SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

wah karen, v nice!! i hv nt done my homework too after class. thats the good thing abt being sahm with only 1 kid huh. so much free time! no wonder u complain u r bored! haha

CL where u gg for holi? im also leavg for japan early next mth

Ya lor, me very envy leh. Alamak no time to complete man.


I went Japan in Jul liao. Need help in planning ha ha me quite familiar one. Me very ah-no-ne

This time going Hong Kong 31 Oct - 4 Nov. Same time can meet at Airport ha ha

thk u lei... aiyo dont need to envy la... holiday more important... hahaha... i finish the 2 LOs bcos i was not able to slp in the nite so just do lor...! Since i m a SAHM... tats y i have no reason not to do rite... buy so many tings liao... if not my hb will say i waste $$... hehehe!

wow envy lei... i also wanna go Japan but i hubby dont like cos he dont like to follow tour grp!
CL must help me convince my hb abt Japan ah!
Ha ha Karen

Just let me know, I plan for you till swee swee you wont even feel it is difficult going there anymore. For me and hb is going there so many times till we xian
haha!! go japan few times already i still following tour grp!! good that u familiar with that country, i really wanna go on my own but no confidence cos cant read the signs and am bringing so many kids dun wanna take chance. next time u must really teach me ok! and karen, we can together lor! haha...
Hi Mummies!

I am new to this thread but not new to scrapbooking... Didn't know there is a thread for sb here in motherhood forum... Short intro about myself... I frequent MWL more... Their SFL member currently... For dies, I frequent Junior De Artist at Novena... Got their gold member which have higher bene... Seldom goes to Laines... Their stuffs tend to be more ex?
Such a waste to follow tour. Nevermind next time I plan for you and will boost your confidence to go on your own.

Welcome Adoncia,
We already met you in the MWL class last friday. Ha ha me sits opposite you, my right is Mamachan, my left is Blessedmommy and follow by Karen.

You still have not pop ah ? You also have a lot of dies ah. Do you mean quickutz die ? Is Junior De Artist cheaper ?

Sometimes me get from Art Frenzy, most of the time ebay. Junior De Artist more for DCWV papers.

Laines have quite nice variety. Some things can be same price as MWL, some more exp. Only get things there when MWL does not have
oh! so you are mamachan... hehe... i have not pop yet... how i wish i had...

bought quite a number these two days... especially cookie cutters and revo dies... junior de artist is having promo for gold member... hence, its cheaper for me...

does art frenzy has a web?

don't really like to frequent laines due to their services also... but some times, laines will still have stocks for stuffs that mwl no longer have...
Here is another I did for my dogs.

"Live in" with Glossy Accents, "Harmony" using foam.

Conclusion, Glossy Accents doesnt work well with light color.
welcome! u r here also! im sitting opp ur frd, sophia. wah i was browsing MWL forum, didnt know u so hot there! haha

why u say laine's svc no good? i find them v friendly leh
chicken little, so you angie??

hallo blessedmommy! haha.. alright la... hehe... their svc ar... i realise some are very friendly to all and one of them tends to only be friendly to regulars... so don't really like... :D
oh oh i see... when i first patronised MWL in 2005 i also felt that they not v friendly thats why stopped buyg from them for a long while, kep gg to laine's cos felt at home there. but aft kena psycho by CL abt their new shop, i decided to pay them a visit and they v friendly this time!! so felt v good lor! and they have sooo much stuffs compared to laine's. so will see more of me there from now i suppose haha...
oh oh i see... when i first patronised MWL in 2005 i also felt that they not v friendly thats why stopped buyg from them for a long while, kep gg to laine's cos felt at home there. but aft kena psycho by CL abt their new shop, i decided to pay them a visit and they v friendly this time!! so felt v good lor! and they have sooo much stuffs compared to laine's. so will see more of me there from now i suppose haha...
Ya la Adoncia
Yes yes me that A.

Ha ha dun tell your hb i bring you to another place to spend ha ha

Nice leh. That glossy accent got nice effect leh
on la... thks in advance ya!

aiyo double on la! But hor u going tis year liao so have to wait for another 1 or 2 years rite! hehehehe!

Welcome... i m Karen sitting beside blessedmommy tat day! pai seh ah didnt get the chance to chat chat cos hor i very blur liao ah... do the LOs until headaches! hahahaha... 1st time do 2 LOs in class... also not feeling well so really super blur!

