Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies


What do they do with Busy Buddies? My son can hardly sit on a chair for few seconds so I din think of trying that class. He seems to like more active stuffs. What's yr comments?

<font color="aa00aa">Hi wang,

JHS is "Jiu Hua Shan" if not wrong, it is at River Valley Rd, they have Child Care &amp; Montesorri Kindy... Kief is so adorable, big boy already

Hi SpringDance,

I have heard quite a lot of feedback abt TW, my neighbour is placing her boy there since last year &amp; she said that it is good... The building have been more 70 yrs if not wrong &amp; the kindy is more than 40 yrs in history... They are doing some major renovation work, that's why only morning session is available for this year... I find that it is better than St James as now too commercialised now, every single thing is $$$...
Hi Hapy Meldius,

Prisley taking sch bus to learning seeds too. Today is the first day in sch. She enjoyed it very much. She's in N1 class. Have you been to the sch? What you think abt it? I find it too many teachers from china. After she came back from sch, she behaves differently. Very grumpy, naughty and look so tired. Her pampas is so heavy and she is sticky. I wonder did she have any thing during lunch…
I feeling miserable and ofcos heart pain. Dun neo what to do. Thought of switching her, but have no idea where can I get a better sch.

Went to zion babies today. Me and my husband like it a lot but no more vacancy. Damn sad… Went to Cheris heart too, big an nice place. Can consider...

Is JHS ex? Where is TW? Any feedback on kindy Montessori?
your boy at sparkletots, my boy too!!! but recently he's always down w flu.... and i stay at telok blangah heights too. sometimes bump into irene too...hahaha
Hello Mummies!

Just managed to put Avel to sleep. While in bed with him earlier, he kept saying,"yi(1), er(2), san(3),pao pao pao" It took me quite awhile to figure out what he's trying to say! "One, two, three, and making the sound of the explosion of the fire cracker!"hahha...He took back a "fire cracker" made from ang pow earlier and was so happy about it! Guess school for Avel is great!

He waved me and my hubby goodbye after we left him with the teacher. Apparently ,he can still remember the teacher since our last visit in Dec as he was so happy and wanted the teacher, Ms Nichole (He address her as Ms Nibo!) to bring him in to play. I didnt get to go in as the teachers are at the gate waiting for the students. The hours are indeed long. It is a 4 hour session with a tea break in between. However, Avel started to get tired and cried a little at 4.15pm! But stopped when another teacher brought him down. It is a 2 storey building and he is at the 2nd storey. When we reached at around 4.45pm, he was playing with the blocks happily. He even waved goodbye to his friends when he saw them coming down and gave the teachers a big hug and kiss before he left for home. His dad wanted to carry his bag for him but he said:" No, no, this Avel's school bag bag, Avel carry." When we asked him if he wants to come tomorrow, he said:"Yippy Yippy Yes!" hahahha.... Reward him with some Tic Tac and Bob the builder pin to put on his Crocs shoes and he's just so happy though he looked abit sleepy.

The fees for the afternoon session is cheaper than the morning. If i didnt remember wrongly i paid $1300+ for the term. And $1500+ for morning session. There are 2 sessions in the morning while 1 in the noon. In the morning,tHe K1 and K2 will be at the 2nd storey while N1 and N2 at the first storey. In the noon, all classes will be at the second level.

As for True Way, i did heard alot positive feedbacks on the school too. Except for the environment, i guess in terms of education, they do deserve a thumb-up since there are so many +ve feedbacks from parents.

Hi Melodius,
JSH is indeed at River Valley. They have a childcare and also a kindergarten. Both are seperated. However, i dont think the childcare is based on Montessori approach because i remembered Ms Nichole (the principal) telling me that parents who believe in Montessori approach teaching can send their child to the kindergarten then when school ends, they will bring the child over to the childcare.

Im staying at blk 96. Just opposite. Guess we can meet up someday! Cheers.

Well, gota go do some chores before turning in! Good night to all dear mummies!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Icey,

Today is the 4th day for my boy, so far so good, I find that the standard of the sch quite high &amp; the China teacher only teaches Chinese... I have been to the sch a few times &amp; quite like the environment as spacious &amp; clean... Heard a lot of negative feedback abt Superland, overcrowded is one thing &amp; most of the teachers are not montessori trained and standard not so good
TW is just next to Queenstown MRT, it is a church kindy &amp; standard quite good but environment a bit old, now they are doing renovation... My Twins will be there in Term 3, joining their Pre-Nursery...

