(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Astro: totally agree! Demonic latcher club sounds like divine for them. My yuxi is the same! Completely unswaddleable! Super strong girl! You sure you still want you chope her? I scared she wrestle with your yuhe n win!

Sob sob nipples super sore! Think my aerola super huge for her. So hard to aim lor!

Aria: give Doris a call n see how it goes. Dun feel despair abt giving her feeding bottle. Cheer up girl..
this yu he.. aiyoh. difficult to feed.. ! dozed off at the breasts just now.. so we fed him ebm 60ml. end up he burped and brought up almost 30ml of my ebm! :S
last time his bro bom pi pi one.. we over fed him.. but he cld still take it.. till he was really very overfed then he bring up his feed :p
this boy small stomach man..
Tien: hahaa. i was just sms-ing with hippo just now.. and asking about bel.. she said bel is 3.9kg now at 1 mth.. which is yu xi at one week?! :p oh no. yu he will be SQUASHED :p
it is difficult to have the whole aerola in one lah.. mdm rokiah said actually dun need to have the whole aerola in. just big enough mouthful also can.. i realised that's true with Yuhe.. he seemed to be able to suckle and swallow despite having a tiny mouth :S

xoxo: which reminds me.. u said audrey can manage any feeding curves u throw her.. great! for me. it is the reverse! i need to manage whatever the Demonic Boy throws at me!

A picture of my girl Paige Anne
astro >> curve here curve there, still got to supply the milk...hehe, either way, alot of sacrifices and pain..but that's motherhood yeah? rem sister kang shaking her head when she saw the way audrey lurches and latches for the breast. she did mention that this year, dunno what happened, but so many of these mighty suckers ard (seems like it's true!), told me to prepare loads of purelan or lansinoh...uh..u wanna try this? i kept telling myself my nips are made of duraplast..no pain no pain..maybe i am easily hypnotised or something but really don't feel much nowadays. maybe just a tingle here and there. so i hope it's the same for you..the initial going is tough but it should even out after awhile...hang in there...

angie >> sweet girl this paige! and her sleepsuit, the all-white that i presume is also from mothercare? well..very fond memories.. audrey just outgrew all her newborn onesies and sleepsuits i bought her - they were all white, just the way i liked babies to be in. so now i dress her in the dots, the swirls, the colours...basically, the gifts
but simply adorable eh? these little angels in white *fluttering heart* - so much so, i am tempted to buy more white sleepsuits for her since she has none now..so fast!
xoxo: already bought a BIG tube of lansinoh from medela.. i thikn the right nip is more or less seasoned liao (coz smaller easier to latch also), poor left nip.. haiz.. mighty suckers?
ha! that's a great name for my newly formed club!

Tien: how about Demonic Suckers?! good? hahahah.. sot liao me!

Angie: woohoo! *chope Paige*.. the surrender pose .. hahaa.. so cute.. yu he dun get to 'surrender a lot'. as compared to teng last time.. :p coz he is all swaddled up.. but he does a lot of 'peeping', 'boxing' and 'bowing' (putting both hands forward when i burp him).. ha..

tired going to sleep. dunno how come suddenly blue again? why? also dunno... tomorrow's another week...nightz babes!
I'm sooooooo exhausted! Yuxi actually latched and unlatched for 1.5 hr! Buay tahan just chin cai pet pet her n throw to CL. She actually stayed awake from 6 till 11.30! Many people come and play with her so very unsettled. My nips are practically dropping off..

Astro: me also have to press my aerola into a sandwich. but my yuxi can open mouth big big with her upper lip..lower lip is the problem...too thick already...also dunno lah...

