Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

好就听你的意见建议。会忙找工作, 迟些才讲发展。
1. 不给人解签了。That means, you didn't my past postings.
2. 说过了,目前不能做生意。

Read carefully previous post. 老师讲的是以前,可没说现在。



清明节给已故亡人供其他的吧。 千层糕、豆沙饼。子孙有拜,他们知道的。不要说什么怀念、再见之类的话。

现在食物从简了,不用什么烧鸡卤鸭三层肉,水果就行了。Easy to bring, and nice to eat.

The way you wrote, looks like you are going to be busy. 家里拜、坟墓拜、善堂也拜!统一拜一次就行了。

那是不是说durians related offerings like durian cakes, durian puffs, etc. all cannot be offered? But can offer things like prunes kueh lapis? Because I heard some people say anything that 已故亡人 likes, can be offered. But others say only can offer non-spiky items.

We go 扫墓 and 善堂 because paternal and maternal grandparents are rested at different venues. So, have to do it separately. Then, on Qing Ming day, have to pray to paternal grandparents at home (altar). My mom is busier as she will prepare food one day before Qing Ming and bring to each of her brother who have the altar at home and ask them to help her offer the prepared food the next day. On Qing Ming itself, after she is done with praying at home, she will travel to one of her brother's house to offer joss sticks again!

家里祭祖的可以放心食用。Mentioned before. Use search engine.

Sorry, 老师。I can't seem to find related posts using the search engine. Can you clarify if this means that if food offerings are made to ancestors, irregardless of whether the food offerings are made at cemetery or 善堂, they can be brought home to be consumed? Or must the food offerings be consumed at cemetery or 善堂 and do not bring home? Or is it solely food offerings made to ancestors at home (altar) only, can be safely consumed?

I was browsing through some threads and am wondering if 老师 can recommend a reliable fengshui master? Thank you
那是不是说durians related offerings like durian cakes, durian puffs, etc. all cannot be offered? But can offer things like prunes kueh lapis? Because I heard some people say anything that 已故亡人 likes, can be offered. But others say only can offer non-spiky items.


在世的时候,已经吃过了。That's enough. 人都已经走了,就要与阳间彻底隔开。还要鬼来流连忘返呀?!




就算你不供durian cakes, durian puffs,农历七月一到,鬼想吃榴莲口味的食物,难道不会飘到Geylang/Sims Drive吃毛山王榴莲, Bengawan Solo cake shop吃durian tarts吗?

所以,简简单单一点吃的就行了。鬼吃了durian cakes, durian puffs,以为他们会跟你讲谢谢吗?


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Sorry, 老师。I can't seem to find related posts using the search engine. Can you clarify if this means that if food offerings are made to ancestors, irregardless of whether the food offerings are made at cemetery or 善堂, they can be brought home to be consumed? Or must the food offerings be consumed at cemetery or 善堂 and do not bring home? Or is it solely food offerings made to ancestors at home (altar) only, can be safely consumed?

比如,你把食物放在公司共用的fridge,你等确保其他同事不会吃吗?同样,你把要拜的食物摆上common space,然后走开,你说其他鬼不来吃才怪。道理是一样的。




倘若你能吃素念经像 @Rubilite 一样精进就好了。怎么学习念、怎么放生、怎么消灾、念经遇到什么麻烦、有没有鬼来敲门、念经后有什么变化等等。这些疑问才是对你有意义有帮助。


I was browsing through some threads and am wondering if 老师 can recommend a reliable fengshui master? Thank you
曾经说过了 Click here read post #1516.

1. 不能给人介绍。如果这样做,老师会给人诬赖 - 诈财抽佣金。

2. 老师懂得风水却给人介绍风水师的话,这个说不过去。*比如,你是GP,你的病人要你介绍其他好的GP,你说别人又会怎么想?

