St. James Church Kindergarten Parents' Club

Am interested to get more feedback re this kindergarten.

Would appreciate if parents with kids in the kindergarten could post a message on why they like the school, why their kids like the school, how are the teachers, is the curriculum good, etc, basically what sets it apart from the others.. : )

Millions of thanks
Hi Joyce!

We only took a quick look at the school from outside... guess that's not really a visit right? : P

Can visits be arranged?
I am kinda interested to send my child to sjck in jkt. The business manager called me and I asked him the no of children enrolled so far. He said it's confidential. Then I asked him how many children are there now in playgroup. He said he can't reveal the figure to me. Is this the normal practice in Singapore?
Huh? What is it that is so confidential that the biz manager can't reveal to potential clients? Tat's very strange. We mummies would prefer a small size playgroup. If u say it's confi, then how can we decide then? Missk, did u feedback to him?

I thinkg of paying a visit too. Tks to Purin for setting up this thread.
Hi All

Heard that the tendering of the land opposite their current school was not successful, but they are looking at expanding their current premises so that they can have more classes. really hope the expansion will go thru'
Hi Missk,
You can ask about the size per class. When I called the Singapore branch, we were already on waiting list. Thus, don't have to ask about the number enrolled.

They should be able to tell you how many students in the playgroup.

You must be referring to the Singapore branch. Yes, SJCK is very popular. We have parents sending kids there from Jurong West, from Chinatown, etc. Can see that they don't mind sacrificing the sleeping time of the kids.

Haha! I'm one of them too. I'm residing at Upper Bukit Timah.
Hi Purin

How old is ur kid?? Hahah me too.. i m residing in Yishun... but i hope to get into the AM class instead of the PM.. DD naps around noon time.
Hi Silvery

May I ask when did you found out their tendering not successful huh?

We have confirmed a nursery place for my DD in 2010. But still on wait list for Pre Nursery in 2009.

Wow that is far for you from Yishun to SCJK. Would you have think of other kindy as back up?
Hi Purin

Mine is 2005 baby too, wait list for 2008 but firmed on 2009 (PM)- hoping to swop to AM.

Hi Joyce

Mm.. i found out a few days ago, i called to find out whether the bidding is successful or not so that i do not need to find "back up". Hahha yes, but because is near to my mum place can help to bb-sit my kids.
Hi Silvery,

My DS is currently in another pre-school. I didn't ask to be placed on the wait list for pre-nursery cos I want him to play for another year.

So there may be chance that our kids are in the same session. However, will definitely see you in some of the school functions.
Hi all,

Hee hee... why are there no parents with kids already attending SJCK posting any comments?

Actually, I only learnt about SJCK from this forum. Had no idea it is a popluar kindy.

Sigh... I live in Pasir Ris. It's really far and that's why I'm so eager to find out what sets SJCK apart from the rest of the kindergartens..
Any views?

Millions of thanks!
Hi Yeoloulp,
Since you are staying so far, don't really advise you to choose SJCK. You'll need to send your child to school everyday. Unless you move.

For us, the school bus does come to our estate. I've seen it on some mornings arriving at around 7.15am.

So DS will definitely be taking school bus.

Hi Silvery,
Hee! I'm not a SAHM. In a dilemma now cos DH asks me to resign end of yr. However, I can't bear to do it cos that means I'll have no financial freedom and I won't be able to buy things for DS as and when I want.

DS is attending a montessori pre-school at Newton. He's taking school bus every morning and he needs to wake up at 6.50am. Will be the same when he goes SJCK.

How about yours? Attending any school at the moment? Are you a SAHM?
Hi Purin

Yes i am a SAHM, as i just returned to Singapore after less than 3 years stay in the States. Will be SAHM for a while cos i just gave birth to my 2nd bb..As for school, i am still in the stage of hunting for schools. Right now, she is not attending any school just enrichment class. So Which month is your DS born in? Mine is Oct.Well, i agree with you a big sacrifice to quit your job, unless you are planning to have another bb
Hi moms!
I've reserved a place for Nursery for my DD for Yr2010 and on waiting list for pre-nursery for 2009 at SJCK. Seems that most of us are on waitlist for 2009 huh!

Can I check with you which montessori school is your DS attending? I'm looking around for a monte school for my 19months old baby. So far, I've been to MMI at Upp Bt Timah, everything else seems good except its really small.
Hi Ginger,
Where is MMI at Upper Bukit Timah? Don't remember seeing one along Bukit Timah. Hee! Or maybe cos I only travel from Newton Mrt to Beauty World.

The montessori school that DS is attending only takes in kids around 2.5yrs. This is a pre-school, not a childcare. If not wrong, MMI is a childcare.
Hi Ginger,
Haha! Think I'll be in a dilemma cos I just saw all their teaching materials and it's really very good. My understanding is most kindergarten like Pat's schoolhouse will only teach till the count of 100 for Maths. However, for Montessori, they can go up till thousands if the child is capable of doing that.
My son will b going to nursery,SJCK next yr,PM class.

Ya,how come no mummies give comment abt this school? We just went to the talk at St James 2wk ago.

Biw,they've 10yrs lease at Harding Rd.I am staying at Bt Timah so it is still reasonably convenient to put my son there.
u might wanna try Montessori For Children.They've 2branches:newton road & Broadrick Road.

