. to catch drips or saliva...place a bib under your breast. be sure not to sleep! easier said than done! i slept alot of times..and so did she!...wake up to both of our sonorous snores!!! more dangerous if u have a hubby next to you so i tend to place a huge bolster in between and alert him, bb is just behind. so far i love this position v much...it comes right after the cradle.
Astro: I almost want to give up latching when I'm at the same stage as you. Honestly I dunno where I get the perseverance. I keep telling myself yuxi will be better at it..Also when I contacted Doris, I tell myself if she can't improve my situation, will just feed ebm. Nowadays just treat pain as itch hahaha... Things got worse for me okie. I think I'm allegic to the rubber if the breast shells so now can only depend on breast milk n
medela cream for easing of pain. Same as you the breast
pump is hurting lor.. Just that the funnel from pumpin pal is a
lil better.

Btw you might want to try massaging while pumping if you have engorged breasts. When you use fingers to massage it
downwards to the aerola, you'd be surprised how
much milk can drip out of it. Really lor pumps cannot totally soften these spots latching can.. That's y I say in my case right or wrong latch, for some strange reason my breasts will still soften so yuxi must be drinking something.

As for clicking sound, it comes on and off leh. And I hear a lot of gulping n my 'tam jia' yuxi will still choke on her milk. I also dunno leh. Hee maybe you help me ask Doris if you read this in time? Thanks in advance...Actually I know the latch is not good n painful but very shiok to hear her gulp... Honestly from side view seems like she is just sucking the nips... Sigh... Also her smacking tongue, it's really making it painful for me but could see strong suction despite of that..and I keep telling myself she will grow out of it...
Hi All,

Need some advice here, I am unable to breastfeed my baby tho I desperately hope to do so..

The massage lady said that I have short nipples and baby (currently 1 wk+) is an impatient sucker.. We have given her FM via milk bottle and she is currently drinking around 60-70 ml each time. I have tried to pump at for ard 15 mins on each breast but am only able to yield very minimal amt and the milk seems to be pretty diluted. When I tried to feed her with whatever I have expressed, she rejected them totally..

Even when we put the bottle of FM to her, she will take quite some time to find the position that she wanted before she starts sucking..

Have been eating apples daily, drinking hot red dates drink (I do drink water too) and hot milo, but it doesn't seem to help much..

Is there anything that I need to take to up the supply? Would expressing sustain the supply without baby suckling?
xoxo: yeah. not going to pump now. i see the pump i also pek cek. oh.. and i'm so clumsy with the pump. i always drop the bottle and spill my precious milk. after that got to clean up the floor somemore....

gal: no oysters.. haha.. btw, i tried papaya fish soup, black bean soup.. doesnt really work. i dun care lah. dun pump already...

py: latching is more interesting.. 30mins passby very quickly.. can see all the funny expressions on baby also.. but i'll doze off while latching if in the middle of the night. then the next moment i realise my neck is almost distorted.

bluesea: i'm not going to express for now. until i got nothing better to do then i'll try to express. i think expressing is a wasste of my time if its so little. got tons of other things to do..

tien: only pumping in the morning can be more encouraging. pumping before and/or after latch makes no difference. my boobs are like jellies at any time of the day. 1hr not enough for it to be full. :p

astro: that was what i was thinking when gal mentioned 15ml and 120ml... i dun have that kind of patience. i'll latch and give pacifier... if still cannot, then give fm. i think that's the best to prevent overfeeding..
oh i dun always eat the typical confinement food leh. so far haven had pig trotters soup yet. its usually black bean soup and this awful tasting herbal soup tt my CL makes. she says its v gd 2 expel wind and build up "qi". i am more guai in this confinement coz i almost kena chill in the initial few wks. so aft 12 days, i guai guai drink all the tonics she brewed 4 me. and frankly can tell got difference aft takg in tonics. can feel body is stronger.

my mum is looking aft 3 kids. i cant expect her to bring food 4 me... so i gotta go over... anyway i am near my mum's.

but aft 40 days confinement diet, i will still watch wat i eat within 100 days, like no hae bee hiam, no seafood, no yam stuff. 4 my 1st pregnancy, i was super guai. din touch a single drop of cold water till i hit 100 days. even my hb said he salutes me! hahaha.

u sounded like u got block ducts problem issit? coz u said full &amp; engorged and only can pump v little amt... and even ur pump dun help?

