Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

R u feeling better today?

to this thread. U r so young envy envy..

Hi Bless & Nonoelle,

Cant join 4 dinner. Drinks only. Will meet HB at Central 4 dinner n pass my girl to him to bring back home.....hee! hee!


Wa! Desiree looks grown up fast. Likes the tummy picture of her with her head scarf. Cute cute leh! C u tonight!
Hi Mist,

Oh dear...is yr boy ok now? Ya...when i was shopping with my girl at IKEA, a lady talk to me n said have to be careful too when yr kids/babies have a fever esp. at night. She got a scared when her girl (2yrs old) have a fever at night n got fits! The girl didnt scream as too pain. Luckily the mum saw it in time n rush to hospital. Aiyo...scary leh.
U take care!
Morning mummies!

Yeah yeah so nice can meet so many hot mummies tonight! Wah back fr korea i gain 1kg! Eat & eat & eat pork! So scary now i see pork!

nonoelle: Dinner is just irene, mummy2, springdance, u & me! Wine session, i forgotten the list.
R u feeling better bo? Bad lei ask u didn't reply
Btw, I've voted for ur cousin's daug liao. Pls lah... 1kg can't see the difference lah u'll still 1 of the hot mama in my list.

Ya since no need to bring jerald home with hb. I can meet u gals for dinner later.

How u go central from ur workplace? Shall we meet & go together since we r nearby?
Irene: Hahahha paiseh. Ya better now, but still abit of sore throat. I drunk tons of herbal tea n three legs cooling water.

Nonoelle: I found the list for the wine session.

1) Clarissa
2) Esther
3) Irene
4) Nana
5) Mummy2
6) Jessica
7) bless
8) Nonoelle

Mink: R u joining us???
hello mummies

wah.... is fri... yippee...yipeeeee.....

i also looking forward for our dinner and wine session so now no mood to work lao.... somemore, my boss not ard so i very lax lor....

irene, i actually want to ask u shall we go together since our working plc is so near. just take mrt to clark quay station and i think central is ard there as mentioned by bless earlier. i can go over to suntec to meet u. sms me where shld i meet u and wat time will do.

c u gals soon.......

oh yeah, bless i hv voted for yr cousin's daughter

mist, hope yr boy is ok now. u must be very tired so do take care......

nonoelle, desiree has grown so much like a big girl now. feel like hugging her, she is so bah..bah... so adorable....
Your nails not hideous lar….I know it’s a symbol colour of the airlines gals rite…kekek

Went to the link & see liao…but when I try to vote, got error message on page…will go in again in the afternoon to cast vote for Grace.

You gave birth at 20 years old! Such young mummy….me KPO in action… so will you feel kinda miss out the FUN at early 20s?

I probably might be early too…since I am just working across the street to Central @CQ …SMS me when you reach…can find my mobile number in Nana’s list.
Great to know tat u r feeling better but drink too much cooling water also no good hor just moderate.

I scared later flood ur hp so i ask u here. I can go off at 6pm & my office at tower 4. Do u think we shall meet & walk to city hall together then take mrt to CQ instead? Tat time u mentioned tat ur office at Gateway? Near to bugis or Concourse?
Irene & Mummy2: Y dun u both walk down to boat quay then we cross the road over and it's clark quay liao! =P Take MRT did to change and walk a fair bit to the Northeast platform to take to clark quay.
hello hello!

wow looking forward to tonite! aiyo, we all sound like some deprived mothers who NEVER get to go out have fun FINALLY tonite is the nite we can out out....hahaha

seems like everyones heading dinner before drinks.. thats great!

nonoelle - desiree's so grown up! its been so long since we last see her
looking forward to carrying her! and your new maid looks cheery and young
From Suntec to Cityhall then to boat quay seems far lei. Later no strength to happening how??? haha... Or we take mrt & meet u at raffles place then we walk together?
Irene: Awww..Irene u r sooo nice! I love u *muak*muak* But i think u all if take mrt then might as well take to doby ghaut mrt then take train to clark quay is faster then coming to raffles and walk there. If u walk down to boat quay (fr my side is end of boat quay) then cross the road then will be faster than coming to raffles place again. U choose the faster way urself ok?
Irene, i meet u at carrefour infront of the coffeebean can?? there is a shuttle bus svc from there to city hall.

