Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

Hi all!

Returning eggs to Giok Hong Tian Temple (Yu Huang Dian) @ 495 Havelock road today.

Feel free to drop by and collect some baby dust.
Hi ladies, just been to TPY Cheng Huang Miao to pray to ZSNN. Got a few trays of red eggs there, still warm too! Should be just dropped off. Good luck!
Hi, I will be returning 50 red eggs to the Zhu Sheng Niang Niang in Toa Payoh Temple for blessing us with healthy baby. Please help yourself and baby dust to all who needs
Hi Ladies, Can i seek advise when you all return the red eggs is when you are pregnant or must wait till deliver the baby? Thank you
Hi ladies, i just went to Shuang Lin Cheng Huang Miao (Siong Lim Temple, part of Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery) and there are many eggs there. Fyi. Cheers
Hi all!
Returning 100 red eggs to thank ZSNN for blessing me with healthy baby this Sunday morning (29 Dec 2019) at the temple in Seng Kang:
Kampong Tengah Thian Hou Keng (Ban Gang Tian Hou Gong, part of Sengkang Joint Temple) - 80 Rivervale Crescent.
Baby dust to all!
Hi all

We're blessed to have a bundle of joy and we are returning 200 red eggs today as our promise to Zhu sheng niang niang.

Please feel free to come to TPY Shuang Lin Temple to collect the red eggs.

May all be blessed ❤️
Hi all

We're blessed to have a bundle of joy and we are returning 200 red eggs today as our promise to Zhu sheng niang niang.

Please feel free to come to TPY Shuang Lin Temple to collect the red eggs.

May all be blessed ❤

Congratulations! Can i check what time you will be returning the eggs?
Hi all,

I will be returning 200 red eggs this Saturday, 4 Jan at Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Temple to thank ZSNN as we welcome the safe arrival of our baby girl.

Please feel free to come and collect the eggs.
Baby dust to all and Happy 2020!
Hi all,

I will be returning 200 red eggs this Saturday, 4 Jan at Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Temple to thank ZSNN as we welcome the safe arrival of our baby girl.

Please feel free to come and collect the eggs.
Baby dust to all and Happy 2020!
Congrats! Thanks for informing. What time will you be at the temple? :)
Dear Madam Bbliss (bbliss),


For shuanglin temple at toa payoh, u dun recommend 去了‘阴庙’再去‘阳庙’或者,去了‘阳庙’再去‘阴庙’。(外面也是一样). Then can you kindly advise how shld we go abt praying the shuanglin temple ?
Reply: 去了双林城隍庙之后,就无需在过去参拜诸般仙佛、菩萨。或者,参拜了诸般仙佛、菩萨之后,就无需再去双林城隍庙。目的是向注生娘娘求孩子,那么就得去双林城隍庙。


I knew one NTU graduate, 每天去‘阳庙’傍晚再去 ‘阴庙’, and has been continously doing for few years. 居然被裁退、整个人呆呆又傻傻。Now, is still jobless, staying at home with his parents. 好好的一个人,居然拜神拜到头“gorng gorng”。
His parents knew he was visiting temples at one period, yet did not stop him.

For praying at loyang tua pek kong, how do we pray for children ?
Reply: See album: http://bit.ly/LYTuaPekKong

想要有孩子,是夫妇之间的事。最理想还是夫妇一同前去。求孩子不是一、 两次的事。求了三、五年没有怀孕,可不要怪神明。孩子要来找夫妇,得要看未来孩子与父母的缘。父母常做好事,孩子来报到的缘会更快。

Btw, are you able to see/calculate how many kids a couple may have ?
Reply: 私底下写来询问的mummies已有很多了。盘算夫妇拥有子女福分有多少是做个衡量。

