SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

some of the simple LO i did over the weekend..hehe..



Hi Mamachan,

Nice LO. Must teach me how to do digital LO too :D

Wow Irene, you can do 8 over a weekend! That's amazing. I only max do 1 a day :p How old is your daughter now?
hahaha the first one not done over the weekend... tats my daughter's album cover... just to show... she is now going 7 weeks....and already has 4 cds of pics!!!

hahaha last time on a good day, i can do up to 10! tat i when my brain juice is working v well.. hehe

You are so creative and very nice LOs. I pei fu pei fu you. Yes yes got time quickly scrap. Now realli have to squeeze out time to do man.

You better than me.Sometimes I have to spread over few nights to finish one.
Hahaha, I'm not into Digital SB =) I dunno how to use digital to do. Just sp happened I came upon that thread and asked to participate in sharing of LO before chicken little started this thread. heee

Very nice LOS!
Mamachan, oic. I never quite gotten the hold of digital also. But I gather Traditional SB is more fun la :p

No LOs today. Posting the birth announcement I made...

French fries carton cut from Silhouette. Footprints, tag & bundle of joy from Quickutz dies. Birth announcement from Stampedous.

christmas: woah.. so nice.... very creative..

chicken little : nuthing to pei fu la... mine all very basic stuff... cut paste cut paste hahaha

mamachan.. : thank you hehe...i think more like messy n full instead of nice n sweet hahaha

mama to 5js : thank you for the compliments.. cant wait to see you gals creation..

This is so cute. Very very nice.

I am so glad to start this thread. Ha ha can "steal" ideas.

Find my own layout all not creative kind.
Hi, chance upon this thread, you guys are so creative!

where do you get those cloth-like embossed picture/stickers(?) of duckie, bathtub, flower, bag etc etc.. it's soo nice!!
Hee hee, supposed to bring the announcements to the hospital and fill up when I'm bored :p

But... my husband thinks I'm crazy lah, where got time to fill up :D

Anyway, here's Part 4: The Locks... (last part, promise)

christmas: yours so nice!!!!!!!!!!! how u tear out the vellum so neatly!!!!

jambalaya: i got them from laines... at wheelock... some are stickers... others are die cuts

I cannot wait to meet you all liao. I must "gan pei xia feng" So glad to bring fellow scrappers together. Yours is so professional. I must upgradge myself liao
hee hee i thought a bit too neat already :p

I cheated lah, used the cookie cutter dies as a stencil and drew out the shape first.

Yup I think it's fun to gather more pple here. Everyone has their own style :D

We go scraplab some day yeah? More central more convenient 4 me ;p
christmas : where got too neat!! nicely done.. i think i will tear up the whole vellum in the end hahaha... nice nice... make me wan to steal yr idea.... hahaha mine is the easiest style.. CUT paste CUT paste.. hahahaha
Aiyo Irene

Ha ha very "poisonous". Let me invite other mummies I got to know in my biz thread to join here. More people here more people to be "poisoned" together. There is this mummy and myself has been updating each other on our purchase.

Will get my other partner ( beside mamachan) to share her layouts here too.

When is your EDD again ? Popping anytime ? Will a meeting up at scraplab end Sep or early Oct be good ?

Lets put down your preference for scraplab. I will go check out the availability
1) Chicken Little ( either end sep or early Oct, weekday)
haha, thanks for the invite. Good, we organize scrap labs to actually SCRAP....rather than our usual buying sprees. Just packed my sb stuff yesterday. I need to be on a paper ban..I have so many papers and never used yet.

Just checked out your link above. Are those sb albums or more like milestone type of books?
hi everyone,

One of my friend also into scrapbooking send me this link! So glad that she did!

You mommies are so creative!! I jus started so really looking forward to share your tips!

I m interested for scraplab too!! Btw, I am staying quite near you, along upp bukit timah rd! For the time being, I am a SAHM so trying to pick-up this hobby to keep me busy! Hehehe!

Preference for scraplab:
1) Chicken Little ( either end sep or early Oct, weekday)
2) Karen (any time & day as long it doesnt crash w my gal's Mandarin Class)

wow... u so steady lei... must teach me how u can scrap so many so fast!

I have scrap a few... will upload once i resize the pics!

