SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!


that is the one that i want
3As, I'm still deciding between Petit Fours and Teacups. Hoping to see the price first before deciding. When is the latest u need to place orders by?
Craft Steals
Saw this and can't resist. Would like to get 2 more pax to share shipping as max order is 3 units. Anyone keen, pls let me know. Thanks.

CL: You saw the emails I sent to Christy? Haven't had her reply yet this morning. I have 3 of your email addresses in my database. Hope I sent to the one you most frequently check. Let me know else I resend.

Sally: I think I just formed a sub group.
Sub is for a min of 6mths without skipping. Each box can take 3 main kits, and there're 3 of us now.
I think not difficult to form a group since you need only 3 pax, you can ask around here to form another group.
Alternatively, let me try my luck and go ask if she can try to accomodate 4 pax instead. This way, we all lower our shipping cost. Let you know.

Ann: Should be no prob. Let me check.

Lenny: Roger.

Ming: Have asked her when we have to commit and the price for each of the add-ons. Get back later.
i m such an IT idiot..
is so hard to resize the photo to the size i wan..
Alamak !! over compressed !! photo is too small again~ Aarrrgghhhh!!

Another LO of Baby Shanelle with a tin of milk powder
3As, she just turned 20 months ~
still babbling but she is good at pointing at the things she wants us to do/take for her~
including instructing her Grandma wat to do next when preparing milk for her..
Sally: Tell me abt it. My boy is 15mths and can already instruct the maids to do his bidding! He's surely going to become a terror.. As for babbling, he likes to follow after what I say. If I say "never mind", he'll go "nev mind".. His favourite is "no" and "don wan"... Hahah.. Qutie cute.. They're so cute at this stage..
3as, the most amazing thing abt my girl is she has selective listening .. She is able to Filter away those that she doesn't want to hear ... Hahaha .. Steady rite ?
Sally: Yah! The most irritating thing is when they're watching tv and you talk to them, they'll totally ignore you! :p :p So I'll switch off the tv and then keep quiet - make them ask me to repeat what I was saying. Wahahahha!!!

Ming, Lenny, Sally: You've got mail.
Wah...sounds tempting to pop down and check them out...BUT am so tied up with reno, decorating the house and plan the BIG MOVE for end of this month.
Mamachan: You won't regret going down, even if it's just to take a look. Me delivering in 2 weeks time. And I'm still tempted to take up a class, and even though there is no promotion at the moment. So you can see how tempting it must be.
Forgot to add...

SL Kits Sub
I still have 1 more slot for subscription of the SL kits from Mar onwards.. If you wanna start from Feb, I can ask too.. Let me know. Thanks..
Taz / 2 very evil. I thought I've stopped SB shopping for a while then now comes the tempting the stamps!!!
Hahaha, it's tempting to go back on SL sub...BUT...I'll pass...have yet to start using up my kits that I had accumulated! Hope to get back into scrapping once I move and get settled in!
Jelly: Got to wait til 28th or later I think, since she's off to the CHA already.

Mamachan: It seems like a long time already. Have been hearing you say that you hope to scrap when things are settled down. So when will that be?
hahaha...I say until sianz also... soon soon. Hopefully by mid-Feb. Moving house next weekend on 30th Jan! So should settle down quite quickly

I think I know why it seemed long. Coz by end Oct I've packed away all my SB stash and moved out of my old home and currently staying at my mom's. All SB stash in the warehouse storage.

So from Oct - current = no SB!
Except for the farewell gift that I helped put together for an ex-colleague who is going to UK for good.
Mamachan: We're both looking forward to the same date. I'm going for my C-sect op on the 30th Jan.. Wahahhaa..
That is provided everything is ok when I next visit gynae this Mon, else my op will be on 26th.
Then I'll be busy being a moo moo cow lo.. BUt hope I can come in here and drool over LOs you ladies put up..
Wow! So fast you delivering already? Cool! Take more pics for when you have time to scrap! hahaha. I realized I have lots of photos/events to scrap on once I move in....itching and can't wait....especially my San Francisco trip pics! My boy's birthday party.
3As, good luck. I'm moving hse tomo so on leave to clean up new place. Taking a break now so can check in e forum..hehe. I've done a 18"x18" canvas piece for my new place but can't attach the pic using my iPhone. Will try to do it next weekend.

hee hee, i will remember your baby birthday 2 days away from mine. Have fun welcoming the baby #3.

jia you. Hee hee I will move 1 week after you.
