SingaporeMotherhood | Preschooler & Up
February 2023
How Mastering Three Languages Will Help Secure Your Preschooler’s Future Success

Ever thought about why humankind is superior to all other animals? A big part of it is how our brains evolved the ability to communicate. From grunts and gestures to words and ideas, every human civilisation developed its own languages, which formed the foundation of cultures and societies.
Language is a powerful tool, because the mastery of languages is also the first step to mastering our mindsets. When we lack confidence to chase our goals, it’s because our minds communicate that to us. Conversely, when our inner conversations are positive ones, we have the potential to achieve whatever we set out to do. Hence, language mastery is a stepping stone to success.
The world has come a long way, but lately, it seems to be advancing by even larger leaps and bounds. It’s hard to imagine what our children’s future world will be like. Will robots and artificial intelligence (AI) take over all the jobs? Then how do future generations stay relevant, much less be successful? The best we can do is stand them in good stead by helping them master these three languages.
English – for Global Unity
Knowing a universal language means that people from different countries and cultures can communicate and find common ground. It prevents misunderstandings, arguments, and even wars from breaking out.

In multiracial Singapore, our founding Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew, made English the lingua franca when we gained independence. In his book, My Lifelong Challenge: Singapore’s Bilingual Journey, Mr Lee said, “For political and economic reasons, English had to be our working language. This would give all races in Singapore a common language to communicate and work in.”
He also explained that English was “the language of international diplomacy, the language of science and technology, and the language of international finance and commerce” and that “Singaporeans would have increased opportunities if they had a strong mastery of English”. This not only proved wise, but continues to gain relevance in our increasingly globalised and connected world.
(See also: How I Got my Child to Read Independently by Age 3)
Chinese – for Dual Benefits
Naturally, the more languages we learn, the better we can communicate with others. Of course, most Singaporeans can boast we’re bilingual, thanks to another of Mr Lee’s policies. And due to pop culture, the internet, and our love for international cuisines, many of us also know a smattering of languages such as Korean, Japanese, and French!

But did you know that learning multiple languages has benefits other than convenience when overseas? Research shows it boosts cognitive skills, such as problem-solving, critical-thinking, and multitasking, and improves memory and attention span. Children proficient in more than one language also demonstrate enhanced creativity and do better academically.
Why Chinese in particular, you ask? Well, about 1.1 billion people on the planet speak (Mandarin) Chinese, only second to the 1.5 billion English speakers. A fluent command of both languages opens doors to building valuable connections on social, business, and political fronts.
(See also: 8 Ways to Boost your Baby’s Speech and Language Skills)
Coding – for Future Proofing
The evolution of technology renders jobs obsolete with every passing age. With today’s digital world becoming more dependent on robots and AI, our children need to learn skills to stay relevant in the future. By ensuring they master coding — the language of AI, they can master AI instead of being replaced by it.

In case you were wondering, the benefits of learning coding goes beyond programming robots. It also imparts computational thinking skills, such as how to break a problem into smaller parts and grasp its essence. Thus, developing logical thinking and systematic problem-solving abilities, which can be applied in daily life regardless of technological advancements.
Can’t it wait till they’re older? Well, an MIT study shows that the prime period for learning new languages is from birth through age 10. In fact, the younger, the better, since the neuroplasticity of a child’s brain makes picking up new skills easier. In exchange, learning a new language expands the pathways and neurons in the brain!
(See also: Can Tech be Good for Kids? Yes, Says This Doctor)
Immerse in ChildFirst Pre-school’s Trilingual Environment
Learning a language becomes even more effortless when young children are immersed in that language environment. ChildFirst Pre-school is the first trilingual preschool to provide exactly that.
At ChildFirst Pre-school, children spend half a day in an English environment, the other half in a Chinese environment. At the same time, they learn coding by engaging in hands-on play. The coding curriculum begins with screenless activities, using the body as a robot to impart pre-coding concepts. Children then progress to building and coding robots, and by their graduating preschool year, will be innovating animated, interactive stories and games.
Besides this immersive trilingual environment, ChildFirst’s iUnique curriculum also emphasises HI (Human Intelligence) and MI (Multiple Intelligences). This ensures children develop HI such as creativity, EQ, judgement, and leadership abilities that aren’t easily replaceable by robots. And through exposure to MI, children discover unique talents, so that they can find their own niche, nurture it, gain confidence, and excel in life.
ChildFirst Pre-school’s children emerged champions at the 2019 Singapore National Coding & Robotics Competition, proof of its curriculum’s effectiveness. The award-winning preschool’s iUnique curriculum has even been featured on CNN International, CNA, and Channel 8.
With 3 centres in Singapore, find a ChildFirst Pre-school near you.
Need more convincing? Bring your child to the ChildFirst Pre-school Open House on Saturday, 18 February 2023 (10am – 12pm) for a first-hand experience. Click here to register and enjoy a limited-time waiver of $888* off school fees on the spot!
* Terms and conditions apply
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