Hi Amy,

Thanks for sharing, think that it is a good sch but a bit ex... Oh you are at Bk 96, can meet up one of this day hoh...</font>
Mrs Wang
Busy Buddies is something like playgroup...there's free play with the toys, circle time, sing songs &amp; music, alphabet learning, puppet play, art &amp; craft, snack time, outdoor play (at the man-made grass playground just outside the classroom)..they vary the activities within the 1.5hours during each class. My boy basically not a sing song type of kiddo...so in fact he doesn't sit down and roams around alot...but we are fine as long as he enjoys himself..he loves the puppet play portion. And I also found that he is not extrememly shy as previously (though still shy) after he joined the class.

Can understand your mixed feelings...I also have the same concerns on how my boy will be treated in CC...especially meals time coz he's a very difficult child when comes to eating...takes alot of patience and with a ratio of one teacher to 8 kids (for most CC), I dun think the teacher has time to concentrate on my boy.

Why dun you voice your concern about the heavy diaper as well as the issue about your little gal being very grumpy after school to the teacher and see what they say first? Maybe your child need some time to settle down? If you dun see any improvement say like after one month, then you can consider to switch school..

Hapi Melodius
Thanks for providing more details about TW...appreciate it.

By the way, how about your older boy... he attended which kindy previously?

Amy Loh
Wow...your Avel did excellent for 1st day of school! So envy!!! You must have prepared him very well. Can share your "strategy" on what you did?
hey really!!! u stayed which block? do u mean the senior corner at blk 53? Cuz I know there got one.. My son and my MIL used to go there haha haha...

Hey your son in which class?? Mine is in N1B. My son just recover from HFM.. but today nv go sch again cuz of fever...

Hey I heard gd reviews of Zoophonics, but its kind of far..

how much you paid for the class in zoophonics??

do you all know Harbourfront also got one enrichment school for learning? Its at the last level beside gymboree (don know spell wrongly ma)... I thought of trying it cuz I rather send my son to some learning courses then jumping ard hah ahaha...
oh ya just found out At harbour front, its the I Can Read center... is it gd?? I heard reviews of the outlet at pacific plaza..
<font color="aa00aa">Hi SpringDance,

My boy is in K2 this year, in CC @ Learning Seeds, same as Icey gal... Previously from Moral CC but they will be shifting to another location so no choice but to source for new CC for him...

Hi Priscilla,

Per mth is $120/-, if you have POSB Credit card, you will get 10% disc, discounted in the form of daily$...</font>
really?? but its far sia...
I now looking at I Can Read at harbour front... quite interested in them...
any one send their kids there????
<font color="aa00aa">The nearest Zoo Phonics is @ Bt Timah... Not too sure abt I can Read (HF Branch), my friend sent her boy to Republic Plaza Branch &amp; it is good...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Priscilla,

Their Weekend rate is more ex, weekday per/Term is abt $400+ if not wrong... Maybe you can try the Branch at HF?</font>
Thank you. I will try it out, hopefully she will improve in the next few days.

Hapi Melodius
Thanks for your information. Will keep a look out if I pass by that area.

This is the price the (I can read) sch gave me.

Our fees are as follows:
Registration Fee - $45 (one-time, non-refundable)
Deposit - $110 (refundable upon 1 month's notice of withdrawal)
Course Fee - $435 per term for weekday class, $496 for weekend class.

*1 term = 3 months
*Lesson Duration: Once a week, every lesson lasts 1.5 hours.
* Maximum no. of students per class is 8.

You have such a clever and sweet boy.
Hi Hapi
Prisley looks better today. My husband picked her up ard 3pm. Everyone was playing and running ard in the room. Will observe a few more days before i decide to switch her. Very glad that now she is able to take the sch bus alone. Was so worried this morning, afraid she might cry when we leave, but she didnt. Infact she said bye bye to us when the bus drove off.

Not so sure whice centre is that as i was enquiring via mail. Looks like it's for all. They mentioned best that you can bring the kid down to the place and they will do a simple test on your child. See whether the kid are able to read. Think i will go down this weekend to find out more.

Where is republic plaza? Priscilla, you may wanna chk that out as well. If we happen to sign up toghether, we all can chit chat while waiting for our kids
Hi Icey

Just saw their website. Their programme starts from 2.5 yrs old. Do keep me update abt your visit at the centre.
Good morning mummies.

