What should be the correct sleeping posture?


New Member
hi, I feel so uncomfortable when sleeping, neither straight or sideways can put me to gd slp. n sometimes I felt some pain too.
any suggestions or any of u encountered this?

Hi Celine,
I usually sleep on my side. If on my back, I will elevate my legs on pillows.
I am in my 20th week now. How many weeks are you?
Hi Melly
I'm in e same stage as u!
I can't seems to sleep on my back, I'll feel breathless. but if I sleep on e side, I'll have numbness on hands n legs. n sometimes aching as well.
hi Ladies

With the increased weight of your uterus, lying on your back could interfere with the flow of blood and nutrients to the placenta and your growing baby.
It is good that you are starting to lie on your side.
Try lying on your left side.
To make urself more comfortable, place a small cushion between bent knees. You can hug a small cushion so that the right arm on top can rest.

I got a soft bolster made by mum. I sleep on my left side and try to curl my body in a moon shape so that to release the stress on my back. It helps a lot so far. =)
