Yu Guo Chinese Physician


Active Member
<font face="Calisto mt"> My poor girl has been down with flu / bronchitis for almost 2 mths. She has taken so much medication that now she cries e moment I take out the syringe. Thus I'm thinking of bringing her to the above for Tui Na.

Can any mummies who have brought their DS/DD there for Tui Na adivse me on the following:-

<ul>[*]Any particular physician I should ask for or avoid? <LI>How long is per Tui Na session? <LI>How's the charges like? <LI>What is the best timing to be there? <LI>Do they accept appointment?[/list]

Other advices/information would also be greatly appreciated.</font>

1: There are 2 doctors there; both are good
2: range from half hur to 45 minutes
3: around $18 I think, exclude medicine (yao bao or liquid)
4: Weekdays daytime, early morning during weekends
5: They do not accept appointments, but u can get the pre-registration number first before they are open
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">MH</font>,

Thank you so much. Is the baby tui na really v effective in in helping to boast immune system?</font>
I also thought of going for this tui na but purpose is more of increasing my bb's appetite.
He is not taking much.

Anyone been there and have good comments?
Hi Jenifur,

My girl now is 4 yr old. When she is young, she alway had flu and cough very often. Medical fee had incurred from cheap to $100 over.

Now, I prefer to seek for Doctor of tradditional chinese medicine cos when she took the chinese herb medicine, she will not loose her appetite, and it will not cost her drowsiness. Also, can sleep well at nite.

U must bring ur bb for tui na for sometime (as according to my sister-in-law, u must go for tui na together with their medicine, or not, it will not be so effective).

Hope this does help u.
hi jenifur

last time we brought our 1 yr old son to yu guo massage, no oral medicine, coz at that time he had bronchitis. we go for Xu Yi Shi.
<font face="Calisto mt">Brought my ger to Yu Guo for Tui Na today. Though it's still early to see improvement but my ger definately enjoyed the whole session. She also slept soundly the whole journey home. Was given yao bao to paste on her tummy, was still worried bout her taking chinese herbs. *phew* Will have to bring her back for another 3 more sessions.</font>
HI all.
Tui na means massage? Say if there is nothing wrong with my baby, can I still bring her for a massage? Can anyone post the address and contact no. here? Thanks in advance!
Hi jenifur,
What is the address of Yu Guo ?

My girl is having persistent constipation, no matter how much fruits/vegetables we feed her. I am wondering if Tui Na will help.
Hi mummies,

I have the address:

Yu Guo Chinese Physician Acupuncture &amp; Physiotherapy Pte Ltd
398 Changi Road
#01-08/10/11 Castle Court
Singapore 419845
Tel: 6447 4761

Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday
9.00am - 12.30pm
2.00pm - 5.30pm
6.30pm - 8.30pm

9.00am - 12.30pm
2.00pm - 5.00pm

9.00am - 12.30pm

Close on Wednesday
Thank you so much
Hi tamarind,
can check with u how long has your baby had constipation and how old is he/she? my baby also having constipation for more than 2 months already. stools are constantly very hard. drink lots of water, gave prune juice (concentrated!) and vege etc etc but still the same.

i've been to Yu Guo for the massage for my other kid. so far no diff leh. maybe cos i din go regularly cos usually chinese med takes some time to work.
My 3 year old girl has been having constipation for about 3 months. About the time when she changed formula milk from Mamil step 3 to step 4. She gets very hard stools once every few days. I suspect it is the milk powder containing too much iron. I just started letting her drink fresh milk every day, and also pear juice. I heard from another mommy that this helps. Still observing to see if it helps her constipation in the long run.

I didn't know must go regularly for the massage ? It is quite far from my house so it is going to be difficult.
Hi All

I bring my son 10 months to tuina since two months old weekly...He is doing fine...I go partly also due to its very near my house and thought its a good way to keep him healty..so far, his health record is as such, 1 time fever, spread by me, two time cold....Of course, I also do not bring him to crowded place or min in going out....
2months old can go tui na huh? Muz go weekly? When ur bb 2nd month, did the physician give ur boy any medication?

I am thinking of bringing my 2mth old gal 2 see as she poos only every few days.. becoz of that, she always struggles and cries during her feed as she tries hard to fart.

Today she has not pooed and it has been 3rd day.

Wonder if the tui na is good or not.

Her PD said not a problem with milk powder since her poo is still soft and meshy type.

My baby used to pool after a week..pd says its okay...Heard a friend doctor recommend to boil a few rasin for the baby to drink and it will solve the constipation...Tuina is okay for two months old baby

I sent my baby there as wanna streghten his immunity/....
rasin?? Tot rasin would cause constipation?? How to boil?

BTW, what u mean used to?? So after seeing the chinese physician, it helps lor?? at least a bit? So since visiting chinese physician, he poos frequent?

One week is really long leh.. now, my gal can't finish her milk.. n only drinks 60ml of milk every 4 hours... so worrying.

Oso I couldn't give my gal bm so i a bit worried of her health b weak, like me.
<font face="Calisto mt"> <font color="0000ff">tamarind</font>,

My ger seems to poo every day after her 4 days tui na session leh. She previously oso got a bit of constipation after switching to semi solid but now ok liao. It's very far for me cuz I stay in Sembawang, take MRT bout 1hr plus but if they r good then no choice lor</font>
Hi koalarie

Do not worry so much...eventually her poo will be okay...