Example 1. If a couple (八字中) has 3 boys 3 girls in total, it does not mean 肯定100%就会生六个。只是说明了,健康夫妇有机会得三男三女。
Example 2. If a couple (八字中) has 3 boys 3 girls in total, 其中三次流产/堕胎, 健康夫妇仍然有机会得三子女。以此类推。
Example 3. If a couple (八字中) has 3 boys 3 girls in total, 其中三次流产/堕胎, 又已经有三个小孩,而又要再生多几个孩子的话,恐怕难了。
Example 4. If a couple (八字中) has 2 boys 2 girls in total, 四次流产/堕胎, 若要再怀孕,机会恐怕等于零。
Example 5. If a couple (八字中) has 0 boys 3 girls in total, 生了三个女的,要怀男胎恐怕不容易。
Example 6. If a couple (八字中) has 0 boys 3 girls in total, 若生了两个女儿,希望怀男胎恐怕不容易。
Example 7. If a couple (八字中) has 0 boys 3 girls in total, 若生了两个女儿,通过IVF怀男胎的话,有几种可能会发生(失败、流产、夭折、出世后残缺)。
Example 8. If a couple (八字中) has 3 boys 0 girls in total, 妻子一直没有怀孕消息,有很多可能。一般上时间/机缘没有到。


A Taiwanese gentleman married with 3 kids (1 boy and 2 girls) and he has three adorable kids look like his beautiful wife. While they were planning for a fourth one, I took a good examine at both of their 子女星盘。先生有福份喜得一男一女,但太太的子女星完全没出现!My biggest confusion was, where did this extra girl come from? 花了整一天的时间重新整理排出来命盘,结论是怎么都不可能多了个女儿。

我心里有数,也不敢张扬。先弄清楚之后,再给对方答案。After some casual questionings about his family, I grew even more suspicious. 接着随口说了一句,“你们夫妇八字中应该有一对子女,说也奇怪,多出了位千金。至于,要生第四个可以暂时不要考虑”。We chatted many things and nothing seems amiss in our conversation. After I left Taiwan, few months later I came to know matter got worse. I supposed, it could be my words aroused father's suspicious on his children which he sent his three kids for DNA testing. True enough, 证实其中一位不是他的女儿。夫妇两人之间发生什么事,我就不说了。虽然已经过了好几年了,但我依然愧疚于心。
How to reach you? Can help me calculate how many children and when I can have?
Dear Madam Bbliss (bbliss),


For shuanglin temple at toa payoh, u dun recommend 去了‘阴庙’再去‘阳庙’或者,去了‘阳庙’再去‘阴庙’。(外面也是一样). Then can you kindly advise how shld we go abt praying the shuanglin temple ?
Reply: 去了双林城隍庙之后,就无需在过去参拜诸般仙佛、菩萨。或者,参拜了诸般仙佛、菩萨之后,就无需再去双林城隍庙。目的是向注生娘娘求孩子,那么就得去双林城隍庙。


I knew one NTU graduate, 每天去‘阳庙’傍晚再去 ‘阴庙’, and has been continously doing for few years. 居然被裁退、整个人呆呆又傻傻。Now, is still jobless, staying at home with his parents. 好好的一个人,居然拜神拜到头“gorng gorng”。
His parents knew he was visiting temples at one period, yet did not stop him.

For praying at loyang tua pek kong, how do we pray for children ?
Reply: See album: http://bit.ly/LYTuaPekKong

想要有孩子,是夫妇之间的事。最理想还是夫妇一同前去。求孩子不是一、 两次的事。求了三、五年没有怀孕,可不要怪神明。孩子要来找夫妇,得要看未来孩子与父母的缘。父母常做好事,孩子来报到的缘会更快。

Btw, are you able to see/calculate how many kids a couple may have ?
Reply: 私底下写来询问的mummies已有很多了。盘算夫妇拥有子女福分有多少是做个衡量。

