TOA PAYOH mummies

re: maternity belt. Ya, i thot so too but gynae says will help me to lift-up and feel better. maybe jus ignore hee. Thanks!

How about Blk 45 Lor 5? Which block do u stay? It is walking distance from Blk 6 to Blk 45, less than 15mins. As I always bring two kids to Blk 9 swing playground.
I find the teacher at Blk 6 not good . teacher at Blk 232 are good. Blk 6 one , the teacher ask my son to practice writing Chinese name , my son write wrong n they didn't correct him ! I find the teacher lazy , mother day only ask children to paint on a flower picture and didnt write happy mother day or I love mummy . Last year my son in nursery , teacher still teach them write I love mummy ! And one more time , a kid sort of bully n threaten my son then I go ask teacher , the teacher reply is , oh that boy never been to Any class so he behave like that .... I was thinking , does that mean the boy no attend school before then other kids being bully is right ?
I very headache now ... Blk 45 Pcf good ?
if your gynae adviced you to wear a maternity belt then better do so. a fren of mine who is in her early 40s also wore one as she felt cramps during her early trimester and it helped her feel so much better when she wore one throughout her pregnancy as the weight of the tummy is lifted up hence less back ache. i'll ask her if she is ok about lending the maternity belt to you.

Issit ... Your child also study there ? I m at lorong 8, Blk 232 area ... going to Blk 45 is bait far to me ... Don't know what should I do ...
Precious, Thanks for the tips. Yes, i did put a back supporter behind the chair.

Char, thanks for helping me to ask your fren. i feel discomfort not so much on the back but the lower part of my bod. 'tat area' feels heavy leh hence gynae asked me to wear to help lift up the tummy which helps ease the discomfort.
Try to minimise walkimg n strenuos workload...try to rest... meanwhile enjoy the pregnancy... u know e gender already? =)

u also staying in lor 8?which blk?how many kids u hv?me stay at 226.i may plan to send my #1 to the new cc at 232..will see how after they reno.. =)
Whitelady and gal dolphin,

U may want to explore my son's cc Teeny Tiny at bishan blk 140, walking distance after crossing the overhead bridge at 219,lor 8.
Thanks for the link it certainly is useful.

thanks for sharing the link for maternity clothes.
i've been busy wif my event which is coming 26 May 2011 thus hv lil time to chk out your project GIVE and cant be involved in packing. Hope you'll get lots of contribution and help.

Mummies, if you are free on 28 May, 1pm-8pm onwards and 29 May, Sunday 10am-7pm bring your family along to SUNTEC for the Ornamental Fish and Pet exhibition. Feel free to visit my show website at for more details.
Free Fish Tanks and Hamster Cage will be given away for 1st 200 visitors on 28 & 29 May.

Hope to see you there!
hi mummies,
kiddy palace at central is having 15% disc (for non members) and 20% disc (for members), till end of next mth.
you're welcome, white lady. i already shopped till i dropped at BHG bugis the pass few saturdays and i better stop cos spent to much liao. they are having 10-20% disc. i stocked up on a lot of baby items.

oh forgot to add that the discount is applicable to the regular priced items.
Hello mummies, I'm new to this threat. Will be moving in to TPY end of this month.

Just wondering if anyone knows if there's any good montessori schools in TPY?
Hi Mummies,
Any PT cleaner recommend?
I just need her to clean my hse random basis, not weekely basis...any gd one can recommend?
White lady,

i'm paying 2009's rate of $250 after subsidy. Last year the price increased by $80 i think and has not adjusted since.
welcome to the thread. my gal attends PCF so can't comment on any good montessori schs.
Hi newmummy08

You can contact Ming Jie at 96115619.
She's from China so please converse with her in Mandarin. Her hourly rate is $12 for adhoc cleaning of minimum 4hrs per visit.
I engage her services quarterly.
I find her very efficient, can typically finish the areas I would like her to clean within 3+ hrs.
You can tell her you are referred by Miss Chua from TP Central Blk 79.
hey mummies...

i juz got to know a poor family ~ single mum with 4 kids, divorced with no maintenance, 1 kid with learning probs, 1 with asthma, 1 with epilepsy. i managed to give them a lot of items from my recent collection, but the mum was asking if we have clothes for her kids : boys 12 & 6, girls 9 & 7.

i will also be buying them new mattress and pillows as they were all brown/black when i peeped into their rental unit. if you would like to contribute to either, pls email me at [email protected]. thanx.
Hey Dor,

didnt see you online leh.
Wah, so many events on 28, 29th, there's the SAF Airforce open house too coming up.
am expecting a gal.

ya been very busy preparing for my event nxt week hence very lil time to read wat's going on in this thread.
Hi mums, you may want to check your kids CDA account. The govt should have deposited the 300-400 Grow and share portion into the accounts by now. If not, you may want to contact the mcys to ask.
Recently I heard a radio show running a survey whether chivalry is dead in Singapore. And I heard a lot of criticisms esp from women about men. So when I heard this story, I thought I'd share it.

