SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

cos i used to have people to come over my place to rent my machine to use and at the same time can have crop exchange session =) but got preggie so stopped le.

Lovely LO!! Looks really good. Must share with us how to do it k? hahaha
You like vintage papers? I have a stack of K&Co 12 x 12 double-sided pattern papers. Abit too much for me liaoz, if you want, I can bring along and see if you wanna buy some from me =P my stash from MWL lah hahaha, the paper pad I bought has a repitition of 3 pieces per PP in the stack, so I've lots of extras. Think will out out to $1 a piece? kekeke you let me know lah.
hey gals.. sorry for being a noob.. but hor.. i wished i can do scrapbook to keep track of my bb's growing in my stomach.. but i heard dat when preggie cannot cut things rite? den hw to do huh??
Ha ha moony
Welcome. I think cannot cut when you are on your bed because they believe baby will have cleft lips something like that.

Otherwise you plan first, once baby pop, quickly start the project
hello Chicken Little.. thank you for your advise.. hehe.. but im v keen to do scrap book.. cos my hubby says he wanted to start a scrap book by himself oso.. but i noe his creativity nt dat gd haha.. so to prevent any ugly scrapbook i wanna start 1st.. but seems like better dun do.. ;( i dunno will i have time to do once i gif birth.. so scare ..
CL, thanks for asking. Seems like the fever was caused by blocked duct. The lactation consultant told me it was blocked since my first child (horrified). But I'm determined to BF until she self-weans.
CL, thanks for asking. Seems like the fever was caused by blocked duct. The lactation consultant told me it was blocked since my first child (horrified). But I'm determined to BF until she self-weans.
If I'm you, I will start first :> I only discovered scrap-booking after I delivered. And whenever I'm doing my scrapping (usu late at night after my son sleeps), I will regret that I never discovered this hobby earlier! Always admire my friends (with no kids) who can scrap the whole weekend! Besides, when you deliver, you will have endless photos to scrap, cannot catch up then :p
I tried to pm you. But you have not activated your Pm. Do you have MSN account or email address, I recommend something for you without cutting.

I was about to ask you about the blocked duct. Have to be careful and make sure it is clear. Which lactation consultant did you go to ? Doris Fok seems good.
thks! Sure, we are here to share rite! Anyway, its not difficult... i m sure after i show u... u will say oh so easy! oh the shadow box is included but i find d fee $65 too ex cos still have to bring our own glue tape n 3D dots so they only provide all tools n 3 pattern papers n one card stock... I will sure get from IKEA if i m going to do another one!

Take good care!!

ooh tats very nice of u! how much do they have to pay?

thks! definately will share! I love vintage papers but dont really how to use them! hey i dont mind... u can bring them along if i like the patterns den i will sure get them! hehehe!

Welcome! ya i agreed with CL... only on the bed... yes yes also take lots of pics... even now... d stages of your preggy & etc... i really regreted not taking enuf pics during my preggy time after seeing the LOs of some ladies did here! So nice!
hi christmas.. ya i oso dunno hw nt to cut.. ;( v diff.. but no choice gt to listen..

i hope i can start 1st but i dunno hw.. haha.. seems so complicated.. XP

hey Chicken Little .. i activated my a/c le.. u can pm mi le.. thanks!

haha.. ya my hubby oso said take alot of pics.. but i feel dat im so ugly.. ;( haha.. but i saw the scrapbooks you gals made so pro lor..
Ya, me too regret not having enough photos taken of me when I was preggers, in fact, think only 1 or 2! So hb really dunno how to be zi dong and take.
Haha, so confirm you going CL's place this thursday for Sb? if yes, I'll bring my papers along for you to see. K&Co's Classic K range. haha, I love them! but too many for me liaoz.