Example 1. If a couple (八字中) has 3 boys 3 girls in total, it does not mean 肯定100%就会生六个。只是说明了,健康夫妇有机会得三男三女。
Example 2. If a couple (八字中) has 3 boys 3 girls in total, 其中三次流产/堕胎, 健康夫妇仍然有机会得三子女。以此类推。
Example 3. If a couple (八字中) has 3 boys 3 girls in total, 其中三次流产/堕胎, 又已经有三个小孩,而又要再生多几个孩子的话,恐怕难了。
Example 4. If a couple (八字中) has 2 boys 2 girls in total, 四次流产/堕胎, 若要再怀孕,机会恐怕等于零。
Example 5. If a couple (八字中) has 0 boys 3 girls in total, 生了三个女的,要怀男胎恐怕不容易。
Example 6. If a couple (八字中) has 0 boys 3 girls in total, 若生了两个女儿,希望怀男胎恐怕不容易。
Example 7. If a couple (八字中) has 0 boys 3 girls in total, 若生了两个女儿,通过IVF怀男胎的话,有几种可能会发生(失败、流产、夭折、出世后残缺)。
Example 8. If a couple (八字中) has 3 boys 0 girls in total, 妻子一直没有怀孕消息,有很多可能。一般上时间/机缘没有到。


A Taiwanese gentleman married with 3 kids (1 boy and 2 girls) and he has three adorable kids look like his beautiful wife. While they were planning for a fourth one, I took a good examine at both of their 子女星盘。先生有福份喜得一男一女,但太太的子女星完全没出现!My biggest confusion was, where did this extra girl come from? 花了整一天的时间重新整理排出来命盘,结论是怎么都不可能多了个女儿。

我心里有数,也不敢张扬。先弄清楚之后,再给对方答案。After some casual questionings about his family, I grew even more suspicious. 接着随口说了一句,“你们夫妇八字中应该有一对子女,说也奇怪,多出了位千金。至于,要生第四个可以暂时不要考虑”。We chatted many things and nothing seems amiss in our conversation. After I left Taiwan, few months later I came to know matter got worse. I supposed, it could be my words aroused father's suspicious on his children which he sent his three kids for DNA testing. True enough, 证实其中一位不是他的女儿。夫妇两人之间发生什么事,我就不说了。虽然已经过了好几年了,但我依然愧疚于心。
Can help me calculate how many children? Thank you :)
May i ask.
I been praying for a few years to zsnn when i was with my ex hubby for #2 but been no luck. Then separated from ex hubby n.
remarried. Then currently pregnant with my 2nd hubby child.

Do i need to return thanks for zsnn as i got pregnant this time without praying to zsnn. Not that i mind praying to zsnn but i forget what i exactly promise to zsnn when i prayed. I remb i prayed to zsnn at tpy n a few other temples.

Anyone can advise me?

Thanks so much
May i ask.
I been praying for a few years to zsnn when i was with my ex hubby for #2 but been no luck. Then separated from ex hubby n.
remarried. Then currently pregnant with my 2nd hubby child.

Do i need to return thanks for zsnn as i got pregnant this time without praying to zsnn. Not that i mind praying to zsnn but i forget what i exactly promise to zsnn when i prayed. I remb i prayed to zsnn at tpy n a few other temples.

Anyone can advise me?

Thanks so much
I think there's no harm in returning thanks...
Hi, do you ladies go back to pray zsnn on baby’s birthday every year? And what kind of offerings do you bring?

5 apples, 5 oranges, 5 pears
chrysanthemun flower (large ones, but i forgot how many to buy, i also forgot to ask if its ok to buy those without stalk) after prayers, mother bring home & bathe with this chrysanthemen, mothers only.. not for daddy to bathe
寿包(forgot how many to buy), 寿面
I'm nt sure if there is anymore items to buy, can't remember..

as zsnn birthday do not fall on the 1st or 15 of the lunar calender, it was a big challenge to find 寿包, end up buy frozen ones at supermarket. if want fresh ones, must order from those shops that sells all these prayer food.

above items are advised by temple shifu
Hi, I will be returning 50 red eggs tomorrow, 16 Feb 2020 to the Zhu Sheng Niang Niang in Sengkang Combined Temple 80 Rivervale Cres, Singapore 545087 for blessing me with healthy baby. Please help yourself and baby dust to all who needs. Good luck to all :)

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Hi all, is it a must to eat the red eggs after praying at the temple? Because some 法师 told my husband that this year he fan tai shui, so avoid eating any red eggs..
5 apples, 5 oranges, 5 pears
chrysanthemun flower (large ones, but i forgot how many to buy, i also forgot to ask if its ok to buy those without stalk) after prayers, mother bring home & bathe with this chrysanthemen, mothers only.. not for daddy to bathe
寿包(forgot how many to buy), 寿面
I'm nt sure if there is anymore items to buy, can't remember..