hey baby not supposed to make clicking sound when he latches. if he does, cfm its wrong latching liao. gotta relatch! besides if RN makes clicking sound, i'll def feel painful!

u r right tt its easy to give up on bfg within the 1st 2 wks! i was crying when i was latching RN last wk. it hurts like hell and if the problem is coz she cant latch well, at least i know the reason BUT she is latching well AND i am still hvg sore nips... dunno wat the hell is the problem. I told her i will press on coz watever gor-gor has, she will oso enjoy. I BF gor-gor for 14 mths so I will make sure she gets at least 14 mths as well. V emo lah but i was seeking her help to latch properly so we can both enjoy the bfg process. i am determined when it comes to bfg coz i really wanna make it work. if she dun gets to hv such a long bfg journey like i had wif my son, i'll feel i shortchanged her and din fulfill my promise tt i made when she's still inside my tummy.

i am hopeless when it comes to other latching positions other than the most common one. i tried the football hold last wk.... wah CMI! so tired!!!! but it helps the pressure off my sore nips.

as for lying down to nurse... wah this one takes skill and i am still learning oso. wat i do is i position the pillow properly (i like to lie it down flat as if we r sleeping), then hold RN's head to steady it while i slowly recline down to lying down position. by the time u r done, her body should be facing me i.e our bodies are facing each other. then i hv to adjust her mouth so tt its not crooked/awkward position 4 her to nurse. once i am comfy, i release the hand tt is supporting her head and she lies down on the bed w/o any support on her head. kinda hard to describe here. u hv to trial and error. but if Yu He is alrdy hvg problem latching in normal position, it might not b wise to lie down &amp; nurse now coz this position more challenging. RN is only slowly getting used to it this wk. Last few wks was pure hell coz this lying down position compromises the latching position and my nips hurts more.

my greedy girl can latch and suckle for more than 1 hr thou i hv fallen asleep in this position. like tt i dun get to switch boobs at all. too lazy! i figured out tt one boob contains all the milk she needs since she sleeps aft tt.

tts wat my CL &amp; masseur tell me... i will crave 4 another baby when my 2 kids r older... but i hope not... i am scared of pregnancy &amp; confinement...

PD oso tells me if long latchings, means bb suck for comfort. i say cannot b coz i can differentiate comfort latchings. aiyah, i juz let her be lah... since i wanna fatten her up... she can take in as much milk as she wants for now! worry abt it later when she becomes fatty bom bom! hahaha
i agree tt lying down position is v alluring! hahaha... i fall asleep every night nursing her this way. i cant b bothered to sit up anymore... too tired for 40 min latching sessions each time...

Aria jo
Nice lovely pix!!!!
how come all ur babes look so alert during photoshoot huh? magic!
thanks for your compliments
actually kelly prefer bb to be asleep all the time so that it's easier for her to position the bb. and it's just pure luck that my girl smile a lot that day. that day, she's really so alert and i had to standby a bottle of ebm and feed her and made her go to sleep. else, a lot of shots cannot take. and the session drags on for abt 2 hours and kelly didn't complain at all. she's really good and so is her service
Jrrt: yeah!!! I'm gg back on Monday night! Will be staying there on weekdays and bk to mil place on weekends
I weigh myself just now and list 1kg lol

bluesea: yeah kinda I think but the most tiring part of the day is after her bath.. Cos she dun sleep.. So most of the time I let her play on her own.. Then when she wanna slp she will make noise and cry.. So it seems like I'm the only one that can put her to sleep. This afternoon my mil helped to look after her while I bathe.. Baby was crying cos she want to sleep. I ask her to pat her buttock etc.. After bathing, she still hv nt sleep.. U know my mil say she carry until her arms v sng .. Ya right just a few mins complain liao. I hope she understand that I've to do this a couple of times per day!!!
Jrrt: wah you really very guai when it comes to confinement. I also have to cos my CL quite strict n my mum checks and nag on me on a daily basis. So Bo Bianca but my confinement officially ends next Tuesday! Can go out better than nothing!

You really a good mummy! 14 mths of bf-ing!? Amazing! Now I'm counting down to 1st month. After that I will tell myself to tahan till 3rd month.. If I make it thro then I will stretch to 6 months n then work from there... This is how I motivate myself and my 1st month is ending!

