Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Good morning mummies,
Today is Sat & i'm working

May i know when can i introduce cheese to jerald? Or must wait till he's 1yr old.

So qiao saw u & ur family downstairs earlier. Where u go so early?

Ya forgot to tell u gals, i've been waiting to see if i could meet up with nonoelle downstairs but always no luck since she started work. Then when we r driving up to park our car on Thurs. I saw a very chio & pretty mummy carring her bb. Then i told my hb see see sexy mummy. Wow... it's NONOELLE!!! Wasted didn't get to chat with her & only get a quick glance on desiree only.


tm will pass v fast. b4 u knw it, it will be tm to go hm le


2 cofi shop ? hmmm.. nt sure lei .. u lookg for sinseh too?
25 june only 2 weeks away leh....

yeah, i also hope the next working place is a better place....

yeah, me w govt..... sigh.... review until i siao!!!
i introduced cheese to randal when he was 10 mths. maybe u also want to intro it to jerald when he reaches 10 mth, or when he reach 1 yr old. Quite tasty when u put cheese into his porrigd, R like it a lot.
hi all...

no prob...take ur time.. no worries.... email the pictures when u free... now my home PC kaput...i also cant upload any pictures on my boy's blog...sobs... i cant even go online during the week... now using hubby's working laptop.... wld ask him to bring back home to me when i wan surf net...ahhaha..so i wld be nite owl here...

u r back!! miss u... wanna do a gathering this week?? or i can pop by ur place to collect the shoes... sms me cos i wont be online during daytime till my PC is repaired...

ooh... u bought something fr the coach spree?? i thought i saw ur name...hehehe..

hope ur next job wld be great...with great bosses & colleagues...
Dun be so humble lar... You ARE one of the "Chio" mummies here!

Hmm...will you be moving on to a Pte company or another "Zhen Hu" body?
Good morning mummies,
It's Monday again, weekends really flies super fast hor..

Ai yo u can't mk me fly lei cos too fat liao heehee.. I think i'll look better if i manage to slim down a bit now really cannot mk it. My hb also say i put on a lot of weight liao compared to last time b4 i got married
another "zhen hu" again.... that's y dun know good news or bad news for me.... hahaha....

aiyo, thanks for the well wishes on my new job,boss and colleagues... i really hope so...
You've got the height...which is a very plus point.. if you slim down some more, can be model liaoz. Then no time to take care of Jerald. :p

Well well... pray hard this new place is different. Good luck gal!

P.S. At least you can expect bonus that meet the national standards.
Hiya! How r u all? Been a bz and tiring monday for me!

Irene: How's Jerald???? Long time no see him. Oh u saw nonoelle?? She must be very chio chio now! *
*Wee Wee*

Esther: wah buy coach again? U got hook on it eh =P When r we having another gathering???
Hi mommies...how are you all..i only here on and off :) hope everyone is doing great.

any gathering in these two weeks? coz my kids are away...so i'm free as a bird...hehe..anyone still like to go dancing? let me know..hope can find khakis
no la im not hooked on it, just got a small wrislet, hehe
when u wan to have the gathering, and where shall we go?

hi, haven see u for a long long time.. where did ur kids go?
morning mummies =)
talking abt coach. which model is a "good investment"? i'm not a coach person but think HB wan to get me a coach item. his fren coming back from US
hey...not flattering you ok...honest that's what I think. I always admire tall girls with good complexion...

How are you? Still with the same company? Maybe we can do lunch again sometime when you are available...but not just Friday only lar.. can?
Hello bless,
Jerald is fine very active boy. Forever busy crawling around cannot sit still as if got thorns on his buttock

Ya saw nonoelle tat day when i returned home but didn't get to chat with u at all so sad... She's like a super model liao very chio & pretty mummy.

How r u? long time didn't see ur post liao. Where ur kids go? Dancing? did i see wrongly? *blink blink* I can't dance but i can drink with u haha.. For dancing, maybe u can look for Esther haha..

For Coach stuff i think it's up to individual preference also. Maybe u wan to visit their website at http://www.coach.com/default.aspx to see wat design u like then order.