When u poping? boy or girl? I have a 31mths gal, super naughty now... hehehe!
and i know her name is sarah!! right adoncia???

aiyo no need wait so long la. anytime u on u jio me ok? but next yr my boys start pri sch so i can oni travel during sch holis.

nice wat! why u say not nice.

aiya my hubby used to me spending lots of time and lots of money in all these scrappy shops! haha... when i shift new place next yr he promise me a scrapping corner
anytime! u steady lei... still can attend scrapbook class...! oh one more princess to be born soon... tats nice... can do scrapbooking together when she is abt 31mths! Like my gal now... when i scrap, she also wanna join in...!

ok ok sure will jio u... den we can ask CL to help us... hehehe!

hey ladies
me now counting down to perth liao... 24hrs b4 flying off... still feeling sick ah... dont know will enjoy the trip or not... sigh...! Anyway... chat chat again after i m back!
Ha ha lucky you man. Ha ha I also eyeing a table at ikea to make it my scrapping table. Ha ha but first my clear my house to make it less messy before I can ask for one. BTW, I owe you $2. So you have credit with me. Can task me to buy something for you or lets scrap one day again , then I can return you

Enjoy yourself and hope you find nice and cheap sb supplies in Perth
enjoy ur holi! weather there shld still be cooling. hope u recover soon enuf to enjoy ur trip!

aiyo no worries lah, just take it that u sell me 42 for the machine lor haha... or buy me a cuppy one day. sure got chance to scrap again!
hi ladies
wah, me been busy eversince class on Friday. so many posts!

I am the one who also checks out in MWL's forum too...haha but too many forums to participate in now. no time to go there, still loyal to my home-base here =P Let us know when you pop ok?

nice enhanced LOs of the Beautiful Mess class =) You very goot-lat (hardworking in hokkien) haha. I only finished up my LO for the 2nd LO, have not entirely completed the one of the home.
haha! yes! my baby name is sarah! hehe... meaning of a princess... :D will inform when i pop! hehe...

karen, i canno tahan staying at home... :x
Ok ok Adoncia
Ha ha then you will have a hardtime having confinement at home. Then scrap and scrap but must rest.

Show you my completed tin box when I attended Metallica at Laines

nice!! i like it! were all the materials provided by laine's?

haha! i think when mother instinct kick u, u wont mind staying at home the whole day!
Blessed mummy,
Yup almost all except chipboard alpha. The word Box and Aden is my own. If you like the tin have to preorder the tin. I going to do a box for my girl too. Maybe we can do it together. Then save money from the class to buy other things.

congrats to your opening. Ha ha then that makes us "competitors".
Mummy Adoncia
Princess Sarah arrived already or not ?

Hey Annissa,
You selling your sb stash ah ?

Ha ha we should start a thread on sb lelong ? What you dun want maybe is my "bao" ha ha
chicken little
hehe, no worries la, mine is not totally the same as urs la, cos i am also selling scrapping materials too mah...hehehe
u can try laines or creative hands at taka. they might carry. sorry, my site currently don have yet cos my shipment not here yet =(

Thanks for all your suggestions. Will check it out later....

Btw, dorcas, you sell SB materials? Can you give me your site so I can shop around as well? If ur shipment are here, would you have these? Thanks.
Nice leh Dorcas,

Make it bigger leh cannot see the details.

By the way, me, cheng and Karen signed up for SDU class. I was thinking of asking the instructor to do 2 modules on a weekday instead of the current 1 module weekly on weekends.

Anyone else interested ? Need min 6 for a class.
hey ladies thks thks we had enjoy our trip but very tiring ah... feel so good & comfy to be home! CL, the tin box u do... nice lei... i also wanna learn liao... hahaha... so many classes to attend!

thks thks... aiyo have to finish them ah if not once i m lazy, it will be sitting in the album for very long... hehehe!

hehehe i can understand too... cos after i gave birth... i was out with my gal when she was 7 weeks old, attending a baby yoga class... hahahaha... also cannot tahan!
On, I have a fren who is interested so you see how many you people you have. Can you update Cynthia at Laines because I will be away till end of the week. Thanks in advance. I told Cynthia that you are interested if there is a class. If not, you can book for your module 3 n 4 for Nov. Me and Cheng has booked liao. You not around I not sure if you can since it is sat class.
halo!!! my baby has popped on 20th oct!!! exactly on the due date... hehe... can't wait to put my hands on my scrapbooking stash and scrapbooking on her!!! :D
congrats =)

my site is up and running, and the very first kit is now available =) and also we are giving free local normal postage for smh mummies onli =)
my friend all said too ex lei... so sad...! Ok i will book my module soon, which dates did u ladies booked?

congrats to your new born girl! Cant wait to see the LOs of her! Take care & rest well!

wow... great...! will take a look!