I'm staying at blk 87 &amp; there are few mummies around our area. I think your blk is at the other side but still nearby. Next time we can meet up &amp; chit chat with the rest.
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning to all Mummies

Hi wang,

Yup, I Can Read have a branch in HarbourFront, 3rd floor

Hi i_bless_u,

A lot of negative feedback abt that sch

Hi Icey,

Glad that Prisley is doing fine, btw where are u staying? Children need time to adapt to new environment, frankly speaking I find that the standard of the centre is there &amp; the teachers are nice &amp; helpful...</font>
Hi morning to all....
Ytd I went to I can read at HF, its seems so empty leh... maybe cuz they just opened there??

My son now down with flu and cough plus vomiting...
for almost 1 month haiz...

hehe ya I am near to the road towards Safra...
Ya maybe one day we can meet up...

hehe hehe i don know where is republic plaza sia.
Maybe will check it out later..

All mummies, pls feel free to visit my blog -
Thanks for the fee breakdown...
WOW, its seems ex sia but lucky its for 3 months... :p but do they allow one time payment or monthly installment?

You know my hubby told me actually the school will teach phonics and reading already... he feel its a waste of money but then I just want my boy to learn more...
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Priscilla,

Hope that yr boy is feeling better now... I Can Read have a branch at Pacific Plaza (orchard), are you referring to that branch?</font>
Hi everyone, Hope you guys have a great day. Unfortunately I have a scariest day in my life...

The school teachers didn't sent my gal to the first sch bus today. My Mum in law was almost shocked to dead when she was not able to find my gal in the bus. The best thing is the bus driver knows nothing. She called my husband str away and we both were really really panic, though she was lost someway. Cant get thru the sch’s phone line at first, that feeling was horrible! Then teachers realised my gal was still in the CC. Phew...Shd I say lucky or what.... They forgot my gal suppose to go hm with the first bus! Haiz.... I dun wish any mummies here experience that feeling I had earlier. Was really shivering, cant even think…

I staying in RedHill. The one opp redhill mrt station. And you?
Good morning mummies,
TGIF!!! Hope everyone enjoy the weekends ahead.
I'm sad tat i need to work tmr haiz... but i can clear my stuff in peace without anyone disturbing.

Hi Priscilla,
Alamak u r another young &amp; hot mummy envy envy... I've linked your blog to mine &amp; added you on msn. Will also add you on FB if i got extra time to go in hee.. Feel free to read mine too but not so good lah hee..

Hi Icy,
This's terrible. How could they be so careless?? Lucky ur gal is still inside the CC if not how are they going to answer to you. Heng ah... must give them a warning to ask them to be more careful.
Morning Mummies!
I had came across I Can Read in magazine and was interested to enrol Avel into it before i found a school for him.But since he's now in school, not too sure will it tired him out to let him try so many things! My mum will sure scold me crazy! hahha..but still, im keeping this option and the one that we talked about earlier...hmmm....the one at bugis. So, keep the posting going!!!

Bringing Avel to school the 2nd day was not as easy as the first time.I think he knew whats going on now! He cried a little upon leaving him there but managed to settle down fast. Yesterday was better though he wanted me to go in with him. No crying at all!. Today he'll have physical activities and i bet he will enjoy himself alot!

I prepared Avel the day i brought him to JHS to make payment. Borrowing books from the library that talked about school, telling him what to expect in school; friends, teachers, books, toys, learning and writing ABC,etc. occassionally i will tell him that he need to bid us goodbye when we leave him there and say hello teachers, hello friends and we'll go bring him home after school and then he'll have to say hello to us and bid goodbye to teachers and friends. My hubby will send me to school (im currently on course) with him and we told him the same thing. I have to say goodbye to him and daddy and then say hello friends and teacher and vic-versa. However, a week before school started, i told him this pratically everyday so i suppose he's somehow ready to go school. And most importantly, i didnt mentioned any negative words though i wanted every much to tell him that he cannot cry! and use a tone of excitment when i told him about school and always end with:" whooo....im so excited that Avel is going to school to meet friends and teachers and have so much FUN! Yippy Yippy Yeah!" Thats about it! ;)

Dear Icey!
I cant believe that the school doesnt know that your gal didnt board the bus and only realised that she was still in school when you called!! This is really a trauma for the adults! SO how did your gal reached home eventually?Oh man...this situation really should not be happening at all!Pardon me,guess if im you, i would have break into tears and will definately withdraw my kid from this school. I cant imagine how attentive can the teachers be when they have such situation happening. I can understand that it is not easy for a teacher to look after so many children and if during lesson time, tacher cant really focus or take note of a child then so be it. But ensuring a child boarding the correct school bus is such a basic thing and it concerns about their safety,so, how can they be so careless about it!