as zsnn birthday do not fall on the 1st or 15 of the lunar calender, it was a big challenge to find 寿包, end up buy frozen ones at supermarket. if want fresh ones, must order from those shops that sells all these prayer food.

above items are advised by temple shifu

This is to pray to ZSNN on her birthday? I meant to ask do ergo back to pray for baby’s safety every year in baby’s birthday?
Hi, i prayed to ZSNN in 2018 for a baby but i only got pregnant in mid-2019. Only went there once. I have 2 qns: 1) do i need to return thanks? 2) i actually made a promise to return xx number of eggs if i got pregnant but i cannot remember how many i promised. Should i still return thanks? If so, how many eggs shld i return? Thanks!
5 apples, 5 oranges, 5 pears
chrysanthemun flower (large ones, but i forgot how many to buy, i also forgot to ask if its ok to buy those without stalk) after prayers, mother bring home & bathe with this chrysanthemen, mothers only.. not for daddy to bathe
寿包(forgot how many to buy), 寿面
I'm nt sure if there is anymore items to buy, can't remember..

as zsnn birthday do not fall on the 1st or 15 of the lunar calender, it was a big challenge to find 寿包, end up buy frozen ones at supermarket. if want fresh ones, must order from those shops that sells all these prayer food.

above items are advised by temple shifu
Hi, when is zsnn birthday?
Hi, i prayed to ZSNN in 2018 for a baby but i only got pregnant in mid-2019. Only went there once. I have 2 qns: 1) do i need to return thanks? 2) i actually made a promise to return xx number of eggs if i got pregnant but i cannot remember how many i promised. Should i still return thanks? If so, how many eggs shld i return? Thanks!

1) Return after you deliver baby
2) Same to me, so i decided to return 100 eggs
Okay...I'll go find out more...but wat I read abt in the article, 金刚经 also helps...must self read...to clear the 怨恨 and suffering of the aborted babies so as to let them 投胎 again..
hihi.. i will be returning 100 red eggs this Sat, 7 Mar to ZSNN at Soon Thian Keing temple (tuakonsi) - 19 Lor 29 Geylang.

Those interested can collect after 12pm, thanks!
Hi all I will be returning 100 red eggs today at around 10am to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang at Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Shi Cheng Wang temple for blessing us with our baby boy. Please help yourself to the eggs and good luck to all!
This is to pray to ZSNN on her birthday? I meant to ask do ergo back to pray for baby’s safety every year in baby’s birthday?

yeap.. to pray to ZSNN on her birthday:)
i will go consult temple shifu again on the exact items to buy..

if u wanna go back and pray for baby's safety on baby's birthday also can.. not wrong :)

occasionally when i drop by the temple, i will burn joss stick and thank zhu sheng niang niang.. at the same time, will give an update on how baby is progressing and am grateful for ZSNN blessings..

actually im going back to pray (on ZSNN birthday) on my own accord as ZSNN have bless me with a wonderful baby that defied the odds.. another reason is because according to this article ( https://singaporemotherhood.com/articles/2017/07/praying-zhu-sheng-niang-niang-baby/ ) , ZSNN assistants will be protecting little one till they reach teenagehood
Hi, i prayed to ZSNN in 2018 for a baby but i only got pregnant in mid-2019. Only went there once. I have 2 qns: 1) do i need to return thanks? 2) i actually made a promise to return xx number of eggs if i got pregnant but i cannot remember how many i promised. Should i still return thanks? If so, how many eggs shld i return? Thanks!

1) definitely :)
not everyone get preggy shortly after praying.. some take more than a year..
2) i will advise u to visit a temple where they trance heavenly deity, consult the deity on this issue and see what the deity say...
1) definitely :)
not everyone get preggy shortly after praying.. some take more than a year..
2) i will advise u to visit a temple where they trance heavenly deity, consult the deity on this issue and see what the deity say...
Do you have any place to recommend for the temple where trance heavenly deity?
