Support Group - Stillbirths

Hi java,

WoW! i tot this thread is dead,so i joined the other one 'mid termination of preg'.no,no good news yet.

i had 2 failed IUIs in March and April this yr.i successfully conceived naturally in may this yr,but i lost the baby coz no heartbeat.lost at 9 wks.i subsequently had a uterine septum surigcally removed.had IUD placed for 6 wks.tok out recently,had 1 AF cycle.i tried during that cycle,but trying this cycle.been taking TCM since.
Not sure if this thread is still "alive"...

I have lost my precious girl, Jorelle on 7 Mar 2010 during the 35th week of pregrancy.

Everything went well during the pregancy till 4 Mar. She had been actively kicking even my hubby can feel her movement when he touched my tummy, but I can hardly feel her movement on 4 Mar. Some colleagues were telling me that I may be over-sensitive, or the baby is sleeping. As such, I waited for another day before heading to the gynae. The world collapsed when the gynae told me that the heart beat has stopped! Both hubby and I just couldn't accept the fact that the baby is gone, and I cried for the whole day.

I was admitted to the hospital on 6 Mar, 8am to deliver baby jorelle. Gynae suggested natural delivery, and I had even opted for epidural. But after 24 hours of waiting, my cervix was not even open a litle. I had no choice but to go for c-section. I had finally delivered my precious girl, jorelle on 7 Mar, 9.05am. She was beautiful and just as normal as other new born babies, except that she doesn't cry.

It has been almost a month but I still cry whenever I think of Jorelle - how she performed "karate kick" in my tummy, the preparation we have made for her arrival, and how she laid motionless beside me etc. Till now, all the test report still couldn't tell what is the cause of her death.

I really dont know how to face or answer to people whenever they asked about my delivery and baby. I really wish to get over it and move on fast. But I just can't....

Both my hubby and I want to try for No. 2 soon, but my mum encourage us to try only next year so as to make sure that my body is fit enough for the 2nd pregancy. Any opinion?
My heart really went all the way out for u, i dont know what to say coz i am truly feeling sad together with u, but please take very good care of yourself.
i lost my baby gal at 17weeks, i felt like almost end of my world, fortunately my husband is being very supportive, frens, family and colleagues are being very supportive and caring as well, i slowly got over it.

as u carried almost full term, i do encourage u that let your body rest for a while, say 6months, coz our expand uterus need time to strink back to normal or original size. i can understand your anxiousty getting a baby like i do, but your health and body are equally important that should not be neglected.

i recall my colleague, she carried her baby gal till full term, but the baby's neck was surrounded by umbilical cord causing the death. it was so heartbroken but nothing much can do, till now we do not bring any bb topic in front of her.

so pls take very good care, our ears are always here for u. do take good care... and jia you...
Hi Ling,

We shared the same date of losing our gals, 4th March. There is no heartbeat during my normal gynae checkup. I was stunned and could not believe when she is already 38th week.

There was no complication throughout my pregnancy too and til today i do not know what happened. I was induced at the same day and gave birth to my sleeping gal the next day, natural without epidural.

It may sound cruel but i have sent my gal for autopsy. I need to find out what had happened so that i can then move on. There are so many questions in my mind which i do not have an answer.

Although she is my #2 but age is catching up on me so i really wish to try for another one asap.
My next hurdle is how do i react when going back office.

Hope you have done your confinement as it is very important if you are trying for the next baby.
I am at a loss of words, I am sorry to hear about your losses and I dunno what to say becoz no matter what i said is not gonna make you feel any better.

Me and my husband are married for more than 10 years, last year apr i got pregnant and it was my first. However, I lost her at 20 weeks. I chose to end her life coz baby was diagnosed with spinda bifida. I had a mini labour to give birth to her. We took a final look at her and said good bye.

I fell pregnant again after 3 months, but god took it away again, i lost my 2nd angel at 8 weeks in Feb. Just when I thought i was starting to recover, i was thrown off the cliff again - it was hell.

