Year 2016 IVF Mummy To-Be

isit confinement angels? Why so gd, got discount ah?

Ya it's CNY discount of $200 for 28 days n $450 for 56 days.

U can check with confinement Angel if the discount is still avail :) I seriously don't know if their service is good as I can't find review but I didn't hear of any complaints either as they r under thomson medical.

Hi mummies who did ivf at KKH, I remembered I paid some kind of compulsory insurance which I don't know what I paid for. Lolx

All I know is it covers newborn baby for first 6 mths. Do u all know how much was covered if newborn is warded in special care or NICU? TIA
Ladies, when did you feel your bb first movement or kick? How did you know? Care to share? I know it's still early for me but am really curious...

I felt fluttering or indigestion from ard week 15-16... I tot I'm going to have diarrhea but nothing happen after the rumbling feeling... Then I read up its babies kicking. It's like water movement and if it's twins, it really feel like indigestion as both of them are swimming inside. If u wanna feel more vigorous movement at early stage, can try playing music using ear phone but not loud speaker. Don't ever play music at night as I stupidily did that and I couldn't sleep the whole night cos I kept feeling diarrhea was otw
I'm in first trimester and is using clarins stretch mark control cream as well.
The application instruction is to use circular movement ... Gosh, am I doing it wrong ?

I'm also using clarins bust cream and it's seem to hydrate the delicate skin too. Am I too kiasu to start at first trimester ?

Hi Fu Tai

According to the instruction, circular movement is for breast area, not tummy?

Tummy area is to apply cream and then using fingers to "prick" v gently?
How about bump??? Week wat huh? Me as husband very kan jiong
Mine was a small bump from about 9-10wks but still relatively soft (as in can press down a bit) and not obvious with loose clothes. By week 12 onwards, the bump gets a little bigger with time but definitely feels tighter and harder, and not much effect when try to suck in tummy so even with loose clothes, I feel it's more visible if you do observe. I think when the bump shows varies & depends on the lady's original frame too. You will see your wife's bump sooner or later de!
Hi Fu Tai

According to the instruction, circular movement is for breast area, not tummy?

Tummy area is to apply cream and then using fingers to "prick" v gently?
In 3rd tri also not advisable to massage the breast as it can trigger labour contraction.
When can we start to apply stretch mark cream? I was told that to be effective must start early.

I am starting to apply but not everyday. Using clarins stretch mark control cream.

I started week 8 but I am lazy and never apply Everday only from week 15 then I apply day and night cos can feel belly stretching.
I felt fluttering or indigestion from ard week 15-16... I tot I'm going to have diarrhea but nothing happen after the rumbling feeling... Then I read up its babies kicking. It's like water movement and if it's twins, it really feel like indigestion as both of them are swimming inside. If u wanna feel more vigorous movement at early stage, can try playing music using ear phone but not loud speaker. Don't ever play music at night as I stupidily did that and I couldn't sleep the whole night cos I kept feeling diarrhea was otw
they mus be excited after listening to music!
Market rate for twins is ard 4K. I got mine at discount for 3+k and I'm Gg to engage for 2 mths as I'm scared my twins are too small to be handled. It's under confinement angel agency.

I am using confinement angels too. Not sure if it's good as well cos they assign accordingly. When is your due date.
Hi sistas I have been a silent reader until recently decided to register so I can take part in the discussions. I am 42 this year and expecting my first - edd is 7 Sep. I went to Dr Charles Lim since Aug last year. Did a failed IUI and then a canceled IVF. Finally my 2nd IVF with him succeeded in Dec last year. I am currently past 13 weeks.
Some background info:
- Got married in 2008 at 34 years old - did not think about asking for help until after 4 years later.
- In 2012, resigned from my job to focus on conceiving.
- Went to Dr Ann Tan and did 3 rounds of failed IUI

Wow.. what a journey! And congratulations! :)
Talking about the pressing of certain acupoints on certain parts of our body, which may affect the baby, makes me wonder if signing up for prenatal massage is a good idea :( Cos if you go for massage, believed they will touch on your shoulders and so on.

Any thoughts?