My colleague (male)was standing in the MRT train this morning. Suddenly a young man who'd been sitting in front of him stood up and offered his seat to a woman who'd just come in and stopped next to my colleague. My friend took note as did quite a number of pp nearby as they were quite surprised at the sudden quick gesture. The woman was apparently wearing loose clothing and looked a bit fat/pregnant. She apparently just gave a curt shake of her head and didn't take the seat. Nevertheless, the young man didn't sit back down and continued standing until he left a few stops later. My friend saw the woman texting/emailing v agitatedly and furiously on her iphone. As he's quite tall, he accidentally caught sight of her message. He said it was filled with hokkien expletives.. k n n k n n! She was apparently texting a friend complaining and cursing that the young man had thought she was pregnant!

The above well illustrates why men nowadays don't offer seats to women. The young guy this morning not only did not receive any thank you for his well meaning gesture but I guess it was was 'lucky' that he did not get a verbal tongue lashing as well. Wonder if that woman ever gets pregnant if she would be flattered if no one stood up and offered the seat for her??

Personally, I've noted that of all the persons who've stood up to give me their seat when I was (and currently am pregnant), most are male. The next best group are middle aged Malay women. The worse are middle aged Chinese (I mean local not PRC) women (of whatever class) and local chinese teenagers (esp boy-girl pairs in the midst of cooing to one another - contrary to popular belief, teenage boys nowadays do not offer their seats up to impress their girls (probably because the boys prefer to continue groping their partners and in quite a few cases, the girls also appear to not want the groping to stop.)

Really, sometimes we (women) deserve what we get. We (as a group) seem to treat ourselves and others badly and then complain when we are treated badly.

Sorry for the long philosophical musing on a monday morning. Hope everyone will have a good day and week ahead. Looks like a nice day outside today !
I always tell my parents, when ppple offer them seats, it's a nice gesture, thank them &take the seats. Regardless whether they feel they need it or not, this will encourage pole to give up seats for needy without worried of being embarrassed.
hi sunny72

that was an interesting piece you shared there and i agree with you that sometimes we complain too much for whatever reasons, without even thinking.
i guess this is the national 'we are entitled to...' mindset which most individuals cannot shake off.

hi ivy

yes, just thank the person who offered the seat regardless if we were to accept the offer or not.
Hey tbmummy!thx for the info ya~!
Ok, will call her if need her...but her schedule will full?coz i might call properly few days b4 ba...
hi newmummy08

her schedule is quite full.
i think it's better for you to call her a week prior? just let her know your preferred days and timing.
Hi Mummies,
Wow, my event is finally over hurray! Now looking forward to my 4mths maternity leave heehee!

School Hols has started organising any meet-up cum playdates?

Re: Giving-up seats, i pity tat woman being so narrow and self conscious. She cld have politely decline the nice gesture or simply accept. she doesnt need to make a big fuss out of it.

Some PRCs are simply lack of compassion when come to being gracious sigh. i personnally encountered 2 PRC students in the train, one seated at the prioity seat and the other next to it, ignored me when i entered. sad to say the rest din give-up their seats either (not tat i am expecting them to do so but wld appreciate the kind gesture coz am really tired carrying a big stomach). Fortnuately a middle age man entered at sommerset stn saw me and take the initiative to asked one of the PRC student to give-up her seat to me. I feel so gratful and thank him a few times, while i stared at the student straight in her face ( am so mean hor).

