Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

u mean the wheels on the bus with the 3D animation right? popular bookstore only selling $9.90. After 10% discount i only paid $8.90. Isetan selling it for so expensive?!

Hi Esther,

Cool leh...can shop n shop alone w/o bb. Wish i could

Hi SpringDance,

Dont worry, eventually they will walk lah. My girl not really walking lah...just tat she started to show interest in her foot n when she stand up, she wants to leap forward n i support her with my hand n she forward 1 foot follow the other. She is curious n keeps looking down to see her feet n give me a cheeky smile.
Dont be discourage ok? I will buy the walking wings so that will not hurt my back ah!
Thanks for the encouraging words.

I think my boy is afraid of falling...we try to hold his hands and let him walk ...but he will start leaning forward trying to grab us and start screaming as if he will fall...

Long weekend coming....finally...YAH!!
wow, so envy you, can do shopping....

how old is your boy huh? my boy 14 mths liao, still cannot walk himself leh, need to hold our hands.... me still need to work tomorrow
springdance & mist, don't worry that yr boys r still not walking at this age. I don't think is good for them to walk too early. Take my girl for example, she started to walk at 10 mths + but until now i think her balancing still not very gd that why she tends to fall down easily. She is 18 mth now but so lazy, refuse to walk when we bring her out. Alway must carry. I saw her peers all happily running about except her. She insist that we must carry her. Imagine how lazy she is????
Mine is coming to 13mths...ohh...your company is on 5.5day week? Or your work is on shift?

I do see alot of older toddlers still sitting in the strollers in shopping malls...think quite common that older toddlers become lazy to walk...or the parents can shop better this way?hehehhhe.....
the problem is, she refused to sit in the stroller too. she only want me to carry her but not others even his papa.... i think she really want to torture me... how to shop like that with her ard??????
Mummy2 & Springdance: Yah my boy also very lazy to walk, want us to carry him in shopping mall but if got his niece to play with then he will walk with her hand in hand. Otherwise he lazy to walk too. So tiring hor shop with them! Cannot buy things!!!
i usually do my shopping during weekday lunch or after work. no shopping for me during weekend 'cos i know i definitely not able to with them ard.....

i think all kids are the same. can't walk will try all sort of way to walk and when they can walk, they will want to carry leh.....

bless, u can surf internet now??? thought irene mentioned that yr company does not allow u to surf net during office hr anymore??
Guess it's really quite impossible for us to enjoy shopping on weekends now....Unless got a helper who can successfully entertain the kiddo while we shop....hiazzz...Miss the days when I was still single & dating...can go whereever I want!!!
hi mummies,

aiyah...i missed the isetan sales again...cos past few days didnt come in...boo hoo...

next time can sms me beforehand? then i wld need to ask my dad to come over in the morning then i can sneak out for the sales...hahaha..

i dunno y... but hor my boy refused to walk when outside...is like he is scared to walk outside...when inside the house, then walk like nobody's biz...my hubby said he is hero of the house..but when go outside, become scaredy cat...
cham...jia lat... today, we walked out of the house first, then asked him to walk toward us, took sooooo long like 30 mins?? he wld cry cry then walk abit nia then stop then fuss & wail again...but hubby said must train him lor...

long wkend is here!! all mummies, esp working mums, enjoy the time with ur darlings...

esther, bless, jessica,
can i join u all for lunch next wed?? where is it har? which level of hyatt?

Pete's Place for Pizza @ Grand Hyatt
Date: 21 May 2006 (Wed)
Time: 12noon
1. Bless & Jovan
2. Esther & Randal
3. Jessica & Shannon (tenatively)
4. Nana & Ryan
Hi SpringDance,

I bought the Walking Wings already. Cool leh! If your boy afraid of falling, then the Walking Wings might be of use. It support him n build his confidence. I try it on my girl,....looks funny though.