Bless, u want us to meet u at raffles plc and walk together to clark quay???
I saw my 4-yr-old have little bubble-dots on her tongue last nights (abt 5). And she says it's painful. But she din have any fever or other rashes... Really hope it's just ulcers... but so many meh...
u better bring ur girl to see the doc, in case its anything serious.

ya, we all sound like deprived mothers who havent been out in a decade! then tonight is the night where hell break loose, hahahaha

i meet u all directly at 930 at barcelona. Have fun over dinner!
so cute, u bring shannon to town and pass her to ur hubby to bring home. I can imagine u shoving her to ur hubb and then letting loose ur hair for some fun, while ur hubby sweat it out changing diapers and feeding milk at home, hahahah.
eh i find that recently i getting imaginative, ahahah, never drink already high laio!!
I'm very good to u hor but u dun wan to meet us so sad haha...

My office downstair is Starbucks not coffeebean lei. Normally i'll walk cos it's faster & i can exercise some more heehee... Fyi, the shuttle bus stop at Adelphi bus stop then we decide how to go Central.

Counting down...
opps.... so is starbucks not coffeebean
i think maybe we can walk from adelphi to central so u still can hv some exercise before the dinner lor....
No worries i'm fine with walking, taking bus, mrt except jogging. So long as we can reach there can liao heehee...

Thanks for the info. See u later

I think i'm also like Esther a bit high liao getting more & more excited haha...
hi all,
wah i didnt login for a week liao. now finally got chance. back to work for 2 weeks already, this week started getting mad. more to come....

bless, me actually bring ashlyn for photoshoot on 28 may but now i may need to change cos got big clients coming for my new boss.. damn siong...so sianzz....

hope u girls have fun tonite..

long time no talk.. desiree so big liao hor...wahh...she looks cheerful in the pics except the swimming one..haaha
Glad to meet up with mummy2, bless, nonoelle & springdance, clarrisa, esther & jessica last night for dinner & drinks.

Nice chatting with u while we r walking to Central.

Hope u r feeling better from ur sore throat.

U r really a Hot Mama now look so slim & pretty kawaii *whistle* Thanks for supplying me with 2 handiplast.

Wasted u got to leave early after dinner. Hope to meet up with u soon.

U really very steady bring a small bag packed in a big bag & u r ready to party anytime haha.. Ur hb so nice to accompany u to walk all the way to meet us. U terrible lei say my place ULU & deserted mk me tip toe back after i got off the cab. Dun forget to let us know how much we need to transfer for teh cab fare thanks.

U r like a Super Model lor look so tall & slim.

Thanks for recommending the Hoegarden beer to me, it really taste very nice compare to other brands of beer.

Though didn't get to drink much but i really enjoy the dinner & drinking session last night.Hope to meet up with u gals soon.
Great to see u again. FTWM r all like tat & it's really not easy to juggle between work & bb. Slowly u'll be able to adjust & become a routine everyday. Do take care & remb to post the photos of ur mei mei Ashlyn once u go for photoshoot.
Hi mummies,

it's been a long time! I'm happily back to my usual life routine again! Yipee =) =) =)
No time to read forum now but hope everyone's well and fine!
Meanwhile, I found time to go for free studio photoshoot two weeks ago by naughty by nature. They promised two free soft copies with no strings attached. (Like real...)Of course they wanted to get us to sign up for something. But we refused to sign up for their 'lifetime' package after the shoot cos that cost 3k plus! So we just shamelessly went off with two free studio pix! Hee hee...

Hi esther,
saw from the birthday thread that u bought a pooh scene setter for randal's b'dae. May I know where to buy that? Thx! =)
hey yesterday we were just thinking abt u, that we have not seen ur post for such a long time, thought u forgotton abt us oredi!

u went to the naughty by nature studio? i went before also years back, but so expensive, and the photos are so ugly, so i also walked off with the 2 free shots. I went to another studio, and the shots were so good, i bought a package, but just a small package.

i bought the winnie the pooh scene setter from party with us at valley point. its very nice and serves as a "mini stage" for u to take photos.
Hi Irene,

Oops...sorry leh..scared u that u hv to tip toe back. I dont mean ULU lah..just that i can c yr flats fm my house n is like on a hill top lor. Da way u describe so funny.