Have a nice weekend everyone!
Welcome Karen.
Will count you in for the scraplab. Looking forward to seeing your layout. How old is your gal?
My gal jus turn 30mths old! Here are a few of the layouts... not complete yet... lazy... hehehe! Alot of catching up to do!



Nice nice layouts. I bought the Disney princess papers like the your sesame street one. Now I got idea what to do with it liao.

Your gal is so sweet in that fairy pics. Which studio did you go ?
thanks thanks... but still need more improvement! Hehehe... i also bot the Disney Princess... the matting i used on the sesame street... its from the Disney Princess...

I went to deCharacter at Purvis street. Its nice but i dont really like the photographer! Hoping to find a good one... any to recommend?

Nice layout! the frog so cute! I have got to improve on my Alpha Details... not creative in tat area enuf!

I brought my daughter when she was age 3 plus to DeCharacter too. It was a disney princess package so I quite like her pics. I have got another one taken for her early this year with one of the package in biz thread. He is quite good. Let me do out my 2 layout for the photoshoot and let you compare. The one call Alvin in biz thread is good because my hb never likes it when I bring the kids for photo shoot but this one he says realli good. Lets explore together

On Alpha, Christmas might be a good person to approach since she is expert with alphas. Hmm these few days no posting from her wondering if she has popped.

Yes yes Cheng's froggy papers are nice and if I not wrong, I was poisoned by her to get the papers too. You know nice papers must grab before they go out of stock.

stumbled upon this thread & am glad tt there are so many experts in sb here! i bought my 1st sb materials & album fr MWL (where u just follow their instructions on the layout & everything cos 1st-timer, don't know anything abt sb!!) & had wanted to do up an album for my boy but he's now already 8 mths old & i hvn't even started bad mummy!!

if anyone has any ideas on the fastest way to do up a 1st sb, pls do share
the frog papers are from the basic grey range. hee, I remembered I did this in e scrap lab and my friend helped me to cut the frog out :p

I find it easier to start after i had attended a basic scrapping class. Or alternatively, do it together with friends, will help to kick start your learning process. Join us in the scrap lab that CL is organizing :>
Hi straqian
What you can possibly do for your boy's 1st year sb album, is to do it a month by month LO so you'll have a total of 12 LOs by his 1st year =) hahaha. That's what I did when I realized I'm short of time before my boy's 1st year bday celebration and I wanted to have a SB "Brag" album. kekeke, only managed to do a few random ones, that's all. Now it's been filled up as there are days when I'm on a SB-roll, just scrap LO after LO, but momentum usually stop after 3-4 LOs. haha.
kekekeke, it was me who helped you cut the frog lor =P kekekeke. sigh...we need to meet up to scrap properly again! How about meeting at MWL's scraplab next Thursday?
Hi Everyone,

Wow just a few days away and we've a few more friends here :)

I just delivered Harmony on 31 Aug.

Preference for scraplab:
1) Chicken Little ( either end sep or early Oct, weekday)
2) Karen (any time & day as long it doesnt crash w my gal's Mandarin Class)
3) Christmas ( either end sep or early Oct, weekday)

I'm organizing a bulk purchase in another forum PM me if interested.

Yak wiv u gals tomorrow ;P
Ok Ok... looking forward to see your 2 layouts!! I dont mind trying out d photo taking with d guy (Alvin) u have mention... I am just afraid tat my gal wouldnt listen... u know... at tis age of hers, is difficult to ask her do tings if she doesnt wanna do!

Hi straqian
Me also just started scraping... d top 3 LOs was mine 1st... & badly done! hehehehe... after i attended the fast class at Laines, the other 2 LOs was better, hehehe but not complete! We can learn together! All d other ladies here are expert, their LOs are so creative & nice!! Envy them!

wah so good to have a grp of scraping friends... looking forward for the scraplab!!

Can i join in if u ladies confirm going? oh is the timing after lunch cos i can only make it after 2.30!

CONGRATS TO YOUR NEW BORN!!! U must have taking lots of photos... Cant wait to see your nxt LOs!! Have PM u on the bulk purchase!
Congrats congrats. Hope to see your new layout with little Harmony.