Hi Mist, Mummy2,SpringDance,

Hmmmm...talking abt toddlers learn to walk...ya, heard when they learn to walk, they will become lazy dont want to walk, want to carry. Oh NO! Can't imagine if my girl like tat. Torture me ah! No wonder saw some parents bought buggy stroller for older kids. Guess it's growing up phase. Next will be potty training. Aiyo...so many things to teach our babies...i'm tiring. If can delay potty training, i will delay. Cant imagine me whole day taking care of her, feed her, cook for her, potty train her???? wash her backside, clean her shitty stuff...aiyo...."Cham Ah!" no life for me. Envy Esther leh....can shop alone some more.
u bought the walking wings oredi, good good, soon shannon will be walking ard happily, but then hor, u will be more busy! u got the wings at discount?

sure join us for petes place. I also dunno which level is it at, u have to find out by asking the staff there.

starting to walk
randal started to walk at 14 mths, but back then, he was like tip toeing around and balance was not so good. It only got better when he was 15 mths. SO girls, dun worri if ur tods are notwalking yet. A few more mths down the road, then will be happily walking around, and the headache starts then... heeee

ur dau only wants u to carry her and no one else? When i go out with hubby n son, he sometimes try to do that to me, as in only wants me to carry him, but i wont allow it, and will pass him to my hubby. cannot give in to them too much, or they will always do it to u.
hmm, maybe u can give her a small treat when she agrees to sit in the stroller? Like a biscuit for "rewarding" her behaviour. Its like doing behaviour modification to teach them.
My son is very particular abt the stroller that he sits in. he dun like the maclaren one, but he likes the combi kind where there is a stroller bar and the seat is fully flat n roomy. The maclaren seat is a bit recline and it has shoulder straps that strap hiin, thus i guess he dun like it. Whereas the combi kind is more comfy for him, i think. So jialat hor, so young already so fussy. Faintzzzzz

try buying the walking wings for ur son to teach him to walk. I heard many parents use it on their kids and they can walk very soon... Hmm, we get jessica to test this out for us, hahaha...
Hi Esther,

Nope, didnt get a discount for the wings since it is price controlled. Also bought 2 pairs of shoes for Shannon at Mothercare. Mothercare got sales now for shoes..bought 2 pairs 15% off. So we bought a medium n large size. Its comfory made of full leather (brand name : Shoo Shoos). Kind of cute. HB say will buy Nike or Addidas shoes when she can really walk as she just learn to walk, hence dont buy too ex. n not too heavy for her least she cant lift her tiny feet up.
Hi all,

now is long weekend! Yep yep, thx for ur well wishes
I can't wait to dress my little princess #2 up in cute lil' clothes again! And i miss the stage where i can just carry baby ard in baby bjorn, walk ard and i don't really have to entertain her much! hee hee...

i have given up on my blog. It's not the thing for me... Real enthu in recalling details of my wedding, honeymoon and preg, but after that just trailed off... So my blog is incomplete and yep that's it! No more blogging for me. I prefer journalling the old-fashioned paper and pen way but I don't even write regularly in this prayer journal that i have! =p
esther n bless
see that u managed to get to the sales!
Yest last min went with MIL and my 2 other SILs to robinsons sale. We left all our kids with the men at MIL's place. Hee hee... But I din manage to buy anything much leh... Clothes dun fit me. (Yes, esther, I have gained wt. 6 kg. My butt and hips have ballooned... I won't be able to wear my normal loose dresses very very soon!)

In the end I only got a pair of sandals for my girl cos MIL insisted on buying for my girl. She said the old one so dirty, "kanna sai", and insisted she gotta buy a new pair. I only bought a pair of $3 hair clips for my girl and last min bought baby sunblock cos my crazy hubby called me yest while we were out at 6pm and said he wanna go bottle tree park at that time. I said u are nuts cos by the time he gets there it'll e dark soon and my girl will only have dinner at 8 plus! Men!!!

So yes, this morn I went to bottle tree park with my hubby, girl and in laws. It was really nice. My girl enjoyed catching the long kang fish!

there's another brand of shoes i like very much too. It's called bobux and mother's works sells it. Robinson's also but range is limited. HEre's the website:
Hi Isabelle,

Thanks for the link. Bobux shoes looks cool too though slightly x than the one i bought "shoo shoos" n quite the same type too. Price is $35.90 since mothercare got 15% off for 2 pairs of shoes, so got 2 sizes. Will check it out at Robinsons. Where is the bottle tree park ah? If the weather good, we might want to go the newly opened Alexandra Arch Park connector which is near my place. Hortpark is near too. Will c....hate to walk in a hot weather. Oh, kindle of sad to read abt the China Earthquake esp. those little kids. It makes me treasure my girl much since think i will only have 1 kid.

