TOA PAYOH mummies

thnx for the info. will bring her there the next time. really crazy lor the medical bill today. i'm also asked to buy a box of suppository for fever to quickly bring down the fever but i'v never used it b4 and she knows it from my gal's record. i usually use brufen and it works. duno why today we feel like kena hard sell. now i duno wat to do with the box of suppository.

i feel that if the coughing and condition is really bad then i'd nebulise since i have a machine at home but it's not so bad this time leh. and agree that the solutions for nebulising is very ex! and knowing dr heng, she'll tell me to neb her for 1 week. so can imagine the costs of buying the solutions.......

Oh dear, Char, the price IS really too much...I brought the kids to Heng once and have never been back since then (and that was almost two yrs ago). Suppository, I find, is useful, when the fever is above 39, esp at night, cos it does help in bringing the fever down fast, then at least the child gets a good night's sleep and parents too get a good night's sleep.
I went to dr heng once becos enyu pd on leave, I find she give a lot of medication. She very daring to give n we keep going back for review. Our original pd do ask us go back review when enyu was very sick but review consultation is cheaper.
Any mummies know if TPMC kindy is 2 or 3h for the 3years old children?
my gal is a 2008 baby so next year is 3yo.
School bus is for K1 and K2 only izzit? Thanks!
actually i've brought my gal to see her since baby and everything seems ok but just seems that today everything is just too much. i thot it would be the usual, check the lungs, ask to give puff and give antibiotics etc. whose to know check for h1n1 and kena take tamiflu etc.

btw j_foo, whc doc do you bring your kids to?

i'm also not sure if ok to give sutchi fish, maybe becos it's much cheaper. i usually buy threadfin aka ngor her. i feel it makes the porridge sweet.
Hey Precious,thx!will call and ask then..
For porridge,i also normally buy ngor her for my boy,but sometime he seems doesnt like the taste le!mayb smelly?so i willonly cook alternate week.
Else i will put those small dry scallop...can try,he quite like also as the porridge also sweet.
Btw,nanny side claimed sometime he refuse tk also mayb the porridge tasteless,so she add abit black soya sauce to him le!is it good?i personally feel not so good le!sekali he every time also wan add that,then difficult liao...
I been to dr heng once, I only feel her review too frequent n close together so very Siong to pay so many times.

My mom also helping me buy threadfin, but I wake up early to cook n bring to IFC. I tot if the school use better fish then I dun mind let her take the school porridge.
Char, the entire family goes to EJ Tan (Lor 1 near braddell mrt) most of the time. For jabs we go to the one at blk 47, near my place and jab's simple enough with no prescriptions needed. The doc at blk 47 is actually rather "lousy" in my opinion, haha! Won't go there for any sickness!
Ivy, what is your concern about this "sutchi" fillet? Have you read or heard something about it that makes you worry. I know there are some articles on the net but not sure true or another scare tactic by rivals. If you have some reliable sources, maybe you highlight these to the IFC and/or ask them not to give your baby.

The IFC is not going to buy cod or ngor-her or any of the other good fishes that the mummies here buy for home cooking. That is a fact you cannot run away from.

For infant care, maybe you can provide your own food. This is what one or 2 mummies in my girl's IFC did. One angmo mummy provided more "angmo" type food, and another local Sg Chinese mummy provided her own porridge cos I think she used brown rice or something special. Infant care usually has more flexibility cos they should be catering to the infants on a one-to-one basis. Childcare is more regimented and classroom-like, with common feeding time so it's a bit harder to ask for special treatment.
Ya im bringing my own porridge till she bit older then see how. I know some Internet is scare pple but sutchi is not much nutrients n catfish type of fish suppose to hv more chance of lead my mom say dun give for time being. So I'm fine to bring my own porridge or no time give cereal sometimes. No prob, chill.. I won't tell IFC to dun give her the fish, they cook big pot for all babies, so as long as they help me feed mine I'm fine.
Halo Jfoo,

guessed you must have missed my post, I want to ask you if u stock up extra childrens' toothpaste, can spare one tube for Ryan..
Can mummies who has toddlers share here what toothpaste are your kids using to brush their teeth now? TIA..
Hi there any mummy interested in letting their kids learn Chinese Calligraphy???