3. 老师会看风水,但不想给人看也不想赚这钱。*比如,一个法律系毕业又有律师执照,他不收钱不给人打官司。实际上,他还是合格的律师。老师认识一位lawyer friend,可是他的职业不当律师,偏爱做其他的事。别人请教他专业法律常识/疑问,简直是对答如流。

4. 有一种情况老师给人看风水 - 那就是对方吃长素决定家里要设佛台。老师不收费不敛财。在新加坡若能找的一个不收费的风水师的话,老师倒是想去认识他。
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想请问一下,您说每个月有四天是不好的。能否让我知道 Jul 和 Aug 哪四天不好?我目前怀了宝宝并会 c-sect 因为之前有开过刀。这么巧,我的老公在 end Jul to mid Aug 会有 reservist. 我的预产期是 11 Aug但是医生要在大概37周后开刀。很怕选了个大错特错的日子。读过您的posting,我不要求孩子大富大贵怕她承受不起,只希望她能平安顺心过一生。

想请问一下,您说每个月有四天是不好的。能否让我知道 Jul 和 Aug 哪四天不好?我目前怀了宝宝并会 c-sect 因为之前有开过刀。这么巧,我的老公在 end Jul to mid Aug 会有 reservist. 我的预产期是 11 Aug但是医生要在大概37周后开刀。很怕选了个大错特错的日子。读过您的posting,我不要求孩子大富大贵怕她承受不起,只希望她能平安顺心过一生。

1. 老师帮你就是了。Send me private message with the details.
2. 给你择日子和时间。但日子和时间要必须要在一起。明白吗?
3. 顺不顺利,听天安排。不要责怪上天。

父母和孩子能承受老师择的日子和时间是上天安排。I'll give you date and time, neither you nor me can control but god will decide.

Related post. click -> #136 #196
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没挑.... 只是停工多年,没信心被禄取
WSQ的course. MOM资助most of the course fees for Singaporeans! 学了之后,去apply工作。

选择一个适合你的工作,然后上course. Course玩了之后,才找工作。这是老师给你最好的建议了。急着用钱,又要在家翘脚,摇到腿断就有。



我现在刚开始吃素。连家里养的狗狗我也让它吃素 :D

请问老师,how do we know if the deceased have really left for where they really belong? 其实虽然外婆已近过世了20年,我常常在低落或茫然的时候都会梦见外婆。譬如以前留学时,因为从小娇生惯养,什么家务都不会做。连煮水泡杯面都不会!那时候常常会梦见外婆。梦见她就在那陪着我,帮我打扫卫生让我好好读书。 近来工作不顺就一直觉得自己很衰。 然后,也梦见外婆。梦里她似乎帮我洗了衣服,然后跟我乘电梯,绕了条较长一些的路要回家。途中,捡到一些有monetary value的东西。读了老师的posts, I can't help but wonder if my grandmother had left?

Pardon me,老师。On your post on 七月拜鬼,我们七月拜祖先算不算七月拜鬼?Does it mean that all food offerings cannot be consumed, irregardless of where they are being offered? Even if the food offerings are being offered to ancestors at home (altar)。 They fall under the same category (七月拜鬼)?
WSQ的course. MOM资助most of the course fees for Singaporeans! 学了之后,去apply工作。

选择一个适合你的工作,然后上course. Course玩了之后,才找工作。这是老师给你最好的建议了。急着用钱,又要在家翘脚,摇到腿断就有。



我这个蠢货, 看来会背业了。不忍心,所以帮1979 祈福,又会被讲了,已经自身难保了。可是... 他的妈妈年世已高,而且多年感情,怎么说撇就撇,所以…
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我这个蠢货, 看来会背业了。不忍心,所以帮1979 祈福,又会被讲了,已经自身难保了。

可是... 他的妈妈年世已高,
有年龄的老婆婆,劝她吃素。趁她在世的时候,你最好别欠她什么。你一个星期抽出一天,陪她念《阿弥陀经》。不用整本念完。念到是 最好的。一个月,念四次。一年内念48次。对大家有好处!很多老人没闻佛法,躺进六块板的时候,已经来不及了。

我现在刚开始吃素。连家里养的狗狗我也让它吃素 :D

请问老师,how do we know if the deceased have really left for where they really belong? 其实虽然外婆已近过世了20年,我常常在低落或茫然的时候都会梦见外婆。譬如以前留学时,因为从小娇生惯养,什么家务都不会做。连煮水泡杯面都不会!那时候常常会梦见外婆。梦见她就在那陪着我,帮我打扫卫生让我好好读书。 近来工作不顺就一直觉得自己很衰。 然后,也梦见外婆。梦里她似乎帮我洗了衣服,然后跟我乘电梯,绕了条较长一些的路要回家。途中,捡到一些有monetary value的东西。读了老师的posts, I can't help but wonder if my grandmother had left?