Mummy2: Yeah i secretly come in awhile and post lor...very strict now! So now come in so often sigh....

jessica: My boy also wear shoo shoo when he start to learn walking, but after he can walk already, we let him wear nike shoe cos shoo shoo base sole is quite slippery so wont have the grip to balance.

esther: these few days i kept asking jovan want to eat bread anot, he say want to eat pizza! Alamak! I told him wed we will be eating pizza lah! hehehe!

isabelle: Robinson got how many percent discount? crowded? I also been to bottle tree to eat b4, not bad the place. Ur daughter how old now? Toilet training already? Today i start to take let my son go diaperless at home. He kept touching his 'bird bird' cos i think he feel weird empty there. Then he abit grouchy kept asking me carry. After awhile then he settle down. I let him sit on the mattress watch his cartoon, then i go shower. When i came out fr shower, he was standing on the floor say he 'poo poo' pointing on the fl..HE URINE! I told him not poo poo, is urine! B4 that i ask him want to uring anot, he say no. I even bring the potty to let him stand n pee, then he say dun want. Aiyo...drag the toilet training man but no choice! Have to endure and clean the urine till he can say want to pee!
u started jovan on toilet training laio? Not easy rite, i dread it when its my turn lor, sian.. Ok wed we let jovan eat pizza. I dun think randal enjoys pizza that much, prob i only give him the toppings! hahaa

6kg only, is very little, dun worri abt it at all. i bet u still look very good, like a young hot mama! Miss u, when will we have the chance to see u again?
WHere is bottle tree park? such an interesting name.
Hi Bless,

OIC...ya shoo shoo for starter only. Like the name of the shoes : shoo shooooooo. Oh, me dread to think of potty training leh....i am thinking of buying a seat cushion that can put directly on the toilet bowl, then no need to clear ma! Can or cannot ??? anyone tried this method directly??? Got this idea from a shop owner when i bought a swim suit for my girl. She said she didnt buy any potty, straight away train her on the toilet bowl. Wow! good idea. Me thinking of short cut ah! hee! hee!

think u got a real gd deal on shoo shoo! If u wanna see the bobux, robinson's is not a gd place. V limited. Mother's wk at GWC or Tanglin mall is much better. My hubby passed by the park connector last eve. He said it was swarmed with ppl! But mebbe cos yest public hol...

think it was 20% off but certain brands are controlled. E.g. Britax car seat only 15% off and triumph some items got no discount at all. So I din buy. Anyway i was thinking now not a gd time to buy underwear for me...
Me hasn't started toilet training my girl yet. Cos she has some constipation pblm and always cries and breaks out in sweat when she has to poo. We have to carry her so like that how to train? V heartache when that happens. Until got blood =( In fact we just took her to see dr on sat. He said too much milk and milk pdts can cause chronic constipation. Too much calcium that's why. So now must change diet. No more yoghurt and cheese for her and gotta give her less milk. He also gave suppository to insert every 3 days if she doesn't poo before that. haiz... so sianz. This started after I stopped breast feeding her totally.

me takes preg as an excuse to look fat and not worry abt it. Hee hee. U miss me ah? I'm so gan dong! Hee... sch hols coming. Mebbe I can join u all again!
Btw, the pooh birthday decor is a two piece thing that i have to join together myself is it?

this is in yishun. With the weather now, i wldn;t rccomend gg in the morn cos by 11am, it's hot like nobody's business! Eve is better but i heard it's more crowded then. the long kang fishing only for kids 3 to 12 (parents not allowed to go into water) but they closed one eye when hubby went in cos we went early, not many ppl yet. Otherwise qianhu fish farm also can long kang fish. But not as nice. here's the website:
Hmm…how much is the “walking wings”?

My boy also not <font color="0000ff">potty trained</font> (reaching 13th months)…we bought a ride-over potty for him from kiddy palace some months back…now become his toy! When we try to put him on it to make “business”, he starts screaming!!

I also dun have any blog or diary…. demands a lot of time to properly do one lei! Probably more easier for SAHM to do this only…..

Re: Shoes for Toddlers
Understand there’s a brand call “Pedipeds” which is quite good for the little one’s feet.
morning mummies,
so envious tat u all can go for the gatherings.
is there any gatherings on weekends so tat me &amp; Jovan can join too?
Hello mummies,
I'm helping bless to post this as her company blocked it &amp; she cannot post at all.

Isabelle: Oh dear constipation is very painful for them. U should dilute the milk, i always dilute the milk by half a scoop less but water put as normal. Esther dilute less a scoop for her boy. I think urs is extreme case, maybe dilute a scoop less but water same.

