Spotting for 4 days but no menses at all !

hi Bettyboob, i seems to haf the same symptons as u.. hope i'm the same like u..

my cycle is 30days, on the 6th every month. For april, i started with spotting on the 7th til 10th then started to haf something like menses. lasted for 4days ON n OFF. nt sure if i'm pregnant as i was tested negative on the 7th.
went to see gynae on Apr 18, tested negative and did scan but see nothing.

Apr 22 onwards, booby feels pain n sore.. like so full. but my nxt cycle shld be coming May 10.

am i pregnant? or jus tt period comin early tis month? hw is ur symptons like? can tell me more in details...

hi all,i am late for almost 2 weeks already.
bought clearblue tested twice but both cycle is abt 28 days and they are always on time.this time it's different.shd i see my gynae??
i soooo want to get pregnant cuz not young liao...factory closing :p

WOW u soo kiasu i thot i was the only one, actually yhe cheap strips (buy online from forumers) also does a good job in result wise, but i also kiasu so bought the expensive branded ones to re-confirm.


2 weeks maybe too early to detect from your urine, try again in another 2 weeks, i tested positive in 4 weeks. Dont see doc first, waste money, he will also ask u to do same test. Just go watsons buy those test kits will do.


So you confirmed preggy..? If so, congrats to you!!
Hi all,

Same like JO, I’m almost late for 2 weeks... Tested 3 times, still -ne, haiz...
On off got some crampy feelings in my abdomen and also wet CM ..
Been feeling tired & having dreams for the past week...

Dunno why like that? Shd visit gynae or wait longer? This is making me crazy...
ladies, i happened to find a cheap test kit - SGD1.90 @ Mustafa Pharmacy.

Works successfully for me

Troublesome part is that you have to pump urine on it, not pee directly on the stick .. but the cost savings is enormous !
Just to ask, my AF is late... already D40.

i started spotting on 23 july (D28) when my usual cycle is around 35 days and moreover i did a v-scan with gynae on 4 july (D9) and gynae said i might ovulate around 11-14 july onwards.

I tested on 25 July (D30) but negative. My spotting only stop on 26 July. Hence gynae suggest testing again. So on 30 july (D35), i tested and its negative.

Did anyone encounter this b4? What causes spotting w/o real menses coming?
hi dsmummy,
hope you have your ans already.

yeah, I have experienced something similar. I spotted for about 3 days, 7 days after my ovulation (IUI). My menses did not come even by D42. I thought I was pregnant, but tested negative. To cut the story short, I was given medication to induce menses, and if pregnant, the medication will not harm pregnancy but will help support the pregnancy. If not pregnant, the medication will result in menses within 3 days after finishing the dosage. You can check with your gynae.

It could be early pregnancy that's why tested neg, or it could be hormone imbalance resulting in missing menses.
hi joyy,

thanks for your reply.

till date (D46), my menses is not here and i've not done any check. will delay for another wk then maybe do a check if realli still no menses.

btw, my gynae din suggest taking any medication to induce menses, just ask me to wait for my normal menses to come b4 taking clomid.
Hi All,
Just want to last menses ended on the 29Jun08 and July menses didnt come at all....i tested twice on the test kits last & this week..and both showed positive.

But today went to the gynae for the scan and she says it seemed very small.

Gynae says that based on her calculations, i shd be in my 7th plus weeks so she is expecting to see more....she also stated tat the small circle shows about 5 weeks+ only. No spotting on my side though... And we only started hving unprotected sex in Mid july...

Any1 has e same this normal? Now Im getting a little worried...
slow growing happened to me also for the first 12 weeks but now my baby is over weight n over big :p. so not to worried too much..
Wanna get advise from all of you here. My last menses was 21st Aug, but until now i have not had my menses. Frankly speaking all along my cycle is very irregular. I did a test yesterday and it's negative. But i do feel my breast is full and my stomach bloated and cramp. Do I still stand a chance of getting pregnant?
BTW how long did you gals TTC before really got pregnant?
Hello Bluegal,

Did yr menses finally arrive? Or you tested positive already?

I had a cyst surgery done in April 2008 n my gynae gave me an injection to stop menses for 6 months. It has been 6 months already n my menses still have not arrive.

I did a pregnancy test yesterday n it showed negative. I felt bloated n slight cramps on n off. Anybody have similar injection to stop menses after a cyst surgery? How many months later then you get back your menses?
Hiya girls..

My first day of my last menses is at 16oct. I had been having a 22 days cycle for the past few months and I missed my period this month. Therefore i took 3 pregnancy test on my own on 16nov morning as I had spotting on the 15nov. All 3 test shows positive. However, the color of the second line is lighter than the other. I went to the doc n the doc says i'm preg. Bad news is... i got blood flowing out after i left the doc... i do not experience any cramps which i usually do. The blood is just like normal period, mayb a little lighter... how come all the test shows i'm preggie n I still like got menses...
All along me n hubby are trying for no.2. The last time my menses came 11 June n lasted six days. All along I got regular menses so by right it should come again abt 10 July. Last night me n hubby did it n I got brown spotting in my pants. Why like that? Now I'm so worried. Is it I pregant n it bleeded becos of our activity last night? Wat should I do? Too early to check for pregnancy n see doc right? How?
My menstruation cycle is quite long. Range between 35-45 days. My last menses was 8 July and just when I thought my menses came on 27 August (that is a whole 50 days in between!), what came out was brown spotting. I tested a couple of times. Negative... negative. Today is the 7th day since spotting started and there is still a little. Went to gynea today but gynea's super test strip said negative. Biangs! This is driving me crazy man. I don't dare to do any form of vigorous exercise, well, not that I am physically up to it. I feel tired mostly and have just a little swollen breasts. Otherwise, I don't have the usual preggie symptoms like nausea, weight gain (in fact, I lost some!), and such. So this is REALLY perplexing and bothering me like hell. Has anybody had a similar experience before? And what was it in the end?

My AF supposed to be due this Sat but has been spotting since Tues (today already 3 day). Have also tested but shows negative. It is because my HCG is too low to be detected as AF is only due this Sat? Anybody has this experienced and later found preggy? Hope will get preggy this cycle as I have been TTCing for more than 1 yr and this is my 1st IUI attempt.
Hey all, I am trying to get pregnant. last mth my menses only came for 3 days and light brown on the 4thday andby the 5th i have stopped, it is the same for this mth. But i hv checked the result is negative. what might be the cause of this or has anyone experience the same thing
