Support group - Single parents who needs a pair of ears or help i am here for anyone of U

wow singlemomof3,
thanks for the research! anyway, i'm not so concern abt the legal part actually (yup! good idea. i'll go consult a lawyer on that.thanks!) , but was hoping that maybe mommies here can help me 'predict' his reaction so i can be mentally prepared?

jaxe: it's hard to predict. Do you think he will want to be a parent and provide emotional support and physical resources? Would he prefer to immediately waive his rights? Would he, in the future, feel any differently? Times and circumstances do change people. Your best bet is to consult a lawyer and work out all the possibilities.
Thanks singlemomof3 and jaxe.
Though we are separated, we are still staying in the same flat but different rooms. He doesn't want to sell the flat now so have to wait till 3 years later. By the time my boy is 3 or 4yrs old, will he accept the situation that his dad suddenly doesn't stay with him?
Any idea what effect it will have on a 3-4yrs old kid??
jeslyn: it's more difficult under these circumstances. Children at this age learn a LOT from the people around them. Worse, as they hardly speak, it's difficult to assess what they understand of the situation.

My youngest was 2 when his father moved out. He was already toilet trained and dry at night. After his father left, he started wetting the bed at night again. It's been three years and he's only close to where he was there; not dry at night yet. Looking back, this is the worst thing his father did to him.

Unless you are not close to your parents, I would suggest you find a way to tell them. You would cope better with their support (after their initial shock and anger towards him yes, they would be the help you need)

Your husband doesn't want to sell the flat as then he would have to rent a place or worse, stay with his parents. Do you think you would change your mind about the divorce in three years? Have you considered just filing for divorce (based on unreasonable behaviour) and custody of your child?

The current situation is very favourable for him and stinks for your child. What do YOU want?
I thought that it's best for my boy to at least know he has a daddy.. I just want the best for my boy.. Children are innocent. Whenever I think of this, I just couldn't control my tears.

May I know based on what unreasonable behaviour? I do not have evidence of him committing adultry. He comes home every night, send my boy to my parents place everyday cos my mum is helping to look after him. He also fetch me from my work place most of the days and then we will have dinner at my mum's place and fetch son home.. What other behaviour is consider unreasonable? He did mentioned before I will have my boy.
I just do not want to worry my parents.. They will be heartbroken, don't know how they can take it..
Can you advise me on the unreasonable behaviour??
yea, having DOS but staying in the same flat definitely sounds like trouble to me. even if it is good for your child, what about the both of you? you two will have to keep guessing each other's next move. i can imagine it will be pretty awkward. 3 yrs is a long time. he may be coming hm now, but as time passes he might get more involved with the other woman (let's call her TOW) and things will change.

on the other hand, staying tog but w/o the stress of maintaining a marriage...might rekindle the flames of ur romance..tho this is rare

parents are often tougher than we thought. for my case, i only told them i was pregnant a mth before delivery (and i was overseas) and my dad handled it pretty well. u may consider telling the 'tougher' parent first (regardless of who u r closer to) and let him/her relate to the other. and since it was ur hb tt was unfaithful, i think they will feel more protective of u than heartbroken. in fact, they were more angry n disappointed tt i did not 'let them share the burden' earlier. put urself in the shoes of ur parents. if ur son has problems, wld u want to know and help him?

frm what u said, ur hb doesnt sound unreasonable and he is still qt responsible to u n ur son. i think it'll be gd if u can talk to him again abt staying tog. maybe u can consider stayin w ur parents? (tho be prepare tt Miss TOW and son might move in) they can take care of ur son n also offer emotional support. and if ur hb is determined to remain active in ur son's life, he will know his father is also available, regardless whether they stay tog or not.

will it harder for ur son to understand why his parents are still 'married' but not staying in the same rm and not talking? (even not now, it cld be in the future). children r very perceptive u know, they will pick things up frm ur body lang even when u try to put up a front. i rem i always tried to bring my parents suggesting outings an extend tt i felt it was MY responsibility.

yes. think about what YOU want. remember, happy mommy = happy baby!

(btw, did i mention my dd is also 6 mths
post a photo of ur ds!)
need URGENT advice on Personal Protection Order PPO. Anyone has gone thru this, please share your experience. Want to know what happens during the court 'mention' - does the judge question the complainant (me) more than the respondent (husband)? Is the burden of proof on me, meaning I've to try all ways and means to convince the judge I need the order? And if I can't convince him, and if husband denies ever being violent to me, then judge won't grant order?

What type of PPO did u get, i.e. what are the terms of the PPO granted to u? Hope someone can advice or share soon as I need info urgently. Thanks!