Envious lor.. Latch lying down.. Think I better be a gd gal n try not to be ambitious... Just today my cross cradle was painless for once.. Work bit at a time lah.. Something is wrong with my football hold.: seems like yuxi is tugging a lot at the nips and it hurts.. Hmmm..tried flattening my aerola using c-hold but like no use.. Now she can open mouth big but mummy a bit dumb dumb...

Bluesea: hee Xmas gatherng where???!!

Aria: Naia is so cute... Aiyah gian abt the photoshoot again.. No approval given...

Btw want to ask if anyone of you knows where to get helium balloons n customized party banner for full month? We are having the celebration outside and yet I can't do anything abt the decor cos I'm confined. Best if they deliver...
hey babes,

i'm back.
went to polyclinic just now for 2nd dose of hep b. then late lunch. got back and ana didnt want to sleep. she just slept. lucky hubby at home today and can take turns entertaining her.

<font color="0000ff">tien</font>: go psycho him! actually like you, i was also worried that hubby will nag. sure will nag one when i spend too much even if it's my money. i teach you how i do ok? i go to my close girlfrens who i've know all my life (actually since sec 1 only lar).. then i thick skin ask them to pay for the package. haha! i know they'll be cracking their brains to find me a gift anyways.. so i asked for the PS package to be one of them lar. hehehehe...
liddat hubby cannot say anything already. cannot veto! whahahaha!

mummy guru? whaha.. sounds like fitness guru. LOL! no lar... where got? i just frumpy SAHM now lar.. haha!

<font color="0000ff">jRRT/PY/ong</font>: i open 2 windows lar... 1 to read, and 1 to type my post. this one taught by our big chief, Astro

i oso need a change of 'scenery' now and then, so sometimes i feed Ana on the bed, sometimes i go sit on sofa in living room.. very boring lar sit in room all the time.

adil used to sleep at 7.30pm all the time cos when i was working he needs to wake up at 6.30am every morning to be sent to my mom's before hubby send me to school. nowadays, before baby came, he slept a bit later 9ish. so it was a feat to get him to sleep at 7 indeed. but he's oso just recently dropped his afternoon nap completely so i thinki can push his bedtime earlier la. i oso feel very guilty for spending so little time with him
sad hor. worse when i scold him for creating such a din/mess etc etc... haiz.... must learn to be more patient with this boy of mine. that's why i try to sit outside to feed baby so that i'm around him instead of leaving him alone all the time. i think one of these days when baby a bit bigger i shall leave her with my mom and bring him out just two of us oso lar. a movie sounds like a great idea!

<font color="0000ff">astro</font>: eh why so blue.. cheer up lar ok? don't worry about your supply too much. just feed yu he whatever he wants. i don't even pump now. in fact, when i had engorgement and had to pump to relieve the pain i really found it a chore. i cldn't wait for the supply to = demand so that i could do away with all the pumping. am glad now that i can just latch now. don't pump whole day oso no engorment. so leceh right to keep washing the pump parts, sterilise, keep the milk etc etc. as long as i have enough to feed baby i happy la. store in fridge oso i dono do what since not going back to work so soon.

<font color="0000ff">loke</font>: if you're ok with latching then just go with that

<font color="0000ff">xoxo</font>: i had a feeling that you'll do just fine on your own. way to go!
Oh, and that sounds like a nightmare for your hubby. poor fella. kekeke. he must have been really glad to see you home

<font color="0000ff">non-stop feeding</font>: i guess all our babies are turning to milk monsters these days? my girl also. feed and feed til she regurgitates. i just let her lar. cos she does really seem thirsty/hungry when she's at the boob.. to deny her seems a bit cruel..? so poor thing. but i hate the regurgitating bit! hate changing her into different outfits so many times a day. gah!

<font color="0000ff">clicking sounds while latching</font>: my girl has also recently developed this clicking thingy! dono why? but she's still drinking cos i here her gulping and choking and milk coming out. i know it's a latching problem.. but i dono what's wrong. hmm.. don't tell me must call doris too?