Jessica: Yes u can try the cushion cover over the toilet bowl. I try potty n toilet bowl he also dun sit long. Or bluff us he wanna poo. Then sit less than a min get up.
hi mummies,
how are you huh???

remember i complained abt my boss and on the lookout for job? hehehe... i received an offer liao....
Me not gatherings organiser here...but I am sure the mummies won't mind you &amp; Jovan joining the fun if there's any in future.....

So you become Bless's PA liaoz? Kekeke...How she send you her post? Via email?

CONGRATS...me still growing fungus in my company...your new job doing what?

hey all mummies.
i have been going gaga shopping online and came across this seller on etsy, the shop sells beautiful girls' clothing for your lil ones, you can check it out. they ship to SG and it is not expensive

i wish that i had a girl too. hahaha! enjoy surfing!

and then and then i went down to raffles city today kate spade and did more damages cause they had sale for members. bought this straw like basket, haha, look very country like lei

oh yes, another online shop i wanna introduce is call angelicious-creationz--her website is on my blog, she makes one of a kind of beautiful earrings..really pretty , you should check it out!

ps: dun forget dylan's party coming up!!!

sigh, saw that you hot mamas really did enjoy yourselves at the dinner and drinking session,
but this mama stuck at home at night ..boo hoo. hopefully dylan becomes less needy then i can also go out and meet up.
We'll keep u update if there's any gathering going on

Congrats on ur new job offer. So when is ur last day &amp; when r u starting work in new office?

Ya lor i become her part time PA liao heehee... Yes she sent it thru email to me &amp; i help her to post only.

Forgot to tell u tat i can make it to Dylan's bday party liao. May i know if my hb can tag along also?
Hi SpringDance,

The walking wings cost $49.90. X right? No choice didnt have any alternatives leh. Been eyeing quite long liao.

Hi Irene,

Hee...hee...yr boy bluff u? Since when u starts potty training? Aiyo...weather hot these 2 days n neighbour have reno..noisy leh!

Hi Elaine,

Oh..wont forget Dylan's birthday.

Hi Esther, Bless, Nana,

Now u all are enjoying lunch at Grand Hyatt..Pete's place...yum.mmm. Too bad pizza not 4 me.
Hi Jessica,
Dun blur lei i'm helping bless to post only haha... Actually my mil did try to train my boy when he's just few days old cos she say start from young so tat very fast no need to waste $ for diapers but hor once i started work no time to train him liao haha...
Do drop by to chat with us more often when you are available yah.

ya...$50bucks quite ex if the period of usage is short or if baby refuse to go into it! I saw one mummy's blog...she bought the play yard to let her boy cruise and learn walking..but after a few weeks or so, her boy can walk steadily on own liao...so the play yard becomes "useless"
Hi Mummies
just now , we went to Petes place for buffet, me , bless n nana.. the company was great but the food was so so only.

post the nice pics of the kiddos here ya, esp those with them eating the long breadstick, it looks so cute!

hope lit ryan is all right, apply some medication on his head. But he has really overcome his fear of walking in the public, which is good.. And he can run so fast some more. Hey next time we both come out n put ours kids in the "leash", like we are both walking our dogs, haha.. And they r born in dog year some more. :p

i have already started to put randal on the cushioned toilet seat to poopoo. Lastime i started on a potty, but i have moved on to baby toilet seat. I find it more convenient, cos no need to wash the potty after he finishes his biz, and i can easily being the toilet seat wherever i go, like tour etc.

oh, talking abt tour, my HK trip is confirmed and we r flying on this sat morning.. We are going by SQ. i find its prety expensive, $500+ just for tickets for myself and $200+ for randal's seat. But we have managed to get randal a "basket seat". The thing that looks like a basket, that can be retracted . Well, im hoping he will be willing to seat in it!
ya i know whr is the bottle tree park! near khatib, but from our place, very far! It looks like a quaint little village everytime we drive pass the place. My mum has been there b4, and she told me its quite small, and there are several bottle trees there. Hm, wonder how does a bottle tree looks like??

how does shannon like her walking wings? I can imagine her so excited toddling around in her wings, that will be such a cute sight!
Hi Irene,

wow! few days old potty train liao! Pei fu u n yr MIL. Sometimes i jealous/admire those who got helper/PIL to help leh. Getting more n more challenge to take care of Shannon alone esp. now she is getting heavier. Last time can carry her from IKEA to Anchorpoint on the overheadbridge while she is on her stroller, now ....panting man!