Goodness..my yuxi is going to be oct heavyweight bb! But hor she is still the tall and lanky type... Not chubby chubby leh...my CL actually says that if I bring her out n bluff ppl that she is 2 month old...sure got ppl believe..,maybe cos she is overdue...and her neck! Goodness! Can lift up on her own and hold for quite a while...her stretch even better,..so strong that I always thought she might just flip! No wonder every feed feels like world war 3 esp when she is hungry.. I can see tiny mouse on my arms already...also no need go gym to tone
tien: my yu he also over due. end up a shortie scrawly! :S .. ha.. ya.. he boxes around during feeds.. and ya. the flip part.. last time with teng.. we dun get to see it.. teng was just 'nah, i like to lie flat, cannot ah?'.. head also wun turn.. one direction means forever in that direction.. till there was a visible dent on one side. thank goodness rounded after a while but stil flat head.. so miser and i thought with yu he we need to turn for him.. end up. we didn't have to!.. ha. hey. at least upper lip again. mine is the ENTIRE lips not okay!

ha.. u cam try to match make ur yu xi to mrs L's son liao.. hahahaha :p

ok ..night.. bluesy!
Astro: that's why I say maybe overdue babies are a bit stronger than their counterpart. I hv never seen 3 week old babies stretch until going to turn..

Sob you dun want my super girl yuxi for your boys already? True... Later your squash your boys.. Must train her yo be more lady like... But cham I think she really got my temper...
Bad bad bad...

Now I'm waiting for CL to bring her over to start my morning
duty. Luckily nips still intact. Checked my fridge... Yuxi just
happily gulped two packed of 110 ml ebm down.. Goodness I must find time to stock up more.

Btw mummies, wonder if I post this question earlier? Know
someone asked before but lazy to scroll up. How to bring ebm out? Cos this sat is yuxi fullmonth celebration n will
be held outside so want to bottle feed her ebm. Tia!
actually I dun mind bottle feeding but at least can let me latch on also lor.

I'm using pigeon glass bottle and nuk teat. Mm. May be I should check out Tommy tippee bottle like u say. I saw one where the whole bottle is made of silicon. Are u talking abt this one?

U know I really regret starting her with teats in the hospital. I was assuming that I didn't hv much milk in the beginning n was worried abt dehydration like what happen to my elder girl Hence I told the nurse if she's hungry just feed formula. I was ovey confident that I can latch my girl
now I really vouch that every baby is different. You succeeded breastfeeding no. 1 doesn't mean you'll succeed doing so for the subsequent pregnancy.
Paisay another question.. Mummies who use medela pumps.. Do u feel pain during pumping? I dunno if it's due to my sore nips or the size of funnel? What's the tight size? Must it be tight n snug in the funnel? I tried yo use a bigger funnel that I bought with my pumpin pal, it doesn't seem to work...
its normal to come and stop for a few times. mine is like tt as well. now its machiam no blood liao. more like mild staining. i am waiting 4 it to stop! My menses din return till my son was 10 mths old then! woohoo to no menses!

Heee, u me and Tien can all shake hands together! Sore nips mummies! Haiz!!!

i cnt even rem wat was the norm size of my nips. my sis was the 1st one tt saw my nips when i BF RN and she went "wah lau, so big!" this is one such thing i dun wish to be big abt. Causing so much pain now.

Give Yu He somemore time lah! It took RN abt 3 wks to learn how to open her mouth so there, be patient!

Mayb boys r more impatient? Not tt my girl is any better lah! Juz tt she has learnt to identify my cues and will slow down her wails nowadays when i say "open ur mouth! arrrhhhhh....." and so she obeys.

hahaha, i told my hb the same thing... 2nd time parents but we r like so "raw"! and i kept thinking to myself, "wat hv i gotten myself into again?! NEVERRRRRRRR EVER!!!!"

I am using medela & lansinoh nip crea, but i think RN prefers medela... she gives a funny face when she latches if i apply lansinoh one.

sometimes i feel pain when i express. i think the funnel too small 4 me...

aiyah she's cryg for milk feed liao... chat later!

thanks for ur info. pardon me, but what is lochia? I am bf-ing & giving FM too.