The clock is ticking, i am turning 36 this year but I want to remain optimistic otherwise i won't be able to face and accept a new life. I am starting to TTC again.

Good luck to you and all of us who has lost the battle to fate. Stay healthy and regain confidence to prepare for the next pregnancy.
Thanks to all for your encouragement. I had just finished my confinement and still resting at home.

Any finding on the autopsy? I would very much want to know what actually happened to my baby jorelle as well, and I was really at a loss when it happened. And so far, all the test reports are negative.
I would like to try for a second baby soon, but I'm worried that the same thing may happen to me.... Same like you, I don't know how to face my colleague and people whenever they asked about my baby.
Hi Shiseru,

Do you believe in TCM? I had 2 miscarriages prior to my #1. My friend recommended me to the TCM at Marine parade and after 2 months, i conceived my son and gave birth in 2008. I did not see him for this second child , conceived naturally but only to lose her at 38wks.

Hi Ling,
Did you ask your gynae about trying for your second baby?

I will only have the autopsy result and my blood test result after my gynae visit at end of the month. Will update you. Do you mind to pm me your email?
Enjel, Ling & Shiseru,
be strong pls, same time encourage and console myself..

last week, i heard my angmo colleague that sitting in front of me, asking around to suggest name for his expecting bb due in sep10, my tears immediately rolling down...
Hi Ethan_mum,

You be strong too!

Nobody really understand how we feel. Sorry to ask but what is the reason for your lost? Did the gynae discuss with you what is the plan for the next baby?
After i delivered my baby, my gynae told me for my next pregnancy, I must deliver my baby before the 38 week.
Hi Enjel,
my cervix dilate and water came out then ruptured. My gyane said i might have incompentence cervix. in normal cases, incompentence cervix will attack during second trimester. so, In future pregnancies, i need stitch up my cervix when approaching 11-12wks... sigh..
gyane said i can try after one new cycle after the MC. conceiving is not easy, we spent 10months to conceive with opk for detecting the ovulation.
Enjel and Ling

I lost him at 34 weeks too. I did not even realise he was not moving as I confused them with the contractions. His elbows/knees were popping up my tummy so I thought he was just moving less. I was swollen and put on 4KG that week so I went to see the gynae before my appointment. We don't know the reason and we didn't want to send him for autopsy.

I delivered him naturally and menses came back in a month or two. The gynae gave the green light and encouraged us to consider conceiving again soon.

Ling: It's better to ask your gynae for advice when to conceive again as yours is c-section.

We conceived Baby D within 4 months and went through c-section at Week 37. We also did trace for his heartbeat (something like ECG) every alternate week from Week 30 onwards. According to the gynae, sometimes the heartbeat is there but we can only see any possible problem from the trace. Actually there was nothing we can do, it's more of letting us feel more assured for our case.

All brave ladies here! I did not even have the courage to see him before sending to the undertaker and we scattered his ashes into the sea, which I did not attend too. I know I will not be able to let him go. Till now, I still think of him even when Baby D is in my arms. The fear will never go away for my next pregnancies.

I asked my managers to inform the colleagues so that they will not ask me after my maternity leave. Many of them didn't know how to face me too when I returned but one big jerk (very kaypo one so I don't think he was not informed) still asked how's my baby and I broke into tears. I became quite anti-social after returning to the office.

I am sure you guys are more courageous than me. Stay strong and do not forget about your husband. He lost his child too while all attention will be on the mother rather than him.

Good luck to all!!!
Hi lucky3,

Baby D must have given you heaps of happiness now! You are so brave to go through the tough 37 weeks on your 3rd child.
Did you change your gynae on the 3rd pregnancy? I am contemplating whether to change my gynae. Is the C-sect planned at week 37 at the start of the pregnancy?

Is your manager fine with you going for maternity leave again within such a short time? I have my concern if i am trying for another baby and going for maternity leave again next year, how will my manager react.
Hi Enjel,

I asked my gynae whether the same thing will happened to my future pregnancy and when can I try to have the next baby. He told me that this is a stand-alone case and should not affect future pregancy. As mine is c-section, it would be good to try after 6 months.