Pardon me,老师。On your post on 七月拜鬼,我们七月拜祖先算不算七月拜鬼?Does it mean that all food offerings cannot be consumed, irregardless of where they are being offered? Even if the food offerings are being offered to ancestors at home (altar)。 They fall under the same category (七月拜鬼)?

在老师还没回答你这个问题之前,老师出个题(see below post),给大家参与。
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Quiz for Everybody

For each picture (namely A, B and C)

(1) What is the festive occasion?
(2) What are these people doing?
(3) Do you think food offered can be consumed by human? Give reason/s.

Picture A

Picture B


Picture C

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Quiz for Everybody

For each picture (namely A, B and C)

(1) What is the festive occasion?
(2) What are these people doing?
(3) Do you think food offered can be consumed by human? Give reason/s.

Picture A

Picture B


Picture C


这3张照片我都有做过。I try to answer and am interested to know further. Usually, I follow blindly what my parents do.

Picture A - 7月鬼节
A. 老师, some said must pray on 1st, 15th and 30th of that month. For me, I do so on 1st and 30th, ok?

B. For offerings, usually I bought oranges, biscuits, sweets and a pack of pre-pack offering items (tea bag, joss sticks, etc), ok?

C. I noticed there are green and red joss sticks, why? And when we 插香, is 2 or 3 sticks?

D. I did this offering below my block. And usually, I would say, pray for 出路平安 (in this month) on the 1st and thank you for 报佑 (for the whole month) on the 30th. Is this correct?

E. Some say once started with yearly offering, cannot stop, is this true?

Picture B and C looks same to me. Both are offerings to ancester. Picture C is carry out on the tablet hall while B is on the common area outside the urn hall? Oh yes, I didn't see clearly if picture B is purely vegetarian offering.

A. There are a quite a few offerings yearly. 请明, 祭日, 冬日, etc.

B. Usually, we will buy the ancestor favorite food. After prayer, we gather around the area and eat some while chatting among the family members. And we bring back some of the leftover too. I think we cannot eat these since the offering is carry out at public area. 老师, my mum usually likes to buy alot of food. Is this correct? If we can't take these food, food wastage and I feel this is not right. Can we buy more offerings like money, clothings and electronic gadgets then?

C. For joss sticks, is 2 or 3 sticks?

D. Usually, I don't know what to say during offering. 我想以后我会说保佑子孙平安。Do we need to 指名道姓 while praying or just say our name only or just say 子孙来祭拜您? Do they know who we are?

E. I did once yearly for 请明 with my husband for his 阿公 and 阿嬷。His parents hardly went, but I told my husband we must go ourselves every year (after our customary wedding).

老师, both my grandmother and grandparents (father side) are at the same temple. My mum will pray to both sides too but separately (of course more items for the intended one) whenever she went for either side 祭日, is this alright? Her thinking is, since there, may as well pray to the side too.

Sorry, so many questions.


有年龄的老婆婆,劝她吃素。趁她在世的时候,你最好别欠她什么。你一个星期抽出一天,陪她念《阿弥陀经》。不用整本念完。念到是 最好的。一个月,念四次。一年内念48次。对大家有好处!很多老人没闻佛法,躺进六块板的时候,已经来不及了。


事发之前,我少接触old lady becos son “arrangement“.... just few days talking with her, 我已经注意到老婆婆缺智慧。她年轻有吃素一短时间但放弃。好,就找本阿弥陀经让她念。她和daughter stay, and daughter Christian, very unhappy over others religions she deem as superstitious, esp.she angry with 1979, so against mother helping son. ... 及使 son 有过错,爱子之心可以理解。但是,老婆婆没严格管教,导致如今的悲剧,害人害己。我无能为力,尽力....因为上天有好生之德,对做错事有悔意之徒,我们得仁厚对待, 可是我已分不清是真是假悔意。 近来的他少言,感觉知错(被我凶狠的臭骂)


Thinking of changing career path too! Thanks.
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I remember that I read that you went to a house, and they placed a lot of soft toys and paintings, and you asked them to remove. (don't know why i can't seem to find it now)
Does it mean that it is not good to put soft toys in the house? If put up photos on the wall is it ok?