<font color="0000ff">vin</font>: ooooooOOOOH! glad that it worked and made her sleep better
my mother taught me this method. hehehe

<font color="0000ff">aria</font>: i say, "Jia You, Aria!!!"
haha.. that was when i was still pumping lar.. pump until ran out of via cups and freezer space. now really no space liao so i haven't pumped out any for the past few days already. too lazy sometimes. since not too painful anymore, i'd rather just wait and ask Ana to clear for me.

and those pictures of Naia.. gosh! too adorable!! and the shot of the siblings together is to die for! love it! you have beautiful daughters

<font color="0000ff">bluesea</font>: no problemo

baby Ana is awake and terrorising the daddy with her screams. i better go to his rescue! LOL! laterz~
Loke: I cant bear to see her cry when she cant get any milk outta me, so will usually give in to her and feed fm.. coz see her cry and knowing that she is hungry, haiz, just feels like m torturing her and making her hungrier.. so have resorted to pumping and only managed to yield a total of around 10 ml from both breasts and the milk is very very diluted, is this supposed to be the case?

When I tried to feed her whatever that I have for her prior to giving her FM, she rejected them.. not sure whether tis a good sign anot, I mean, if she likes breast milk and I only managed to give her so little and if she ended up rejecting FM, then mi can really go crazy coz no supply for her..
backpain: i can't tell u about pumping.. i myself am frustrated with pumping and is giving up on the pump.. but i think for latch.. u just need to take some time to do it. i've also come to learn that if pumping doesn't encourage u, then don't pump. just try to latch.

did ur ana cry after the injection? mine taking his soon... i am so worry that he will cry and hv fever. gg to get icebag at guardian tmr

heard from my mom that BF cant let bb full de, thats why i feed my bb 1hrly plus. but, i will add on FM in btwn,cos i scare they go hungry
hi Loke

me too. frustrated abt pumpint, especially wen mine is manual de... i onli use it when my breast is leaking till so terrible... otherwise... its a no no for me

i onli let bb latch on and gif partial FM
hah! no wonder she screamed so loud and different pitch just now. i took her from hubby and latched her and while latching she pooed! tummy ache! then still sobbing in between gulps.. poor thing. changed her and she still cried that distressed cry. very unusual for her. latch her again. after finally falling asleep, i placed her down to sleep face down on her tummy and alllll the air came out.. poot poot poot poot.. like machine gun! poor gal.. quite funny oso lar. now she's finally asleep. no wonder fussing from just now. aiyoh...

<font color="0000ff">backpain</font>: short nipples oso can BF. my left nipple is not just short, it's completely inverted. just keep pulling it out before latching. pumping oso can help pull out your nipple. if all else fail you can use the niplette to help pull it out: http://www.motheringfromtheheart.com/nipletteinfo.htm i've not personally tried any niplette so can't comment how useful it is but worth a try if desperate i guess.

<font color="0000ff">jRRt</font>: no cold water for 100 days??!!! wah! i oso salute you. i think could only tahan for 2 weeks. after that it's free flow. tsk tsk... i'm notty! no discipline at all! but i don't tell my mom i drank pepsi, starbucks frap etc. shhhh... she knows she sure nag nag and shake her head.

<font color="0000ff">diff BF positions</font>: am oso not good. most comfy with craddle hold. lying down - just starting to learn since last week. every other positions i CMI.

but again, i don care la. as long as baby is drinking and gaining healthy weight can liao. today weighed her again. at birth=3.525kg, 2 weeks=3.945kg. today at 5 weeks=4.864kg. so all's good i guess..?

<font color="0000ff">aria</font>: Ana oso didn't want to sleep during PS. i had to feed her twice. and kelly was here from 9ish to past 1.30pm! she kept having to soothe my crying gal who wanted to sleep but got disturbed when changed poses. so kelly kept bending down, kept shooshing my baby back to sleep, rock-rock, pat-pat.. but didn't complain one bit. i see oso i pitied her cos it looked like such back-breaking job. that's why i say she's really good - patient.

<font color="0000ff">tien</font>: have you checked BP section? sometimes they have..

<font color="0000ff">boi</font>: she cried when the needle went in. but only a while. by the time we stood up to leave stop already
don't worry. no fever. nurse said hep b not supposed to have fever.

boi, it's not that BF cannot make baby full. if they're not full, then they won't grow and gain weight.. what is true though is that BM is much more easily digested compared to FM. so they drink, it gets digested, they will most likely poo-poo, so hungry again la. FM slower so stay full longer. hope this clears things.

oic... thanks... ya, my bb after drink BM poos more easily..

oic. no fever, that's great, i still worry v.much lei. btw, u sign up for the 6 or 5 in 1 package at polyclinic? how much does it cost?

how do all mummies BF in public? thought of bringing bb out but scares he get hungry, but i have not gotton any nursing accessories, xcpe for a nursing tshirt, but that is too obvious...

also, are we able to walk n BF at the same time? or we need to sit down to BF?
Famela: too late to rally friends.. They all buy gifts already!
Too late to join BP also, party is this Saturday! Nvm hubby will go skp to see. And you no need humble.. Both you and astro machiam guru.. In fact there's more gurus here...