I would very much like to have a baby but I'm still worried same thing might happened even after hearing what the gynae said.

I have the same concern as you... Will my maternity leaves affect my boss and colleague if I were to have a baby next year? They had been very supportive during my pregnancy, and visited me very often after knowing my case.

Hi lucky3,

I only got to see my baby jorelle for 5 minutes before my hubby asked the nurse to bring her away, as he was worried that I'm not able to take it. Undertaker was sent the next day and scattered her ash into the sea. I did not attend as well as I was still confined to the bed after c-section.

Though she is gone, she will always be in hubby's and my heart....
i lost my boy @ 23 weeks in jan 2010 as well. I suddenly had contraction and started to bleed. went to the a&e immediately and by that time i was already 7 - 8 cm dilated. they tried to stop the contractions by giving me pills, but it didn't work. my boy's heartbeat was still going strong when i delivered. i was devastated and didn't bear to look at my boy after i delivered. my boy went to heaven 5 mins after. i regretted not carrying my boy for the last time. now i can only visit him at his niche. =(

the doc diganosed me as having an incompetent cervix as well. although he said i can try again soon, i'm very worried that the same thing will happen again. guess i've to wait for my confidence to build up b4 trying
we experience the same thing, my gynae also said i might having incompetence cervix. so for future pregnancies, i need to do cervical cerclage at abt 12wks to stitch up the cervix. if all goes well, cerclage will be removed at abt 37weeks.

having same worries as u, hope it would not happen again... the feeling is terrible.
It was most devastated to deliver a live baby and to see him/her pass on. Hug Hug Mama_J and Ethan_mum.

I have read from the other thread that mummies gave birth successfully although they have incompetence cervix.
So must be mentally and physically ready before trying for another one. 加油! 加油! 加油!
Hi Enjel,
thanks for encouragement! but no matter what we must try all the way..

we all jia you jia you together
HI everyone, after reading, i feel sad...why us?
I lost my twin baby boys in 2007, week 20th, with premature ruptured of membrane...staying hospital for weeks...still nothing can help

Also, no reason...and worst thing is I am unable to conceive naturally...
Hi everyone,

Same as all of you, I lost my baby boy on week 37, July 4th 2006. Reason for his death is feotal stress. Umbilical cord did not went round his neck. Went round his left leg instead. Amazing right??? I went through quite a major depression for quite a while before I picked myself up again. As yr 2005, I had a very healthy baby boy. WHy was it that I will lose my 2nd??

However, I did not lose faith, as miracle happened. My gave birth again, 4th July 2007. Noticed the date? It was all along my EDD predicted by Gynae.... And throughout my 3rd pregnancy, I was convinced somehow, my baby came back. And indeed, my contraction kicks in 3rd July 2007, near midnight. And baby was delivered 4th July 2007. I was convinced, sometimes, certain things do happen with a reason. We just need to cross the barrier and move forward. No point holding on....

For those whom are buddhism, it's believed that if you hold on, baby ain't able to reincarnate and be back with you.

For those whom are Christian, always believe, God is taking them back cos he loves them too much to part with them. They'll always be right beside him, waiting for you to reunite with them.

Be optimistic! I hope, all of you will walk out of the gloom soon.... I still do miss my little one. However, he lives in my heart. And he's always with me.... And I know, he wants me to be happy too. Let's be happy for our little ones, shall we?
It's been almost 3 months since I lost baby jorelle... I'm getting better now but there are still times where my tears dropped when I think of her.

I will be back to work on 14 June. Will I be emotionally stable when I'm back? How am I going to answer to those ppl who asked me about my baby?
when i returning to work, right after sitting down, my lady boss came to me, we didnt say anything, i just hug her and cried not stopping, she grabbed to the meeting room, we talked almost 1 hour, i cried my heart out, i just cant control myself.

i know it is hard, but no choice we have to move on. i still remember i overheard my colleague sitting infront of me, his wife expecting and he ask around for baby name recommendation, my tears uncontrolly rolling down...
Hi everyone ...