Location at Blk 86 TPY.
4-12yrs old
$160/12 lesson for 11/2hrs.

Please call 6729 0210.

Christine, sorry, suppose to sms you but totally slipped my mind. I didn't stock extra toothpaste as my parents would be coming over beginning of next year so they'll be bringing my supply over then. Ryan can gurgle right? If so, you can use a very tiny amount of Colgate (or whatever toothpaste you're using) if he's not into Kodomo/Oral B fruity toothpaste.
i have interest to let mine gal to attend playgroup next year when she is ard 20mths old. at the mom, only konw edufarm(blk78b) and appletree(blk 86). they are daily 2hours prog, ard $170 permth for both centre.
any other play group in tpy ?
thank for sharing.

When I prepare fish porridge for my boy, I will put into one piece of ginger. I'm been using baby porridge cum rice cooker. Easy and it won't dry up, unless slow cooker.
Precious, when u put in ginger, ur boy also about 8 mths old? U cook ur porridge using rice cooker ar. I use slow cooker, now bit hard cos she take only a small bowl.
hi ivy,
when i cook porridge or steam fish i also add ginger slice abt 1-2 into e porridge or fish.

if e portion is small, u can try steaming the porridge. i used to do tat when my boy was young.u can use rice cooker or steamer..rather than direct fire.. as the porridge will not dry up or harden.. =)
hope it helps..
Gal.dolphin, ya my aunty in law also say steam porridge, but i cannot visualise. So how to steam in rice cooker? Or steam in wok? Do you know roughly how long it takes?
hi ivy,

for me, my rice cooker cum steamer is digital.. hence i can put water below and there is a tray on top. so i just press steam n estimate the timing. usually i put abt 40-50min.. then i just leave it n then occasionally go back to check to see if cook etc. so once the timer is up, it will beep n keep warm.very easy for me. not sure abt the rice cooker u have.. but i do have fren who use the conventional way of using stove and water to steam. =) all up to indi preference.
Did anyone know about the new centre THE FIRST SKOOL @ Blk 54 Toa Payoh?

These couple of days, my boy refused to eat porridge at all. Perhaps she is just like my girl, who stopped eating soft porridge at 8mmths+.
Now he is enjoying soft rice, pasta and noodles. And thank God he loves fruits.

Has been using rice cooker to cook. I seldom use the stove, unless stir-fry the dishes to add on the rice or porridge. Do you also prepare soup base? Then it is much easier to prepare. My boy just turns 1yr old, he is a food lover, will eat what we feed, except soft porridge which started couple of days ago.
Hey Precious,The First Skool open new ctr at blk 54 ah?hmmm..shall call to ask got vacancy or not liao...coz the TPY ctr one vy vy full,my son under waiting list,don know till when!!
Btw,my boy also is food lover,watever we eat,he also make noice wan everytm we eat somethg he cant tk,we will hide and try don let him see it!:p
My boy till now still like porridge,i jus bought marmite let nanny add in his porridge,don kow he like or not,just try and see lo...:p
Btw,Marmite is vege rite?but beef rite?I know another brand got beef one..
Tmr thk will try to cook soft rice for him,instead porridge.and mix with soup boil together with potato,carrot...
Precious, ur rice cooker got porridge setting is it? Maybe i try thisw weekend.

I am trying to prepare soup base this weekend. Dunno 8mths will be allergic to corn bo... tot of do a corn and carrot soup base. u got recipe for soup base???
There are a lot of brands in the market selling rice cookers which also allow us to cook porridge and soup. Soup base, I prepare a few types, every 2-3 days will change, as he is sharing it together with my 4yr old girl.
Replied from the school:

Dear Parent,

Thank you for your interest in My First Skool.

The target operational date of the new centre at Blk 54 Toa Payoh is towards the end of the year, therefore registration is not open at the moment.