P/S: I found a trick to lie flat on the back for a slightly longer time - your legs must be raised and bent, with feet flatly on the bed.

I went for massage recently cos I couldn't take the aches. But she's expert in pre-natal and post-natal so she knows where to press and where not to. I compared her massage before IVF and now that I'm preggy, it's different. But she said can only do from week 16 onwards.
Ladies, when did you feel your bb first movement or kick? How did you know? Care to share? I know it's still early for me but am really curious...

I felt mine about week 16. The quickenings. Feels like gas or subtle movements.. I was confused as first but Dr said it should be quickenings. You feel like something moving. Then it became more often. And then gradually, become Ip man. Hiyakkkkkk. Hiyakkkkkkk. Then the Ip man no space and now the Hiyakkk Hiyakkkkk not as strong but can feel the knees or elbows (great singapore workout) and kallang wave.
We (my wife) did so - iui. Currently at Tmc. For delivery, is it advisable/allow at kkh?? Since all us here not natural conceive. March le. Edd Aug. Should try to plan, or can wait til nearer date?

Hi actually so-Iui is consider natural conceiving . Previously I did ivf in Sgh then I also delivered in Tmc . But if u worried of complication or anything then u can choose hosp like kkh .
I am using confinement angels too. Not sure if it's good as well cos they assign accordingly. When is your due date.

My Edd is 8 August but I told the agent my delivery will definitely be about 1 mth earlier and she said she will standby one in July.
yalo. herbs the brew one lor.. After preggie, the herbs got additional 2 small packets...
Ya TSB upgrade u to her small note book n personal HP nos. I stopped going to her after my 1st born. Keep asking me for photo. Before expecting my nos.2, she ask for my 1st child photo again. Nag at me. This time round no so friendly lo.
I felt mine about week 16. The quickenings. Feels like gas or subtle movements.. I was confused as first but Dr said it should be quickenings. You feel like something moving. Then it became more often. And then gradually, become Ip man. Hiyakkkkkk. Hiyakkkkkkk. Then the Ip man no space and now the Hiyakkk Hiyakkkkk not as strong but can feel the knees or elbows (great singapore workout) and kallang wave.
I'm going into 16th week very soon! Hoping I can feel something and be able to identify that early too. Can't help feeling anxious and excited :)
I'm going into 16th week very soon! Hoping I can feel something and be able to identify that early too. Can't help feeling anxious and excited :)
Right should have tiny movements - really need to focus. Or you can place your hand on your tummy, sometimes have that thumping feeling
I'm going into 16th week very soon! Hoping I can feel something and be able to identify that early too. Can't help feeling anxious and excited :)

Ya after applying cream U try put both hands on tummy. Sometimes can feel light tapping but don't worry if U don't feel it yet cos usually movement can only be felt at week 20.
I'm going into 16th week very soon! Hoping I can feel something and be able to identify that early too. Can't help feeling anxious and excited :)

I'm sure you will feel it soon. I'm so excited for you too!

I think it's easiest to feel when you lie in bed and relax yourself. Cos when we are moving, the little ones are lulled to sleep.
hi ladies, i still go facial, just that beautician will not use any machines. Face condition worsens during pregnancy can't imagine don't facial for 9 months. Hahhah.

Started feeling pulsating movements around week 18 for one twin and the other twin's movement is gentler.

I used to see Tsb too but this ivf cycle i did not see her.
That could be the reason why our body is conditioned not to sleep throughout the night. Must toss and turn!

Actually it's amazing right. Some of the things that we feel during pregnancy could also be things to prepare us for when the baby is out. I noticed that I'm such a light sleeper nowadays and I think it's prolly so that when I've delivered, if the baby needs me, I'll wake up. I think our human body is amazing.

Have you seen the article on breast milk? One lady has 2 children who latches on different breast and the colour of the milk are different cos the kids are of different age and need different nutrients.

Our bodies are so fascinating!
hi ladies, i still go facial, just that beautician will not use any machines. Face condition worsens during pregnancy can't imagine don't facial for 9 months. Hahhah.

Started feeling pulsating movements around week 18 for one twin and the other twin's movement is gentler.