Even if one is entitled to the priority seat shouldn’t take for granted as well. It won’t hurt just to thank the person giving up the seat. however, some preg women i saw literally used this as an excuse and behaved rudely to the person tat offer the seat to her. sigh sigh!
actually... i had opp encounters instead. recently kept having ppl wan to offer me their seats when they see me with stroller, and are rather disappointed wen i say no. mrt so noisy, cant explain to them tat if i sit down with a stroller at the door, then ppl no need to get up/go down the train liao. besides, ah ger is in stroller, i am not in need mah. oh dear... did they think i was pregnant??? NO!!!! :p

on a happier note, the face shop is having 20% storewide, no need member. i rem we were discussing abt BB creams last GSS too, tis time they have a new one which is pretty good. good coverage but not dry, wun sweat once you out of the house. hehe... going to cheong KP very soon to top up my bottles, brushes, bath sponges. hehe...

juz had a dinner @ swatow last sun, it was really good!!! was given a $30 voucher also, will definitely be bac soon. the dishes were unique and very tasty, we had sharksfins, shark head, pork shank, or ni, flat beans... bill came up to oni $120 for 4 pax. we were so full, we each had a small slice of birthday cake aft tat. ha! they also hv dim sum buffet, 3-5pm, think oni $16.90. quite a gd deal. service was fab too! if u want a gd din in tpy, thats a muz go place! (plus sun free parking)
Hi mummies, we've arrived safely in London. Actually arrived on Monday but haven't had the time to sit in front of a computer until today. Busy with what, you say? Busy with jet-lag, haha! Have been waking up at 4am the past few days, today better, at 5am. The kids started at 5am and now 630am. We are off to bed early though, by 930pm. I can't get my eyes to stay open! Having said that, I have been out shopping, though just at the town nearby. Have picked up some really nice chocolates (my all-time love) at a good price.

Weather started off sunny but chilly, now it's sunny and warm! So nice
Managed to go to the park with the kids for a jog around yesterday.

Off to Paris next week, kids want to go Disneyland Paris and I? Shopping of course. Haha! My daughter wants to see the REAL Mona Lisa painting at the Louvre (she's been reading about it in books) but doubt we'd be going. Too little time. But will show her where the painting is kept.
so nice of you to share your experiences in London again. Times fly, i remember the last time u also post on this thread abt visiting your family as well. Are they still hot on the topic on the fairy tale royal wedding?

Ahhh Paris Paris, hope u'll have time to visit eiffel tower, it looks better in the nite wif lights on, otherwise it looks like another piece of metal display in the day hee. Cut down on your shopping trip in Paris (i noe is kinda tough keke!) and go to the Louvre, it will be a fruitful and fulfiling trip especially for your daughter that finally catch a glimpse of Mona Lisa even thou fm a distance.
So jealous of u able to get good bargain and exchange rate for LV, Prada drool drool....btw
in case u r not aware, our sin custom only allow max 2 LV items to be brought in anything exceeding will be taxed accordingly. Tat's wat happen when i 'tompang' my colleague to get for me, kena charge gst eerrrr. I suggest small items squeeze into your hand carry bag, put away your receipts, if u r going on a shopping spree or mission with too many bags wif u, try to con your way through mentioning these are gifts fm relatives.
J Foo,
Oh i love london, the one and only time i went is 1998 haha, with my ex haha and my hubby was bit sour whenever i mentioned how fun it was to london and paris. Buy lingerie ya, i find their design very nice haha. Picnic at park was nice too.

Paris yes must visit the Lourvre, but when i went there, i cheong straight to mona lisa lolz, suaku right, then after that walk around. Careful not to walk to ulu place at night, i was followed by a black guy one night as i stay in the blacks area, i run so fast to the hotel then i use chair to block my door as i was freaked out. And thats only like 8 plus 9. have fun!
My parents and I have been to Paris numerous times since we've stayed in the UK for so many years, but first for the kids. Will go to the Louvre if time permits, even though my girl may just want to see one painting - Mona Lisa. Haha! I have worked out what to cover each day so hopefully everything works out smoothly. Last couple of days suppose to be raining... fingers cross.

Heard that there's flooding again along Orchard Rd. Weather here hasn't been great either. Rained throughout the day yesterday and looks like it's going to be the same today.

Lingerie...not my cup of tea. I like things plain and simple

Dor, didn't realise there was a quota for LV. Is it ONLY for LV or other branded goods too? Anyway, not a LV fan. I have eyes for others, haha!
Flood - Tanglin Mall badly affected especially those shops @ the basement.

Quota only for LV 2 big items and 2 small ones (wallet etc), however on the safe side you may wanna chk wif the boutique staff (nt sure if they r aware or not).

I havent been to Disney Paris, wonder if its better then LA.
Hi Mummies,

I'm new here. Happened to see this thread. Staying at TPY too.

Need some advise. Plan to send my 3yo boy to cc near Lor 7 or Kim keat link. Any recommendation? My MIL stays at KKL and there are 2 cc, First Skool and Jingles, amy mummies with kids there? Are they good?

Welcome to this thread. Which part of TPY do you stay? There is a new cc at Lor 8 too, operated by PCF. Hv you visited My First Skool and Jingles?