HMmm,,, so it's normal for me to have it as & when & cos i am not bf-ing, my period will resume next month as per normal?
Hi Angie

when i 1st saw ur bb foto, i thought it was mine bb foto and i kept wondering when did i post it up cos the size was too big, den i saw ur name...

i feel my boi n ur ger look alike. will try to post up to let u c the foto other days..

btw, i thought onli my bb sleep with this 'SURRENDER' pose
, so ur ger does that too? seem to be their signature pose wor

i am being reminded of your word 'human pacificer'. dont really noe wat you mean till 2 days ago, when i let bb latch on for bfing & hubby says that maybe he just wants to sucks onto something but not hungry, den i am reminded of 'human pacificer'

wonder if we in same case

i am 1 of those that didnt reali follow confinement rules.

as i am doing confinement at mom's place n hubby is staying at jurong,during fri to sun, i will be bringing bb over to his side,i wore normal t-shirt n pants that didnt even touch my ankle n slippers wor. onli for raining days, den i wore a jacket.

hmm, so at hubby place, i did not go out at all. but, i always take this chance to relax. eat abit of my fav food n drink. though i noe its bad for bb, cos i am giving FM and oso bfing, i try to restrict myself also

as for bath at hubby place, i did not bath with those herbal/medical stuff. i onli bath in hot water & oso wash my hair too

as for shopping, i did not do that. but, i would sometime, once or twice in a week go down to my house nearby to get some bb stuff n etc, all in tshirt n shorts

as for rest, i onli nap when bb slp too

when ur confinement ending?
Hello! How everyone these few days?

I brought my Lele to the polyclinic on Sat for his Hep B jab. He's weight is now 4.19kg at week 5 at 75 percentile. My hubby was quite happy as he was only 2.75kg at birth. I told him that the moo moo cow has been working very hard for the past 1 mth.

Had a busy weekends and brought Lele to many places on Sat. Brought him to the polyclinic, mac for breakfast, to his jie jie's class at TPY, Ikea for dinner. Mummy was so happy to be out.

Initially planned to go Robinson Expo sales yesterday but very unfortunately, we got locked in at my mum's place. Was only released when my brother returned home at 8pm. So only got to eat Jap food at AMK. Can't do my shopping.

But i had my retribution last night. Lele did not sleep well. Was fussing for quite a while.

X'mas Gathering
If we are really keen, can start planning le. X'mas not that far off from now.
Jrrt: great we belong to thwarted sore nips club... Ur bb leh? Going to join the demonic latcher club?

Haha nowadays I dun care if her lower lip is going to touch the lower part of aerola.. I hv decided that since my breasts will soften and I see he mouth movement correct, I just let her cont.. That's why the sore nips...i just decided that my aerolas are too huge for her so as long as she opens mouth I just stuff as much as I can of the breast into it...sore just put breast milk, Medela cream and breast shells Haha... and I agree with u! my girl seems to like the Medela cream Haha,.. Just now she just happily latch and suck immediately!

I better go nap for a while since bb is also sleeping...realise that's the best way to let milk supply come in quick
answering questions posed directly to me and replying to those who mentioned me.. apologies for not being able to participate more.. you know lar.. busy busy busy as a bee! hahaha! now got free time i wanna update my blog and post some more photos from the recent photo shoot. heeheee

xoxo: hmm.. glad they called to apologise at least. some of these nurses really cannot make it! but to insinuate that you're not all ok...? grrr.. that would have made me very mad! esp when it's their incompetency that is partly responsible for your sleepless nights etc.

our babies are growing older.. they'll start to sleep lesser in the months to come and will wanna start playing more and more soon. adorable! i just pray that this will happen more after they've started to sleep through the night.

tien: great to hear your situation's improving! jia you, gal1

jRRt: a small pus? then don worry lar. it'll go away soon enough. just have to grit your teeth and bear with it lar i guess. what else to do right?

hehe.. that pain you experience is not even mastitis pain yet. wahlauwei! that mastitis pain is MORE painful than my labour with Adil! i wanted to cry like a baby! LOL! such drama hor? tsk tsk! the things we do for our children... if they don't appreciate us when we're old, i oso dono what to say lar...

aria: yes, i did exclusive pumping for 2 months plus, excluding the first 2 days at KKH after delivery. gave up and gave FM just before i got discharged cos couldn't take the pain anymore.

and no, my son didn't have nipple confusion.

i was just getting sick of pumping. i rem i was a t a chalet celebrating sis's graduation. then i was up at 2am to pump and felt dumb cos i thought the whole idea of BF was convenience and not having to lug my pumps and steriliser and warmer everywhere i went. so after i got back, one night i just set my mind to do it. talked to my son and explained it to him, said some prayers and just dived into the whole latching thing.

