Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

mink bless
ya we meet at the sake sushi at 11am this sun

the velcro with double sided tape, i bought it at popular. i think 3M also has, but shd be more exp. Are u also thinking of doing the scrap book for ur princess?

wine session on 9 may rite.. my hubb nite shift.
so i be home alone one... u all go ahead first.

ya lor, roti prata, flip here and there.. buah see tiam.

ya, i scared she sick now..so scary one.

haahaa, u better check yr email lah. spoil one.
clarrissa, esther,
thanks, from my boss's pt of view, i do understand her needs etc..... i can't stand the way she anyhow shoot qns etc, and kept changing her mind on decision and how she wants things to be done........ wah liao, i've many many many things to do leh, she keeps doing this, i am like a headless fly, dun know where i'm going and doing....
my boss continues to be like that, i only ended her satisying her but cannot meet all my project deadlines and KPI

i m the lazy sort .. wont be able to follow thru de . so better dont even start =P. Mayb nxt tm when she's older , then i buy the materials for her, n she cn do her own ! whahahaha
oh yes, mink , and mist can you both make it for dylan's birthday on 31st may at 2 pm at vivo gymboree? if yes, can email me your mailing address?hope to see you both, have not met before

golly, can email me your addy?? will send invite once i am back from hk on tues.thanks for puttin aside that day

nana, yes, you send me your addy liao, i just wrote all the cards today, waiting for the rest of address so can send all at once. hmm wat to get for him ah? i dunno lei, but he already has alot of toys.and he is the bo si diam kind, you saw how hyper he was rite at esther's house.up to you la! a pressie is a pressie and it is always nice not matter wat!

mink, hehe have fun at the website!!!add me once you set up your account!

esther, thanks!!!we going for holiday, for fun one, just now pack like siao....hahha.some more w the restriction of liquids...so troublesome..
yes there is the restriction of liquid but there are exceptions for baby food. check out the airport's website for more info. When i was carrying randal and we pass thru the checkpoints, they didnt even check my bag, just let me pass! very different from when me and my hubby were travelling alone; they rummaged thru our bags. happpy holidaying!
yo everybody!!

irene, thanks for yr sms. im having lessons on the 9th til 6 pm. n next day got turnaround to bali. hb oso not in sin so maybe will haf to forgo this happening wine session!! sob sob..

however, my new maid should be coming this sat or sun n if she turns out to be not as sotong as i think, then maybe i can join u guys for an hr or two cos i haven been out for more than a month!!

feel so caged n im just happy my training is coming to an end n help is coming. recently im having a serious ugly gigantic break-out due to the lack of sleep n stress from training so i feel so ugly!! y muz old mummy like me still have pimples after giving birth??!! aarrrgghhhh!

will msg or update ur about my maid n confirm if i can make it on the 9th w u guys next week. ciao!
Good morning mummies,
Finally it's TGIF today yeah!!!

Sorry for the late reply. I think i shld be able to make it but can i 100% cfm with u again on 8/5 as my colleague is on hospitalised leave till then & she did mention wan to change with me her duty so i need to double cfm with her again.

Enjoy ur HK trip & show us pics when u r back take care..

I miss u lei long time no see but of course i miss my so called "DIL" desiree more haha... Try to mk it on 9/5 no matter 1 or 2hrs better than nothing mah. Hey i'm older than u ok & i still hv pimples whenever i'm stress, lack of sleep or even auntie visit so it's normal.
Morning everyone!

Irene: U looks exceptionally happy on friday!! Me too!! So excited, counting down to my trip! Today my office got buffet at 5'tish! Yum yum!

