Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Hi Nonoelle,

Just coincidence her boy boy staring my girl like want to woo her ah! ha! ha! So both mummies chit chat and she was amazed my girl can sleep in her cot later. She left me her contact so i asked her to join us lor. More mummies gathering more better, right? She is looking for a place (free place for bb crawlers.) Difficult to find one.
Anyone here can recommend?

nonoelle, i peifu u... still want to rent your rented jumperoo to irene for $50....haha...
mayb i should start rental business haha..

girls, btw my baby is also a girl...haha if u all have any CHONG DONg want to buy girls clothes and dont know give who where...here got 1 option heee....
why u say this friday if u come, u only know nana n nonoelle?? u dunno me meh?

good good, bring ur new friend n her boy, we can exchange tips n pointers abt our sons, whether they are all so noti at this stage?

ya, bonding time with my son lor. These few days dunno why he gone a bit "sok" He wld scream when i carry him n put him to bed at nights? Stressing me up with his behaviour. And when he "talk", he would always scream... arghhhhh
hi jessica,
of course she is welcome!! my boy also same age as esther's randal..hehehe... now got one boy nearer their age..cool..

wed is fine with me also... see if the rest can...

grace, esther, elaine, jessica, nonoelle,
wed u all can?? then we change to wed just for irene's sake...hehehe...
irene, touched boh??

come lar... i also know esther & nonoelle nia....the rest i nvr see before yet...
u shy meh?? *runs away*

come join us... u can sms or call me also.. u have the list rite??

oh, there is this rest called Say Cheesecake there... the food not bad...i ate once before... can go there have tea chit chat...
but hor, i cant really remember where it is liao... hahaha...

gals, these few days raining on & off... let's pray for good weather on wed & fri (see which day we meeting)...

<font color="7E587E">Fri, 7 Mar 08 or Wed, 5 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC (meet outside Toast Box)

1. nana &amp; ryan (both wed &amp; fri ok)
2. grace &amp; ashlyn
3. irene &amp; jerald (wed ok)
4. esther n randal
5. elaine n dylan
6. jessica n shannon
7. nonoelle n desiree (both wed &amp; fri ok)
8. Felicia n Ian </font>
paiseh ah, wed my hubby off day. he works shifts so its like a sunday for me. and i want to go robinson sale...hee...
u all can go ahead if majority can make wed.. =)

Fri, 7 Mar 08 or Wed, 5 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC (meet outside Toast Box)

1. nana &amp; ryan (both wed &amp; fri ok)
2. grace &amp; ashlyn (fri ok)
3. irene &amp; jerald (wed ok)
4. esther n randal
5. elaine n dylan
6. jessica n shannon
7. nonoelle n desiree (both wed &amp; fri ok)
8. Felicia n Ian
moonbaby, after u take the course then u can refresh the rest of the mummies at gatherings ok?

grace, ask ur hubby to come along on wed lar!

nana, the cheezecake cafe sounds good! i think its juz next to the yoshinoya tt we went the other time.

aiyoh wed some can fri some can. then lets haf both gatherings to simplify things! hehe..

esther, poor randal, scream like tt sure hurt his throat. i think maybe he juz discovered this ability n becos he is getting a response from u everytime he screams so he continues to do it? if u ignore him n dun fuss over his screams, maybe he will lose interest?
the say cheesecake restaurant not bad. Its next to mcdonalds mccafe. The first time me and bless met, was also there. We can go there again this time. The service is good and they also have lots of baby high chairs.

Fri, 7 Mar 08 or Wed, 5 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC (meet outside Toast Box)

1. nana &amp; ryan (both wed &amp; fri ok)
2. grace &amp; ashlyn (fri ok)
3. irene &amp; jerald (wed ok)
4. esther n randal (wed n fri ok)
5. elaine n dylan
6. jessica n shannon
7. nonoelle n desiree (both wed &amp; fri ok)
8. Felicia n Ian
ya randal screams n the worst thing is : he dun like to drink water. N his scream is really loud, he likes to scream beside my ears when i carry him.. I can feel my eardrums bursting! Next time we go out and u talk to me and u find that i "cao hee lang", u know why laio.
Hi Nana,

I am ok with Wed. Let me know in advance as needs to inform our new mummy, Felicia in advance. Though i don't eat cheesecake, i m ok with the venue. Just drink lor! Dont hv to change it just 4 me.

