Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

aiya the HK trip is postphoned again cos one of my hubby collegues cannot make it this sat, so postphoned till next week. Keep poostphoning, so sian...

Hi SpringDance,

Yap..u r right...cleanliness is feline's nature. They will lick till they feel it is clean.

Hi Esther,

ooooohhh....u must be disappointed to delay the HKG trip again. Never mind will go sooner or later, right?

Hi Elaine & Esther,

Brought Shannon to Gymboree @Harbourfront yesterday to try out n sign up for the membership. If Dylan or Randal going for playgym, let me know, OK? Felt Shannon is a bit of shy type of girl n begining to stick to me. Didn't play much n keep wanting me to sit next to her or carry her. Need to expose her much. Yesterday, got quite of no. of babies at the playgym abt 7 babies. All very active crawling or climbing, but Shannon.....sit there see them play n she just crawl a bit here n there. Oh...btw..Gymboree is going to increase the playgym price from $8 to $12 per hr from June onwards ah! aiyo...everywhere increase price. Sian ah...
Hi Mommies

Glad to know all of you
I have a boy who is 19 months now.. and am staying at Depot Road. I plan to send my boy to childcare centre nearby..

Anyone has any feedback on Appleland playhouse?
ur boy like canned food rather than fresh food? opposite of my boy! When i gave him canned (jar) food, he gave me a disgusted look!
Did u start him on cannned food when he was younger or do u give him canned food often? Its not healthy as it is sugar/sodium laden and lots of artificial colouring and flavour. I know its convenient , but maybe introduce more natural foods and fruits so that he get used to them, then gradually cut down on canned food.
Hello mummies!!

Bz like mad today in office! Today finally my boy got some results. My MIL told me when he ask my boy wanna pee anot he say yes then stand peeing...ask my MIL 'Y my ku-ku got many water come out'! Hahahaha I tink he must be fascinating first time seeing own urine come out! Haahaa! Hope he will keep improving!
hi everyone ..

am back frm my hol ! miss chatting here


ono, ur HKG trip changed liao? nvm, its GSS time !! many many sales on ... so no loss if u cant make it to HKG this w/e =P

Oya, u knw the walking wings ? i bot it tdy frm Taka at 49.90-10%-10%! aft d/t abt $40. I thik there were 2 sizes , i bot the larger one.


sori to hear abt ur aunt. r u ok?
hey esther.. hehe yes i agree. it is GSS time here. no loss no loss, can still shop.worse come to worse also got online shopping. need sites, come to me. hehhehe, i teach you how to spend /waste money.:p especially that site call etsy...really has alot of things to buy..sigh

jessica...oooooo, you went to playgym ah? good hor you, never jio....hehehhe. kidding.anyway the babies there i kno, they are from the june thread, so they are about dylan's age coming to one or already one. dun worry, shannen isyounger.you must bring her more often there, then she will get used to the environment and open up
dylan loves the funny mirror there. hahaha.

and talking about walking....that boy of mine dun wanna walk leh...pull him up, he plonk down for you. backside too big. hahhaha.but he is starting to talk..he will say words like BA, BA , BA---for bus. then BER BER BER--for bird. but no mama papa. hahahha.then these few days so hot. i have been taking refuge at home, tuition or swimming with dylan.so hot till turn on the air con , that fella can still perspire.

anyway.... gonna see you all this sat!!! Dun forget ya. 2pm. actually, the party is till 3 thirt, and they allocated the eating time half an hour only,so be punctual hor
vivo's parking is quite jialat during weekends, just a warning

Irene.. hey take care--must be tired shuttling here and there. really sorry to hear about the news.
Hi Mink,

u got a good deal on the walking wings. I bought it b4 Taka Sale
. Oh no! It has 2 sizes? Didn't know leh...must check what size i bought. Have u tried on yr bb?