of course initially he was hesitant when i placed him to the boob for milk. but he soon got the drill and i managed to BF him till he was about 8ish months. i only stopped because i went back to work when he was about 7 months and i had no proper time to pump at school due to time-tabling. so SS dropped and slowly it became too little for him such that he was latching on for 30 minutes, then 1 hour then 1 1/2 hour in the evenings when i got back from work and this after not pumping whole day. so eventually my milk dried up. so sad!! hoping to BF longer this time round.

bluesea: pet pet is not bad lar. i won't say it's very good either. in my opinion, the best is still pampers.. pet pet is not soft like pampers. but it does manage to hold the pee and poo well for my son right up till he stopped wearing diapers at 2plus so that's why i'm sticking with it.

vin: you took aunty zainab too? by any chance, are you the one living in sengkang? she mentioned she was massaging someone in sengkang and that the lady got her number from this forum here too. was she talking about you?

okie ladies, ciao! later yah? take care everyone!
Jrrt: great we belong to the sore nips club... Ur bb leh? Going to join the demonic latcher club?

Haha nowadays I dun care if her lower lip is going to touch the lower part of aerola.. I hv decided that since my breasts will soften and I see he mouth movement correct, I just let her cont.. That's why the sore nips...i just decided that my aerolas are too huge for her so as long as she opens mouth I just stuff as much as I can of the breast into it...sore just put breast milk, Medela cream and breast shells Haha... and I agree with u! my girl seems to like the Medela cream Haha,.. Just now she just happily latch and suck immediately!

I better go nap for a while since bb is also sleeping...realise that's the best way to let milk supply come in quick
Famela: you and Adil are amazing! 2 months of no latching and yet you succeeded! Really an inspiration! I shall persevere! Haha maybe should try to latch her on during her full month party in front of everyone Haha ... But still better to hv some ebm in standby..my dad shall flip.. he old fashion one
Tien: bringing EBM out... Get a cooler bag and place ice packs around the bottle. You can bring the ebm out this way. Try not to open it until you need it and should stay good for abt 4 over hours.

bluesea: I'm walking distance from hub. Kopi meet up one day would be a good break!
astro >> haha, form that club pronto, you've got a queue
Audrey is no longer on anybody's schedule but her own! won't believe it..she woke up at every alternate hr from 10pm demanding for feeds. i thought, hey..maybe my ss is low or something. took her off the breast and gave her EBM at 3am and she swallowed 250ml. went off to zzz and promptly woke up an hr later....
oh gee...now she's humming and making her own cute noises...eyes really big and alert but i just can't find the energy to play with her....got vacation leave for mummies?

famela >> agree that there's 10001 things to do at this moment, no exaggeration here. multi-tasking all the way.

philips >> so disappointing folks! i went down hoping to buy the IQ warmer..it was sold out -_- ...haha, saw so many preggy mums carting stuff there..kinda makes me reminisce abt my own preggy days!

gg out with bb >> still no guts yet (haven't settled the NIP for myself)...later this week i will attempt this milestone. can't hibernate in my cave forever.
hi famela, yes she would be talking about me.. I stay in sengkang. And thanks for giving her number. She is good.... :)

Xmas gathering - I'm off to India for 2 months mid dec. If we can have the gathering before that then i'll be able to meet you all and my baby Riona can meet other babies too :)

I'm so tired now as Riona doesn't sleep in the night. Last night was awake till 3... And was so cranky all the time. Wanted to have milk all the time and then keeps taking the milk out. Then she wanted to be carried when she's not having milk....was so exhausted by the time she slept at 3!! Then she was up again arnd 6. Fed her and handed her over to my maid and went back to sleep...
Wondering how to get her to sleep in the night!! Any advise??
Astro: Oops.. Philips sale ended yesterday at 6 pm at their Toa Payoh warehouse. I think when we bf, some kind of relaxtant is released in the milk for the baby and some hormonal thing will make mummy sleepy as well. I'm always nodding off with baby esp during the night feeds.

jrrt: the mini ones are nice too!

Angie: Paige looks like angel
lovely girl.

shugar: do you know where to get the ice packs? also how do we warm up the ebm when we are out?