Hi Esther,

Ha! Tried Shannon on the wings, quite cute...her legs like swinging lor! Sometimes will stand up properly and forward her leg. But she will tired easily. Still on initial stage. She dont mind ...heng ah!

Hi Spring Dance,

ya lor...that's y must quickly buy n use it once she shows sign of interest to walk so that can prolong the usage ma! Hmmmm...talking abt play yard...somehow...i strongly dont like babies on it ...like caging them. That's y my cat didnt cage too. Dont like to c animals to be caged...no freedom. When we were away for short trip, left my cat alone at home. Friends suggest to put my cat on pet hotel but strongly disagree. Cat is a independent animal. Cool.

Just posting a few pics of our afternoon lunch at Pete's plce!

Randal so happy eating!

Jovan munching the long breadstick

Bryan eating
hi mummies...

bless, esther,
nice meeting you all today!!

ya lor ya lor... let us use the leash next time.. i just took it out today.. tom wld wash it first... think this wkend when bring him out wld use liao..ahahaa...
he ok now... but quite "teh" lor...maybe kena traumatised abit after the fall...
enjoy ur HK trip...remember to show us photos har!!

thanks for the nice nice pictures...remember to email us hor... hehehe..
oh, my boy is ryan not bryan...hehehe...

missed u leh... next time join us hor... we wont go pete's place anymore... food so so nia...

ok, i gotta go zzzzzzz soon.... tired liao...haha..
Bless / Esther / Nana,
Jovan &amp; Randal looks like they enjoyed the breadstick but Ryan looks like he's saying "yucky" in the 2nd pic. hahaha. cute boy. Nana, how old is Ryan? my baby Jovan (same name as Bless' boy) is born Nov'07. now 6 months old. just started on solids.
Well…look at play yard in a positive way…it’s to let the baby roam around freely in a safe space!

Wow….your cat is toilet-trained I suppose? Can leave home alone.

Bless / Esther / Nana
That’s the typical “Tai Tai” lifestyle yah….hi-tea at a 5 star hotel on a weekday… Keep it going!
ur boy just started on solids ah.. did u buy the U-like blender ? good for making baby portions, so that the food will not be wasted. Wat are u giving him now? Its an exciting phase of their life when they start on solids.. suddenly the world become much more tasty!

no la we dun usually go high tea in on a weekday. just that bless on leave so we go together lor. Only can afford to indulge once in a blue moon.
Hi Bless, Esther, Nana,

oooohhhh...the boys looks cute in those pictures. They must be having fun there.

Hi Nana,

Tks for missing me ;) Bryan's expression looks kinda cute, hilarious. Still staring at people? Ya lor, so long didnt meet up with u. U busy?

Hi SpringDance,

Cat dont really need toilet trained. Need to buy the litter sand n they will auto go in do business. Can cover up some more...hee! hee! After he has done his business, will meow meow me to clear ah! Sometimes wonder who's the master? And my cat v. funny...everytime i want to sleep (switch off light) he will do business n ask me to clear 1st b4 i can sleep. "Dua pai" right?

Hi Esther,

Enjoy yr HKG trip n buy buy ...heee! hee!
catherine,springdance &amp; jessica: Yeah the boys have so much fun.

esther &amp; nana: Ok will email u both the pics when i upload again as i deleted the original size of the pics fr my comp ;p
I will be on leave maybe for the next few days as my aunt just passed away this morning. So i'll be busy shuttling to &amp; fro to the wake every night
yap i bought the u-blender
during the isetan private sales. used it only once so far =P made apple puree but Jovan din really like it. he prefers the Heinz bottled purees! will make more home-made purees (broccoli, peas &amp; pears) this weekend coz GF book says bottled bb food are lower in energy &amp; nutrients (which i believe is true). yap it's an exciting stage for him! and also for me! hahaha
OIC...the felines are certainly intelligent animals...and correct me if I am not wrong..I think cats love cleanliness by nature rite.

Looks like only nite time can "SEE" you here liao...your Co. so bad.

Bon Yoyage for your flight tomorrow! Enjoy Shopping &amp; Eating! Tell us more about it when you are back yah.

esther, irene, springdance,
yeah, will be joining the new co mid of next mth...
hope its a better environment to work in...

next time when we hv a chance to meet, will tell you where's my new co.

forgot to reply you, me work alt Sat....