Nonoelle: Glad that ur helper is coming sooooooon! Hope u can make it to join us on the 9 May. Wow go bali can do massage! Aiyo u where got old, i'm older ok! I also have pimples due to lack of sleep and tiredness and even when auntie coming time. This prove that u r still young! U shld be glad! =)) How is desiree coping? She should be flipping around now right?

clarrisa: Looks like 9 May is a big day for me lor! So touch!!! Then i must go korea find a nice gown to wear :p
U r right. I'm super happy whenever it's TGIF & super sad when it's Mon - Thurs haha... So I always look forward to fri & PH too
No choice lor cos i only get to bond & bring jerald gai gai during weekends as weekdays we reach home quite late & he sleep once we reach home.
Err….correction…should be 2K…splitted the costs 50-50 with my hubby. I told him it’ll be ONCE only …2nd year onwards promised him that I won’t do such elaborated parties. :p

I know it’s a bad habit but my boy can sleep like 11.30pm or 12am nowadays! Good thing is I have my MIL to help us. So that’s why prefer to have the session right after work so that I no need to go back home…once I home, very hard to come out liao…and my hubby will sure be tremendously unhappy if I come out at this timing… me Cinderella lar…cannot past 10pm reach hm. :p

Errmmm…can our family still join Dylan’s party at Gogobam? :p

By the way, me also going HK..in June…looking forward to the Summer sales! Kekek….which hotel you putting up in HK?
31 May is my working sat... so cannot attend liao...

all mummies,
Finally, it's friday!!! i can sleep in tomorrow liao, cos not my working sat!! hahahaha.... ;p

re: 9th May
seems like a big event for us hor??? ;p if my hubby dun need to work, then i will go too... ;p
SpringDance, my mouth already open "BIG" "BIG" lao when u say $1K. Now my jaw is going to drop when I saw $2K..... Is definitely a
for my hubby. To him got a bday cake and red eggs during their bday is already consider very gd lor.... last time we where got such thing as bday party during such a young age.

But I think is a gd memory for them lor with all the pix taken. Next time when he is big, can show him the photos and let him know how lucky he is to hv u as his parent and u hv really doted on him......
yah, wanna ask you mummmies huh, how does your baby sleep huh?? they roll roll on their bed and fall asleep themselves??

aiyo, my boy hor relies so much on bouncer leh..... when i put him on his bed when he falls asleep, he will wake up every few hours, looking for his bouncer!!! how you all train to sleep on bed huh?? can share?
Springdance: WOWOWOWOWOW! 2K!!! I will not spend such kind of money for my boy bday. But ur son is real fortunate! Different ppl spend money on different kind of things! As long as u r happy!

mist: My MIL cradle and pat him to sleep since he's a baby! Up to now she also cradle n pat! But now sometimes he will tell my inlaw her hand tired carry him so he requested to her put him down on his bed and pat his backside instead. But most of the time my mil cradle awhile n he sleepy already then put him on his bed n pat backside. Imagine 11+kg still cradle very tiring man! I definately got no strength man! It's really a challenging task for them to sleep on their own!
Maybe u can start to let him sleep by patting his backside instead of bouncer? Btw, bouncer u mean 'yao lan' or rocking chair?
bless u,
bouncer is those put on the floor kind, and rock using your hand one.... something like rock chair lah....

wow, cradle!! aiyo, i will die like that man!!! last night, my hubby got piss off, and just leave my boy in his bouncer and he slept through the night!! else, last time he will wake up to look for his bouncer... sigh.... dun know if i shd let him cry until he's tired, and refused to rock him.
wahhhh, 2K! i remember for my son's bday prob only $600 all in. And then many of them gave my son angpows, so all covered! Urs is the venue expensive? Did u hire any professional entertainment ? Hey ur photos ready? let us see see!

dylan's bday
seems like quite a lot of mummies can make it.. Cool, then it wil be like another gathering for us! yeah! hehehe

Hey when it comes to Randal's bday (if im having a party) u all must come also ah, kekeke.. Im thinking of renting those giant inflatable castles to let the kids play! What do u girls think of the idea?

TGIF, i love fridays, cos it means weekend my hubby can spend time with us!
Mummy2 / Bless
Well there’s only one 1st birthday in my sonny’s life…so I thot, heck care lar! Just pamper him & myself this one time! Any I’m normally quite lazy…never do blog, never do scrapbook…so this party album is the only thing which this lazy mummy can show her boy in future. :p

Never hire entertainment company lar…just eat & chat program basically….but I did bought some balloons & party banners to decorate the place.