Hi Elaine,

Oh i c...they r fm June babies thread. No wonder they took whole group photos n chit chatting with each other. Hey....my girl lately also "Ber Ber Ber" and "Ba Ba Ba" but how we know they meant bus or bird ah? She ber ber all the way in even in the house leh! Ya lor...no mama or papa. Hmmmm....can't wait to attend yr Dylan's BP this sat. Can c all the bb's together playing again. I really hope Shannon to be more active side. HB said maybe like him..anti-social type...hee! hee! But then, when i was young, also very quiet till in Sec school. My primary classmate ask y i dont talk. Thinking back...quite scared too...whether i m autism but nobody cares abt me as my late Dad always out leaving me alone with my Uncle's family. I started to b more talkative when in Sec sch. That's y needs to expose my girl more often. She afraid of swimming ...aiyo...cried like mad. Tried twice already. Guess i need to buy a bigger bathtub for her try and maybe a inflatable baby pool at home. Small one la...HB said waste of water...sian ah. He's so negative at times....i m like want to her to try her this n that...he like no this n that. Opp. of me ah...aiyo...sometimes lead to cold war. Sigh.....
Jessica: Did u buy a nice, comfy and sturdy float for her to sit in at the pool? Maybe she feel insecure. Try to carry her into the pool for few mins b4 letting her sit in the float.

actually my hb dont want to buy the wings too =P. thats why when ester wanted to help me buy during the isetan sales, i told her if no d/t, i canx buy . cos then i wont hv excuse to gv my hb eg ' on sale mah , so i buy lor'

re : swimming
my girl also crying all the way =P. when i brot her for aquaducks trial, there were 2 other bbs. and both bbs were happily laughing away but my girl hor, cry like no tomorow. soooo sian. The trainer was esp 'gentle' to my girl cos scare she bawl even more.
Hi Mink,

The walking wings didn't say got size leh...it just state "NEW expanded vest size". Is this the large size? Oh, u also brought yr girl to aquaduck trial? Me too..cry n cry...later have to lure her with the toys they provide. Then i thought maybe she scared of big pool and so try her on this : http://wwww.babyswimming.com.sg. She also cry n cry...wah bian! Luckily they charge me $10 instead of $28 trial lesson as i told the person she might b afraid of water. I saw a 8mth old baby swim in it so happily but my girl havent go in it already cry. Boh bian...have to give up.


Initially we wanted her to really learn swiming without any float. Guess she needs to overcome the water first. Might consider buying a float but then leh cheh...dont have any pte pool..go public pool kind of troublesome n lots of people there. Might borrow Esther's hse to swim...hee hee!
Good morning mummies,
I'm back after few days didn't log in. How's everyone?

Hi Mink,
I'm fine but all of us just feel very sad as my aunt die so young at 65. But we r happy tat it's a relieved to my uncle & all his family members as my aunt has been going in & out of hospital many times liao. I find it's so heart breaking to see a closed family member died. So we shld treasure ourselves more day & day & enjoy the fullest of all.

Hi elaine,
Thanks. Ya super tired past few nights to & fro to the wake with jerald on his stroller super shag... Imagine so many relatives were there & jerald was passed around like a ball then 1st night he didn't sleep well & kept waking up to cry maybe over stimulated liao. Last night was back to normal & today i'm home alone with him as my parents need to help out at my aunt's wake. Another long night tonight...
Monday again.....today took bus to work, the bus sooo empty. Think many people on leave since it's the school holidays.

You take care ya...try to rest when you can and catch some sleep today when Jerald naps.

Re: Dylan's Birthday Party
Elaine and mummies going to the party on this sat...just to let all know first that recently my boy has changed his nap habits and has been eating super slow..so by the time he wake & finish his lunch...think we'll only reach at 3pm. So can only join the fun for a short short while only. haizzz

its nt easy to accept the demise of someone so close to u n ur family. Really sori
. Meantime, u must also take care of urslf..try take some vitC + lots of water these few days cos the weather is toooo hot n easy to fall ill. Some more u must jaga jerald. must be tough on u.


i saw 2 diff packaging on the shelf. one is in plastic n one is in box. i bot the box one. the plastic one says frm 6 mo n the box one says frm 9mo.
Mayb our bbs will outgrow this water phobia thg ..heheh .. when i was in perth last week, we bathed her in the bathtub there. she also bawled her lungs out. but aft 3 days of same routine, she decided that bawling wasnt gng to save her frm taking a bath, so she stopped bawling. I hv a pool dwnstr my aprt but until nw never ever use =P . its quiet cos oni the angmos swim in it once awhile. There is also a small glass functn rm nxt to it (abt 1.5m away) ..i am thinkg one day when we arrange a swimming playdate, then all the mummies cn sit in the functn rm with aircon while the kids play arnd. wahahah
Hi Mink,

Oh no...i bought the plastic one that says from 6mths - 36mths but by that time, she can walk. Heeee...to justify myself. Ya lor, think our girl same same...recently brought her to HKG n bath her in the bathtub also cry until her lungs out. High 5 man! BTW, how old is yr girl? Same age...10mth or thereabout? Too many mummies here liao, so forget how old is yr girl. Aiyo...u should make full use of yr pte pool ah...wish i have man. Too bad...dont hv the luxury to own a condo leh
. Where did u stay? Hey...yesterday bought a big bathtub n tried on her today...confirmed liao...scared water n cry but after a while, she quiet while i lured her with the duckie toy. So this is a trick. Once she overcome the fear of water, then try her on the pool.
<font color="0000ff">F.Y.I. Where to be During an Earthquake

Please read this and pass the info along to your family members; it could save their lives someday!


