Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

does ur boy have a eating problem at this stage? my boy extremely fussy abt his food now. can take 1 hr to finish his food

Hi Esther,

oh dear...hope Shannon will not be like that. Dread bb eat so slow n take so long to finish. Now she has more teeth, she tends to chew longer now. Me a bit of impatient but luckily she finish within 20-25mins or so n she's eating a little bit more. Last time bought 2 chicken thigh can split into 3 meals (1 meal equiv. to lunch n dinner) now each chicken thigh for 1 meal. Meantime she's ok with anything we put in. Hate to think what to cook if she's fussy eater.

Hi Nana,

Ok, will sms u if we are going to meet next week. No lah, if rain cant go IKEA though there is a short cut to IKEA back door but no shelther. Hence if weather no good, will not go there.
hi hi

phew.. now at least not so busy.
last week auditors were around in office, thats y i was very busy preparing stuff for them. finally finished with their stuff n they had just left.

u juz came back fr trip?
my hubby also juz came back fr vietnam yday. e past 2 days without him, i have to settle baby n dog on my own. luckily, still manage to survive.

guess wat, after my hubby came back, he played with my gal on e bed until he fell asleep... n i didnt know he will sleep so soon, i went to shower...n my gal fell off e bed again!!
sigh.. last time he also put my gal on e bed n watched tv...then my gal fell off e bed. tis e 2nd time, n same scenario, i m in e shower when it happened.

man... juz wonder y cant they learn their lesson.
Hi crybaby,

What's yr HB reaction when yr gal fell off da bed? Tell him straight not to do it if he is sleepy n let u look after. Poor gal...she must have cry out loud. Hope she is ok.
esther - its common i think for most babies this age to behave this way. they have became very smart mah
they now can differentiate what is nice and what is not nice
ricco is the same lor... spit out... than he will ownself feed himself again, than spit out again..than it goes on and on and on...until my patience run out and put a stop to it. don;t worry about this. its a phase of growing up!
poor kate. But it seems that most men are like this leh. My hubby also play with my boy on the bed till he fell asleep and left my boy on his own on the bed. But luckily one side of the bed i put a bed rail, so it help to prevent falls. Its really weird, men can just be so irresponsible at times? If im the one looking after my boy on the bed, im very sure i wont fall asleep !
oh ya, i just cm bk frm vietnam, hcmc, but i find nothing much fun leh. Still prefer places like bkk or HK

hey like long time nvr see u post here, busy with new job? has ricco's yellowish colour subsided? I realised yesterday that randal was also starting to get yellowish and immed ask maid to stop feeding him carrots for 2 weeks. in the meantime i just give him the greens, like zucchini, broccoli, long beans. I have to cook different ways to coazxx him to eat lor. But recently i added more flavour into his porrigde and he likes it better.
hello hello,

esther - the yellowish thingie..i think he looks darker in fact
cos always go swimming. Sigh, i think our job is really not easy. gotta coax them to eat, gotta think of nutritional value, gotta make sure its not all 'red and yellowish' food.. heard you went HCMC? must be fun! did you buy back alot of silk?

shall we bring the babies out 1 day? how about next monday? I am not working...shall we go somewhere?
u mean nxt mon, 28 july? ok lets bring them out, but where? i didnt buy back silk. In fact didnt buy many things , just a little.
yah i am not working on monday and tuesday next week...where shall we go? any ideas? oh...silk is so cheap there!

hey the rest of the stay home mummies, come along! suggest somewhere to bring the kiddos oout for some fun!
hihi mummies, anyone wants to join us?

<font color="0000ff">date: 28/7/08,monday
Time: 5pm. (any working mummies wana join us for dinner after ur work?)
place: Borders, wheelock
to do: shop , dinner (Sakae sushi)
-clarrisa n ricco
-esther n randal</font>
hi mummies
im ordering this "REALLY RAW HONEY" for myself, my mum, and a few girlfriends, and checking whether any of you are interested to bunk in. Its a top-grade honey that is supposed to be even more beneficial than manuka honey. I was informed by the local sellers that this honey sells even better than manuka.
Its going at $36 per jar. At the local pharmacies and megamart, its retailing at $46.70. Do let me know if you are interested ya.
The size of each jar is 1 lb (453g)
this raw honey, how different is the taste huh?? Not sweet, does it taste funny? btw, why did the supplier say that it's better than manuka huh
i tasted this before, it tastes good and it tastes like normal honey. This honey is totally unprocessed honey. It still contains pollen, propolis, honeycomb and live enzymes, all the goodness the bees put in. As it is unprocessed, u will see some cappings at the sides of the jar, cos its unfiltered, unlike normal honey. The Cappings are crunchy bits of pollen, propolis, that crown each jar of our honey. Cappings have the highest concentrations of pollen and propolis, which are known for their healthful properties.
The promotor was telling me that other than healthful properties, this honey also has beauty benefits, like helping to lightening age spots etc. Im so tempted to buy lor, but so expensive, so i thought, why dun i get it directly from supplier? At least saves me money. Im gonna get 6 jars for myself, save on shipping cost and slowly enjoy it.. hee