I've also read that you mentioned that even though loss of baby is due to miscarriage should still Chao du. I lost my child in end 2013, no heartbeat at week 7 and had to do d and c. But you mentioned that may not be successful. How will we know if it is successful? I am planning to go down to the temple tomorrow.
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I'm guessing...
Picture A

Looks like offerings to a recent deceased due to the colour of the attire worn by the people in the picture (素色), venue (by road side without proper setting), timing of the event (at night) and the way the chopsticks are placed. Don't think the food placed on the floor in this way are meant to be consumed by 子孙 after the event ends.


Picture B

Looks like 七月 offerings at first glance. But on closer look, it also look like Qing Ming due to the green and red bags of paper offerings. Food offerings looks like they can be consumed after the event.


Picture C

Looks like offering during Qing Ming to ancestors due to the tablets and the paper offerings of "gold bars", "jeweleries", etc. Food offerings look like can be consumed by 子孙 after the event, as all are nicely packed and presented:p

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For those who have done 超度for miscarriage before, please advice if there is anything else I need to do.

I went down to the singapore Buddhist lodge and told them I want to 超度婴灵。The person asked for me and my husband's name then wrote me the receipt..
I was told that I don't have to do anything else already.. but I also read that some of you actually prepared offerings..
Is there something I have missed out?
Hi All,

I have just return 100 red eggs to TPY shuang lin shi... Baby dust to all! :)

Oh! So exciting! I have been waiting people to return red eggs for weeks! Yesterday I brought my husband to this TPY temple, prayed and hoped we can get the eggs! Today after sent my in laws to 扫墓 I keep thinking should I go to temple again! After read your post, I rushed down to the temple! I am very grateful! Thank you Iwanbaby!

Hi Toberone老师,我有一些问题希望你有空可以替我解答。

我先生有个外国朋友住在新加坡。因为人生地不熟,年除夕家婆吩咐要拜祖先所以急忙找我先生替他们家买paper money 和 paper iPhone之类烧给他们祖先。


我事后才听丈夫提到这件事。请问会有什么问题吗?可以替人家买paper money 吗?好像有点怪怪的。希望老师有空的话可以回复。谢谢。
Toblerone 老师您好,我读了很多你给大家的忠告。自己也开始吃素了。

1) 目前我太太怀孕了(现在第二个月了,不知道在这边问有问题吗?),很想试试用保胎经跟肚子里的孩子胎教。可是不知道可以跟老师要呢? 如果念保胎经只能在客厅对吗如果我们在家里供奉的观音菩萨面前念ok吗?

2) 老师有说过家里养猫真的很不好,很不幸的我家里有养猫。我有吩咐我太太尽量远离我的猫。(我的猫一个星期有冲一次凉)老师有说过既然养了就算了(我已经养四年了)。我想请教老师如果我的猫有一天过世了,我应该这样处理呢? 我也



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非常谢谢您的答复与帮忙,真的非常感激。但是我自己过不了自己的那关,因为我的第一与第二个孩子都是 emergency c-sect 生的,也没特别为他们择日,如果为第三择日,一直觉得对他门有点愧疚。所以,我还是想谢谢老师您的好意,但是我想最少帮小妹妹避开大凶之日,所以想请求老师让我知道 Jul 15 与 Aug 15 哪四天是大凶之日,好让我们避免那几天,其他的就是天意吧。

不好意识,今天早上得知 Mr LKY 已过世,非常想到 Parliament House 致敬。这样好吗?还是既然想去哀悼,就不要再想了。

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Quiz for Everybody

For each picture (namely A, B and C)

(1) What is the festive occasion?
(2) What are these people doing?
(3) Do you think food offered can be consumed by human? Give reason/s.