What classes you have attended at Laines so far ? So far my classes are attended at MWL. Ha ha my gal oso had an attitude during the photoshoot but he still managed to get some nice shots and also one with a pout but still lovely ha ha. My hb says so natural and typical of her. Maybe I should scrap that too ha ha

If it is next thur I wont be joining you all. Got a class on 13 Sep at Laines. Thot we are organising one end of the month / beg Oct so Christmas can join after the confinement. Hee hee

Welcome welcome. Did you get a SEI album kit from MWL ? Ha ha if you need more help on that can pm me. Like Mamachan I only took up the hobby like last year Oct then Jan 07 was my son's first birthday , so I have been rushing a first year album for display during his birthday celebration. If you got a SEI album, I also used that to do up my daughter's first year album though she is 5 now before she starts to be jealous why didi got a 1st year album but she does not.
hi all,

im also doing scrapbook for my litte girl.. but stop for quite awhile liao as i really have no time left to scrap. will upload some of my layouts when i take the photos of it.
Welcome Kate,

Looking forward to view your layouts

Me now busy doing up layouts for others. Ha ha now working on my nephew's layout for his birthday on 15 Sep 07.
hehehe... so far only attended one class at Laines which is the "FAST" class. Going to attend the "START" class on 26sept. Wat class are u attending on the 13sept? I feel like signing up the SDU-Basic! Yesterday went there n spent $$ again... bot lots of alpha stickers, hehehe & card stocks too!

I dont mind any class... i would love to attend as many as i can... hehehe!!

Kate Welcome... looking forward to view your LOs!

Your layout so sweet. What size is it ? You bought the patterned papers separately or they are in a set ? From which company leh ?

What class you attending at Laines on 26 Sep ? I am attending Metallic on 13 Sep.
Thanks! The size of the album is a 6by6, the patterned papers (12by12) comes in a set and I got it from MWL, not sure which company the papers are from.

I am going for the "START" class at Laines. What they teaching for Metallic?
i had actually wanted to attend the "baby brag album" class at MWL last yr before bb came along but jus cldn't find a class tt fit my schedule tt bb has arrived, even more difficult to find time to kickstart my album

dun mind joining u experts for the scraplab if it's on weekdays after office hrs cos u all can help me along, hee!

tt's a gd idea leh, tks ya!! at least i dun need to crack my brain to tink of a theme

I dun know if my album is the SEI one but i tink it shld be
ya, i better complete his album before his 1st b'day in Jan, if not, nothing to show off to frens, haha! tks for offering your help, i'll PM u when i'm stuck!

ya, envious of these experts here! okie, we learn together w them! is the "START" class at Laines a beginner's class? wat time is the class? mayb i can join u...
Hi Ladies

A LO I did last night in the wee hours. Just completed tonight with the titling. =) TFL!


This is on a recent picture taken of my boy when we went Bintan. I forgot to bring his arm floats, ended up borrowing a gf's daughter's arm floats. hahaha.
very sweet LOs!

no problem =) we're all here to share our LOs and ideas with each other. After having gone through all the mad rush to have something to show, at least I know what to share with others should they be caught in the same situation as I was.

Many Congrats to the arrival of Harmony. Lovely name!

welcome welcome!! Do share with us your LOs yah?
u're so creative! the LO is SO nice, so complicated...impressive!

congrats on the arrival of Harmony. Ya, your princess name is so sweet...n i like your LOs, so pro! so did u give out your cute birth announcements? mayb if u hv extras left, u can give to us for keepsake
karen & mamachan, nice LO :)

Thanks for all the well wishes :) Harmony just got warded for jaundice. Sorry will have to MIA for a few more days.
Hope Harmony will recover soon. She will be in good care, take this opportunity to rest better too.

Ha ha I saw the tin at the counter at Laines and it looks so nice. Cheng is attending so I went ahead to join her. Ha ha will take a picture and share the technique after I attended the class.
Yes d "START" class at Laines is a beginner's class! Sure u can join me! D timing is from 6.30-9.30pm on Sept 26. Quick call them up to book a space or u wan me to help u call... let me know... my hp no. 97908698!

thanks... your LO very creative & very nice... how u do the white waves??

thanks... oh... its ok we understand... hope Harmony will get well soon!!

oh ya the new in thing... tin album!! I also like but i tink i need to improve my skill n creativity b4 doing that! hahaha, if not the end result not nice!