BIG big 'thank u ' frm hb n me. we went to abc mkt over the w/e n bot the durians . hehehe! nt bad .. we were lucky tht the chap who chose for us gd mood that day n gave us nice ones.

btw, cn find out frm u, is there a wet mkt behind the hawker? do u do ur mktg there? which stalls are 'gd'? Hb was v excited to see the hawker n cofi shops there as well. ha ! Gives him an alternatv place to tabao since the chixchop horfun at jln membina closeshop liao. SOOOOO sad ! tht was my all time favorite tabao item! Bless was v kind to tell me abt that horfun stall.
the chicken chop hor fun at jln membina closed laio? Oh nooooo, i love their hor fun! any idea where they move to?
hee, so cute, the way u describe ur hubby, saying he was so excited to see the coffee shops and hawker. Actually there are many places around our place that u can eat. Tiong baru mkt, henderson mkt, telok blangah mkt..

so sad hor? close liao lei. we went back 3 tms to check.. just hoping tht it will suddenly open up again.

U don't knw we very cham, alw gotta tabao food cos we dont cook. And arnd our area we nt familiar with the hawkers lei. zion rd not counted la, cos alw super long Q n parkg is a problem too. Ever since bless told me abt the jln membina, we sometms tabao 2tms/wk frm same stall (we dont really like the rest of the stalls). NOW that its close shop, we hv to rely on KFC n Spize every week liao.*sobsob* So u know if i go out gaigai , i will nvr eat KFC cos i bo bian hv to oda it for home del alm every wk.

henderson mkt? telok blangah mkt? cn tell me whr abts are those? our info abt our area is super ltd ..oni knw TB mkt n v recently we ventured out to beo cres mkt hehehe.
henderson mkt is very near tiong baru plaza actually, its at bukit merah view, at blk 115, there many things to eat n tabao. Telok blangah mkt is at blk 11, telok blangah crescent. There also lots of food. When u free u slowly explore, many many food for u to choose from.
oh the jln membina coffeshop, (not the chicken chop one, but the coffee shop at the other end) has a fish soup/fish bee hoon store which is quite nice too. I always tabao and go home n eat as the place is very hot. They also got one version which is the fish bee hoon with XO, which cost $6, but i always bring home and add my own XO, haha... save money and finish up the lots of hard liquor i have at my house..
many thks ! will write dwn both mkts u mentioned.

hey, u are ingenius ! add ur own XO? i thot they use the word XO is just 'name' oni.. didnt occur to me tht they actually add the real hard liquor ? Must tell hb abt ur 'recipe' liao. Btw, tonite is spize for dinner cos last nite alr eat KFC liao . wahahaha. Tomorow must ponder where to buy dinner frm liao.
no wor, they really add XO into the food, but the XO they use is the cheapo kind , hee. Next time u try that store. I usually have fish bee hoon with milk, yummy!
esther: Hmm...i will try my best.

Mink: that horfan stall closed down? *sob* so sad, i havent go try only eat abit of my hubby's that time he bought! Hey if u happy to go Suntec foodcourt, there's a stall selling similar food. It's equally good! I love their curry chicken chop hor fan! Spicy enough!
Hi Mink,