My name is Doug Copp. I am the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the
American Rescue Team International (ARTI), the world's most experienced
rescue team. The information in this article will save lives in an earthquake.

I have crawled inside 875 collapsed buildings, worked with rescue teams
from 60 countries, founded rescue teams in several countries, and I am a
member of many rescue teams from many countries.

I was the United Nations expert in Disaster Mitigation for two years. I
have worked at every major disaster in the world since 1985, except for
simultaneous disasters.

The first building I ever crawled inside of was a school in Mexico City
during the 1985 earthquake. Every child was under its desk. Every child
was crushed to the thickness of their bones.. They could have survived by
lying down next to their desks in the aisles. It was obscene, unnecessary and
I wondered why the children were not in the aisles. I didn't at the time
know that the children were told to hide under something.

Simply stated, when buildings collapse, the weight of the ceilings
falling upon the objects or furniture inside crushes these objects, leaving a
space or void next to them. This space is what I call the 'triangle of life'.
The larger the object, the stronger, the less it will compact. The less the
object compacts, the larger the void, the greater the probability that
the person who is using this void for safety will not be injured. The next
time you watch collapsed buildings, on television, count the 'triangles' you
see formed. They are everywhere. It is the most common shape, you will see,
in a collapsed building..


1) Most everyone who simply 'ducks and covers' WHEN BUILDINGS COLLAPSE are crushed to death. People who get under objects, like desks or cars, are crushed.

2) Cats, dogs and babies often naturally curl up in the fetal position.
You should too in an earthquake. It is a natural safety/survival instinct. You can survive in a smaller void. Get next to an object, next to a sofa, next to a large bulky object that will compress slightly but leave a void next to it.

3) Wooden buildings are the safest type of construction to be in during
an earthquake. Wood is flexible and moves with the force of the earthquake.
If the wooden building does collapse, large survival voids are created.
Also, the wooden building has less concentrated, crushing weight. Brick
buildings will break into individual bricks. Bricks will cause many injuries but
less squashed bodies than concrete slabs.

4) If you are in bed during the night and an earthquake occurs, simply
roll off the bed. A safe void will exist around the bed. Hotels can achieve a
much greater survival rate in earthquakes, simply by posting a sign on The back of the door of every room telling occupants to lie down on the floor, next to the bottom of the bed during an earthquake.

5) If an earthquake happens and you cannot easily escape by getting out
the door or window, then lie down and curl up in the fetal position next to
a sofa, or large chair.

6) Most everyone who gets under a doorway when buildings collapse is
killed. How? If you stand under a doorway and the doorjamb falls forward or
backward you will be crushed by the ceiling above. If the door jam falls sideways you will be cut in half by the doorway. In either case, you will be killed!

7) Never go to the stairs. The stairs have a different 'moment of
frequency' (they swing separately from the main part of the building).
The stairs and remainder of the building continuously bump into each
other until structural failure of the stairs takes place. The people who get
on stairs before they fail are chopped up by the stair treads - horribly
mutilated. Even if the building doesn't collapse, stay away from the
stairs. The stairs are a likely part of the building to be damaged. Even if the
stairs are not collapsed by the earthquake, they may collapse later when
overloaded by fleeing people. They should always be checked for safety,
even when the rest of the building is not damaged.

8) Get Near the Outer Walls Of Buildings Or Outside Of Them If Possible
- It is much better to be near the outside of the building rather than
the interior. The farther inside you are from the outside perimeter of the
building the greater the probability that your escape route will be

9) People inside of their vehicles are crushed when the road above falls
in an earthquake and crushes their vehicles; which is exactly what happened
with the slabs between the decks of the Nimitz Freeway. The victims of
the San Francisco earthquake all stayed inside of their vehicles. They were
all killed. They could have easily survived by getting out and sitting or
lying next to their vehicles. Everyone killed would have survived if they had
been able to get out of their cars and sit or lie next to them. All the
crushed cars had voids 3 feet high next to them, except for the cars that had
columns fall directly across them.

