SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

It's finally up on Joann.. Saw it at PM and was drooling big time. I'm looking for someone to share half a stack of the new DCWV Mariposa. Anyone keen?

CL: You're moving to? The current place is so convenient! Heheh..

moving to hillview. Ha ha a bit further than clementi hor. But ha ha cannot afford where you stay so have to make do with hillview

after seeing mariposa on this I am drooling

If nobody sharing with you count me in
CL: Onz!
Hey, you can go take a look at the real thing at PM. The first time I saw the stack, I went wow! The style looks a bit like the Melody Ross' new Urban Artsy stack and even Websters Pages I must say.
Finally I'm back.. have been crazy at home and at work for the past 2 weeks!
In summary,
1) Hubby tore his knee ligament and underwent surgery, week long stay in hospital.
2) Sophie's CC had chickenpox outbreak, withdrew her from school.
3) Had to seperate S from Zoe since I did not want to risk Zoe being exposed.
4) School was having an event hosting impt foreign guests. No time to finish my own work all week long!
5) Good friend's wedding today of which I am her wedding coordinator

So I am GLAD the crush is over, events 4 and 5 finished today, I am sending back Sophie to school next week so I no need to worry about 2 and 3 anymore. Yeah!!

In the midst of all the busy-ness, I had to complete my friend's ang pow box and guestbook. Here it is..

Ang pow box inside and outside:

I cut out pieces of cardboard to form a house shape, inspired by Laine's Home class (never attend but saw the class sample in shop haha).




Matching with the door hanger and card I made for them last year on their ROM:

Paper Ranges: LYB Love Letters (I like it so much better than this year's Sweet Love!), DCWV La Creme stack, Teresa Collins Crush.

3As, thanks.. I only tied 1 side of the back of the "house", so it can be swung open. To keep it temporarily closed, I used metal binding rings.
Ming!!Wowweee..I had to come out of my lurking status to comment! SO nice and impressive and u only took a look at the class sample???!!! Wow...What did u use for the gate behind the chipboard couple? I very impressed, too bad I no need for this, otherwise i sure ask u to customise for me!
Ya, me also silent reader. Too busy with my gal who just started P1 this year, and its really not easy for her. She is still not comfortable in her new school even though she has her friends there with her. She is not used to spelling and ting xie so every now and then will cry when learning. I really dun know how to help her.

3As, wish you have a smooth delivery

I told myself to stop buying but the Mariposa stack really nice, I liked butterflies so i wanna buy this stack too, will post in your thread.

CL, happy that you managed to get a new house that fast. Hope to see your work soon after settling down.

Ming, you can teach in classes already, all your work very nice and creative, think you can be art teacher too. Dun think able to scraplift, need a teacher for this. My sister wedding this year so need to get some ideas and do up something for her.
ming: omg!! i'm totally breathless! i looooove the angpow box!

can ask how did u do the accordion style for the guestbook? is it using SB paper too or some other white paper? wonder how you can attach them so nicely to each other.. hehe.. I understand your eyelets request. It's a lot of work. I've yet to use this range of paper. I bought it because of you.
i must say this... the house you made is so damn nice!!! *clap clap clap* your friend must be so happy to have them =)

to be honest, your house looks so much stable than Laines's. erm.. you ever care to conduct a class for this??
Jellypurin, me and Autum went for e Creative Escape last yr. Quite fun but v xiong cos e whole day in class! Though expensive, u get ur money back since meals are provided and got sure-win lucky draw...prizes are all scrapbooking stuff.
Feb 2010 Challenge

MomentsRecorded Challenge for Feb is all about
L O V E !!!

We would like you to share with us your lovely story behind you and your other partner.
Scrap your favourite photo taken as a couple and share with us one of the most memorable story or a day or even an action between the both of you.
You can even ask your other partner to journal down his/her thoughts and share of that special day.

Thank You in advance for sharing the wonderful story of yours with us

Send in your submission to [email protected] before the 24th Feb 2010.
(ending this challenge slightly earlier as I will be taking a short family trip)


Congrats!!! So cute and chubby

Please support my spring cleaning lelong... am clearing my stash of clear stamps coz i dun see myself using them after they have been sitting around for so long...
wah i love unity stamp co february 2010 kit of the month.. if anyone here happen to subscribe to the kit and dun want the KOM for feb, can let me know? kekekeke.. thanksss..
3As, congrats!! 3RD "A" indeed. You're going to run out of letter "A" in each pack of Alphas very fast!

Erna, ffellie always does Unity spree. You wanna email her? I will PM you her email.
may I know anyone have babyrainbow contact?

She still have some order with me since december. can help to get her to contact me?

thanks i advance.
such cutie!! rosy cheek, chubby face. =) milk monster is good, drink more, grow more and fast haha.

you rest well =)
Thanks all..
She's not so rosy now, a bit burnt from sunbathing and from jaundice.. But still a milk monster nonetheless...

CL: The mariposa stack is here. Will advise you on collection after the watchface arrives.. Christy said she's sent it to me instead this time.
