SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

thanks becky_cat

Eggs florentine
Very lovely layout. Good idea will go dig my parents pics

Cool idea.

Spring closet
Has email you albums available for sale
Ann, boh bian. Boss quite pressure =( I spend about 2 hours a day with kids on weekdays and whole day on weekends. But to afford that, I've to either get up at 5am or sleep at 1am. Very tired and no creativity at all.
Yes, I agree. It's really quiet nowadays but I will still visit here daily to see any updates. I have no output so just a silent reader here.
Hi Ann and everyone! How's everyone ?

I still pop-by once a while but indeed it is a far cry from last August when we were buzzing with activities/meetings to LSS for Nday promos.
Is everyone still scrapping ?

I've slowed down a lot in both output and input..................seeing many friends give-up on the hobby too !
I've only managed 1 piece in the last 2 months, for Laine's National Day challenge. Here it is..


BTW Has anyone shipped via BDL lately? I've noticed a new FUEL SURCHARGE, which I don't recall being informed about..
Ming....nice one again.

I shipped monthly!!! havent use this month though.

Mich....I still scrap, just that lazy to post here cause my style is clean-line, nothing much to see.

I need to ask this same question yearly, when is teacher's day?
Ann, it's on the 1st of Sept (Wed).
Any suggestions on what to give teachers? Every year, the same, diy cards, need some ideas.
Ming, nice LO ! I like the arty background.

Ann, it is 1st Sept(Wed). For primary schools, that day no school, celebration (and giving presents) will be on 31st Aug (Tues).
I'm here too.. Checking in once in a while like Aimini.. Not much output (or input) though like MichL.. Haha..
Feel like re-starting my engine and do a mini album of my children..

Ming: Nice LO.
Love the colors..

MichL: It's so sad to hear of someone giving up on this hobby.

Lenny, Sally: You girls here? The Sizzix memo die is still OOS. It's been so long. I want to get it too. Can use that to make some gifts as teachers' day prezzies for the teachers.. *sigh*

Kaimom: You here? Your stamps are still with me. Just give me an sms when your hubby is around this area. He can come collect for you..
3As, is okie .. I can wait coz juz withdrawal my girl from childcare centre .. She has adjustment issue after the long break due to HFMD ..
3As, indeed sad....and not just one person ! It makes me reflect on my huge stash pile and the terrifying thought of what to do with them if I give up too !

You are not alone. Still crafting but cut down a lot on SB that I'm planning to sell my stamp stash :p

I've recently open the 'gate' for my daughter to cut my pp. Time to let them go...
Una....I've opened the gate some time ago too. Whenever I've left over, either I gave her directly to craft or I'll die cut for her. If I were to still keeping them after I scrapped, my left-over stash will grow into mountains soon.

Spring....FYI, if you are using the b'day code for YSS, you can use it again and again, as long as it is in Aug.
Hi annissakoh,

initially i tot so too but heard someone got banned for reusing the code.

Not too sure but doesnt want to take the risk.

or anyone want to do the spree. i can give the code.
i wan to use MM paint, i know mist can create thur spray or just drip onto the LO due to its' watery but if MM paint (thicker texture) so quite can help how to create the splash then driping dripping effect w/o messing up the LO using paint? i see some LOs they did it quite neatly & nicely...or they use mist to create e effect?
if still can't find, let me know, I have.

You need to dilute the MM paint with water first. Dip your brush then flick with quick wrist movements. Try it out on some newspapers, quite good fun. This way can create the random droplets and small splashes. Try different size brushes and different thickness of paints.
If you want nice big uniform splashes - I have seen people use dabbers - just drop the dabber on the LO. I never tried as I don't have dabbers.
yes, mich is right. u hv 2 mix sm water n see how runny u want your paint. u can try using diff things to get the effect as well, like credit card, bubble wrap, foil to get the type of effect you want.