Hee I super happy! Did 2 painless cross cradle feeds just now.. Just hope that later it will be same *cross fingers* now
trying to nurse my cracks at the side of the nips. Dunno if they are caused by the pump or my lousy football hold...

Oh a question... My girl has been really sleepy for the past few days.. Is this part of growth spurt? She only wants to play in the morning.. For the past few days plus today she has been sleeping after the marathon afternoon feeds all the wat till 4 plus after her bath then after 8 pm feeds she just sleep till next feed again.. No matter how I play with her she just wants to sleep... Quite concern if this is ok
Hi mummies... i have 2 unopened S size HUGGIES diapers.. anyone wanna buy from me? I'm selling at $11 per pack.

PM me asap ok! :) As i don't get to check the forum regularly... thanks!
yo yo yo!!! i am so excited.. :p and i feel good.. hhahaa.. coz Doris came and answered all the questions which have been troubling me and now i feel light.. and more determined to continue breast feeding!

ok. pls bear with me as i regurgitate what i have learned.. which cost me $120.. hahaha..

1. do bbs know how to stop if they have enough?
yes and no.. yes if the bb is exclusively LATCHED. if bottled fed, be it FM or EBM, bbs WON'T know when to stop because of their suckling reflex. so there u go, mystery no 1 solved. so ladies, dun over feed ur bbs :p

2. how come i cannot pump?
doris herself can't pump also. she mentioned that there is a variey of factors for this.. some might be purely physchological --> loke's case of 'hating the pump' :pP
so i am chanting to myself.. 'i love medela free style. i LOVE it!'

3. milk enhancers
- fenugreek --> depends on individuals. not proven true to help increase milk supply. and actually not recommended for premies or bbs under 2.5kg cause can cause wind and reflux (now i know it liao.. yu he tends to bring up feed coz i been taking fenugreek?! wahliew.. so stopping this)

- metroproclamide (dunno spelling)
someone asked abot it. this works on the bloodstream of the mother.. doris didn't elaborate but it doesn't sound good to me

-molitium (also known as 'domparadom' .. dunno the spelling.. just listent to pronunication)... preferred.. and helps to relieve wind in bbs. they actually adminsterted this to bbs who hae wind direct.. so very safe.. and this works for mothers who tend to be anxious because it relaxes and works by 'influencing' the brain to be relaxed. i have this! prescribed by my gyane. i love my gyane.. hahahah :p i shd take this now.. if it works on me.. 3 days.. i shd see 50% increase in milk supply. we shall see :p. .. and best of all it will sooths yu he's reguritation..

just now coz my schedle haywired.. doris came end p yu he also dunno latch how long. i was worried not enough to alst him till next feed.. gave him aother 80ml top up. end up . he brought up a lot.. and back of my mind.. i know. this boy needs to be breast fed..so that he can control his own amounts.. and dun bring up feeds

regurgitation can be painful leh.. coz it brings up the acid in their stomach to their throat..they feel bloated also.. so very uncomfy for them.. so my humble suggestion. i rather under feed.. small but frequent feeds. then to overfeed and have the bb regurgitate.. coz very painful for them aslo. just my two cents worht..

and the most exciting thing is.. i managed to learn to nurse.. LYING down!!!
doris guided me once.. then second tiem. yu he jst did it! third time also.. wow! smart boy! and i thought we can't do it. i must trust my boy more man
coz i noticed these days when he unlatch.. he can latch back himself leh.. hahaha. i am so EXCITED now!

ong: fenugreek might not be working on u.. as well as for me leh :S

aria: doris remembered u.. coz i said i recommended her to us on this thread.. then she asked about naia.. i said naia not taking to the breast yet.. doris looks worried wor..

jrrt: eh. not me lah. tian asked about the clicking sound. and also u might want to reduce RN's latching timing.. i know we talked about the breasts not being empty theoretically.. but sore nipples are a sign of prolonged feeding at the breasts.(when milk is nearly emptied).. not very encouraged says Doris.. give the nipples a break. then nurse again 15 mines later.. might be better..

