TOA PAYOH mummies

Thanks Precious, I'm staying at Lor 7. Yap, heard abt the PCF at lor 8 but cos my #2 coming and most likely my mil staying at kkl will be taking care of her so thought of enrolling my #1 near her place so that we don't hv to go 2 locations cos we don't drive. Haven't visit the 2 cc yet but I don't really like jingles based on appearances.

Wah, been such a long time since I drop by the thread.

Anyone been to Genting recently? Can share what type of clothings is good to bring, must wear shoes or can wear sandals, night time is it very cold etc?

If you have taken coach before, it is true you have to walk at least 20mins to reach the hotel of First World? How was the check in time like?
Hi mummies, I am also a TYP mummy and my DD is 2yrs old. I am planning to send her for playgroup at Deerland. Anyone has any feedback or comments to share? Appreciate it much! Thanks!
U steady leh, preggy still cheong to Genting furthermore take Coach ah...

Genting's weather quite uncertain day time could be quite cold but at times could be cooling or hot. Nite time usually cold. Advisable to put-on shoes for your kids or sandals with socks on, so incase the weather turns hot at least they could remove the socks and just wear the sandals.

We usually drive to Genting hence not able to advice u on the distance. However, waiting time to chk-in first world cld be as long as 2-3hours hor. try using the 'Wolrd Card' at the self automated chk-in machine if you have it is much faster.

I usually request for ground lvl to avoid the long waiting time for the lifts especially during peak period.

FYI, they also have a clinic located at First World. My daughter visited coz din poo for 3-4 days even after consuming the fiber drinks.

DJ mama,
I had chk out Deerland but din like it coz its pretty small, but if u r putting your child there for 1-2 hours then i guess should be ok. cirriculumn quite standard with the rest of the playgroup.

Alternatively, you can chk out Jessin @ lor. 2 blk 122 if its convenient for you. my daughter is currently with them and she enjoys going there.
Hi Dor, thanks!

I have been trying to find a playgroup for my DD since she was 18 months but TPY has so little options and the waitlist is super long!
I called jessin but the lady told me they only have playgroup and kindy classes for 3 yrs and above leh. I already registered DD for Marymount Kindy when she turns 3, so I did not consider Jessin lor.

Was hoping to get her into Star Tots under Edufarm but I have been on their waitlist since Jan and no news.

Hoping to let her attend a couple of hours a day on her own so she won't have a shock when she goes kindy... now I bring her to Yuquan on Sun but not many kids in the class and she is still sticky to me~
welcome to the thread. i'm a sahm with a 4yr old gal and a 6mth old boy. my gal attends PCF so can't comment on any cc.

it's not too far a walking distance from the coach station to 1st world hotel. i too went to genting 4yrs ago when i was expecting my gal and found it to be super boring cos couldn't take any thrilling rides and the casinos are super smokey. ended up hb and i forgo our 2nd night stay and hopped onto a bus towards KL where we had a much nicer time shopping and eating. food in genting are so ex except for western food like kenny rogers and pizza hut. it's definitely cold at night and day time is unpredictable like dor said. so do bring warm clothes to wear at night. i stayed at 1st world on my 1st trip there and i didn't like it and enjoyed my stay at resort hotel when i brought my gal there 2yrs ago.
Hi Char, Thanks!

Got a call from TPY StarTots this morning....confirm no chance at all this year... they did tell me to consider their Bishan branch... but now sch hols so no viewing... sianZ~

Mummies, I also did call up My First SKool but they also put me on waitlist leh... think TPY is in dire need of pre-schools! Not enough for our growing population ah....
DJ Mama,
Agree with u. TPY really lack of these.
On the same note, u can try out some enrichement classes @ Little Neuro Tree abve KFC or Growing-Up-Gifted @ United Square. My gal now 4yr attended these 2 centres when she was 11mnths @ GUG and 1yo+ @ LNT and she likes the classes especially GUG.

Am currently on the infant waitlist for my first skool @ Blk 55.
Thanks Mummies! During the election, we actually got a letter from the MP that in Lor 7, they plan to open another playskool. Think the letter says that reno starting in Jun but till now nothing is done.
Saw the banner. A new Infant and Childcare centre operated by My First Skool at Blk 14, 14A and 14B Lor 7. Targetting to operate by end of year 2011,
Hi Dor, ya, so frustrating! I visited almost every available school when my DD turned 18 months but everywhere is waitlisted or only accept 3yrs old and above.

I am looking to send her for drop-off types to prepare her for kindy next yr... We sent her to JG when she was 18 months... and recently switched to Yuquan after she turned 2. So far, JG is the most fun except the number of kids in a class is really abit of a crowd. Otherwise we would have happily stayed till she turns 3.