Question: How often do we need to change bottle teats and pacifiers?

We brough Andre out yesterday for the 1st time for 5 hours to buy stroller and have seafood dinner (had black pepper crabs!). Was quite a nightmare when it came to the feeding part. I simply do not know how to breastfeed in style in public,so end up, i sat in the car to feed him. Without my breastfeeding pillow, he was soo uncomfortable, couldn't sleep well and was wailing and wailing. Luckily it was towards the end of the trip and my hubby sped home. And my MIL was whining non-stop "xin teng shi... xin teng shi, (so heartpain, so heartpain). When i was in the car, she scared baby will be cold (he was already all swaddled lor), so she just pulled the nappy ( i was using it to cover my breast) to cover the baby instead, exposing my breasts in full glory to my FIL. Nightmare! nightmare!
tien & jrrt > not sure if its helpful info for u both, but medela do sell their funnels in sizes (in terms of diameter) go and measure the size of your nipple, and give allowance for it will space out when expressed? takashimaya and robinsons sells them.. i think one funnel is selling at $30.90, (before disc) its helpful for sore nipples. too bad they don sell it in pair.. i bot it when i pump till my sore nipples bleed.. can help them heal faster.

xoxo >> hee, the IQ warmer is really good.. its ok lah.. wait for the sale in robinsons or else where.. i keep u posted if i see them ok? =)

siangjiao >> wah lao.. *fainted* ur MIL win liao lo.. leaving u no sense of privacy. how could ur FIL see ur breasts??? if me i would have flared up. ur hubby din say anything? dono why i can let my CL see my breasts all day whenever i am .. can pump & breastfeed in living room.. but my mil... i will siam from her. told her i needed privacy!! lolx

ytd i went out at 730am after feeding titus, for breakfast.. before heading to church..then bf while in service at 1030am (with poncho) then at 130pm i was having lunch at airport... hubby don bear to let bb wail and i was still eating so let him drink formula.. then i went to my sis place.. bf at 430pm and then at east coast seafood centre.. he is very shack.. bf at 730pm again.. we reached home at 1030pm and he had his last feed for the nite.. concussed till this morning.. i feel so guilty for bringing him the whole day.. too long hours.. next time don dare liao..
Xmas gathering: I stay at a condo, but the function room is pathetically small. We have sheltered bbq pits but there is no air-con so i don't its condusive for young babies as it can get pretty hot, and we risk wet weather..

How about gathering at some restaurant? Anyone has any suggestion? Or shall we organize a Macdonald party? *just thinking aloud, me no experience with such gatherings*
coz immed aft bfg there wun b menses. its called lochia. and if we r bfg exclusively, menses usually wun return so soon. thats provided u oso bf at night. if u give the bottles and dun bf at nite & dun express, ur menses will return sooner.
u r now doing partial bfg and there is no telling when ur menses will return. mayb in a mth or 2.

Heee, nah! My girl dun belong to the demonic club... so far she dun really hv a habit to yank my nipples... will DIE man!!! sometimes she will bite when she has enuff but thankfully it doesnt happen most times. so painful wif sore nips liao, still kena yanked or bitten by them is hell!
Same as me, i juz try to squeeze in as much of my aerola into her mouth as possible... things can only get better when her mouth is bigger lah. looking fwd to better days!
4got to reply u on bringing EBM out. u hv any fridge-to-go? its gd to invest in tt bag. i hv 3 of them, in diff designs. helps greatly when i need to transport EBM from work back home. else juz invest in a cooler bag wif ice packs.

4got to say the Ana looks so angelic in the photoshoot! v nice! worth the money spent!

i am not tt worried abt the pus now but juz wonder when it will go away. its alrdy 3wks+ but still i am battling wif sore nips... totally din expect this at all. *sob sob*
wat?! i cant imagine more pain if it was mastitis! Horror!!! I dun wana know, i dun wanna know... tts y i am so freaked out when i saw pus... scared will lead to more serious infection & eventually mastitis!!!!

u r rite... relaxing hormones r released during bfg, thus it relaxes both baby & mummy, so tt explains why we feel sleepy when we BF, esp at nite!!!! jia-lat!!! i am nursing lying down most times liao... but my girl haven got used to this method and ends up unlatching herself most times.