Thanks for ur compliment i'll jia you one but hor my hb say scared jerald lonely so hope to hv a no 2 faintz.. I tell him if cfm a gal i wan if not wait long long haha..
Hello mummies, how is everyone?? Didn't log in for sometimes, hope everyone is doing fine

Irene, I also suprised to c u so earlier on Sat ! We brought the kids to the vegetable farm. We enjoyed ourselves very much there but hor.... me and my son gotten bitten by the insects
my son both arm r very red and swollen, somemore very itchy and he keeps scatching them. For me, not as bad as my son but my right arm also got alot of itchy red spot. So ended up both of us went to c doctor on Mon and got MC to stay at home. Lucky my girl and my hubby did not get it

U saw nonoelle?? I never got a chance to meet her at carpark leh???

Esther, glad that u and randal has enjoyed yr hong kong trip.... We might be going in Oct too.

Mist, so happy for u that u hv find a new job
Looking forward to yr new job?? Is 5 or 5 1/2 day??
Hi Irene & Esther..ya..my kids are away, follow my mother in law balik kampong. since it's school holiday and i can't bring them anywhere so might as well go back to my hubby hometown with maid in tow.

Mummy2, i also brought my kids to the farm. I think the hay dairies is good. they enjoyed it. also they enjoyed going to the pasir ris playground. so huge.
Springdance: Ok..we lunch again, tis time thur? Wanna eat at the beef stall again?? Pls sms me to confirm cos i seldom log on to chat daytime.

Mummy2: Oh insects bite?? U didn't spray the insect repellent on ur children and urself? Ya u shld go hay dairies, the kids will enjoy the goat feeding. Jovan love it and sometimes tell me he wanna feed the goat with grass again. The goat milk is nice too. Which veg farm did u go? Any website? Need to pay admission fee?

Esther: Hmm..Can we fix 6 July? Maybe around 11am, can we go ur hse again? The kids can have water play and we can order kfc again haaa!
Irene: Wow so fsat ur hubby planning no.2! Don't jump queue horr...hahhhaa! Actually next yr u can start liao and get it over with! Delay longer u very sian liao to start all over again all the taking care of the baby stuff!
Good morning mummies.
It's Wed liao.. let;s work hard & lok forward to the weekends.

I was working tat Sat & my hb brought jerald down for a walk in his stroller. Ai yo it must be very pain & itchy to be bitten by insects. Hope u & ur boy r feeling better.
Hey, we r supposed to meet at the citizen corner since long time ago lei when ah???

Why dun u take few days leave & bring ur kids out since it's school hoilday. U really fang xin to let ur kids tag along with ur mil hor. For me, i prefer him to be close to me heehee...

Ya lor will plan for no 2 maybe next yr cos hb say wan jerald to be more independent then plan. So dun worry i won't jump queue will let u go ahead first. Faster hor dun forget jerald is waiting for u lei haha..
Mujmuj & Bless, we went to hay dairies many times already so thought of bringing them to new farm. Is the vegetable farm at Bishan Park. Is free admission and they got someone to bring u ard the farm and explain to u on every 1st sat of the month. I did spray the insect repellent on the children but not effective for my boy lei...
maybe 'cos he really enjoyed himself there and keep touching those plant that why kenna bite by the insect. for me I don't know why I got it too 'cos I was with my girl most of the time
But we all enjoy ourselves very much at the farm

Irene, tks we r better now. The redness, swollen and itchness has subside but still can c the red spots all over our hands.

Irene & Bless, u both 'jia you' lor... hope to hear gd news from u 2 soon
hi ladies

i'm also staying in TB area n a new mum to a bubbly 6 mths old as of yesterday. may i join the thread?
hey welcome, pls join us at this thread more often!