Maybe we should open one ourselves. Hahahaha.... and provide personalised TLC to babies and tots in TPY~
Hi Precious, is there a Liz Montessori at Lor 7? Do you have any contact details to share? Maybe I go call them up to check. I always go marketing at Lor 7 on Sat... nv saw any montessori before...

So far I tried the 3 My first skools, startots at blk 78, Jessin, and the one opp the lor 5 market which I forgot the name and Jingles... actually Jingles had a place when I went, but I didn't like their menu so I thought I would wait abit and then look around cuz DD was not 2 yet.

Mindchamps is too ex, HDB Hub waitlisted and I didn't find the Ykids that I saw some mummies talking about in the forum... Then after that, got too busy with work liao... hahaa... chamz.
I am still searching for nanny but at the same time looking at infant care centre for standby.

DJ mama,
Ya mann, actually i am toying wif this idea last year, we have a few mummies here r qualified to be trs. if am not wrong. My sil is a tr. herself too hence am thinking of gtg her to join. The prob is capital, renting a plc and licence. hee!
Dor, yalor! Sigh. I think the most headache part is probably the license. If we keep the group small, I think our homes can be a good place...

Who is looking after your bb now, while you are still looking? This must be the most sian thing after maternity leave ends.
DJ Mama, Liz Montessorri is at blk 85. Tat should be lor 4. Will pm you her number. Good dedicated teacher. My son is currently with her for phonics and math enrichment class.

The other ykid montessori is at HSR building opp tp east cc.
DJ mama,
Ha! Bingo!

I havent pop yet edd mid July, but suspected to be earlier as #1 poped 1 or 2 wks earlier. #1 is 4yrs+ now currently attending N2 @ Ascension Kindy and after school she's with Jessin Playgroup till 7pm.

However, after hearing suggestions/feedback from mummies in this thread, as well as, much consideration as bth hb and me find Ascension is quite a good kindy, for convenience purpose, i am switching her to Jessin Kindy next year easier for us.

Secretly, i am hoping to be a sahm after maternity hee but din mentioned to hb. Will see how things go, if infantcare no vacancy and/or not able to find suitable nanny to look after #2 then most prob i'll quite my job temporary to tk care of both of them. At times i feel quite stress juggling between work and home. Feel like droping one which is of coz work, and concentrate on my kids up-bringing.
Dor, wow.... so exciting! July is like just round the corner!

Ahh... I was considering AK before I decided to take MK. I think its a good kindy... just really not comfy that they blast the A/C until the kids had to wear sweaters... I spotted quite a few of them in sweater when I visited the school. Call me anal but little things like this bothers me abit. *sheepish grin*

Did you have to send #1 to IFC when she was young too? Actually best is to look after BB until they r at least 2 yrs old at home... but guess not everyone is lucky to have our mums or good helpers also.

Maybe you can consider part time? My gf ever shared a link with me... cannot really remember the name but I will go ask her again and share here later.

I heard Jessin is quite good too so you are making a good decision la. Lessen the travelling for your child too.
DJ Mama,
...yes and i am looking 4ward to my 4mths maternity leave heh!heh!

Agree wif u abt the comment on a/c but i guess after awhile the children got quite use to it. i'll usually put-on sweater for her or wear a singlet inside, only during rainy days.
Base on my observation, so far the students seems quite discipline and knows what is expected from them in this kindy. Not sure abt other kindy coz no encounter, perhaps nxt year i have some comparison when my gal attend Jessin kindy.

My gal was in IFC @ TPY North ccc (near SPH bulding) I wont recommend the plc coz internal mgmt quite messy and the trs. and care giver din really do a good job. Another reason i am looking for nanny is also due to my work nature as my hb and me need to travel occasionally hence need someone to take care of bth o/nite.

Yes, I am definitley consider doing part-time but so far no lobang leh.

Am glad to hear good comment abt Jessin, so far the playland trs. are quite good especially tr. Mei Fen can tell she's very patient towards the kids and my gal seems to enjoy her time spend in Jessin compared to AK perhaps also due to the long hours there as well.
Haha... Dor, I supposed 2nd time round should be more relaxed hor. My maternity leave was full of frustrations and anxiety... LOL. Not sure I wil look forward if I have #2 if things will be the same... lol.

Ya, if you and hb travel then cfm nanny is better... altho no way to get either mums to help with a maid at home? Still safer somehow hb and I also have to travel.... so we got a maid and then my MIL watch over them at home lor.... I was lucky to hv my mum help me in the first year tho... just that she lives v far away...when we hv number 2, i think i also will headache.... infants are afterall more delicate and require more attention....
Hello mummmies, I'm also new to this thread. Just moved into TPY temporary for half year or so...

My child is with YKids montessori. Teachers are quite nice! So far, no complaints from me yet, but I didn't compare with any other schools in TPY...
Hi mummies~ hope everyone had a fun weekend! I went to see Deerland on Sat morning... and in the end, we did not see Ykids or Liz as planned... cuz DD liked the place so much she refused to go home. Hahaha... so the Chinese laoshi took her to a corner to play a game before we finally left. LOL.