oohhh, block duct is very painful!! I kena mastitis 3 times during my BFing journey! 1st time I got high fever was 2nd week after giving birth...whole body shivered like crazy!! Back then not efficient in massagig the breasts to clear block ducts.
Hi Moony
Pm you liao. You see if you are interested. Hey if you are free and CCK is ok for you , can drop by my place on thursday for scrapping session.
aiyo... no mommies are ugly when they preggy! Hey
you can buy those everyting in a pack... tat is easy to start... no need to tink wat to match wat... very good for beginners... aiyo me not pro... also jus started... can also copy copy here n there from others abit la... no worries...

yes yes confirmed going to CL's place, will be there around 3 or 3.30! Cant wait to meet up with u ladies!
i still scrap when i am preggie.i scrapped out those LOs first with the suitable titles but without those journalling and photos.
Nice layout.

Pai seh I have to disappoint you for thurs. My son just got white grains on his mouth and the dr suspected HFMD or measles. Sadly he has not got his MMR so there is a possibility. Sorry he has to be quarantined at home.

So I might not be able to host on Thurs as he needs to be clear first of HFMD and Measles. Do not want anyone to bring any virus back from my place to your little ones
hihi everyone! missing for few days and back to see soo many nice LOs!

nice one there!!did u burn the papers or wat? i like the way it turned out.

aaw!! i love urs too!! must must teach me how u do it ok!! how u do the petals? with templates? mine always dun turn out "vintage" and distressed enough.

eurgh! i hate blocked ducts! i had it 4 times back to back when i was bfing my gal. literally confined to bed. who is ur LC? must keep latching ur gal to clear the ducts ok. take care and most importantly rest well. hope u have some help at home from family members.

how is ur boy today? hope its just false symptoms. all mothers dread HFMD!!
Chicken Little
Hope Aden will be alright.

Would you still want to meet up and scrap? I can open up my place at Redhill =) Anyone else still keen to scrap if meeting up at Redhill this thursday?

Nope, didn't burn the papers =) it's using a technique called Shabby chic with inking.
Thursday Scrap session
I have a quickutz squeeze and one set of Emily fonts and another set is a simple unicase fonts, which you ladies can utilize during the session. =)
chicken little
thanks. wanted to keep my girl first month ablum simple and clean with all the hospital tags and bills and foot prints hand prints in there.
very nice & clean LO!

no worries, we still can scrap another day! Hope your boy is well...!

thks! Aida Haron from MWL already got a cut-out of the petals so we jus trace onto the pattens paper & cut it out... den jus used a pencil to curl them... d outlines are done by inking... hope tis help... if not when we have a chance to meet up, i will show it to you!

thks alot for offering to host... gus we will meet up another day...
Pai Seh pai seh, I can open my place next Thursday instead. You still keen? =) I would love to learn to do the shadowbox from you, would like to do it as a gift to a dear gf.
halo everyone
was busy the past week so didn't check this thread lately..

sorry i cldn't go for the class cos i had to rush a presentation
how was the class? is it useful? i shld really make time to go for such classes, if not, i'll never get started!

hope your boy didn't get HFMD...& he's feeling better now!

I like your LO but i'm v bad at journalling, will rather let the fotos do the talking.

i'm just like u...when i was preggie, didn't dare to use a scissors even if it's not on the bed, will ask hb to cut for me instead...v kiasi, ha!

redhill is out of the way for sad, can't join u all for the scrap session...
no worries... actually CL & me tinking of meeting tomorrow... can u make it? Cos i have hellokitty mooncake for u ladies to try!

its ok... the class was fun & noisy... hahaha... cos a few of them tried out with the eyelets tat need hammering! To me its a fun time doing LO with friends & yes at d same time u will learn someting! If i m going for any class again, i will keep u inform!