Good that u bought nice durian in ABC mkt. As it is durian season now, there are a few stalls. Presumely u bought it at the front near the bakery shop as it is most prominent. There is 1 behind it n 1 at the near bus stop (temp. only). Ya, there is a wet mkt behind. So is convenient 4 me to buy fresh meat 4 my girl. Hmmmm...heard fm neighbours that redhill mkt (think is blk 79 or 80) which is near redhill mrt is more fresher there n more variety there. Cute cute the way yr husband is so excited to c ABC mkt. Hmmmmm....does yr HB or U likes prawn/pork ribs noodle? There is this yummy plc at Blk 96 Henderson Road (opp. Bt Merah Central but have to drive in further), sells famous prawn/pork ribs noodle (esp. their soup...yummy man!) (there is photo of popular Taiwan Idol - Qin Han here to taste too!) n lucky best, next to the store, is 1A Curry Puff if u like. Been so long didnt go there liao since my girl born. Used to every sunday go there. Yr HB must be food lover, is it?
Hi Mink,

ABC mkt has been renovated recently. Didnt really like it though it is newer as they really tear down the whole plc n built it. My HB complain last time 2 or 3am still can find food there as some stalls open at night only. Now at 12 midnight, most of the stalls closed. Left only 1 or 2 stalls open till 2am. Nevertheless, next block there is a coffee shop which open 24 hrs but not every stall open la. Mainly selling the drinks still opens for football fans as there is a big LCD screen n large crowd will gather if there is a hot football game on. It really depends on individual whether u like to live in quite area of crowded area. My plc...lot of story..next block of mine is a 1 room 1 hall rented flat mainly 4 old folks or low income people. Every now n then got activities like Karaoke for old folks, funeral wake, "lang sai", car honk as the roads is narrow, blah blah. But like the plc as near town lor.
u have given a very detailed description of the market!
u know wat, when randal went home, he was still asking for shannon, hahaha.. Then i told him shannon went home.

suntec food court? i wanna try! which foodcourt is tht? suntec has a few fdcrt...


ok, fish beehoon for dinner nxt wk liao


Thks for the update on the mkt and the area. Yes your presumption abt which durian stall i went is super accurate. i went to the one infrnt of bakery. 3 for $10. My hb also went to rackey the hawkerstalls there n bot wanton noodle for me. nt bad ! for $3 i think it is quite gd.

btw, There is a wanton noodle stall at GWC fdcrt, its v gd ! but price abit hi for tabao. alm $6. (plus hv to pay carparkg ha!)

i didnt knw tht the area has 1 room flat too?? Wow, actually its quite 'valuable' cos of the location rite? Ya, but i knw wat u mean abt the area being 'more rowdy'. Lst tm b4 my girl pop out, me n hb nvr consider thgs like shops/mkts/hawker. But nw , o hooo, its SO diff. Nw, i appreciate those houses tht has nearby shops.
Jessica / Mink
I also like the durians from the durian stall you gals mentioned. Recently I bought the $10/durian type (originally is $12/durian)...the seed small small one and the flesh very thick. Slurpzzz...

RE: GWC carpark
Really exorbitant...it's not Orchard Rd lei...dun understand why they charge so high. Deter people from going.....
Hi Mink,

wow...wanton noodle at GWC for $6? x leh! Dont really go there often as b4 as last time, used to have OG dept. store. Me b4 pregnant, always buy OG clothes as they have changed mgmt n clothes are more fashionable n affordable. My HB said OG stands for Old Girl...bang! As i m typing, wow liao car honking non stop as the open car park are narror n some inconsiderate people park at one side or whatever, then typical no patience driver honk n honk. I choose the area as my life evolve around the area. Used to live in Strathmore Ave. The old houses hv already tear down n more comfy staying around my area.

Hi Springdance,

hmmmm...u came here also to buy durian. Seems like that store is popular ah? Aiya, this store everyday sells durian even when it is not durian season.

Hi Mink/Springdance,

The char siew noodle or rice is famous at ABC mkt. The shop name : Fatty Cheong (something like that) quite near to that durian stall (near ATM m/c). But kind of std drop a bit but still ok. Price raise fm $2.50 to $3 liao. sob sob.

i alw kenna con by durian sellers .. buy $5/durian in geyland 2 wks ago but they gv me super lousy ones. i dunno how to 'choose' also . Must depend on luck n gd mood of the seller .

ya, GWC is expnsv parking .. no per entry parkg liao ..
I go ABC market once awhile on weekends for dinner...then if tempted to eat durians, will "shun bian" buy after dinner.

Have not tried the Wantan noodle you mentioned lei...day time then open is it? I tried the Claypot rice there before which I find so-so only lei..