Fri, 7 Mar 08 or Wed, 5 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC (meet outside Toast Box)

1. nana &amp; ryan (both wed &amp; fri ok)
2. grace &amp; ashlyn (fri ok)
3. irene &amp; jerald (wed ok)
4. esther n randal (wed n fri ok)
5. elaine n dylan
6. jessica n shannon (wed n fri ok)
7. nonoelle n desiree (both wed &amp; fri ok)
8. Felicia n Ian (Fri ok, jessica needs to check with her if Wed ok)

Hi Esther,

Great, see if Felicia can make it Wed to exchange tips on handling 1+ yr kid. Heard we parents needs to control them earlier else they will control us ah! Hate to see if my Shannon scream in the shopping centre like mad and cry and cry! Ma Lu ah! I am now training her to understand "NO". But funny, everytime i say NO, she will look at me n smile. Faint ah
U bad lei know i've yet to rent jumperoo but i can go my frd's hse anything &amp; let jerald play. So i can save $50 liao haha...

Hope u &amp; jovan have fun this Sat &amp; dun forget to post pic here &amp; show us.

Ya suppose to go for jab this Sun but i've brought him there last Sat liao but we need to attend my cousin 1st mth celebration so maybe i can drop by a while like guest appearance keke...

I'll be most than happy if everyone can mk it this Wed. Once i start work next wk i'll be more crazy &amp; busy than b4. Cannot anyhow go on leave also so i better treasure these few days freedom. I may &amp; may not bring my boy as he caught the virus from my nephews, just brought him to see PD earlier. Hope he gets well faster than can see many pretty gals.
thx nonoelle n nana

yep will go check the list for ur no.s!

Friday wld be better for me, but it doesn't matter. Mebbe i can still meet up with u gals if i can when i go back to work if u gals happen to trot down to GWC in future!

Fri, 7 Mar 08 or Wed, 5 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC (meet outside Toast Box)

1. nana &amp; ryan (both wed &amp; fri ok)
2. grace &amp; ashlyn (fri ok)
3. irene &amp; jerald (wed ok)
4. esther n randal (wed n fri ok)
5. elaine n dylan
6. jessica n shannon (wed n fri ok)
7. nonoelle n desiree (both wed &amp; fri ok)
8. Felicia n Ian (Fri ok, jessica needs to check with her if Wed ok)
9. Isabelle (fri ok, wed unlikely)

ooh yes, the cheesecake place is nice. I like their paella.
Service also v good. Last time i went there was looking for a place with electric socket so I cld use laptop and no restaurant had. But the manager of this restaurant invited me in, and made sure I got the electricity i wanted. I so paisei to order just a drink and cake so I got a paella instead and boy, was it yummy!
Morning mummies!

isabelle: U sure dun wan to join us for tomorrow beef noodle??? Yummy u know..kekeke. Take a cab down lah...wait u go back work cannot meet liao.

esther: Ya the food quite big portion horr at that cafe we went the first time we date there!

Irene: Not again! How come tat nephew of urs kept passing virus to jerald? Next time u shld get him to wear a mask! Hahaha! Keep him far lah fr him when he's around or u carry jerald so that he no chance get near.
Isabelle: Have u tried the small italian cafe near to giordano at the basement of takashimaya? It's also quite nice and got set meal, quite worth...comes with 2 small main meals u can pick n choose and a drink.
wah i take cab down and back again very ex leh!!! Got erp charge wor! U and spring eat more on my behalf. Hee... Still got chance. Got June holidays mah.
Issit like opp nature's farm? The italian cafe i never tried before. But now mebbe i will now! The last time i stepped in there was when i was in sec sch! To eat apple pie and vanilla ice cream. Think it wasn't even this cafe then!

Btw mummies, i confirm wed i can't so u all go ahead if wed is a better day!