10) I discovered, while crawling inside of collapsed newspaper offices
and other offices with a lot of paper, that paper does not compact.
Large voids are found surrounding stacks of paper.

Spread the word and save someone's life... The Entire world is
experiencing natural calamities so be prepared!

'We are but angels with one wing, it takes two to fly'

In 1996 we made a film, which proved my survival methodology to be
correct. The Turkish Federal Government, City of Istanbul , University of
Istanbul Case Productions and ARTI cooperated to film this practical, scientific
test. We collapsed a school and a home with 20 mannequins inside. Ten
mannequins did 'duck and cover,' and ten mannequins I used in my
'triangle of life' survival method. After the simulated earthquake collapse we
crawled through the rubble and entered the building to film and document the
results. The film, in which I practiced my survival techniques under
directly observable, scientific conditions , relevant to building collapse, showed there would have been zero percent survival for those doing duck
and cover.

There would likely have been 100 percent survivability for people using
my method of the 'triangle of life.' This film has been seen by millions
of viewers on television in Turkey and the rest of Europe , and it was seen
in the USA , Canada and Latin America on the TV program Real TV</font>
u r back from ur trip! had fun? u had gotton a great buy for the wings with 20% discount. a good excuse for ur hubby to agree to ur buy, heehee

we went to petes place whilst u were away. u didnt miss out on a lot cos the food was not that fantastic, and very limited variety. Hey wanna go out on another buffet date? hee hee, can only afford to indulge in buffet once a mth at most! any place to suggest?
oh i remember clarrisa suggested a japanese buffet at some hotel, she mentioned that it had quite good review. U take japanese food? we can check with her which hotel is it.
my boy love to go into the bathtub, he will sit there and splash water. recently i joined a spree and bought baththub toys for him. its very interesting, once the material touches water, it will stick to the bathtub or tiles. can build a busy roadway in the bath! Comes with 6 sections of interconnecting roadway, cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, traffic lights, etc

*raise hands* i love buffet. whahaah.. which jap buffet is that? jap buffets are gd if u are on diet (like me) n just whack the sashimi.
Anyways, One of the best deal i come across is waterfrnt copthorne cafe brios. cn get 1for1 (i canx rem which cc) with cc promo. i thik i paid abt $25 for international spread ( with sashimi). i thik nw promo still on but must chek to cfm.
Perth was lovely, will go bk again! .. only thg is food is too ex le. we paid abt A$55 per pax every meal we had. lest u thik we are extravagant, this is abt the px in the city. There was one 'cofi break' tht we took in the shopping malls, n one slice of cake alr cost us A$8 =P

btw, tbe toy u posted above, i thik cn be found at GWC. they hv diff types but nt sure if the same one.

re GSS

Anyone been to tom n step at TBP yet? bless? i m gng this wed with hb ..anyone knw the sale till when?
Mink! I just went Tom n step got discount 15% for public and member 20%! I couldn't find my discount card when i purchase something just now! Sorry I did not notice the sale period till when.

Re: Jap buffet!
Miramar is good for their sashimi, big slice but will be full easily. Their food is not bad. Grand copthorne buffet i tried b4 not bad, the drunken prawns very nice hahaha! The promo was under UOB Credit card, now dunno still have anot. I went during dinner time!

wah .. i so zhun ah .. u just went tom n step ! heheh..i got 6th sense u will be there wahahah. hw to become member ah? must pay $?
Oooo , the miramar one, yes i try a few tms b4. but tht one nt cheap ..abt $40/50? Perhaps their sashimi is fresher?


randal is ill?? poor boy ..when did he fall ill?
oh dear, is randal ok?fever-- can make barley for him--dylan also had sore throat last week due to the weather..

and now the maid has cough. ugh.so sian.
mink bless elaine
thks for concern, R is ok now. Bless, U know wat, i was changing him getting ready to go out and meet u today when i touched him and realised he was a bit hot. Then i already changed him into nice clothes and i had to change him back to his home clothes. he was running a slight fever, and i sponge him for 1 hour and his temp came down. Then gave him a dose of paracetamol.

so sorry, i think i cant attend dylan birthday party as we will be gg to HK this sat. Supposed to be last sat, but hubby collegue cannot make it so was postphoned. I was looking fwd to the party! so dissapointed i cant attend and join in the fun and meet all the lovely mummies.
However I have already bought dylan a b'day gift and would still like to pass it to him.
When can i meet u?