I also dunnoe how to choose durians one....I leave it to my hubby or dad...good thing is when the seller open up the durian, if my dad press the flesh think not good, can dun accept and choose another. Kekeke....
Hi Springdance,

Is char siew/"siew york" (in cantonese) rice/noodle not the wanton noodle i mentioned. They made their char siew. Their cravy is delicious lor. Day time open till night at 8pm?Think so.
Hello hello hello mummies,

how's everyone doing?

Me loves shoes from this brand called bobux and now there's a spree so do check it out if u're interested


Meanwhile notice u're talking abt DURIANS

I had durians from Dempsey rd the other night. Was delicious!!!!!!!! Seed was extremly tiny. Smaller than a small rambutan seed. Flesh was oh so thick and creamy. It was literally like eating ice-cream! Yum! Go try it!!!

Me just came back from gynae. Baby is now 2.06kg at 34 weeks. Luckily i didn't put on any weight from 3 weeks ago. Was expecting the worst considering all the rich food i've been taking in the past few weeks. Suddenly feel a significant increase in appetite and for sweet stuff.
But Dr Chang said I'm not to eat too much sweet things, including DURIAN... and cheesecake which I've been indulging in like mad. So sad!!! He said even now still can kena diabetes...

Just 6 more weeks to go and I still haven't named my baby!
Hello mummies,
How's everyone? Was busy at work &amp; home so no time to post.

Saw few mummies talking abt food &amp; durians mk me drool... I'm working today so counting down to go off soon. Anyone try the durian puffs at Goodwood park? It's very yummy too..

Long time no see. Great to hear tat ur bb is growing well. Time flies very fast... soon u'll be giving birth liao. Dun forget to update us ok
u r so descriptive, the way u describe the durains , makes me feel like eating those durains. Its the durian season now, so the durains are really cheap. Time to indulge! oh u u haven named ur baby girl? I always leave naming to my father in law, cos he has something like an almanac book to consult.. Its always about the day, the timing and the strokes of the names. Saves me the headache of thinking for a name, haha
oh, where will u be delivering and who is ur gynae? is he/she good?
my hubby wanted to buy durains and thought of geylang, but i remebered u were telling us abt abc market and i told him to go there instead, He was happy cos its much nearer our place, and immed drove there to buy, hehe
Think I must have missed when I go...coz my dinner time around 7plus...so when i reach, closing liaoz. :p

So happy for you to know that your baby is growing well...but you mkust take care of your diet yet...no more indulgence in SWEETS for you for this period. Be a good gal okie.
Hi Esther,

Hope yr HB bought the durian are nice. I bought it at the prominent store next to bakery 2nd time. This time not so nice leh
. Guess is by luck as dont know how to c good or not.

Hi Isabelle,

Glad yr bb is growing well. U must be excited now. Yr bb kicking u inside very often? Miss that kind of feeling though. Ya, dont induldge in durian too much as i kena gestation diabetes during 2nd trimester as i've a family history of diabetics. Scared it will be permanent hence i hv to control my diet. Instead of putting on weight during my 3rd tri, i lost weight. Gynae said cannot put on weight too much as will affect bb's growth. U take care!
ya my hubby went to the one in front of bakery and bought the 3 for $20 kind. Very yummy, each durian has its individual unique flavour. One was a little bitter sweet, one was small seeded and feels like ice creeam, one was extremely big and sweet! haha, so we had a good time eating them!

ya must control sugar level during preggy otherwise it can be dangerous for both mummy and baby.

i saw u organise bp on honey ahh?? hehehe...
i always go beo BP threads one...now my secret is out...hahaha...
do u know the expiry date of the honey??

esther, jessica,
are u gals meeting any of the days this week?? jio me hor ok?? sms or call also can... hee..
wow mummies,
talking abt durian huh?? hehehe, me not a durian fan... can dun eat durian for many many years... hehehe.. not a must eat fruit for me lah...

you organising bp for the honey huh? okay lah, give you my support, order 2 from you... hehehe.... but how big is the size of each jar is 1 lb (453g)? which jar in the pix is this size?
thks for support!
dun mind can write down ur order at the bp thread? Cos i consolidating all orders over there. thanks , 1lb is the normal size honey that u usually see, lke the manuka kind. Its also the size of the smallest one at the both sides of the picture (see above)

hey no need to put ur name at the BP, save the trouble. i have already taken in ur order. U may proceed to transfer the money, thks for ur support once again