Picture A : 七月,拜孤魂,不可以

Picture B:七月,拜祖先,可以

Picture C :清明,拜祖先,可以

I remember that I read that you went to a house, and they placed a lot of soft toys and paintings, and you asked them to remove. (don't know why i can't seem to find it now)
Does it mean that it is not good to put soft toys in the house? If put up photos on the wall is it ok?
1. 照片不要大张。鬼上去画像/照片的可能性是有的。老师看到人家的床头上挂着超大型的结婚照都会安静。小小张的无所谓。Click -> post #500
2. 有人形的toy (barbie dolls), 时间久了,同样会有鬼上去的可能性。Hello Kitty stuff toys摆在展示橱柜太久可能有这情况。

顺便跟大家提一下,有关纹身。老师曾经说过了。纹身同样!一般人的身上有纹身,运势好不到那里。有龙、老虎、蜈蚣、蝎子、眼镜蛇、人头,鬼看了很喜欢!Click for YouTube -> (1)(2).

人的身上有鬼,并不奇怪。身上有鬼的人 90% mostly behave perfectly normal. 像这种人运势百分百不好。很多时候,他们自己不知道有副衰相,人见人讨厌。鬼在人的身上待久了就生癌症。

I've also read that you mentioned that even though loss of baby is due to miscarriage should still Chao du. I lost my child in end 2013, no heartbeat at week 7 and had to do d and c. But you mentioned that may not be successful. How will we know if it is successful? I am planning to go down to the temple tomorrow.
自己不可能知道。除非是给你看/梦到。典型的故事 Click -> post #57

法师叫名字的时候,可能到也可能没来。法师自己本身不知道他们有功力,也不一定知道法会后成功否。Mentioned in past. Click -> post #840 #908



家人呼请祖先/亡者名字,那么有可能会来吗?如果,真的来,那一定比法师更厉害了。Read related posts. Click -> post #1852 #1506


曾经说过了,清明节、农历七月,鬼都放出来了。Nobody pay attention to the past postings.

鬼什么时候会回来?Read related posts. Click -> post #1497 #1890
Oh! So exciting! I have been waiting people to return red eggs for weeks! Yesterday I brought my husband to this TPY temple, prayed and hoped we can get the eggs! Today after sent my in laws to 扫墓 I keep thinking should I go to temple again! After read your post, I rushed down to the temple!
你应该没读帖子了。Read post. Click -> #578 #1592

我先生有个外国朋友住在新加坡。因为人生地不熟,年除夕家婆吩咐要拜祖先所以急忙找我先生替他们家买paper money 和 paper iPhone之类烧给他们祖先。
我事后才听丈夫提到这件事。请问会有什么问题吗?可以替人家买paper money 吗?好像有点怪怪的。希望老师有空的话可以回复。谢谢。

1. 你吃素,给同事买鸡饭叉烧不收钱。这笔账算你一份(4/10)。因为是你免费请同事吃。
2. 你吃素,替同事买鸡饭叉烧又收钱。这笔账算你一份(3/10)。虽不是免费,但你愿意替同事买。
3. 你吃素,不太愿意替同事买鸡饭叉烧又收钱。这笔账也算上一份(2/10)。因为你的意念告诉你不要买,只替同事买。
4. 你吃素,已经表态不替同事买鸡饭叉烧又收钱,又补上一句话,“这笔血债去找吃你的人要,不要找我XXX算帐”。这业轻多了(1/10)。这意念是坚信不倒,没有口业,也没蓄意诅咒。老师可以告诉你这账(9/10)会算到对方的头上去。明白了吧?
非常谢谢您的答复与帮忙,真的非常感激。但是我自己过不了自己的那关,因为我的第一与第二个孩子都是 emergency c-sect 生的,也没特别为他们择日,如果为第三择日,一直觉得对他门有点愧疚。所以,我还是想谢谢老师您的好意,但是我想最少帮小妹妹避开大凶之日,所以想请求老师让我知道 Jul 15 与 Aug 15 哪四天是大凶之日,好让我们避免那几天,其他的就是天意吧。
第一. 你已经说了前两胎emergency c-sect. Everything is out-of-sudden. 老师即使提供凶日,你未必逼得开。
第二. 每一天有凶时。Read post #1889 <- click. 老师能提供完整凶日,但时间你未必逼得开。
第三. 资料不齐全,只能提供两个凶日。即使是要避开凶日,没有一个择日大师敢给。资料不齐全,老师输不起的。
不好意识,今天早上得知 Mr LKY 已过世,非常想到 Parliament House 致敬。这样好吗?还是既然想去哀悼,就不要再想了。
  • 第一. 除非他家属认识你或者你是皇亲国戚。
  • 第二. 除非他会跳起来跟你讲谢谢然后又躺下去,或者,他家属会跟你说thank you, please come again.
  • 第三. 全新加坡人认识你吗?
  • 第四. 要花时间凑热闹还是要交白金给慈善机构?
  • 第五. 不妨领教一下国家元首的棺材煞之后,然后跟老师报告。你说好不好呢?
1) 目前我太太怀孕了(现在第二个月了,不知道在这边问有问题吗?),很想试试用保胎经跟肚子里的孩子胎教。可是不知道可以跟老师要呢? 如果念保胎经只能在客厅对吗如果我们在家里供奉的观音菩萨面前念ok吗?
难得有爸爸上来forum. 客厅念。