I used to see Tsb too but this ivf cycle i did not see her.
hey, where you ladies go for facial? Any good recommendation?
Actually it's amazing right. Some of the things that we feel during pregnancy could also be things to prepare us for when the baby is out. I noticed that I'm such a light sleeper nowadays and I think it's prolly so that when I've delivered, if the baby needs me, I'll wake up. I think our human body is amazing.

Have you seen the article on breast milk? One lady has 2 children who latches on different breast and the colour of the milk are different cos the kids are of different age and need different nutrients.

Our bodies are so fascinating!
Ya! But how come the daddy's body did not react according to the situation? They seem to be oblivious :p
Hello ladies

I visited dentist today and she said my wisdom tooth is badly decayed and need to extract it out. However, she will not do the procedure till after my gynea gives the go-ahead n advise on the medications i can use :(

So xian leh...this must happen now
Ladies, can I check if weight gain is it more fast & furious from 3rd trimester onwards instead? My weight seems to be stagnant for past 2 weeks even though I've been eating like a monster. it just fluctuates around that few hundred grams. feeling worried!
Hello ladies

I visited dentist today and she said my wisdom tooth is badly decayed and need to extract it out. However, she will not do the procedure till after my gynea gives the go-ahead n advise on the medications i can use :(

So xian leh...this must happen now
Sians, cannot use local anesthetic also...but if you don't use anesthetic, it's going to be damn painful :(
Think the best is to check with your doc, if worse come to worse, bear with it..?
Hello ladies

I visited dentist today and she said my wisdom tooth is badly decayed and need to extract it out. However, she will not do the procedure till after my gynea gives the go-ahead n advise on the medications i can use :(

So xian leh...this must happen now

Is it very painful now? Or besides extraction can do other procedure to hold it first? Check with your gynae. I think is ok to have anesthetic cos very mild n short timing
Ladies, can I check if weight gain is it more fast & furious from 3rd trimester onwards instead? My weight seems to be stagnant for past 2 weeks even though I've been eating like a monster. it just fluctuates around that few hundred grams. feeling worried!

As long as bb is gaining weight then not much concern. All your weight goes to bb which is good isn't it.
Is it very painful now? Or besides extraction can do other procedure to hold it first? Check with your gynae. I think is ok to have anesthetic cos very mild n short timing
buay sai laaaaa...cos if you want to do wisdom tooth extraction, you need to do an X-ray of your teeth before they do the extraction. So even if you can tahan without the anesthetic, the X-ray thing how.

Dentists don't do wisdom teeth extraction without X-ray, sekali affect the nerve blah blah blah...
It is not painful now, but my tooth is sensitive. Can feel it when I eat.

My dentist did not mention X Ray leh. Will rem to ask my gynea next week! My dentist said local anesthetic is okay. She has recently done wisdom tooth removal surgery for a 1 mth pregnant lady. But after the surgery, only panadol as painkillers
Ladies, can I check if weight gain is it more fast & furious from 3rd trimester onwards instead? My weight seems to be stagnant for past 2 weeks even though I've been eating like a monster. it just fluctuates around that few hundred grams. feeling worried!

Don't worry. As long as baby is growing then all is fine. I've not gained weight since I got pregnant (although I'm big to begin with) and my Dr said it's ok as long as baby is putting on weight.
It is not painful now, but my tooth is sensitive. Can feel it when I eat.

My dentist did not mention X Ray leh. Will rem to ask my gynea next week! My dentist said local anesthetic is okay. She has recently done wisdom tooth removal surgery for a 1 mth pregnant lady. But after the surgery, only panadol as painkillers
If don't do X Ray, how they know the position of the affected area? Better check carefully before you proceed.
Hello ladies

I visited dentist today and she said my wisdom tooth is badly decayed and need to extract it out. However, she will not do the procedure till after my gynea gives the go-ahead n advise on the medications i can use :(

So xian leh...this must happen now
only gynea know what painkiller u can take now that don't affect your baby.
Help ladies. I seen my go doc for flu n cough. Now after medication finished, I still coughing usually at night. Very dry cough. Any natural way to cure or ease my cough.