Hi Irene, Esther, Clarissa,

The cab fare total cost is $15. Each is $3.70. Clarrisa u gave me excess of $1.30. What is yr POSB or DBS a/c to transfer back to u?
Esther & Irene, my POSB savings a/c is 037-15594-2.

Too bad Nonoelle, Bless & Mummy2 have to leave earlier. hmmmmm....kinda like the Robertson Walk atmosphere though it is not so convenient there. Like m in a Europe country with diff. climate leh.

Hi SpringDance,

Too bad..didn't have the chance to meet up with u.
hello hello,

soooo nice to meet everyone up last nite

jess - oh, i enjoyed catching up with you! you are darn funni lor! like irene says, the small bag inside the big bag...pass pass baby over, vroooooooom broooooooom..and you are ready to party! hahaah...dun worry about the dollar plus..

mummy2 - HAH! i know whats sooo familiar about you! you loooooook very very much like a friend of mine! its like almost split image! even both of your personalities is so alike! but i don't recall shes got any siblings. lemme ask her again...

esther - Finally! yest you had 2 drinks instead of 1! thats a nice start!

nonoelle - lets see if we can meet up in dubai week after. i looked at my schedule, its like meetings 8am-9pm. so i really wonder if i can still meet. I look forward to meeting you up (if time permits). will feel soooo lonely there in the emirates alone! hahaha...will i be taking up ur time with colleagues? if yes, let me know! I don't wanna take up your 'rest' time at your crew lounge! By the way, I am at JW Marriott.

looooking forward to next gathering! we should do this more often! what about late nite coffee next? someone organise?????
irene - how i wish lor.. than my address will be no. X orchard road, or no. x grange road
but its not........

bless..... deng deng deng......... happy new year! hahahahah
Hi Mummies,

Share this pic. of my girl making funning face n cant help to post it here as she looks like fierce yet funny leh.

"Errrrrrr....don't mess up with me!" Errrrrrrr
clarrisa: Sala...it is deng deng deng deng gong xi fa cai! hahaha

Irene: Hoegarden nice right? I also like. Last time when i first know my hubby is in Centro and he ask me what i like to drink so i say Hoegarden! Then he was like har?? what garden??hahahha!
Jessica: Nice meeting u...u r a fun person to talk too! Wah ur daughter looks fierce..her expression is Dun mess with me! hahaha

esther: this is the pics tat we took the other day at the NTUC

u so happening ah, knew ur hubby at a party? Hoe garden is good, i always buy it from dfs when i come back from tours, ha!
hey ur camera looks so clear , its a sony erickson? heard their cameras are good.

that pic really looks funny lor, she is a lil terror, dun mess around with her..
<font color="0000ff">Happy Mothers Day to all mummies!</font>

Just to share:
<font color="aa00aa">A woman has strength that amazes men
She can handle trouble and carry heavy burden
She hold happiness, love and opinion
She smiles when she feels like screaming,
She sings when she feels like crying,
She cries when she is happy,
And laughs when she is afraid.
Her love is unconditional!
There is only 1 thing wrong with her,
She sometimes forgets whats she worth...
Happy Mothers Day!</font>
Good morning mummies,
It's Monday again... Nothing to look for this fri lei haha... Must find something to do to wake myself up today.

Me just kidding with u lah actually i tip toe bcos of all the blisters on my legs due to the long walking &amp; also new heels haha... Though my place very quiet but we really love it cos i find it very peaceful at night. Of course no more quiet when my boy cry lor i think whole blk can hear ah heehee...

Ur gal so cute i feel like pinching her cheeks sooooo chubby.

I've transferred $3.70 to ur a/c at 8:17am ref: 1704179049 thanks.
Ya u r right Hoegarden is very nice compare to those beers. It taste so much lighter &amp; the after taste also very good.

Do u know where else sell hoegarden beside dfs?
good mrg irene

hoegardden cn buy frm any supermkt . they dont hv the 'can' type. unlike tiger or heinekken. they oni hv 'bottles' . so a bit heavy n leichey . but that beer is also my hb n me favorite! (ester : *hi five*).


biz trip coming up in dubai?? sounds super exotic!! nvr been there. the common pressie when pple go dubai is pistachios i thik hehehe (did i rem corrctly ah =P)


desiree looks v cute!! esp the one on her tummy


ur girl looks so pinchable !!! wanna pinch her cheeeeeeks


any1 had entertaining celebratn for mother's day yest? i oni went to hyatt for buffet on sat nia. thats all le. Oya, n hb blended a glass of starfruit for me on sunday mrg. kekekek... that was my mother's day treat !