I went through the PPO thing.

Have you apply for it yet? You will need to go to the Family Court to apply 1st. Then a court summon will be sent to the respondent to attend court.

In the 1st hearing, the respondent will be met by the court workers and they will ask the husband whether he admit to what you had reported and grant you the PPO. If he agrees, then it's easy. Judge will not ask, and just say PPO granted and is from immediate effect.

However, if the hubby does not agree to grant the PPO to you, then the judge will immediately state another hearing date, where both of you have to attend again, and you can get a lawyer to fight for you. You can also provide the evidence yourself..

PPO doesn't only include violent actions. It also include being threaten and anything that he does that makes you fear of your own safety.

Hope this helps.
hi crossroads,

thanks for replying. I've applied, but withdrew it (during the court mention) yesterday due to various reasons. Did ur hubby agree to the PPO?
My hub has another woman out. At first, he asked me to accept with the other woman in this life. He will still treat me the same and takes care of our two kids. He do not want a divorce cos he want the kids to stay in a healthy family. He do not want the kids to call other woman Mummy and other man Daddy.
I do not know what I should do now. I cannot accept the facts now. I do not wan a divorce.
I still need a man by my side. Im lost!
This is not the first time that he has other woman out. For the first time, abt 3-4 years back. I give him a chance, and we start all over again. Have two kids. Now again, he has woman again. He keep saying is my fault, if not other woman will never come in.. Im sad! I have been trying hard to take care of the family .. and this is wat I get. I do agree that we may faced some problem. but i used to tell him, let wait for the 2nd bb to grow bigger. I think we will manage our relationship. My kids are small.
Is it really my mistake to put in 100% of my kids?
Now he told me that let him some time, he will settle with that woman. and we will try our best to settle our relationship and salvage our marriage. Try to build up our bond and etc.. However, I do not know how long will he takes to settle ? and Can I win my hubby back.... ?
those who wants a fast and easy divorce if u and your hubby consent to all the terms eg flat, child etc. can contact me i can do the paper work for u at a nominal fee.
hi all, m a 28 single MTB...glad that there's a topic for single parent here...cheers...

btw i have a question, if my partner n i yet to rom when registering for bb birth, can i put his name as the father? or must the father column be left blank?
hi all, let mi share mine...
i moved bac with my parents when my baby was 15mths old. now she is 8. legally, i m still married.
i maintain a very fantastico relationship with my inlaw, she babysitted her since birth til i got separated.
i stil do not know what was e reasons, that my marriage broke down. i only clearly remembered tat e daddy said he doesn't love mi anymor.
it was a quick decision, i decided not 2put up w his late nites, no commitments, no contributions 2mi n my baby. i never regret.
now, i m stil stayin w my parents (both working), my sister and of course, w e help of a maid, doin my best 2provide 4my girl. i thank GOD (i m actualy a freethinker, stil searchin) 4givin mi a very beautiful n obedient daughter.
i m proud of myslf....realy proud tat i ve came tis far.
Hi mums,

It must be so hard to be a single parent. Hugs to all of you for being so brave. Here are some more inspiring stories for u all as well as dating tips!

Hi Tan Leng Leng..
so sorry for the late reply.. I forgotten abt my post here in the thread... I'm doing very well.. Happy wit DD... hehehe... very happy eventhough life can be sucks and challenging at times...

Hw are u then?

Thanks! Yup, coping well... :D U single mum too? where u stay?
Hi sri_leo,
I'm not a single mummy,
I'm a mummy to 2 kids & a baby,
if you may need kids essentials like clothes,
do let me know.

All of you are very strong,
Tan Leng Leng
Oppps... so sorry.. very sorry ya...
Thks! appreciate the help..
Whr u live?

I live at amk..anyone live nearby?
10mths old is a great age,
she's testing her limits on everything now...

Food, toys, mummy's things, kitchen cupboard, the list goes on...

Our #3 is 12mths old now, very mischievious...
Something to share. Perhaps you want to consider introducing 《弟子规》 to your kids.


第 三 课

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More teaching materials can be found at

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hi anyone here?

i am not single mummy yet.. mom to a 1 yr old boy. Intending to divorce with hubby. can anyone advise what will happen to the custody of the child if we divorce? if he refuses to divorce, what will happen? if we divorce, and he fights for the custody of the child, will he get it?

Happen to browse through this website and saw your message. We are in the same boat. Just that, my son is only 4months old.

Your queries are mine too. I read from a few other websites, threads, mentioning, the custody of the child will be given to the mummy if the child is below 10yrs old.