Can't believe how time flies, it's been 8 months since I lost my boy. Had a follow up with gynae and he had commented that my uterus is bigger than normal size which will lower my chances of conceiving. I receive the news with mixture of calmness and confusion. He'll monitor me for a while and in hope I get to conceive naturally.

We really do not know how to respond ...hubby just kept quiet while I (in daze) digest all that is spoken by gynae. Anyway, nothing much we can do as well, do what is humanly possible while the rest leave it to God.

We still keep our boy's cloth, cot, pram ...It has been hidden by hubby in some corners of the house. At lost on how I should do with these stuff...

My baby's post mortem shows that the hole between the heart was closed prematurely. The hole is usually closed within 1 week after the baby is delivered but my gal chose to close it when she is inside me.
Gynae told me that PDs and pathologist mentioned that it is very rare that such incident happened.
I feel a little down after receiving the report (that such rare cases can also happen to me. There are so many what if questions that come to my mind... if she is delivered earlier, why gynae did not suggest to induce me......

I told myself although she's not physically with me now... she lives in my heart.... I must be proud of her as maybe she is struggling to keep herself til 38 weeks for me to see her fully formed.

I have started to see my chinese sinseh to build up my body to try conceive asap. Wish me good luck.
thanks for the encouragement. Hopefully, I can get over this dark period soon...

At least you know what happened to your little angel. Till now, all the test reports still couldn't tell what happened to my baby jorelle. I have been asking myself what went wrong. Whole pregancy went on smoothly, but why suddenly her heart beat stopped when she was 35 weeks? Everyone was so happy and excited about her arrival, and why she chose to leave us????

I have slowly accepted the reality. Hubby and I have decided to try for no. 2 after 6 months (as advice by the gynae as mine is C-section).

Let's jia you together!
hugs to ling. it is heartbreaking.

MamaJ, just to let u noe i lost my eldest son at week 23 weeks plus as well. But I was luckier, as the doctors was too shocked with me giving birth, and decided to save my boy. My boy bravely lived in nicu for 2 days before he passed away on christmas day in year 2005.

I have another 2 children now. Though both are premature too, one at 27 weeks, the other at 34 weeks, but still they are with me now. MamaJ, do not give up. You may not have another premature labor again, who knows?
hi all brave mommies,

had lunch with a colleague last week, she told me she lost her gal at 35weeks 4days. her gynae diagnosed her baby gal has heart problem and heart beat was strange and not consistent. her gyane suggest her to admit to hospital for observation, and arrange her to deliver her gal three days later when the baby turns 36 weeks exactly.

the first day she admitted, abt afternoon time, nurse detected the baby's heartbeat has stopped! I was truly heartbreaking when she telling me this...
It's been almost 5 months since baby Jorelle left us. I still miss her dearly especially when i see small babies, and tears will start to roll. How I wish she is around...
Dear Ling,
pls be strong. i remember i just overheard my colleague that sit opp me was suggested baby names for another colleague's baby due in few months time, it enough to make my tears rolled down uncontrollably...

so pls be strong, i am sure baby Jorelle dont wish to see her teary parent.
Next week will be his 2nd anniversary and I still miss him...
Everyone is so occupied and attracted by Baby D. I wonder if anyone misses him like I do and actually remember him.
Hi lucky3,

Hugs Hugs..... Although life around us is back to normal but we mummies still feel the heartache of our lost child inside us.
Though I didn't show but tears still well up whenever I think of my gal. Always need to cry alone.
Recently there r a few announcements of new arrival of babies n I will feel envy, jealous of them. I dun hv the courage to congratulate, look at the new borne. So sad.....
Thanks Enjel!

It's still so difficult. We can never forget and can only learn to deal with the lost. I enjoy my time a lot with Baby D but sometimes will start wondering how he will be if he's still around. Maybe people will think that having Baby D will help. I have to admit it does but not 100%. I still lost my baby and not everyone can understand how I feel.