Fri, 7 Mar 08 or Wed, 5 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC (meet outside Toast Box)

1. nana &amp; ryan (both wed &amp; fri ok)
2. grace &amp; ashlyn (fri ok)
3. irene &amp; jerald (wed ok)
4. esther n randal (wed n fri ok)
5. elaine n dylan
6. jessica n shannon (wed n fri ok)
7. nonoelle n desiree (both wed &amp; fri ok)
8. Felicia n Ian (Fri ok, jessica needs to check with her if Wed ok)
9. Isabelle (fri ok)
hello hello good morning!

irene - you gonna make guest appearance? ok, we will all clap and shout when we see you
than you gotta do the signature 'ms singapore' wave yes...hahaha

nana - oh, i cant make it wed. need to zo gang le. you gals go ahead and enjoy!

esther - of cos i know you! you are the 'inventor' of this thread! how can anyone not know you.... ricco has been screaming since 2 mths back. I totally understand when you say our ear drums will crack when they scream straight right into our ears! high pitch and loud... i will lightly slap him if he does that.. but he still do.
mrng all mummies

how is everyone? sorry for MIA, hv been quite busy for the past week as my 2 kids are down with flu &amp; cough. now is my turn lao... shld be the virus passed from them.... sigh....

nonoelle, u looking for me???? I hv been reading the thread but no time to do posting. for quick response, u sms me ok? nice photos of all the cute babies... desiree has grown quite alot since i last saw her

wah... so many gathering for all the SAHM, I also want to join u gals leh... but this week I can't make it
Will try to join u mummies next round if there is another one since I also need to clear some leaves...

bless, u must be a food lover. U seemed to know a lot of good food ard S'pore

esther, randal behaviour is normal. not to be too worry, my son hv the same problem when he is ard that age. they r just trying to catch yr attention. as what nonoelle has mentioned, just ignored them and don't make a big fuss about it, soon they will stop sceaming 'cos they know they can't get anything from it. this is just a phase which will pass very soon. so in the meantime, just endure lor...

irene, poor jerald sick again.. hope he will get well soon.....

mist, really so difficult to find a job huh???? i'm also thinking to change my job. actually want to rest for a while first then look for job again but after hearing what u said, i also scared don't know if i quit now, can get a job later or not?? now in a dilemma....
hi hi

there's another gathering again?
hee... would like to go n let my baby gal make some frens. but abit shy, since everyone seem to know one another so well..
hi hi, hey, wed i cant cus have to tutor, but ya guys go ahead la, if fri got another meeting, i will join --or maybe change venue to vivo city, then can try the gymboree. lol.

hey esther and nana, have your babies tried egg white already? when did you let them try, must try before the MMR jab rite? is it better to delay the mmr jab, cus it is linked to autism. pai seh, so many questions... hehe.
hey crybaby
join us, cos we all also got to know each other quite recently.Join us for 1 outing, n u will know us all very well laio.. haha!
hey crybaby
join us, cos we all also got to know each other quite recently.Join us for 1 outing, n u will know us all very well laio.. haha!
i have not met any mummy yet!

uhmm... can dun go vivo, cos i somehow i assoc it with puke liao. Cos i wasn't feeling well when i went there for lunch and puked 3 times in my 2 hrs there... Now i hear vivo all the pukey olfactory images and nausea coming back... Paisei...
Hi Nana,

Felicia is ok for both dates.

Fri, 7 Mar 08 or Wed, 5 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC (meet outside Toast Box)

1. nana &amp; ryan (both wed &amp; fri ok)
2. grace &amp; ashlyn (fri ok)
3. irene &amp; jerald (wed ok)
4. esther n randal (wed n fri ok)
5. elaine n dylan
6. jessica n shannon (wed n fri ok)
7. nonoelle n desiree (both wed &amp; fri ok)
8. felicia n Ian (wed n fri ok)
9. Isabelle (fri ok)

Let us know when as tomorrow is Wed already!
mist and mummy2 - OH we are all rocking on the same boat! i feel like vacating current position too! but till now, dun have the courage to do it.. afraid cant secure another job if I do. what shall we do? i sent out a couple of resumes and response is lukewarm. I too thought the job market is good? sigh...
clarrisa, really huh
i think i really need a break to re-charge myself again, hv been feeling so tired (physically and mentally) recently. now i even more half hearted lao since u and mist said the same thing
Maybe is due to age and especially married with young kids. Employer c u hv so young kids, they will not want to consider u 'cos scare u will need to take alot of urgent leaves to attend to yr kids lor... very sad hor.... once married with kids, like no mkt value lao...

count mi in for e gathering.
I can onli go on fri. cos wed bringing my gal for her 2nd dose of 6-in-1 jab.

m now practising to use e BBjorn when i go to my MIL place for dinner. shld b able to use by then without hubby's help
I'm sad to say tat my nephews were sick whenever thy cm my parents almost after every weekends. I was complaining to nonoelle last night as i was quite pissed off with my bro &amp; sil cos thy r simply too nua liao. Dun bother to bing their kids to see doc &amp; its my dad who do it everytime. Wat can i do? I scared if later i bring it up sure quarrel &amp; i dun wan to soil our relationship also. I dun wan my mum to be in a difficult position &amp; add stress to her. Imagine she carry jerald away whenever my nephews came back from their playgroup but where can she hide since thy stay in a 3 room flat. I did consider putting jerald in infant care but my mum bu fang xin &amp; say "touch wood" if the kids there not well we parents need to bring them back immediately also. There r pros &amp; cons lor me can only suffer in silence rather than picking a fight

I try my best to be there &amp; dun include me for the food hor thanks. Dun forget to WELCOME me if i really cm haha...