2) 老师有说过家里养猫真的很不好,很不幸的我家里有养猫。我有吩咐我太太尽量远离我的猫。(我的猫一个星期有冲一次凉)老师有说过既然养了就算了(我已经养四年了)。我想请教老师如果我的猫有一天过世了,我应该这样处理呢? 我也
建议把猫送给有缘人。不然就把猫养到老死就不要养了。老师跟ACRES and cats society的人谈过话,they said love animals. 少来这套。Eat cows and pigs, yet proudly said about loving animals?



下次,有人问你的时候,要有信心地跟人讲。The source is me, 老师不骗人。
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自然生产很好!第一胎吧?现在less than 10 weeks稍微早了一点。10 weeks before EDD再找老师。老师写了不少有关择日生产的posts, 有空的话读一读。

In Singapore, 很久以前,医生给孕妇催生是掉点滴。时间可以拿捏的准。Natural birth is not a problem. 现在的催生是老missy给产妇insert tablets, 自然分娩的时间会拉得很长。择日恐怕行不通。除非是胎位不正或者紧急情况。

In Malaysia, 目前医生仍然给孕妇催生是掉点滴。Through blood infusion催生自然分娩是最好的。可以算得出时间。Within 1 hour time frame "poot",出来几乎能做得到。在马来西亚,给孕妇择日催生,能受得起福报,自然会顺利生出。 



1. 你可以跟Vegetarian Society Singapore facebook members (1)(2)交流. Or, other Veg groups also good source.
2. There are two threads in this forum. Click -> (1)(2). Make posts, ask for 坐月 and infant growth diet queries.

很多mummies, daddies and babies are vegetarians.不必担心孩子、大人没营养。若你跟没吃素的人在一起,肯定会被怂恿的。被人‘酸’被人‘讲’的。久了你就习惯。Comparing among all the Asian countries, Singapore rank the tip-top + best in terms of finding vegetarian food/source.

非常谢谢您的答复与帮忙,真的非常感激。但是我自己过不了自己的那关,因为我的第一与第二个孩子都是 emergency c-sect 生的,也没特别为他们择日,如果为第三择日,一直觉得对他门有点愧疚。所以,我还是想谢谢老师您的好意,但是我想最少帮小妹妹避开大凶之日,所以想请求老师让我知道 Jul 15 与 Aug 15 哪四天是大凶之日,好让我们避免那几天,其他的就是天意吧。

不好意识,今天早上得知 Mr LKY 已过世,非常想到 Parliament House 致敬。这样好吗?还是既然想去哀悼,就不要再想了。

Hello bewildered,

不要因为你当时无法择日而感到愧疚。人生短短几十年,无奈之事有十之八九。一个人的造化,有部分是名数,但也有部分是人为。何不放松些,别往过去想? Sometimes I feel that it is best that you do not know certain things. 既来之则安之。
老师不想再看。什么1977 1979。老师看了就忘。该说的都说了。总觉得1977年属蛇是个男的,1979年属羊是女的。性别颠倒,差别很大的。

1. 曾经说了,经文别乱碰。
2. 去跑步、晒太阳、游泳!
难得有爸爸上来forum. 客厅念。老师免费教你。你有心要念为自己好,老师尽力教到你会。

建议把猫送给有缘人。不然就把猫养到老死就不要养了。老师跟ACRES and cats society的人谈过话,they said love animals. 少来这套。Eat cows and pigs, yet proudly said about loving animals?