6 july, sunday is ok with me. wemake it at 11 am. WHO is keen? Lets see hw is the response like

<font color="0000ff">Gathering and FUN time @ Esther's place
Waterplay for kids!
Date: 6 JULY, sunday, 11am
Food: Yummylicious KFC</font>
1)bless n jovan
2)esther n randal
3)clarrisa n ricco
4)doggymum n alyssa
hello mummies!!!

how haf ur been? i miss all of you!! been busy busy with work n when i come bk sin, my time is spent taking care n playing w desiree so dead beat by the time i log in internet so have been silent reader but still very interested in ur happenings!!

desiree just turned 8 mths n can sit n crawl. now getting cuter n im starting to miss her a bit when outstation. hehe.. i just came bk this afternoon n will be leaving tomorrrow nite for johannesburg. we shorthanded now so work us like dogs!

btw, any mummies here using brands like sk2, lancome, dior, chanel, la prairie, la mer, estee etc? cos i got discount at duty free. i just bought some sk2 products today n discount 20% plus no gst so quite worth it. i paid abt 230 compared to over 300 if buying from counters in tangs, isetan etc. no obligations n im not profiteering anything from this. just gesture of goodwill cos its convenient for me to get the items as i walk past duty free almost everyday.

if any mummies interested, i can check out the price n discount(varies between 5 to 20%) of the item n u can compare.

bless, i will be doing my 1st states flt to l.a. on 23rd. i got some orders for bath n body works aradi. as im staying in a new hotel, im not exactly sure if im able to find a shop near me but i will try as i need some items too. do let me noe if u wanna buy anything. but not too heavy pls! hehe. any shopaholic mums who r interested can sms me too.

finally, any of ur keen to meet up for kopi next tues or wed? im off for 2 days so would like to catch up. esther, nana, jessica, and other sahms n mummies who may happen to take leave?

kopi session on tues or wed

date: to be confirmed (see majority)
time: 3pm
venue: tbp or gwc

1. nonoelle n desiree
oh ya irene,

i was checking out ur car n was excited when i recognised it was u! i came bk from flt that day n tt explains my thick make up. wanted to wait at the porch for u but becos desiree poo poo so we had to quickly go bk n change her. haven talk to u for long time. miss u n jerald leh...
finally see ur post!! miss u leh... ya, i wan join the kopi session to see chio chio mummy=u!!! hehehe.. either tue or wed is fine with me..

kopi session on tues or wed

date: to be confirmed (see majority)
time: 3pm
venue: tbp or gwc

1. nonoelle n desiree
2. nana n ryan
my boy still having slight cough.... i see if can make it tom to drop by ur place to pick up the shoes...if can, i just collect the shoes at ur door lar...wont go in... hehe... ard 3 to 4pm ok? sms me ok? tom might not be online... now using hubby's laptop... no time to send PC for repair yet man...sianz...

count me in for 6 jul gathering!

Gathering and FUN time @ Esther's place
Waterplay for kids!
Date: 6 JULY, sunday, 11am
Food: Yummylicious KFC
1)bless n jovan
2)esther n randal
3)clarrisa n ricco
4)doggymum n alyssa
5) nana n ryan
hi miorei,
welcome!! of course u can join in the thread... post more often ya?
r u ftwm or sahm? do join our gatherings next time..
Glad to hear tat u &amp; ur boy r feeling better.

to this thread. Do join our chat more often. So ur bb is born on 10/12/07?

I was a bit disappointed cos i thot i could see u downstairs lei so u r busy rushing off to change desiree. No worries hope to see u soon, me &amp; jerald miss u &amp; desiree lots also. Very tempting to take half day leave next wk to meet &amp; catch up with u but let me see if i can. If possible i can only take on Wed cos my colleague on leave from Mon-Tues. Will cfm with u again take care.
Hi Nonoelle,

Miss u! Sure will join the kopi session with u. Nowadays will bring Shannon out to play. Need to expose her more with other kids/bbs so that she wont think she is alone. She's getting more open now. Cool...yr desiree is cuter n cuter. Cant wait to c her!

kopi session on tues or wed

date: to be confirmed (see majority)
time: 3pm
venue: tbp or gwc

1. nonoelle n desiree
2. nana n ryan
3. jessica n shannon

Esther, u joining ??? come come leh! Also havent seen u for a while. Too bad u cant join me yesterday.
thanks. it's a gal.

yup. born on tat date. came out earlier than expected.