It must be hard on u... take care &amp; drink lots of water. U know i was blaming myself as i thot my boy immune system won't be tat bad since he's still on BM but PD say thy r still very young so can't fight the virus themselves unless we separate the kids. If not go out shopping a lot of ppl not well thru airbrone sure will kena also. I hope jerald get well soon as the way he cough i see liao very heartache
irene, understand how u feel. u want to protect yr kid but can't do it so openly as u must think for yr parent too. hope this will make jerald more strong after fighting all the virus lor.. Ya, pls don't blame yrself 'cos doesn't mean that u give BM, they will not get sick ok?? many pple got this wrong perception leh.... u too take gd care of jerald and yrself...
ur jerald is coughing again? Thot he just recovered after CNY! Poor thing...
yep yep mummy2 is right. Give BM doesn't mean won't fall sick. Dun blame urself. Take it that jearld is building up immunity lor... what to do...
irene: *hugz*hugz*...hopefully he will become immune to the virus soon. So ur parents also taking care of ur nephew as well? Difficult hor like this, how to don't get near. Ur mum is right, placing jerald in infant care will also be exposing him to the gems if any babies get sick there.
A lot of ppl dun understand especially older generation like my MIL. I dun bother to explain to her so much lucky i dun stay with her if not me sure faint lor.

Ya lor he caught it from my nephews not long ago &amp; now got it again. Consider very heng liao cos thy seems to be not well almost every week see liao i also feel sad for them. My bro in a driving instructor so always busy &amp; my sil an accountant very young some more so very bo chap kind lor. My hubby also say he'll fight the virus &amp; overcome it better when he grows older.

Ya lor my parents take care of my 2 nephews plus my boy total 3 lor. I can see very siong for them but good is my nephews goes half a day playgroup then return home about 1pm. So 1st half day is my boy free time, once those 2 monsters return will be as noisy as market liao can really tear down the whole house.
irene, ya lor, i still remembered last time when dylan first got sick, i was really sad, then a nurse said, each time they get sick, they get stronger as they build up their immune system
also. dun give up on BM!!

isabelle, oh no----poor you. okok. vivo is out
actually irene, your SIL how young, why so bo chap, i hear already slightly irritated, cause i always believe one should take responsibility for ones kids.maybe can lightly hint to your bro/ SIL to be mroe careful? or subtly suggest to them take vitamins? win win both sides.
bless - but how not to talk to him le? I am practically blabbering whole day non stop with Ricco.. hahaha..maybe if i say dun talk to him, he lagi happy? can ownself concentrate on play. no need to do this and that for me..hahhaha... i keep asking ricco to do this and that, ask him to take his shoe shoe, take his book etc ect..

irene - infant care alot more kids. higher of chances of getting sick from other kids. Thus, i do not think its a good alternative.

mummy2 - i felt exactly the same! tired physically and mentally! i too feel like taking a short break - 3mths seems short enough..hahaha...go for a nice holiday without kiddo, come back than look for smth. thought of freelancing before too. but all my 'kang taos' so far needs alot of work to be done! thus... really dunno what to do! i term this whole episode as 'MID LIFE CRISIS'

oh i just went URS sale lunch time. VERY cheap! i bought 3 pairs of heels just cost me about 90! can go buy buy buy!
clarrisa: I went shopping too! I went bugis, bought 2 tops cost $32! Every shops is on sale so buy buy buy!Hahaha!

Irene: Cod liver oil is good,can build immunity, those we took when we were young, ask ur sil to give them eat. My hse got the original and orange flavor! The orange flavor is nice my son loves it. So we alternate the flavor to give him.

Mummies who give Gain IQ to their children, carrefour is having promotion 1.8kg is $48.50.
bless - wow...jiaklat le you... at this rate you are gg on, will need to slog next lifttime also wor! you were at bugis? i went citylink...