OMG! ur MIL yanked off ur cover!!!! how embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she din know u were bfg????

think for 1st time gathering wif a lot of babies, not wise to hv it in restaurants. both times when i attended such gatherings 4 the 1st time, it was held at one mummy's hse. so when u need to BF, chg nappy etc, all more convenient. later as the babies grow bigger and more manageable, then can consider organising trial classes etc.

i am using ameda pumps.. think they hv bigger sized ones but i am not bothered to find out yet leh.
ok multi-tasking again... feeding adil his lunch. left baby in her cot...

tien: nahh.. nothing special. just adil's luck that he's got a mommy who's as stubborn if not more. and i live by this favourite quotation which goes sthg like "whatever the mind can conceive and perceive, it WILL achieve" hahaha! sounds corny right, but I swear it works! works like magic every time...

get a nursing poncho! it's worth it. then you feed your baby in discreet at your 1 month party.

i think a mommy in sept thread taking orders and placing orders tonight for the monpetitjardin nursing poncho. i got 2 and i'm loving it. have fed ana in public twice now, discounting those done in the car. once i did at causeway point while my hubby was queuing up to make payment at cold storage. baby fussed so i went into the handicap toilet, put on poncho, latched her and actually walked out and all about while she was feeding. whahahaha!

2nd time was yest at coffee bean while having salad and pasta. it's really convenient to have a nursing poncho. and they have a range that's sooooo lightweight and soft. not hot at all. try see

aww shucks! she's crying for me now.. laterz
xoxo: welcome to the world of SAHM. nope, we don't get vacation leave. that's why i always say this is the most difficult job i've ever had to do - and also the most rewarding
okies, Ana is finally sound asleep and hopefully she'll sleep for 2 to 3 hours lar. i'm hungry. gonna prepare something for myself (everyone else has eaten except mommy!) but tot i'd come in here first..

philips: i went yesterday too.. wanted to get the IQ warmer as well but OOS so ended up getting the old one again. i can't find my old avent warmer lar. so spent $50 for one yest. bought an IQ Uno pump for a fren at $190 (usual $299). then i checked out the price for the IQ Duo - it's $600. good deal! cos i bought mine 3 years back at $799.

also went out to town to people watch a bit and enjoy my complete freedom after being home for a while now. enjoyed the outing. baby slept in her peanut shell all the way and only woke up to feed. at home, after wiping her down, changing her and feeding her at 845, she slept til 3.15am!! that's the longest record so far
maybe must go out more often. hee hee hee

roxie: the ponchos are really nice and soft and comfy right? am so loving the ones i got.
did you get it from rach too?

vin: ahhhh.. it's you. hehe. don't mention. she was telling me how good you looked all dressed up and hinting to me that it's her massage that helped. hehe.. and she told me your baby's pretty!

how old is riona? is she going through a growth spurt? if she is then there's nothing to do except to go with it...

angie: agree with siangjiao! your baby's so lovely! and i think her name is so pretty!

siangjiao: i lurveeeeee your cupcakes!! so cute! are they halal? if they are then i can consider ordering it and bringing to my school when i go down to visit my colleagues and show my baby to them..

oh and you can get the ice packs online too. MIM used to sell them. it comes in a thin piece - like paper. then you soak it in water and it puffs out. then you can cut out into whatever size you want and freeze them. dono if they still have it?

and gosh, that does sound like a nightmare. get the nursing poncho lar. i highly recommend it! it covers everything, yet not hot.

jRRt: thanks! i think it was money well spent too!
kelly is really good with babies lar.. that one i'm more impressed. she's so patient! i'm glad i signed up for the package
Siangjiao>> How could your mil just yanked off your cover? I would hv exploded. I already do not like people barging into my room when I express or latch, let alone yank off my cover when there's people around.

Famela>> Thanks for your feedback on petpet.

Boi, Tien, Gal and Jrrt>> Decided to pop over the mall later. Cant stand it at home liao. :p My mum told me to wear a cardigan/jacket, well at least she's not againist me going out.