Think for the purpose of letting her get used to class without me around, and to be more independent in making friends and participating during lessons, Deerland should be more or less equipped bah... hopefully this arrangement will be good... after adding in deposit and etc, we are in it for at least until October... and if we shd opt out by then, also wun get the deposit back... so most prob we will just go all the way until DD goes kindy next yr liaoz....
Hey Dor and Char,

Thanks for the advice. Do you still remember if first world provides hair dryer or not ah? I'm not upgrading the rooms, coz basically use for sleeping only. Now wondering should I opt for non smoking, since I read up say when you open the window, you can look into the other room. and if my left, right, up and down rooms all smokers, then wont the smell drift into my room when I open the window?

Hb disallow me to let the kids take rides, say waste time waste money. So I racky and found there's a strawberry farm just 15mins away, can pop by there. Then there's a mushroom farm restaurant just 8 mins away for makan.

I'l be heading to KL after 2 nights in Genting, I also enjoyed my stay in KL very much, just the hot weather...
Hello all..
I so need a holiday!!! Feel like bring my girl to KL, she now 18months super active, so am bit scare she run and i cant catch her so a bit hesitating.

My girl with IFC in my first skool childcare, graduating liao. Still dunno to stay in the playgroup or find another childcare. BUT toa payoh really limited childcare centres. Sianz so hubby and i still procrastinating whether to go out of tpy.
go KK got such service?? if not go tpy center the woman clinic and see if they have the technology?
Hi all, back in London after a few days in Paris. Tiring trip as we walked a lot, I guess even more tiring for my parents and the kids, but we all had a good time. The kids enjoyed Disneyland Paris, of course, but we spent a lot of time queuing as the place was packed. I can't imagine what the place would be like during the holidays! Compared to LA, Paris is peanuts. As far as I remember, memory trots to more than 20 years ago when I went to LA, it was huge and packed with rides. This time round, because I am travelling with the kids, there are certain rides we can't go on as a family, the scary ones la, but even then, not that many, maybe 3? My parents offered to take the kids while I went on alone but going alone not fun, or perhaps I'm scared?! Haha! Dad went with me on the Space Mountain but after that, he said "I am not going on any more of these rides!" Case closed.

As for shopping, nothing done. Really. Only went to Longchamp to get a couple of bags for a friend. Shopping was left till the last afternoon so by then the kids have had enough of the walking so they got very impatient and kept complaining "legs tired" and I had to "shut them up" by giving chocolates or ice cream, as that, according to them "gives us energy"! But how much of these can I give them? So we ended the day early...

Now back in London, one more week or so to go before we head back to Singapore. Hopefully I can squeeze in some shopping sometime this week. Summer sale starts at most stores this week.
Hi Ivy

Go for a holiday before #2 pops out ah..18 mths is a good age to travel for now.

Genting have promotion for those interested, $98 for 1 for 1, extension at $55 only, valid only on weekdays.
When r u going to Genting? My advice ask for NON-somking room. if you stayed at ground floor dun bother to open the window or even the curtains hee!

Better not take any bumpy rides for you. As for your kids there r indoor rides sutiable for them. Can even catch their nite entertainment such as magic show if any. tix r cheap for front rows unlike Sin. Good tat u only spend 2 days @ first world otherwise any thing longer all of u will feel bored since cant tk rides. I bet Strawberry Farms your kids will love it as they get to experience picking the strawberries. Mushroom farms is together with Strawberry farm but nothing much there and the place has a funny smell too. However, there r quite a no. of shops (pasar malam type) tat u can enjoy shopping.

May i know which location u put your bb in my first skool ifc and is there any good or negative feedback?

your hb super brave to tk the Space Moutain ride. i took this ride @ LA and my heart almost dropped out then.
One of the hotels at genting has indoor train/roller coaster rides. quite mild. Even my 60plus year old parents and aunty could sit on that.
Dor, you mean my DAD super brave?! Haha! Ya, me too, super brave. But have to experience it. As we entered the long walk to the ride we could hear people screaming away, dad THOUGHT it was sound effect! Haha! But after the ride, he said "I could REALLY hear the people screaming".