I am giving my son nordic cod liver oil DHA. It looks good. the scotts emulsion dun have DHA unless you buy the DHA version. But DHA version have lil calcium. so its one or the other. By the way, my PD's advise is if wanna take scott emulsion, take the flavored one. cos calcium content is higher. bless you may want to note.
NoNoelle / Clarissa
Me here me here liaoz…but only a short while….coz my projects pouring in liaoz…busy busy busy…sianzzzzz

Dunnoe by then our babies grow up…they still got this thing call ‘disco’ or not…LOLZZZ!!!

For the gathering at your place this Sunday…it’ll be TWO adults and one baby…but hor…I can only reach around 1pm plus….will the pizza still be available and nice?? :p

Yup I agree that Elaine looks young &amp; hot….but me got tummy tummy…..and round face…plus me short….so probably you look much better than me…..Wahahha!!!

Alamak…why the mummies so bad all go GWC gathering tomorrow …only left 2 of us for the beef noodles….sobzzzz………

Actually I got reserve a slot for the $100 promotion with Benjamin of Foto-U…but that time during my schedule appointment…my boy not coorperative….never take his nap until when it’s time to go for the photoshoot…so no choice gotta postpone..but now I so busy…dun think got time to go liao…probably will forgo.

Hey, mind if I ask you…I saw some shots of you on Facebook…but you look quite different then…more simple &amp; student like… that was taken several years ago???
wah bless and clarissa
shop shop shop shop! Woah...
Think I am really entering the preggie phase. I have absolutely no urge to shop anymore... Even though I need to buy flat shoes for returning to wk, I can't bring myself to go out and shop... Now at home when i visualise myself shopping, I think nausea... Really strange...

But mebbe things will be diff if I'm physically at the mall! hee...
My sil is 28 yrs old. She gave birth to my nephew at the age of 23 so young bo??? My mum say she very nua &amp; imagine she dun do housework just only know how to watch tv &amp; kiss her kids. My bro do everything including washing of clothings. She's very hao ming lor.

Ya i know cos my frds told me her gal sick quite frequently cos too many kids there liao &amp; virus just passed around. No choice i just need to REN for now.

My mum is the one who bought cod liver cod for her kids lor. Everytime see doc also paid by my dad. Something even need to buy FM &amp; diaper for them. Dun even remb to pay my dad, need my mum to hint then pay. I dun wan to talk abt them liao if not i get more pissed off &amp; heart beat faster haha...
irene: Ur sil is really bu zhi dong!

Springdance: Of cos!! I wanna go to china square central see the push cart stall selling polo tees.
hello: all pretty mummies...

what have i missed?

read that some mummies meeting up tmr or fri... good hor, being a sahm can meet anytime... well, enjoy yourselves...

clarissa, how to go to your place from henderson road? hubby may be playing soccer in the morning, if so, i may have to take public transport.

bless, you super leh, got time to go bugis and shop during lunch, can make it back in time meh? i sometimes go raffles city already like very siong and rush like mad within that 1 hour...

mummy2, hope you're feeling better...

irene, hope jerald gets well soon. i understand how you feel, very heart pain seeing him suffer... hang in there...

isabelle, perhaps you want to try to go out for short while? maybe you'll feel better?
lazymum: Do u have bus 32 at ur hse? U can take to clarrisa hse. See the Esso station then press bell to alight. then walk towards the Esso station and her hse is just behind!
thanks bless for the directions. i must go and check the bus stop first. if don't have 32, any other bus? my house there have 132, 145, 851, 16. oh oh, now i remembered liao, confirm don't have 32.

jessica, ya, me the one who stay at gillma, hehe thanks for the tip bus 195, but i think i will wait till dylan older than take bus, now take taxi already wriggle here and there till i wanna die liao, take bus, confirm pass out one
!!! hehe

springdance, facebook photos ah? i think the ones in japan was when i was in NUS---that time went to tokyo many times, sigh.. the rest all mother liao.
dun forgo the photo taking la, try aim for another time when your boy good mood.
worth it one.

irene....wah. 23 IS INDEED VERY YOUNG LEI....but then now she 28 lei.... hiyo. but then luckily your bro very understanding ya. and she is sooo lucky
!!!! my hubby ah, i think wun know how to wash his clothes lor. lol

clarrisa, i also started giving dylan nordic fish oil yest. strawberry flavour.