Shugar>> You stay really near the Hub. Are you a SAHM? Onz, next time we meet for kopi ... PM you my contact later.
bluesea: no prob. i oso have been walking over to causeway point several times even before 1 month over. mostly to get stuff lar cos run of diapers etc. hee hee... my mom always sounds shocked when i tell her i wanna go out but she doesn't stop me lar
but these little outings help in preserving sanity lar yah?

here's another pic of Ana. This one's taken by Kelly herself
My favourite photo cos i was mentioning in my blog that looking at this photo is like looking into the future and seeing ana with a white bridal veil over her... so sweet and pure liddat right? hehehe. mommy emo looking at this photo. whahahaha!

okies, time for lunch and then a quick nap maybe. laterz everyone!
Siangjiao: bring a flask of warm water and a cup to warm up the ebm. It's ley chey I know, that's y sometimes give up n just give fm when we go out.

Wah! What a chaotic adventure you had! Hahaha my MIL also "chants" the xin teng(heartpain) mantra when bb cries. -__-" best part is the volume increases with bb's cries! How exasperating when you're already frazzled by bb's cries
ddnikz: my cl is leaving tml and I'm sure I'll miss her too.. Cos I had a great time gossiping abt my mil hahaha!!! She's great in cooking and take gd care of the bb too ..

Siangjiao: omg!!! That's really nightmare lo. Complain to yr hb? Haha he should say something lo.

Ytd was the full month celebration.. My house almost burst la so many pple. My mum catered 50 pax and there's lots of leftover! I told her to order 40 can Liao she dun wanna listen to me... Lots of guests left without taking the cakes!!!!! Omg nightmare and lucky my hb called up his frens who stayed nearby and gave it to them haha.. So tired.. Gg to take a nap now . Update more ltr
Oh for ice pack I freeze water in small zip lock bags. Also saved those ice packs that come with birthday cakes and Royce chocs!:p

bluesea: yups... I'm a SAHM... Been working from home even b4 bb came along.
oh will go check my PM!

my parents is still asking me to cook my meals when they leave.
dun c how to...ie no capacity but dun mind trying.

would u all mind to share wats ur daily routine like? i trying to plan :
feed, burp, pump, sleep, bathe bb, bathe myself, eat, chg nappy, wash nappy, hang nappy, keep/fold, cook.
wanted to spend half hour in morning bring bb out on pram for fresh air...hmm.....any tips/suggestion?

famela: nice pic of ana

one more q: do u all use powder on bb? if yes wat brand? if no, wo powder possible to avoid heat rash n bb acne?
famela > hehe yea very soft material!! titus love it. i am using as a pram cover too, or additional blanket.. hehe.. nope not from rach. i bot online from pupsiks!
Terrible leh. I cannot believe till today I still miss her presence! Maybe she really takes care of me too well. Was so touched when she called 2 times to ask whether I can manage. Sigh. feel so useless leh - just cant get rid of the fear. Yesterday night Jolie kept crying and refusing to sleep again. Darn the colic. Been giving her gripe water already but it is still there. Sigh, hope tonight will be a better night. Going to catch some sleep before the night battle >.<
ur fav quotation - i'm using tt sometimes as well... to tell myself tt things will b better!

hey ur ana seems to hv slept thru the nite! tts such a gd record!

mine still a long way to go, since she's so petite! but as long as my nipples heal, i dun mind to latch her lah. as long as they heal!

hv u started to bottle feed ana alrdy? I started mine yest - when she turned 3 wks. she's takg 1 bottle feed a day.

agreed tt nursing bibs is a life saviour. i am like u... can juz put on the bib, whip out my boob and BF while walking. no one notices. everyone thinks bb is sleeping.

hey seriously how do u manage wif an active tod &amp; a baby in the hse??? i dun dare to even try!

i use powder on bb everyday n all pts of body

gt it from mothercare,,,n the brand is little softie. intend to change to baby johnson after using finish cos hubby say thats the best


thanks, i shall monitor

btw, do u noe where can we get ice bag for bb? i bought those fever plaster, but was told by my cousin that its not gd, as it will peel off bb hair too and was advice by him to buy ice bag instead