Hi i_bless_u,
I agree with Hapi! -ve feedbacks. One of it i heard is that there was once a teacher who punished the student by asking him to stand alone at a corner of a dark room! I really pity the child. Guess he must be feeling afraid then.

Good day ahead!!!!!!!! Hope to meet up soon!!! Yippy Yippy Yeah!!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies, good morning everyone... TGIF at last...

Hi Icey,

Hey I am staying there also @ 73A, what abt yrself? Hw many kids do you have?</font>
Icey &amp; Hapi
Me also staying same estate as both of you...our kids can meet at the playground one of these days to play..hahahah!
wooo all of u staying redhill, but is redhill gd??
I now still looking for flats ard.. kind of sian cuz always cannot get a gd Q number... I still staying with my in laws...
Shocked to hear this thing happened! Did u ask the school how they organise the kids to which bus? Im jus curious if any precaution was taken to ensure kids doesnt go missing or go to wrong bus or taken away by stranger ...

About Seedlings
Was one of my consideration too. Sounds like the teacher dun care for the well being of the child.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi SpringDance,

Yah, let's arrange &amp; meet up at the Playground one of these day...</font>

Hi wang,

<font color="0000ff">Thanks for e info...</font>
Hapi,spring dance
I stay in Blk 75A. Sure, we can meet one of these days at play ground. I have 2 gals, #1 born in Mar 2006 #2 born in July 2007.

Thanks for your infor. My babies are too old for the contest. Didn't ask how they organise the kids into the bus but i hope that will not happen AGAIN!

My husband was very furious, he scolded the teachers like mad. After that we feel a bit paise also but cant blame us, we was so worried and angry at that point of time. She took the second bus, reached hm ard 6.30pm, an hours late.

Sum it up, 1 day - The bus was down, we have to pick her up personlly. 2 days - We picked her up early therefore no drama story. 3 days - They missed out my gal in the first bus. 4 days(which is today) - She fall sick.

Today supposed to be prisley 3rd days in CC but she is down with fever, cough and flu. Therefore I have to take leave and stay with her today. Haiz...

OMG.... Why i always have no luck, not even finding a save sch. Mummies please share more if you come a cross a better CC, i will definatelly switch her once i got find a better one.
Icey: where is ur kid cc? My son going to go superland montessori next month after CNY. We will send him there and my inlaw will pick him up. Within 10mins of walking.
Hi moms

am new here. i have a 18th month old son. we just relocated back to spore so am adjusting to life back here again. we spend alot of time at my parents' place in Telok Blangah.

am in the process of researching pre-schools and play programmes for my son who is v active. Choices are just too many! For a start, we're going to try out My Gym at GWC on Mondays. Anyone going there now?

am glad to have found this mummies group to share info.
Hi Elaine

Ive a 21mth old boy whose goin for the RIM class in Gracekids. Trying out the Busy Buddies next week. Which class are u trying?
i am trying out My Gym on mondays. I will see how it goes before i commit to another programme. I saw their RIM class last Tuesday. Quite like it but felt that the class was too small - there were only 3-4 kids there. Which day do you go to?
hi mumies,

so happy to see so many new mummies joining us!

<font color="0000ff">mrs wang, elaine, icey, happy melodius, priscilla... a big welcome.... </font>

wow so much talk about schools these days.

really envy u, ur son seems so positive about school. My son, 2 weeks into school, still crying when i leave him there in the morning, and also cry when i fetch him from school.

little neuro tree
today is randal's first day at little neuro tree. Initially he was a bit afriad , and keep wanting me to carry him. After a while, he warmed up , and sat down nicely and listened to the lessons. I am quite happy that he understood the lesson, and was able to do the acitivities conducted by the teacher. There is also homework given, and i will be doing it with him, hehe...

for mummies who are new to little neuro tree, it is a right-brain training centre, somthing like shicida.

oh ur son will be starting school at superland soon! Im sure he will enjoy it, Hey then u will meet doggymum and her daughter, alyssa there. Alyssa also just started school very recently! Alyssa born around october 06, so slighlty younger then ur boy. SO probably she is in different classes

Hi mummies!

Happy New Year! Been so busy with the active toddler.. Saw a few new neighbours at my area. I'm at 75B.

Talking about school, i'm also having a headache.. There's a cambridge CDC beside Crescent Girls', anyone been there? Just visited the place last week, seemed quite nice. Its only 10mins walking from my place..


was thinking of visiting Cherie Hearts at depot road also, after hearing you raving on the place! Do you think its walk-able from my place? hmm.. i wonder how to get there..