The AM session is oredi full.The last time i asked,they still hv few vacancies for PM session which is 12:30 to 3:30 for Jan'08
Hi Ginger,

seems like yr DD and mine will be classmates. Which month is yr DD. Mine is August. They also put us on waiting list for her Pre Nursery in 2009. Btw what is waiting list no. and which session did you opt for yr DD PN and N. Both is session 2 for my DD.
I was really set on MMI until they let me in to see the classroom. I was prepared that its really small, but when I saw the toilet, I freaked. Its ONE toilet and its squatting kind
then I start to "hiam" the place, really small work area for 12kids!! So I decided to look around.

So far I've been to Faith n Blossom Monte which is about 5 mins from my place. Faith looks really good, low sinks for children, clean n spacious with nice playground. Cant say the same for Blossom!

Thanks for the recommendations. I've heard about Monte for Children. Seems very good, but its a little bit too far for me to travel cuz I'm staying at hillview. Not very willing to travel to Newton if its a daily basis leh

My DD is born on 28Feb. I opt for morning session cuz I think they usually take naps in the afternoon? Also, I was told lunch will be provided if I take the session 2, but my DD is allergic to alot of things, so I think no meals is better for me!!
Hi Ginger,
Missed your question above. Yes, DS is with Monte for Children.

We can only choose one method of teaching later. Not advisable to put your kid at one using a more classroom based/systematic approach kindergarten, and one Montessori school.

Talking about distance. Silvery is residing at Yishun. Her DS will be in 2009 PM class. Hee! Hillview to SJCK also quite far actually. Will your child be taking the school bus? Mine will be most probably and he will have to wake up at 6.45am.

Hi Avocado,
Which part of Bukit Timah do you live? I'm near Beauty World.

Hi Silvery,
DS is Apr 2005 baby.
So you are saying that if our child goes to kindy, not advisable to go Monte in the afternoon for extra lesson rite? Cuz i know a few ppl who do that. Hmmm

Originally I thght SJCK is still at Holland, but for me to drive down, its pretty near, about 15mins. I also have neighbours whose kids are studying there.

Near Beautyworld? I'm staying at the begining of Hillview, pretty near BW also!
Hi Ginger,
Yes, not advisable cos the methods of teaching are different. This is to prevent the child from getting confused.

By the way, are you a SAHM?
Hillview,hmm..not familiar with the kindergarten there...

i stay near to Nanyang Pri.Our plan is to put him at Nanyang Kinder but oredi fully booked.
Hi Purin

No, i will drive my daughter to school. haha.. think if i opt for school bus, she will have to wake up much earlier.
Hi Silvery,
Your DD in PM session right? Quite ok if you travel by CTE. But if AM, CTE can be jammed.

Actually I find them quite pitiful. Need to wake up at 7.30am latest if in AM.

DS has to wake up at 6.45am on weekdays. As good as attending a primary school.
Hi Purin

Ya the wait list for 2008 PM seems to have better chance than AM. But hoping to go for AM class cos DD naps around 12.30pm. Plus she wakes up at around 7am. Ya you are right CTE is Jammed in the morning. Thinking of taking the small road not highway.
Is your DS accepted in 2008 or on wait list?
Hi Silvery,
We didn't enrol DS for pre-nursery, i.e. in 2008. We want him to learn through play and enjoy as much as he can till the age of 4.

He's confirmed for 2009 AM.

Actually their sleeping pattern will change. Some kids don't nap after the age of 3. They will sleep earlier at night.

Hi Avocado,
Can forget about NY Kindergarten. If not wrong, only 60 vacancies and they give priorities to old boys/girls and their siblings. Just like enrolling into a primary school.
Hi Purin

Oic.. as for DD sleeping.. i am quite happy cos she wakes up early and nap for 2 hrs in the afternoon
she is still able to sleep at 8pm. Thats why i didnt want too much changes for her. I just pray that someone in the AM wants to swop for PM. hehe..
When did u register for your DS to get confirmation for 2009?
Hi Avocado

Yes, agreed with Purin to forget about NYK. They put my DD on waiting list. Her no. is 100. Anyway we are looking for other options for chinese based kindi. Do you have any recommendation?
Hi Silvery,

Is your DD on waiting list for PN in 2008? Do you know what is her quenue no. Currently, they are calling these group of parents to offer them a place. They are using their own premises since they unable to get the addition land.
Yes, have heard about that kindy and have already made plans to attend their playgroup next year so that can have priority for their Pre Nursery class.
Hi Joyce

my DD queue number for both AM and PM 2008 is in the early forties, as for 2009 PM (5th) in the queue. Stil waiting for call. As for chinese, i may consider enrolling DD to Tienhsia, heard is good.
Hi Silvery/Joyce,
I have heard good comments about Tienhsia too.

Currently DS is attending a once a week Chinese lesson, similar to JG/GUG.

As far as I know they are still doing the confirmation exercise for the 2008 PN. For 2009 confirmation, we should be able to know by Dec this year.

Would you be able to share more about Tienhsia. Thanks in advance.
Hi Silvery

Congats and happy for you and your DD. It is so wonderful to have this club over here. Btw are you still SAHM? I'm SAHM too. But teaches on certain days . Realise not many SAHM here. Have send you an email before regarding Tienhsia. Did you receive my email? My email is [email protected]
Hi mummies,
Revive this thread as my dd got into the PN am session for 2008 and I hope to hv more kakis to share our kids' progress in the school or perhaps go for some tea while waiting for our kids
. Did anyone go for the orientation talks?

Hi Muffin,

My DD also in PN AM 2008.. didnt went for the talk but hubby did (but i was taking a stroll at Botanic garden with DDs) but i did went over later on to buy the unforms, t-shirts and hat.. Ya. me too would love to be in the kakis group.. haha ya can meet for tea.. The food court at Botanic garden is nt too bad..