Thanks for lending your listening ears here.
Hi All,

Just to let you know reading all these bring tears to my eyes. I lost my gal in 26 Oct 2004. Time flies. I am with 2 boys now..But no one can replace the gal I lost.

In another 2 months, my daughter, Faith will be 6 years old. Will she be a smart and pretty girl if she is still around? No one got an answer to that. She is now a angel with God. Guess I will only get to see her when I see God.

Be brave, gals. Remember that there are people out there who understand and gone through what you've gone thr.

p.s: Someone asked me who is taking care of my baby when I was back to work after losing my gal. I took a deep breath and replied I has a stillbirth. My baby left me at 36 weeks..
Its been a super long time since I came into this thread. Reading all your posts brought back memories of my own past experience. Its been 8 years since my stillbirth experience, and I can say life was never the same even after a successful birth. My view of life and my selection of friends also change.

Ling (babyjorelle), your gynae did not find out the cause of your stillbirth? Have you heard of protein S deficiency? I tried PMing you, but you did not accept PM.
Hi ladies,

I'm back.I avoided this thread coz 'pantang'.I juz had a baby! YES! after 2.5 yrs,1 stillbirth,1 miscarriage,1 painful surgery,2 failed IUIs,I FINALLY have a crying,screaming baby in my arms.

I have to agree wth java.My life is never the same even after a successful birth.a stillbirth haunts u for life & as java said,I also select my friends very carefully and who i want my baby to hang out with (i mean playmates).

As fate would have it,my |EDD is on 1 Aug 2010.I gave birth to Chloe (my lost gal)on 30 Jul 2008.I delivered Cayden boy healthily on 20 July 2010.I have a gut feeling that if i hadn't opted to induce this birth,Cayden would have come on 30 July.When i 1st saw him,OMG! the 1st thought that came to my mind was: he looks EXACTLY like his sister! my sis and hubby also thought sis didnt' dare to tell me until i mentioned it.My hubby cried when baby took his 1st was tears of joy & relief.Me? i cried buckets when i was preg.yes! the entire pregnancy was SOOOOO DIFFICULT!

I was ordered bedrest fr 26 wks as the baby was thought to be small.gynae didn't know if it was merely a small baby or there was growth restriction.but given my history,fear gripped everyone of us.I can see how stress my gynae was as well and I thank God for her! she took away 1/3 of our stress.during bedrest,i hardly slept a wink.i monitored foetal movements day & night,literally.I was given a chart to monitor foetal movement.i decided i won't really sleep at night coz u don't know if the baby is juz goin to stop kicking in a split sec.i will read heaps to stay up till 2.30am.i'll then set my alarm clock & wake up in 2hrs to check.sometimes when i rock my tummy,there will be no movement and i'll be paranoid.i'll sleep again after that and by daylight,i'll hear the sch bus picking up the kiddos & i'll wake up to have breakfast.i'll sleep again in the morn,usually out of exhaustion.but i'll still wake up in 2 hrs to monitor foetal was crazy! but that fear is juz indescribable,esp when i got closer to 29 wks (the time i lost chloe).As the preg progressed,my hopes of having a viable baby got higher,but my fear also got more insane!coz i know i'm closer to getting a baby,and if anything happens,i'll be devastated.

ppl always say how strong i am make it thru' this preg etc.i tell them,the only thing that can kill me now is a 2nd stillbirth.during bedrest,i constantly thought of she'll be turning 2 if she was with us i would have completed my family with 1 girl & 1 things would be so perfect....and i will cry....silently.

After i delivered this baby,whenever i'm breastfeeding him,i will think of chloe as strange,right? i do love him a lot,but nothing can replace chloe.cayden is an ADDITION to the family,not a replacement.

lucky3,i agree with u.i wonder if anyone remembers my chloe,apart fr my sis,my hubby,and me.

everyone loves this boy so much.sometimes i wonder if it's coz they all know how difficult it was for us to have him or they juz love babies.