We will contact you once registration is open.
Kindly note that this is not a guarantee of a childcare place at the new centre, as confirmation can only be made at the point of enrolment.

Thank you and have a nice day.

You may take a look here, which I prepared

<font color="ff6000">DIFFERENT TYPE OF SOUP BASE</font>

1) ABC Pork Rib Soup (use big pork bone instead)

2) Old Cucumber Pork Rib Soup (use big pork bone instead)

3) Peanut Chicken Feet Soup (also buy chicken bone too)

4) Winter Melon Pork Rib Soup (use big pork bone instead)

5) Lotus Root Pork Rib Soup (use big pork bone instead)

6) Sweet Corn Pork Rib Soup (use big pork bone instead)

7) White Fungus w/Red Dates Chicken Soup

8) White Fungus w/Pears/Cuttlefish

Chicken, pork bones and fish can all be used as a base (stock) onto which you can add other ingredients. If not using meet then beans, root veg (from potatoes to various carrots, celery) can also be used. I use to boil a big pot of stock in one go and then freeze into smaller portions so that whenever I need I can just defrost a pack and use it for my porridge, soup base or even to cook veg.
Precious, ABC pork soup, what is the ABC? carrot, potato, corn, onions?

Ur recipe can email me bo hehe.

Jfoo, i dunno whether 8 mths old can take what , cannot take what. Some say cannot use corn... some say carrot will make skin orange.. -.-
Hi Ivy,thx for the info for the marmite.
Hey Precious,thx for the info too.
I just call to them ask new open ctr for my first skool.Also said the same thg that till yr end.So wer u email to ask ah?i also wan email them ask, so tat i can hv the record in their list and contact me,even i leave my particular to the main office liao..hehe.abit kiasu..coz no choice!all child care like full every wer!
Btw, call to the Bishan my first skool,claimed got 1vacancy,coz one kid was just withdraw,so im thk tmr go to cc view the environment lo..:p
DOn kow is there as good as TPY one?anw,is abit far from TOY my hse la,but no choice le!
Actually was thk let him till 2 yo+ only let him go cc,but i wan him learn thgs le...hmm...don know how...

Btw, heard of My little campus?At bishan st 22,is the ctr good?any of u heard abt it?
carrots in moderation is absolutely fine. One you have to be careful of is peanuts, and all other nuts actually. ABC actually stands for Vitamins A, B and C. Chinese we call it "luo song tang". Potatoes are very good and safe. Chinese sinseh will normally advice children (and adults) who are sick to drink ABC soup. Can add celery and tomatoes to ABC soup too.
when i made porridge for my gal last time, i'll either use a bit of pumpkin or carrots everyday but she doesn't have orange skin leh. like wat j_foo said, use everything in moderation.
ivy... so in the end what high chair you buy? saw u &amp; T lugging the high chair last wk, but i was a distance away, so din call you.

me collecting Shop &amp; Save stamps again. pls "donate generously"! hehe...

on another note, i am collecting donations to buy stuff (2nd hand reclining chairs, interactive toys etc) for my ger's special school and also to help some low income family to pay their school bus (which are not fully subsidized). if you are keen to join in, do PM or email me at [email protected] for more details. thanx!!
Are, in the end Terence Aunty sponsor us the nano high chair, I was going to ikea to buy the ikea highchair after our Sunday brunch with her and she dun allow us to buy... So we accepted the gift ;p

Finally got some time to catch up here. Looks like the latest talk is abt pri sch and food. 2006 babies have to start process soon? Really hoping not to have to ballot. Btw, those mom who send kids to peichun, do you have to do much prep work before hand since they are higher chinese sch? Need to send kids to enrichment?

Any idea what N2 or K1 kids are learning at presch? I haven't been sending for enrichment classes and found my gal current sch teaching really basic stuff. This term for N2 then start 1-10. Worried if she'll b ready by then for P1. Is it a norm to send for enrichment? Happen to meet my classmate's mom on ndp cel at her sch n was surprised the girl goes for phonics, math, ballet and music and chinese classes on top of sch. Geez, getting a bit worried as I thot sch is enuf to meet their needs.