i always go to the grand copthorne waterfront hotel for their buffet, in fact all the copthorne chain of hotels (orchard hotel, M hotel etc) cos last time i have the copthorne card! then have 1 for 1 deal. But now i dun have the card laio, but my mil has it so now we still always go n eat n eat n eat..... hahaha,no wonder im putting on so much wgt!
Hi Esther,

Hope Randal is fine now...didnt know R is sick when i sms u yesterday. U take care n enjoy yr HKG trip this weekend! The pic. u posted more 4 boys leh...hee! hee! any girlie type? But then i believe yours is a built-in bathtub (adult size) right? Mine is a baby bathtub hence no space
Haiz….looks like cannot meet up with you again on this Sat liaoz….when can we meet? Hmm…interested to bring my boy for a swim too (juz like Mink)…maybe we can come over your place for swim date one day.

Hey, got the Perth holidays photos? Interested to see!

By the way, no problem at all managing baby over there rite? Got so many people to help out…and Perth is such a relaxing place.
bless's tom n stephanie card
post on bless behalf- did she lend any mummy her card? cos she cant seem to find it.

ya u can just pop over for a swim with ur boy. jessica is also keen in bringing shannon . we can let the babies swim together, it will be fun

randal develop the fever in the evening time, but only slight fever. He is ok now.
OMG..the weather is really nasty these days...sigh. the lil one having heat rash again.
Esther, no worries about the party
thanks for the pressie, just enjoy your hk trip and buy buy buy, eat eat eat ok? then when you are back , can tell me about the trip hehehe.

i only can meet on mon, tues afternoons cause the rest of afternoons have tuition.
actually i wonder if any mommies here interested to have breakfast at botanics one of these day at Les amis.I love their breakfast set!
i always bring dylan there, then after that can go to the pond to feed fish.hehe.

Springdance, ya knoe, i am also having a headache over this nap thingy, his party time is actually his nap time, i am thinking maybe i need to push forward his morning nap abit, so he can have his second nap before his party, else he so cranky at party also no point hor.
maybe you wanna bring bb 's lunch over to gymboree and eat>?there is a room to eat, in that case, also wun miss out the party, cause i think have to clear the place by 345/ to 4pm.Bring lunch over la ok?=)
Mink: Apply the card is $10 i think and it's lifetime membership!

Esther: thanks for posting for me. When can we meet to collect the stuff b4 u go HK? Sms me ok? Be sure to enjoy urself!!! Oh july u going Ho chi minh with ur hubby's firm right? Wow so many travelling. My firm going Bangkok in Aug.
Thanks a lot for opening your place for swimdates….maybe we can arrange a weekend which is available for the few of us… perhaps in mid or end June.

I heard a few mummies mentioning about breakfast at Les Amis…must be really good. But mornings are usually very busy for me (feed baby breakfast, eat my own breakfast, prepare his lunch, bath baby, try to make baby take morning naps)….However, I dun mind picnic gatherings by the lake in BG or even Jacob Ballas.

Regarding making my boy nap…think I’m either very lousy at it or he’s simply too stubborn….I have very little control over his timing…anyway, will definitely try my best to come as early as possible…worse come to worse, will join you ladies &amp; babies for a precious half hour! By the way, besides the mummies in this thread, you got invite mummies from other thread or your friends &amp; relatives?
hi everyone...sorry havent been posting...it's been a crazy time for me. training my dad's helper to look after izzy for half day as i'm returning to work end june...plus...my poor cat has been sick...ran blood tests on him and found out he has feline aids, leukemia and kidney failure! sob. poor boy. he got it during his time as a stray cat b4 adoption! :p so i've been learning how to inject my cat with fluids, give injections, etc....been tryin to get him to eat also. me so tired. :p

hey esther...glad randal better...have a fun time in hk!

elaine...i'll be attending a wedding this sat morn...then later going to dylan's bday party! ;) need to rush off around 315pm tho...coz i need to go back to inject my cat with fluids and antivomitting medication. cat's at my dad's place now. aaargh.
oh no ur poor cat sounds really sick. u gotta inject him everyday? poor thing, it must be painful for him.
so when u work, izzy will be at home with the maid and ur father? at least its a good arrangement, ur father can supervise the maid.

the botanic breakfast sounds interesting, i can join u sometime. u usually take a cab there? maybe we can share a cab there together.