Oh, as for the latest royal couple, spotlight is still on, on Kate, that is. They are really following her wherever she goes. She was spotted buying NIVEA cream and now this cream is flying off the shelves. Crazy huh? There are still various mags around on their wedding.
o is your daddy, thot your hb hee.
the Paparazzi and media r really scary believe they gonna trace her for life sigh. is kinda silly i think watever the princess tk off the shelf is immediately a hit.
Nivea body lotion has always been my fav., Good choice Kate hahahha! (just kidding)

ya due soon edd mid july but cld be earlier. now carrying a big heavy ball around feels tired and breathless. walk a few steps wanna find seat liao. recently during the nite cant sleep well too.

how hv u been? long time din see u post on this thread. hope you r coping well w/out a helper.
Hi Mummies~!
Im back...vy long time not in this thread....
well...thk now the topic is abt cc..?
Well...i also was thk let my boy to go cc, but all cc full, only under wating list lo!so sad...
got one Youth talent, i thk at blk 146 there,claiemd hv vacancy on dec...
but not tat convenience for me le coz no shelter on way to there, if raining vy ma fan lo...
Ivy,u don wan let ur gal roll?y?i was wating the place there vy vy long already!i like there...
Oh ya,just wonder any one of u interested to get a coffee table?is oval shape glass type...was thk to sell it at $10 only as just get a new one...
Can pm me then i send the pic over to let u view...
hi dj mama,

i am also considering deerland and ykidz. which deerland one are you sending your dd to? i think there are 2 in tp.
Hi mummies, morning~

Dor... you sound like you are having a tough time liaoz... shd rest as much and put your legs up anytime you can... jiayou!

Ryes... the Genting thingie, will the boo-boo at customs now affer the duration of the trip up? HB and I attempted to drive in last week and omg, we were asked if we wanted to u-turn before we hit the customs because there was an estimated 6 hr jam ahead of us... faintzzz....

Yem, i enrolled DD for Deerland cuz she liked it when we went. Enuff for her to not want to go home. Faints. So we never even went to see ykids or Liz Montessori... Deerland still has places, so if you are interested you can call them up and make an appt to see them. Its the sch hols now but they can see you on a Sat morning, which was how I got to view the sch lor. Not much to view tho, it is a pretty small area but if its just for a 2 hr daily playgroup, I think ok la.
DJ mama,
Thanks for the encouragement

After so long during my preg, yesterday i manage to go shopping at Plaza Sin for 3hours heehee! My leg and body was aching the entire nite after tat :s During my journey back home, am lucky to meet a lady kind enuf to give-up her seat for me in the train.

The GSS is so tempting makes me wanna do more shopping and also place order for my daughter's bed 1st and deliver after i pop. I also manage to get 2 mother and daughter dresses @ FOX, a NB jumper suit and bb's hat too. Am planning to settle some of my x'mas presents as well but havent find anything suitable yet. i noe its early for tat and a bit KS but it is quite frustrating when one cant source for something sutiable nearer to x'mas.

Hope Sha had a wonderufl time @ MS ystd sorry cldnt join u as i changed my mind to go PS.

I wanted to go for a 2d1n trip to Batam KTM resort, having promo, but still contemplating if i shld go at this late stage of preg. Perhpas you could also chk-out this website for your Genting trip.
Morning mummies~

Dor, really salute you for being able to shop so long! Hahaha... think settling Xmas pressies as we go in the year is always a smart choice...I hardly do shopping in Dec myself... too many ppl in the streets and higher risk of impulse buys!

Is KTM in Batam good? I stayed at Hol Inn when we went for the first time last year.... think its not too bad and wun mind going again... haha...

Yem I just saw that you asked me which deerland did I enrol DD, not what other schs are there in TPY. Hehe... we enrolled her at Blk 50... which is walking distance from my place.... only thing is if it rains then I suppose no school liao lor... too much hassle to brave the rain for 2hrs... Maid and MIL will bring her and then I think they will wait around for her bah...

I went Robinsons last nite and bought a booster seat for DD. Haha.... she seems to love it... and I hope the novelty will not wear off too soon!
Dor, hehe... go try la... then let us know... haha... just take care not to do too much walking over there.... when are you due though? If its gonna be anytime liao then better not.

Eh, I didn't really get to see much. It was a hit and run affair last night cuz we were actually shopping for pearls for my colleague's mum and I quickly went up to buy the booster since am around the area. I got a 5+5% rebate tho...

maybe I will go look see again next week... haha...I am thinking of buying a mattress for DD to put on the floor. she is getting big for the cot but she rolls around quite abit in her sleep so i want to get her a mattress on the floor first before buying her a real bed. but still feeling abit divided... cuz the junior beds are like so cute~ but hubby thinks its expensive especially when she will outgrow them quickly.
DJ Mama,
Am also torn between to either get a jnr. (princess) bed for her or a super single tat able to lasts her till her teens haha! She's currently sleeping wif me on a q size bed with bedguard on other side of the bed. Hope #2 pops out (edd mid jul but cld be earlier) she's ok to sleep on her own. keeping my fingers cross.

Thanks for the brilliant suggestion on princess bedsheet and curtains....y i din think of tat.

Wonder if the wall stickers will peel off the paint? never try tat b4. Do u think the shop beside Daiso (PS) forget wat is called sell? The ones i come across quite ex.