Fri i will be flying off to Perth liao ....... dont miss me too much ah......
Irene / Nonoelle
Really great to meet up with you ladies again...didn't have much chance to talk to you at Clarissa's place the other time...you 2 are such a fun-loving &amp; chatting pair.

Nice to finally meet up with you....you remind me of a gentle &amp; demure lady....

How's the walk from Central to Robertson Quay? Not so bad rite? Going to Defu this week for crab delicacies correct?

WOW ...your new job so good...can fly all over the world also...hey, mine doesn't lei...what exactly does your association do? Is this a trade mission trip?

Jessica / Esther
I feel like KO after dinner oledi...so cant make it for the drinks...Haizzz...looks like we still "You Yuan WU Fen" to meet up yet.

How are you? Back to work already? Feeling good?

I spent Mother's Day at Sakae sushi for lunch and my mother's place for dinner...even more booorrrinng...hahah!

So you going to Perth with hubby &amp; baby? Free &amp; ease trip?
hello hello good morning! Its monday and was not looking forward to this week (cos flying off and will miss my son
But then, I tot, the earlier it comes, the faster it ends!

mink - people often buy shisha and dates as gifts too. i was just telling nonoelle, i actually dislike gg dubai. haha..for myself, i think theres nothing much to do there and during summer months, its scorching hot! (like now!) cant even walk the streets during the day. Shopping there is not cheap too. But then again, like nonoelle says, maybe cos i do not know where to shop? She loves the emirates

spring - ummmp, i do not work for an association wor
no, we do not do trade missions. I am heading there for a general meeting
Actually, travelling for work is not my cup of tea now. I used to love doing it in my younger days. But now, I miss my son ALOT when I am away. So, I actually prefer not to travel too often.
mrng mummies

irene, clarrisa, nonoelle, bless, springdance, jessica and esther - nice meeting all of u

irene, tks for yr company to walk to central. with u ard talking, the walk to central seemed so fast and i don't feel the distant at all....

clarrisa, i enjoyed listening and looking at yr expression when u talked. u look so engrossed and interesting. wow.... now than i realised how slim and tall u r. really makes me very envy leh....

bless, tks for the ride to MRT. When yr hubby asked whether there is anymore MRT, i got worried too so walk very fast once i alighted from yr car...

springdance, nice chatting with u. hope we can meet up again soon.....

nonoelle, u look so diff but i can feel that u r much more happy now.... maybe 'cos u r back to work, no more stuck at home with the baby....

jessica, i also found that u r a fun &amp; interesting person to talk to. yr girl pic so funny, so fiece leh....

esther, don't really got the chance to talk to u. maybe next time...

lucky i went home earlier. once i reached hm, my girl was crying so badly with her eyes closed and calling " I want mummy...... I want mummy......." once i called her name and tell her i'm back, she graped my hand so tight and fall back to sleep again.....
Hi Golly,

How r u? Havent catch up with u since we last time met at IKEA.

Hey Mummies,

Have a peek at IKEA Alexandra new playground (currently reno., opens May 23rd). It's COOL! It's a MAGICAL FOREST THEME. But then hor...kids go in play have a height limit (at least over 90cm - 130cm) for an hour play. Sob...sob...my girl cant play as not over 90cm.

Hi Isabelle,

How r u too? How many mths pregnant u r now? Girl or boy? U take care!

Hi Mink,

Thanks! Sometimes she will make funny face, blow bubbles, sometimes make sound (sound like dog sound ""grrrrrrr" like tat leh!) faint ah! Sometimes cranky will yell at us like "Hey!" very loud. Rude right? Must teach her some manner. hee! hee!

Hi Esther, Irene,

Ok, will check later on my a/c. Hope to have another wine/beer/coffee session again with u all mummies. It's fun w/o bb and can chat n chat.

Hi Mummy2,

Me too..nice chatting with u. Yr girl is sticky to u. Feel good that she miss u right? Hmmmm...next time my girl say that...my heart melt ah!

Hi Nonoelle,

Ya lor...also feel u r more slimmer, sexier now plus more relaxed cause u got yr job back. U go gal! Can email me the photos? Tks!