mid or end june is fine with me, maybe it can be a gathering for the mummies &amp; swim date for the kids.
hello all...
have been so busy at work. no time to pop in and chat. today finally have some time cos took leave to go take ashlyn's photoshoot.
some pics to share.
hey springdance
no la, you aint lousy la, i guess it is just the kids, they are constantly changing their patterns. cant be helped.
dun worry, even if it is for a short time, just come, have not met before, willbe good time!
regarding the les amis, hehei usually let dylan nap before heading there.then i skip his lunch and give him a late lunch and shower him only when back and after he wakes:p terrible rite this mummy...oh yes, i did invite some other mummies too, ard 3 more.then hubby invited his friends, --but i guess it is more of catch up for them , but for me, i am heading into the play gym for dylan to crawl round!

esther,wanna meet on the 2nd that week? let's say wed or fri?actually anyday is good. no prob about sharing a cab there.save money! t better get my driving license soon, the cab fare is killing me...

but but but, firstly, enjoy your hk trip ya!!!

golly, wa...thanks for coming over despite your schedule, hopefully you be not too tired drink coffee!!!hehe...hope your cat gets better soon! really poor thing.=(
i am trying to post more pics...but hor this smh block leh cos file too huge. each pic i receive is 12mb, reduce until 20percent still big to load here.only suceeded with 1 pic. the rest still trying. damn irritating lah.

Foto-U, benjamin. hes very nice. took up the same package as irene that time. just that she took the photo first. i wanted to wait till she is more steady. they are coming up with another promo soon. think should be same price $120 for an hour -- all photos returned. watch for it in the business thread if u are interested.
eeeeee grace ashlyn looks adorable in the photo! :D more more MORE pix! hee. or bring on sat la...show us!

esther n elaine...ya la...poor boy quite stressed...but he needs the fluids la...coz of his bad kidneys. but as long as he's not in any major discomfort/pain, i'll keep trying....but if he in pain...i'm likely to put down...no point let him suffer and waste away i think. :'(

me very stressed also man...got pimple outbreak! THEN...tonite me going for EYEBROW EMBROIDERY! so super nervous also leh....worried i'll look like a freak! :p anyways...on sat the colour should still be very dark leh...coz just did it...must wait for it to fade over 1 week...so dun laugh at me hor! hah.
Yeshhhh...will certainly come. Have got the pressie ready and wrapped somemore liao! U are certainly NOT a bad mummy..unlike this lousy mummy who cannot manage baby alone at all...have never brought my boy out on my own. :p

Try putting up the studio pics on online album eg. picasa, shutterfly....or on slide.com and post in your blog.
Hello mummies,
Long time didn't post. I was busy past few days with my aunt's funeral just returned to work only yesterday &amp; whole table full of files haiz... Sian...

So sad i thot can see u &amp; Randal this sat but u going to HK with ur family. Happy shopping &amp; enjoy buy buy buy more ok heehee...

Ashlyn looks so cute &amp; sweet in the tub.. Do post more pics for us to see.

Can't wait to meet up with some mummies this sat. Btw, who's going huh? I only know grace &amp; springdance. Jessica &amp; nonoelle joining? The rest dunno liao.
i started weaning Jovan only when he turned 6months. now he's 6.5months. so far he only tasted 2 jars of Heinz baby food. yah i agree with u tat cannot kep giving jar food. fresh food is still the best!

ash is SOOOOooo cute! i wan to see MORE pics!
Hi Golly,

oh it's sad to hear yr cat is sick..need injection but can c u got a kind heart...adopt a stray cat. BTW, how old is yr cat...estimate. My current cat is so precious that he needs yearly booster shot to prevent all those disease. B4 this cat, i got a stray cat too (same type : persian). My previous stray cat also sick n after nursing him back...he jumps down from my flr (17th flr)!!! n died..n worst it's on my birthday!!! Cry n cry 4 three days..that's y this current cat is so precious. U take care ya?

Hi Grace,

wow...ash is cute cute leh..can't wait to c her big eyes this sat.

Hi Esther,

too bad can't c u this sat...but u enjoy yr trip to HKG n post pic. later, ok?
Hi Blissful,

Sure, u r welcome! Which henderson area? Blk 96 area? Block 94 is famous for the Prawn/Ribs noodle! yum..yum..so long didnt eat there liao... n also the 1A Curry puff next to it. Are u a SAHM or FTWM? How old is yr bb?