I read thru' my older posts and i was such a painful experience.the pain has eased,but it will never be forgotten.and everyday i look at my boy,i give myself a pat on the back for being so brave having made it thru' this preg.i told my hubby that he must remind me everyday & sms me to check if the baby moved.even f he has to ask me the same question 10 times a day,he has to do it.

I'm also thankful for my gynae.she's really dedicated.i think i've given her a whole head of grey hair! haha.having saw me thru' my miscarriage,knowing my history,having saw me thru' my surgery,my 2 failed IUIs,this baby is special to her too.during the 1st trimester when i told her i started bleeding,u could see the worried look on her face.she spontaneously gave me a big hug when she saw the baby's heartbeat.

Last wk was world breastfeeding wk & we attended a breastfeeding event at NUH.i entered my hubby & baby in a parent & baby lookalike gynae was the one who gave out the prizes.we came in 2nd!after giving us the prize,she kissed my boy on his forehead.i could tell how special this boy is to her as well.

during confinement,i went to buy some baby stuff as i was a little ill prepared.why ill prepared? coz i'm so fearful i dare not even buy baby's stuff.u know wat i mean?and after i delivered,i walked into the store and i felt wonderful that now i can actually buy stuff coz i HAVE a baby! previously,i will juz look and wonder if i should buy's such a horrible feeling.and if i buy stuff,i'll ask myself what i'll do with them if IT happens again.

another thing java said is the selection of friends.and that affected me after my stillbirth till now.i will not hang ard ppl who don't treasure kids.hubby has a particular friend whom i think is a lazy parent and he happened to be hubby's bestie! we haven't hung out since 2 yrs ago.coz i think kids are meant to be nutured.i really hate lazy ass parents.they are blessed with kids who came so easily,yet they don't treasure kids.

i told another friend who also lost a darling girl.only ppl like us really appreciate the phrase: boy or gal,nevermind,as long as it's a HEALTHY one can appreciate this statement more than us.i was a little 'upset' initially when i found out it is a boy.not coz i can't dress him,more coz i'm afraid i wouldn't know how to raise him.but i soon got over it.and now,even if i have another boy,i'll be very happy,as long as he's healthy.

and to those ladies who still cannot congratulate other ppl with newborns or hang ard them.DON'T! u have all the right to protect urself.i have only been able to hang ard a couple of ppl with babies after the stillbirth.

juz to share something else.this is very interesting.hubby's sis had a baby 6 wks earlier than us.i knew fr day one our babies will constantly be compared.i told hubby he must be prepared to protect our baby at all cost.our baby may be small coz i'm a small gal (hubby is tall though).his sis & her hubby are both big,so naturally their baby will be big.i told him i don't want to hear any negative comments coming fr his family when they visit us in the hospital.i didn't even want hubby's sis to come visit.well,the day after she gave chloe a pair of booties & some clothes,chloe left us.till today,i still think she's jinxed.hubby said he didn't know how to tell his relatives.i told him juz tell them i have post natal blues and they have to watch what they say.haha.and the best part! we celebrated baby's 1st mth when baby was only 19 days old! haha.coz celebrate later,will be lunar 7th mth already.superstitious.all his relatives kept saying how small our boy was.WELL!!! u r comparing a 6 wk old baby to a 19 day old baby! i had to constantly remind hubby that.hubby got a bit upset when ppl said our baby was small.he even wanted me to give up total breastfeeding and mix formula to get our boy a bit bigger,coz that is what his sis a twist of things,his sis's baby is overweight & she now has to go back to total breastfeeding! eyes rolled when hubby told me his sis has been ordered by the doc to go back to total breastfeeding.

