Hi Lina,
I'm a vegetarian for more than 10 years, i had normal diet when i was pregnant. My baby is now 22 days old, he is well and fine
Weighs 3.23kg when he is out, so no worries.
I heard from my dietrician that Anlene is better than Anmum powder milk, so i take Anlene for his calcium input daily, you can mix with Milo. Anlene is higher in calcium and low in fat, while Anmum or Enfomum...are higher in fat and lower in calcium, thus you intake more calcium with Anlene, and will not put on much weight.
Avoid coffee and cigars, take meals with less oil. I took alot of dark green leafty veges too, avoiding cooling white leafty veges like cabbage..try to take in 5 colors everyday. Black=black beans, Zi Cai, Mu Er... Red=Apple, Carrots, Red dates... Yellow=Soy bean, banana, some pineapples(later mths 3rd tri) Green=leafty veges, kiwi,... White=rice,breads...
I also took healthy snacks like Nestle wholemeal cereals, at least a section of fruits daily (no time then buy pure fruit juice) and just drink when thirsty. (Plain water)
and cheese...wholemeal bread...more of items you see at the bottom of the health pyramid. Its more of normal diet while i was not pregnant yet
And yes, i also took the vitamins my gynae gave me daily, i only avoid the fish oil (omega pills) that she recommend me. I did not find any replacements for this. Salads are also good.
Hope these helps, i feel happy for you that baby is already a vegetarian while inside you, baby will be very healthy