下次,有人问你的时候,要有信心地跟人讲。The source is me, 老师不骗人。

Toblerone 老师,真的很开心看到你的回复!好珍贵的回复喔!

1) 我要如何跟你学呢?

自然生产很好!第一胎吧?现在less than 10 weeks稍微早了一点。10 weeks before EDD再找老师。老师写了不少有关择日生产的posts, 有空的话读一读。

In Singapore, 很久以前,医生给孕妇催生是掉点滴。时间可以拿捏的准。Natural birth is not a problem. 现在的催生是老missy给产妇insert tablets, 自然分娩的时间会拉得很长。择日恐怕行不通。除非是胎位不正或者紧急情况。

In Malaysia, 目前医生仍然给孕妇催生是掉点滴。Through blood infusion催生自然分娩是最好的。可以算得出时间。Within 1 hour time frame "poot",出来几乎能做得到。在马来西亚,给孕妇择日催生,能受得起福报,自然会顺利生出。 



1. 你可以跟Vegetarian Society Singapore facebook members (1)(2)交流. Or, other Veg groups also good source.
2. There are two threads in this forum. Click -> (1)(2). Make posts, ask for 坐月 and infant growth diet queries.

很多mummies, daddies and babies are vegetarians.不必担心孩子、大人没营养。若你跟没吃素的人在一起,肯定会被怂恿的。被人‘酸’被人‘讲’的。久了你就习惯。Comparing among all the Asian countries, Singapore rank the tip-top + best in terms of finding vegetarian food/source.

3) 是的,这是我们的第一胎。真的很感激老师的帮忙!到时后我要怎样跟Toblerone 老师联络呢?用Wechat 吗?好的我会再去看你的择日生产的posts。

4) 我刚刚加了Vegetarian Society Singapore facebook了! 谢谢老师!

Hi SteveAu,
没帮上什么何须言谢。。哈哈,素的陪月妇和其它的市价都差不多,主要是你买她煮。大概2.3 左右。
老师不想再看。什么1977 1979。老师看了就忘。该说的都说了。总觉得1977年属蛇是个男的,1979年属羊是女的。性别颠倒,差别很大的。

1. 曾经说了,经文别乱碰。
2. 去跑步、晒太阳、游泳!

yeah,在顾虑。... 金刚经 和 金刚般若波罗蜜经 是不是同样的经?


在居士林讨回那些second hand 的佛书籍或经来看,会不会不好?

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Toblerone 老师, 原谅我有那么多问题。。


  • 第一. 除非他家属认识你或者你是皇亲国戚。
  • 第二. 除非他会跳起来跟你讲谢谢然后又躺下去,或者,他家属会跟你说thank you, please come again.
  • 第三. 全新加坡人认识你吗?
  • 第四. 要花时间凑热闹还是要交白金给慈善机构?
  • 第五. 不妨领教一下国家元首的棺材煞之后,然后跟老师报告。你说好不好呢?

Steve Au,

I think those penning condolences at their various grc,should be quite safe... 不过有感受一点哀伤的气场
Toblerone 老师,

象这样大行,人多的penning of condolences, 应该是人多势众,阳气旺, 没关系吧?

Toblerone 老师,
I am a new member here. wanted to ask for your advice. I found out that I was pregnant in early Feb and subsequently in mid Mar, ultrasound scanning found out that the no baby growing in the sac. I was advised to remove it which I did. Do I need to carry out "chao du"? Am I not fated to have the baby?

No need to quote the entire post.


一辆Airbus A380 载客量600人。一个人感染SARS,难道全部的人都包中SARS吗?全部乘客倒霉被quarantine,或者,哪个要提早到下面报到的,那个就注定躺下去了。

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