Here is d LO tat i did in class yesterday but some parts are done at home!
oh sorry i 4got tat u have to send ur mom to d airport! hmm... i will let u know again whether nxt thur is ok... thks for offering to open up ur plc!
Hi mummies, I would like to join the forum. I started scrapping 3 months ago, coz I wanted to do a scrapbook of my son's 12 months development and give that as a 1st birthday present to him, and got hooked to this expensive hobby instantly. Love the LOs posted and you mummies are really creative.
sorri ladies
was abit busy thur out the week, last time they will usually pay $10 per session per person. anyway, ladies, will post up any other information regarding this soon alright =)

Pics a bit small to see the details but I do like the layout. Post it bigger leh. Hee Hee getting Karen to teach me hers from MWL, you can teach me this. Aiyo after I finish all my nieces and newphew project, it is time to work on my own kids liao.
welcome! hehehe i tink i scrap less then 2mths... do share ur LOs with us ok...! cheers

ya cant see the details! Saw them at CL's place yesterday... love your work... very nice! Must teach us ok!

thks alot for opening up your hse for the crop session! Really have fun... "more fun in buying" hehehe! Looking forward for another session! hope you able to do the flower if not we can do it together in d nxt crop session!

My LO yesterday at CL's place is not done so cant post... will post it once its complete! More LOs showcase please!

Have a nice weekend ladies!
oh btw, i bot the soho swirls lei but no paint... heard frm CL tat u have many paint colours... u mind opening up ur plc for the nxt crop session... den i can borrow ur paint colours... hehehe... me thick skin hor! :p
muahahaha, yah, CL told me =P sure! U dun mind opening my place fro crop session at Redhill. Maybe either this coming Thursday or the following Thursday? =) My paint collection ok only lah. hahaha we can do some stamping too if you keen =) Then must show me the shadow box how to do k? Think October they will stop running the class.
If you want to experiment with glitter, I also have. Like the LO I posted on my boy's swimming with the awful pink floats. haha. =) just plan your LO and pictures and papers and what effect you wanna achieve then we can work right on it at the session =)
Morning mummies

Here's a LO to share with you ladies. Did it yesterday Sunday when hb was out for his sport and while ds was taking his nap.


I used Soho Swirls in this LO =) and Sassasfras Patterned Paper from their 'Indian Summer' Thanks for looking!
nice!! I always love how u can create a beautiful "mess". And I like how you make use of your paints.

Sorry...i tried to re-size my photos above...but cannot make it :p Maybe CL can help me post when she's free.
lovely LO! =) I love the pics taken of A =) I think my LOs are getting a tad too messy liaoz. muahahaha. Oh, MWL is having a Beautiful Mess workshop 2 using Love Elsie papers. You keen to join?
so tempting..Only squeezed time out to attend the class last week, in place of my sister, who had to back out last minute. But I think I better schedule time for my SDU classes at Laine's first. Yet to start any modules!

Nice nice. Ha ha I am now too busy to scrap for myself. Too busy with so many layouts for niece and nephews. Xian
nice now can see your details clearly...

waaaooo... nice LO lei... aiyo i start to like messy work! hey let me know if u are opening up your plc tis thur or nxt ok den can show u the 'Page in bloom shadow box'... its easy, i m sure u can do it even better! Ya oct no class on tis cos aida from MWL got no time to conduct! Oh i dont mind joining u ladies for the 'Beautiful Mess Workshop'! Let me know when can?
Chicken LIttle
MUahahaha, dun fret dun fret! I'm sure you'll start to have time to scrap your own LOs =) Wanna outsource some to me? =P So can help you scrap some of your niece's and nephew's LOs. LOL.

If this Thursday, will have to be afternoon around 3pm? Too late for you? If you need to bring your kiddos, we can send them to the Atlantis City play gym at delta sports complex beside my place.
no lah, I also started with simple LOs too =) as seen in my previous postings =) I guess the more you scrap, the more styles will "morph" out =)
oh 3pm is good... cos my gal's class is in the morning after tat i bring her back home for her nap den i can go out! hehehe! Can sms your address? my no.97908698. See u this thur!
Noted your number. Will sms you later in the day during my break from my 2nd cum practical interview from 10am - 4pm.

Any other mummies keen for a mini crop session from 3pm - 6pm at my place at Redhill? Can make use of my die-cut squeeze though my choice of fonts are limited.