famela: u make me sound old :p
anyway. i more fed up abot the pump then the supply.. i 'calculated' i shd have about 120ml in me.. coz bbs emtpy only 2/3 of breasts.. and after latch i can have one ounce.. so about there.. i got milk. just have to tell myself ' i love medela freestyle!' and enjoy the latching more lah.. and i see this boy. he needs to be latched on.. and controls his own appetite.. else.. keeps bringing up smt amounts. painful for him also..
xoxo :
re: audrey
haha..ur poor hubby and Audrey laughed? SO cute! ahhaah.

re:milk monster
hmm.. u nice mummy. i after 1.5 hr v vexed oledi and try to distract bb with music, rocking and asking him to sleep. (coz' i v sien, feel boob no juice liew he suck oso he man chang. i c oso i man chang). normally happens during the afternoon / evening feeds.
am planning to slot in a nap time starting tomorrow (today not free) just before the afternoon feed to see if it is better.

wow 5-9pm + 130ml!!

py : haha..ya was thinking how u can stand eating oyster mee sua every day :p

astro : no la. 15ml i accumulate will cry. sometimes i no latch can hit 50-90ml. then accumulate lor.

jrrt: wah.. er..okay. i try to cook it then.

ong : wow 6 hr stretch. my milk monster drank the 120ml EBM but only slept 3 hours leh.

ladies, need to ask TBF ladies. u notice that our baby have a softer spot on the front of head and back of head? front of head will harden around 6 mth and back is 3 mth right? and if it sunken mean dehydrate.
my mom is scaring me, saying that breastmilk dun have enuff water and I may not have enough supply at the moment. That why he no sleep 3 hour stretch and his head top part a bit sunken (especially visible last night when he wailed like no tomorrow). Somemore his output (pee) seems more than his input(feed). He pee on avg 10 wet diapers the day (not counting nighttime). oso said each bb different, kenot follow book/guidelines. help help.
i dun wan to do wrong thing. am i dehydrating/causing harm to my baby
gal: if ur boy is dehydrated, he wun even have one diaper! constant peeing means u doing the right thing! ok. u rest assured and go tell ur mother not to scare u :p and bf is a LOT OF WATER.. whole thing is water wor :p
foremilk is thirst quenching.. in fact.. by sight.. bm is more 'diluted' than fm.. so kinda suprised to hear ur mum says not enoug water..

the front part is like that.. teng's last time. i can see the pulse ah! hahaha..
but if u notice a visible dent.. then must be more wary.

but hmm.. visible sunken fontanelle (signs of dehydration).. doesn't match with good number of wet diapers leh..pls contineu to monitor.. these two shd 'match'...
I dunno why after my CL left, my girl keep drinking half of her usual intake and end up sleeping.. i think i gonna latch her directly liao.. i've been throwing away my EBM everyday.. today another 60ml gone..

My girl ah damn naughty i keep telling her "heng mummy got enough milk for u.. so wasteful" haha.. i called my CL she say normally she feed she will finish all leh. tsk she bully me i think.

Think i'll latch her in the day and bottle feed in the night liao.. at least at night she dun really have such problem.. so far lah.

Re: Outing

Anyone is free to plan??
gal> my CL cooking damn good leh! i dun mind eating that everyday. Today my MIL ask me wanna eat mee sua anot.. she tried to cook what auntie used to cooked for me. but end up.. wah damn salty and dun have the wine taste.. =.= i think i rather eat my biscuit + milk hahaha!
eh just to check BF-ing can take dom??

btw i intend to bring my girl out for a short while to nearby mall.. the maxicosi is still too steep for her.. just to check how u all bring baby out now? when they're ard 1 month + only.

Is carrying her the only way? I tried the sarong sling at home.. i dun feel safe leh.. still like need to support her head haha..

My happiness abt painless latching earlier in the day is shortlived... In return I had a 2 hr of painful latching from 10 to 12am during which involved swaddling, unswaddling taking a break, tearing cos of the pain... Realise I hv tiny painf blisters at the edge of nip n cracks too. Din feel the pain till just now... Yuxi really suckle very strongly to the extent of tight.. Not sure if it's her smacking tongue. (yet sometimes she won't do it!) Been telling myself that she will grow out of it... Sigh...depressed... Time to call Doris?