I find the other website quite a lot of single mummies too. Maybe you can read from there to find what you need to know also.
hi kelly and ideal_alone,

just to share..if u divorce with kids of such tender age, u will sure get custody of the child unless your husband can prove that u are not a good mother, cannot look after the child or bad influence for the child. eg. if drug addict, prostitution, mental problem,abuse the child etc.
i'm a single mum too. my princess is coming to 2 soon.
proceeding still ongoing but been separated for abt 15 months already.

kudos to all single parents here. we must perserve!
Hi I'm 17 weeks now, single MTB.

My story abit loh soh, don't know if i should put it up. But anyway, good luck to all single mommies!
hi shisan, glad to be here. i m single mum with 4 yrs old dolly gal. I was separated with my husband since i m expecting my gal, heavily pregnant 8months.

hope your preggie going well!!

I am a new mother and am still in my 1st trimester. I have been married for 4 years (after 2 years courtship).

Folks initially thought my husband and I are an odd couple cos he is so wild and I am so tame... but opposites attract. He is a good man - and I still think he is. We have made a lot of sacrifices for each other and compromises. I kept to my vow to commit to him for better, for worse.

Just a month ago, my husband told me that he had gradually lost his feelings and desire for me over the last year or so. He thought it was a passing phase but it grew to a point that it affected him. He felt he was living a lie and 'cheating' me. The baby became a catalyst - he had to tell me what he went through. He basically wants to give up and let me go... he is not able to find the desire for me even though he has tried time and again. The saddest part is that he thought the baby would change his feelings for me but he is not ready to be a father and he even resents his child for complicating matters... He feels a strong need to be free... to be his old wild single self.

It pains me to know that the love of my life wants out and is ready to let us go. I sensed a few months back something was not right but i dismissed the signs... I certainly never saw the baby as tool to manipulate him or to save the marriage... i just wanted to be a mother and raise a family with him.

We are now seeing a counsellor and are committed to working out the issues.

I have talked to a lot of frens - they give me alot of advice and support. I am tired of thinking about this - it does not help my hormones are making me more emotional and needy and yet I can't have his care and love. But one day, I need to face up and make a decision which can't be done overnight.

Facing the future is going to be painful - i see so many of you, wives and husbands, hurting but yet brave to either carry on or move on. I am so fearful for my child and myself. The key things keeping me sane are God, my family and my good frens.

I have been hearing from people who have similar experiences as me - but i wonder at this forum if there is anyone who is in my husband's position? I don't blame my husband for the hurt he has done - he is sorry for it but he is equally confused as me.

I would be very grateful if you could share with me cos i really want to be able to see from my husband's perspective (and I believe him that there is no 3rd party) and be able to help him.
i posted the message as a separate thread... but just needed a listening ear... i cry less now but the pain is still there. whatever i have tried to do, it pushes him further away from me and more resolute to leave me... I am very afraid of having the baby cos life will be so tough for the little one. But my Christian values prevent me from aborting... just very devastated
i did some reflection and i realised that i was at fault for some of our issues... but it's too late... my husband just seems to think it won't work out
I'm single mother, my gal will be going K1 next yr her english still not very gd and she does not complete her sch wrk. Her writing is average only wat shld i do?? My own english is olso not tat gd, i'm stress..
Hmmm...I'm glad to find this thread but also sad to see that it's no longer active...

I have found my hub affair 6 mths ago and I have a 2.5yrs old child... Though he seems remoseful over his act now but its seem very difficult for me to endure anymore as he almost got into other affair 7-8 yrs old which I had forgiven him..

he had beaten me once in the marriage becos he got drunk. I knew he ever visited some pubs where there's hostess around cos he ever brough me there... he admitted he ever touch one of them just for entertainment only cos he went with his friends...

we hv been togather since i was 19 and now i'm 32..
all my youth gone becos of this man..

Anyone who share the similar problem as me? can pm me?
Are you having difficult sleeping during the night?
For those who need someone to talk to or just someone to listen to your problems, I am working on night-shift(will be awake throughout the night). Just PM me and maybe we can exchange contacts. Sometimes all we need is a little support from the people around us, even if we do not even know them well :)
I wish i can be a single mum than a married but living with a 'stranger' with my children. All single parent out here, you are given another chance to live your own life with your loved ones (children). I envy all of you who has custody. I do not have the courage to divorce because i might lose and i cannot lose my children. My life is miserable than a single parent, i need to pretend to still have partner. If i dont have one, i can still seek for the one who really love, care and share the life journey together with me. I cannot have such person now as people still see me as married, sigh but i am leading the most lonely time of my life ever. I can only wait till my children are big then divorce but i will be old by then.