Just boil a few raisn with water and feed her...

Massage helps to maintain health ...and sleep well...
the yi shi will informed you how many times u need to go back?

do they accept NETS

How much will it be with medication?
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Kp2</font>,

Not sure if they accept Nets cuz I everytime pay cash.

Ya they will let u know how many times ur bb need e tui na. Lyk my ger had to do it 4 x in a row &amp; now at least once wkly.

e tui na itself cost S$16.00. Different medication if needed is price differently. Lyk my ger's "yao bao" cost S$9 for 4 pkt.

<font color="0000ff">Tamarind</font>,

No prob. Hope it will help ur DH
Hi joy747

do u mean those black raisin that can be bought from provision shop? just boil with water can help prevent constipation?

my son always has this problem even though we give him lots of water, prune juice and veggies...
Yu Guo can be very crowded during weekends. We brought our gal once on Sunday but since she is still baby so got priority...takes 1 hr including 30 mins tui na. Find weekdays better if u can afford the time. My gal goes once weekly as she has wind in tummy and refuses milk. Intake very low abt 400+ ml per day. After tui na now can take 600ml and sometime more.
hi serina,

thanks for sharing.. as we are working, it is v difficult for us to go during weekdays.. and the location is so far for us..

is the yishi there gd? thanks!
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Winnie</font>,

You can take MRT to Kembangan MRT station den take another 5 mins walk. I usually bring my girl tere on Sat late morning.

I find e Yishi quite gd & e Tui Na is very beneficial to my girl. If not I wouldn't travel 1hr plus to go tere on Sat</font>
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Joy</font>,

I'm usually there on Sat nia unless I eat snake on wkday lah

<font color="0000ff">Winne</font>,

I normally reach tere ard 11 plus den by e time I finish will b ard 12 plus 1</font>

Sat is usually very crowded right...I avoid the crowd by going weekdays....where do you stay?I stay just a few lanes away from there
hi jenifur,

i went on sun around 11am and my queue number is 147! waited 1.5 hrs for my turn.. left around 1.15pm... have u ever try going on sat afternoon? is it v crowded also??
yes there a 2 ladies. Huang yishi more detailed and hsu yishi more chin chai. one way will be to go early in the morn to beat the crowd.
<font face="Kristen ITC"> Sorry I missed out this thread.

<font color="0000ff">Joy</font>,

Good for you. I stayed in Sembawang hor so can you imagine the distance. The whole journey by MRT or bus takes me bout 1 hr plus hor. Cab will cost me bout S$18 per trip.

<font color="0000ff">Winnie</font>,

I've been to the Sat afternoon session too but is relly very crowded. The best time to go is actually wkday lyk wat Joy said.

<font color="0000ff">Rooster</font>,

Janelle's health really improves after Tui Na lor. She dun fall sick so often now lah. If nt U think I will still so Onz travel so far.</font>
There are classes open up for parents to learn tuina this may. I did not sign up as have no patience to sit down and do it...

Heard there are freelance tuina yisih around, not from yuguo though.
hi jenifur,

thanks for sharing.. i am working so quite inconvenient for me to bring my gal there on weekdays.. nowadays i bring her for sat afternoon session, crowded as well but better than the morning crowd.. i will go and get a queue no first den later go have lunch... when i come back it is almost our turn

can i ask generally how long can you see the improvement in your child's health after the tui na? my gal still fall sick easily and do not eat well.. but we only been for 5-6 sessions.. guess i am too impatient..

hi joy.

i am interested in the tui na classes.. will check it out! thanks for sharing..
Tuina actually is a long term effect thing.

My son still on and off will have flu or a bit of choking cough...but generally he is growing well.Tuina baby will tend to grow bigger..my son is 93cm at 21mths.

You have to fast to register for the tuina class as one of the class is already full and I know you have to pay 450 dollars for eight lessons.
hi joy,

thanks for your advise.. my gal has low immunity, fall sick easily take and takes at least one week to recover each time..

the tuina class is so ex, gotta reconsider liao.. tmr i am bringing my gal down for tuina.. will check on more details of the class..

Yes, I think its on a high side for the fees.I give up picking up the course as I believe the professional knows best.

I will be bringing my son down on Monday.

How old is your gal and why do you say that she has low immunity?Is it common cold and cough?
hi joy,

my gal is 27 mths.. yes she catches cold and cough easily and has alot of phelgm.. she has allergic skin as well, there will be a big swell if she is bitten by insects.. poor gal
Do you gals find that after tui na, your kid's joints will produce popping sound? Recently my 17 month old son had persistent cough and flu so I brought him to Yu Guo for treatment. But I find that after that the joints at his waist will produce popping sound whenever he bends. I'm not sure if I should be concern about this

Miracle -bb

No, I do not face this problem tho my son been there for the last one year plus.

If you are concern, maybe you can speak to them.

How is your princess?My son worst, eat wrong food or something new, may rashed all over.For example, straberry....and some chinese medicine given by yuguo.
