What insurance did you get for your little one?


Dear mummies,

I am thinking of getting an insurance plan for my bb but aren't sure what to get and from which co.

Can share your thoughts?

Hi, my younger daughter is going to 9 months old. When she was around 3 months old, we get her the hospitalization/medical insurance, from AIA, coz we think the medical fee in singapore is quite high. We pay cash (annually around $300) as well as medisave, so that to cover both private and government hospital bill. When she was 7 months old, we get her the endowment (savings) plan from NTUC income , annual premium is $1500 plus. This plan will need us to pay for 10 years, then it will rolls from the rest of 8 years. This plan also cover for Dengue and HFMD ("touch wood" when hospitalised, thet are giving $$ up to a period ( i fotgot how many days), which i think is quite good.

For me, i think these are the basic plans for our kids. As for Life insurance, we are still considering, as we dun wanna burden ourselves.