we will all miss our darlings until the day we die....these lost angels have a special place in all our hearts.and there's nothing wrong crying over them,be it in 10 yrs,20 yr,or even 30 yrs time.....coz they were once part of our families,and will always be
hey monster! congrats!!!! i am sooooo happy for you!!!! finally after going thru so much, you make it!!!!!!!!!!!
hi monster,
i ever saw your posts in 2ww and knew your story as well. since then have been following closely to your pregnancy too. your posts never failed to make me teared n remind me to treasure every moments. CONGRATULATIONS to u n hubby for the new addition to your family!! Cayden is a blessed child to have u as his mummy. All the best wishes to u! Cheers.
Hi kkf,

i received ur PM,but so sorry I didn't reply.I feel so bad,considering u're my biggest supporter! haha.i don't even have time to thank those in the premature thread.will do so in due time.Very bz coz i went back to uni 1 wk post delivery.yah,crazy! i'm sure that added 200 wrinkles to my face! haha.i'm back at work already,4 wks post delivery.crazy,isn't it? good thing work is flexible,so i'm only doing 1/2 days.allows me to spend some time raising my baby.thank u for being my biggest cheerleader! yes,i made it!
) i still can't believe it! it's so surreal! And.....i delievered at 38+2!!!! FULL TERM! at 38+1,i was 1cm dilated.i walked like crazy,hoping the gravity will help the mucus plug dislodge.i volunteered to run errands for everyone in the family,provided it involved walking.i would walk to the furthest postbox to post a letter.haha.

Hi Jenny,

thanks for ur well wishes.

Hi Hui,

yes,i regconise ur nick fr the 2ww thread.alamak! my life is a huge drama,no wonder u're following a tv serial,isn't it? haha.btw,those in the 2ww thread still don't know.i haven't told anyone of them coz i don't know how it will impact them.i used to envy those in the 2ww who have delievered or got preg.yesterday,went shopping,saw this precious moments photo frame with the words: Blessed is the day you arrived.I liked it SO MUCH,but i didn't buy it coz quite ex.think i will go back & get it.yes,i'm blessed with this child and I treasure every moment.paranoia still gripped me in the beginning.i would go check to make sure baby is alive.sometimes i can't really see his chest movements,so i'll tickle his cheeks to see if there's a fam wonder why I keep disturbing his slp.nevermind if he cries when i tickle his cheeks,i'll juz put him back to bed,at least i know he's alive.i'm starting to get a bit more confident now that he's almost 7 wks old.sometimes when i look at him while feeding,my tears still flow.tears of joy and happinees,tears of relief.but they are also tears of pain...pain of having gone thru' the agony of losing a child.ppl always tell me it's tiring to look after a child etc,i won't get enough sleep etc.i tell them,it's easier to look after this baby than to be preg with this baby! at least i have some control now.when he was in me,i had no control at all.i had to leave it to motherhood is really a breeze to me.

Monster! Congrats and big big hugz to you!

Hopefully our stories post some positive vibes here for others after losing our little precious one. Yes, I will sit by the bed to ensure that Baby D is breathing when he's asleep and also paranoid when pregnant making sure that he was moving.

"Boys or girls are fine, as long as they are healthy." I truely hate it when people show preference during their pregnancy when they do not understand how difficult it is to just create and maintain this tiny life in us.

When time is tough taking care of Baby D and working at home at the same time with no help, I just tell myself to appreciate all that I have now. As you've said, the pregnant part was more difficult. If I had the courage to go through pregnancy again after all that happened, I am definitely capable of doing anything. Nevermind that Baby D sticks to me like a superglue. Relatives complain but I don't care, I will give him all that I can (taking care not to spoil him too). Well, taking care of Baby D myself and breastfeeding also helped me slim down to my pre-pre-pre-pregnancy weight. (yes, 3 pregnancies)

Big pat on your shoulders too for enduring all these. It was a huge relieve when my gynae wanted to do c-section when we hit 37 weeks so that we can stop worrying and prevent any possible risk in the womb.

I went through his 2nd anniversary much stronger than I expectedaaa. I also discussed with hubby and as expected, he didn't remember because he choose to live in denial, which I respect his way of coping, while he thanked me for going through all these together and made our relationship stronger.

Stay strong ladies, it'll be your turn soon after Monster and mine!