i didnt noe u were part of the thread. *wave wave* i still havent seen in face to face even when we r staying in the same block. :p

i wld love to but i'm a working mum &amp; have juz switched job so cant take leave. :S
Cool... ur gal born on the same date as nonoelle's desiree but hers is on Oct. Ur gal must be very cute &amp; fun to play with at this moment. Dp post her pic here to let us see see.
MORNING everyone!!!

i'm back. :p things have really been crazy lately. My hubby was down with stomach flu, i had to put my cat down (he was still deteriorating despite the injections and all), and we had to go KL to visit hubb's grandma who had gone for eye surgery...all this in the last TWO weekends! so exhausted. But things have been pretty stable these last few days...so can come back to kaypoh and post!

WAh seems like SO much has happened! new ppl...WELCOME TO THE THREAD BTW!..heh....gorgeous homemade cakes (well done isabelle babe...wah)....SHIOK SHIOK trip to HK for esther and family....and coach bag addictions! hee
hey elaine sorry to have missed dyl's party...
did u get my text?
my baby Jovan is also 6 months old now. going to be 7 months this sat. he's born on 14Nov07. i'm a FTWM. used to stay at tiong bahru, last year moved to Bukit Merah Central.

can i join the gathering? *thick-skin*
hihi! long time never post here.. i had been lurking..

count me in! i'm ok with either day..

kopi session on tues or wed

date: to be confirmed (see majority)
time: 3pm
venue: tbp or gwc

1. nonoelle n desiree
2. nana n ryan
3. jessica n shannon
4. jang n jaeden
ya, welcome to join us, just cut n paste ur name in the list, we would love to have more company!

sorry to hear abt ur cat, it must be heart pain for u n ur family. But it is better for the cat, rather than to go thru the pain n suffering.

i like ur nick, it is unique and nice, are u coming for any of our gatherings? Hope to see u ok. u r staying in the same block as nana right? then come together with her to my place ya.

hey miss u ! when i was at on SQ flight, i kept looking out for u , hehehe...

hey of course i asked the girls before i put their names down on the list, i asked them thru msn first. More efficiency mah
kopi session on tues or wed

date: to be confirmed (see majority)
time: 3pm
venue: tbp or gwc

1. nonoelle n desiree
2. nana n ryan
3. jessica n shannon
4. jang n jaeden
5. esther n randal (tbc, depending on date)
Gathering and FUN time @ Esther's place
Waterplay for kids!
Date: 6 JULY, sunday, 11am
Food: Yummylicious KFC
1)bless n jovan
2)esther n randal
3)clarrisa n ricco
4)doggymum n alyssa
5) nana n ryan
6)catherine n jovan
Hi Hi...welcome to the thread. Cheryl is so cute &amp; chubby...by the way, did you shave her?

How are U? So nice of you to offer to help the mummies get discounted stuff from the DFS and USA. Desiree's motor skills development quite fast hor...can crawl at 8 months. Think she may learn to walk before one.

Hopefully we can have the chance to meet &amp; chat more this time!

Gathering and FUN time @ Esther's place
Waterplay for kids!
Date: 6 JULY, sunday, 11am
Food: Yummylicious KFC
1)bless n jovan
2)esther n randal
3)clarrisa n ricco
4)doggymum n alyssa
5) nana n ryan
6)catherine n jovan
7)springdance &amp; jonas
hi!! *waves*

for the latest gathering, i cant confirm juz yet. will b able to know later on. ya, am in the same block as nana but we dun see each other leh for some reason. timing difference i suppose. :p btw r u staying in BT like nana &amp; myself?

hi!! *waves* thks for ur comment on my babe aka tyrant. heehee... no leh. havent shaved her b4 but her hair is so little tat alot of ppl asked me tis question too. hope her hair grows longer soon. :p
hello everyone

esther thanks for the invite. looking forward to the july dates!

irene -aint you joining us in the july dates? din see your name?

spring and bless - where and when are you gals meeting for lunch? maybe i can come!

Tomorrow at Far East Sq, Raffles Place...around 12.45pm... SMS me if you can join us yah.

Dun worry yah...your gal's hair will blossom beautifully soon...many babies go through that stage.