I just got the photos from the photographer last evening! But hor….I having difficulty on how to re-size & post lei! Unless you ladies wanna come my house see the physical album…otherwise, think this may take quite some time…signzz……
HK summer sales is sometime from end May till July.

My boy can't sleep on his own...we need to carry him and put his head on our shoulder...then pat him to sleep...but he sleep on his own bed after he's asleep. :p
i heard this period the weather in HK is quite bad, thats why they have this sales to attract customers there, is that true ?
last time, i transfer my boy from bouncer to cot, and he's okay... i dun know since when he develop this habit of "craving" for bouncer half way in his sleep...
mist: u should cut off his habit! Just scold him a few times and he will get it! They r smart!

My boy middle of the night also will wake up, sometimes he scare we scold so he only crawl up our bed and sit..see we got any response anot, or he will climb over me and sit in between me n my hubby see any1 woke up anot. I pretended to sleep and my hubby is obviously knock out! Then jovan climb down to his own bed and sleep when he knows we r not waking up! Hahaha!
hey, the weather during this period is really bad... too hot!! i went the year before, aiyo my skin was burnt!!!
bless u,
hahaha... your jovan so cute!! my ah boy not so sweet temper leh.... we try this before, if he wakes up in his cot, we pretend to sleep. But he will make noise to test out, then if we ignore... he cry until the wall can be tear down... sigh!! damn angry with him.
mist: How old is he now? He's trying to test u all see who can give up first..:p U all got to endure n ignore. Or esle Mayb wait till he's older can understand instruction lor..no choice.
Well, must admit the weather in HK in June is terribly hot hot! Been there during same timing some years ago. But reason for the Sale is mainly change of season lar...come August/Sept will the Autumn series of clothes...so the retailers need to get rid of the Summer wears in June/July.
wow, nice pix... hahaha... i didn do major 1 yr birthday for my boy... did the full mth celebration, and that time is really enough to kill me liao...

bless u,
my boy is 13 mths....
wah...the photos very nice...show more leh..
ur boy so handsome!! hehe..
2k!! *faint* now i know who is the rich mummy liao... hiak hiak..

ok no prob... i think i might know what to get liao... hehehe...
u gals meeting this sun at 11am?? can i join?? but i wld come alone ... wld u be bringing randal? cos sakae sushi i dun think got baby high chair leh...so u let him sit on the bench?? think he wld guai guai sit there one hor...cos he very guai...if is my boy, sure struggle then fall off...haha..
this sun gathering only u, bless & mink har??
hmmm...after the gathering, i might go cut my hair... find it very thick liao...cannot tahan..so hot & takes long time to dry..

i nvr see u before yet... *excited*
re ur qn... for my case, my boy slept on his own in his cot in his own room... he wld fall asleep by himself...he has been trained lar...hahaha..
like what bless said, kids are very smart one...they wld cry cry to test reaction...if u bo chap..they wld know is useless and just go to sleep...
enjoy ur trip to HK.... shopping!! woo hoo...
post photos here when back har...
ok..think i know what to get for dylan... hehehe..

talking abt holidays, hubby was thinking to go bali...but not confirmed yet.. think wld bring our boy along...haha..

Mink: Nice meeting u today. Ur gal so guai sitting quietly hee! Post the pics for us see ok.

Wah thread is damn quiet these 2 days. All mummies go kai kai?

nana: Y u didn't join us today?
enjoy ur holidays! take lotsa pics and post for us too see ok. weekends usually very quiet, cos all busy with family ma.
Hey i love the design of the cake it really look so nice & i'm a fan of pooh. My hb always say "phew the bear" & everyone know i'm pooh siao keke... May i know how much did u pay for it? Where did u order it from? I believe it's very ex since u spent so much on everything. Ur boy must be very happy tat u & ur hb made his bday such a wonderful one.

