SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

Me only scrapped after class last month. Over the weekend finally touched on my 2007 Disney HKG trip album. Juz scrap blindly and half done. But I know I have tons of Mickey papers to let go because I overstash as usual. ha ha. Anyone wants to chop first before I lelong in my thread.

Amy, congrats on your new little one!

Ann, I still scrap, but slower than usual, takes me about 1 wk + to finish up one LO. Also no time to do the time consuming techniques so recent style is quite simple.

Here are the past 1 month worth of works..



Hi everyone...

Have been MIA for sooo long!

I've went back to work after 16 weeks of maternity leave in Jan this year and have been so darn busy with work and baby..

So long never come in to this thread already...

Congrats Amy! You've got a lovely boy there.

Recently, the only reason that I scrapped for the past 2 times was both pressies for my kiddo's birthday gifts...

Other than that, my stash has been just looking at me.. hahah

And the best part is, I still want to buy tools.. hahah
Ming.....your no time work is as POWER as before.

Autumn/Kaimom/CL......that's life of working mum

Step.....long time no see, do showcase your work.

3As.....that's true about using up the stash and feeling good about it.

I need to get my engine started...bloom bloom bloom.
here is my confession,
I stopped for a couple of months late last year, start scrapping again around march this year, till date I have only done
- 7 layouts
- 3 cards
- 1 canvas piece

hahahaha.... and i still have photos from last few years not scrap, kits from last year still untouch, dont say papers ...
Hi Ann! Yah long time no see!! I've MIA for the longest time loh..

I did something really simple for my boy's classmate's Bday

I did another girl's one.. will post pic of that later..
Okie, here's the other Photo Frame that I made for a sweet 5 year old girl. I also printed a pic of her and my girl and placed it in the frame.. but was in a rush so didn't take the completed picture.

3977075.jpg can try Daiso.

Jojo...sorry, it's SOLD.
Planning to sell my Revolution complete with 12" platform and other accessories.
Kate....MS punch is a little "sensitive", too thin --> cannot, too thick also cannot. If too thin, you may add 1 more piece of paper to punch. There is not solution for too thick as yet.
Cardstock should be ok. Put on table then push it down, don't use you fist to clump it in the air.
annissa, thks for the info. cozs i did try punching but cannot... tot spoilt liao. so i recently try on normal paper n it works... so wondering.
aiyo your lil milk monster's face so round! so adorable!

I know the saddness, cos my #1 oso reject to latch when he was about 4 mths. bo bian, he just refused to go near my breasts =( but at least can pump to feed. most prob is due to the milk flow thats causing the rejection.
3a ur milk monster is cuteeeeeeee

those scrapbooking stuff we bought from US mainly is made in China. Friends of mine going china for holiday. Plan to get him help me buying stuff from china. Any idea which website of china show those scrapbooking stuff?
Thanks Sally.

I'll go ahead to order 3 kits.

All in all should be around S$35-38.

Stamp is S$15+
Felt sticker is around $8.90 x 3
Alpha chipboard $12.90
Sticker sheet $5.90
Brads $7.90
Paper stack $20+

Overall still a good deal.
if u all like the cropchoc deal, should get cos if i am not wrg the brand is not available in SG yet

i dun remember what i have but am sure i hv some of them...

Hi, anyone selling their crop-a-dile? I think that's what it's called... The one that can punch hole... Can that be used to punch holes for belts as well ah? Lol if multi purpose better