Enjoy ur holidays & remb to shop & buy more. Do enjoy ur "2nd honeymoon" & work hard for 2nd one hor who knows "it'll be made in korea"
Good morning mummies,
It's Monday again... But this week is slightly shorter as it's PH this thurs & i'll be on leave on fri to bring my boy for photo shoot. Yipee looking forward to it & crossing my fingers hope my boy is cooperative during the process & dun show pattern

Today's ur 1st day returning to work hor, hope everything goes smoothly for u.
Irene: Thanks!!! Heee i also love pooh, my boy first bday theme also pooh bear haaa! If u wanna have pooh theme for jerald, i got leftover pooh bear cups and table mat (all new) fr birthday direct. FOC for my future son in law! Heehee U can also find pooh stuff at toyrus. I miss hugging jerald, how is he???

esther: Sure i will take lotcha pics, but will not post here lah, haha..i will bring out album for u all see when we gather.
The full month celebration was a simple one with buffet catering at my house and some cakes to give away….so I tot of do something different for the 1st birthday. Anyway, this is definitely the first & last mega birthday celebration for my boy! Burn big hold in pocket liaoz…. maybe until he is 21st year old and still interested to have such party, then I’ll sponsor the party for him again but he can do the planning himself. Hehehe…..

Me not rich mummy lar….just pamper MYSELF and my boy for this once!!! Like wat I mentioned to Mist, this is probably the last time.

The cake is from Cheryl Shuen….to be frank with you, the cake looks great but hor, it’s way too sweet! Dun think any guest like to eat it….It’s my first time ordering from her and guess I won’t be ordering again coz it’s expensive (but not nice to eat). Cost me $220! According to Cheryl, it’s supposedly to be customised and you won’t find another same one made by her wor…she also did the sourcing for the figurines so I dun need to do anything.

By the way, I got the Winnie the pooh hugging the number one candle...unused and unopened...also 2 winnie the pooh foil balloons and happy birthday banner (used once)...you interested? I can give U all at a low price (cheaper than birthdaydirect).

Bless/ Nana
I uploaded the birthday pictures on Piccasa album….later when free will email you the link for viewing.
U still around? Wat time is ur flight? I also thot of ordering from birthday direct but hb say most likely will keep it to a private affair instead as he think jerald may be too young not know wat's happening also. So nice of u i'll get jerald to give u a hug when we meet up another day. He's fine but super active boy his energy also seems full.

I suppose all nicely decorated cake r sweet hor but it really looks very nice lor. Wow.. $220 is ex man i dun think i'll spend so much on it. I dun mind getting pooh stuffs from u. How much r u selling? U can PM me or sms me?
Springdance: Ok will go view soon thanks!

Irene: My flight is 2230hr but need to be at airport at 2030. I'm working now, but on half day!
hello hello good morning good looking ppl
its monday and this is a short week!

I shifted house last weekend.. so tiring! my old bones are ready to break anytime!
my new plc is alot smaller - just 2 rooms and the pool is not as huge though its an infinity pool.. bobian, make do..

spring - wow nice 'wedding' cake! wahahaha... it looks so elaborated seems like a wedding cake!
cheryl is damn ex but i do think her designs are all very nice. this is a real ex. birthday lor. You say pamper yourself? I think its more like pampering your boy

bless - sooooooo envy! remember buy alot alot of faceshop pdts and yes, show us all pics when you are back.

irene - oh you planning for jerald's BD soon yes. Its actually fun planning. Memorable too.. Ricco's 1st mth, theres no celebration. Just dinner and cut cake at home and distribute cakes. Thus, his BD there is a party. I guess consecutively will just do small parties for him, invite some of his lil friends and cousins over to play
I think will be just as nice.

by the way, i secured a new job! quick congratulate me! whahahahaha... i am looking forward...

Springdance: Nice pics and cake is lovely but as u mention very sweet then did ur cake go to waste or they manage to finish up? Is the agar agar nice? U order fr Mrs Chan right?
