SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

YSS by ming - update:

YSS has replied, they will manually deduct the 25% off my order. But I'm unable to access the store page for some reason, I've asked them to pull the order based on what I emailed to them. Hopefully they can do it, if not, I've to add all 300+ items manually into the cart again OMG!
Ladies, I can collect YSS from HJ on behalf of those who works in the Tanjong Pagar area...pls let HJ know whether you want me to collect for you. I can meet up at Tanjong Pagar MRT during lunch or after work.
YSS collection,
Quite confuse, receievd diff instruction from diff person, I try to do a list and e-mail for confirmation.

should not state your name as collection, thot there is arrangement from you to AA. sorry for the confuse.
got ur sms vv late.. i told HJ to pass to AAA (which is thru u). if that arrangement is not possible, i'll arrange again. sorry abt that
Swinging by to say hi after a massive housemoving. Have not found a new place so my stuff goes into storage.

No tools now to scrap. But just have to share this picture of my stash going into warehouse. That may set you thinking if you have over stash. As most of you are aware that I have been lelong-ing, but you cannot imagine how much stash I have. They are all mine excluding those from MemoirActs. Check it out!!!


I still kept 2 Cold storage recycled bags of sb stash plus 1 tool bag which are not included in the picture.

I will be doing a transfer to you today. Sorry for the delay as I was moving house. Kindly pass my stash to Taz Taz as she will be helping me to collect. Thanks

Taz Taz,
Thanks for offering your help.
<u>Collection for Spree</u>
All of us come together with a common interest, that is, <font color="ff0000">SCRAPBOOKING</font>. I would like to share some points from what I've observed:

* Organaniser SHOULD state the collection points, transparent on calculation, payment methods.
* Joiner ONLY join when they are comfortable with the organiser's arrangement.
* If collection is an issue, joiner NEEDS to make her OWN arrangement before informing the organiser and the other party involved.

Some of you are SAHM, while the others are FTWM.

Myself, being a FTWM, juggling work, household, spree, is not an easy task to manage. My office is at an outskirt area which make collection a DAMN difficult task to accomplish. Whatever the case, I'll TRY MY BEST to do my own collection, even means I need to go to someone's place at 10-11pm if the organiser is ok with it.

Let's all make this place a heart-warming place for all.
ha ha it is not a dream for me man. because now no house no scrap area. Everyday my fil must be shocked to see the tons of stuff I moved to his place.

Everytime I bought and stuff them into the storage and storeroom. My husband has never realised that I have so many things. He was thinking that the storeroom is cleared after I moved the business stash to Cheng. But he was wrong. Good thing he never "eye ball" or "scold" me ha ha

So I think before I source for a new place, or get a new place. Watch out for my lelong thread. ha ha
Pax: u want me to help u to collect fm HJ? I am living near to her place &amp; work at Tanjong Pagar. If u are ok, then i help u, kaimon, bb rainbowz &amp; CL for collection. If u need the stuff urgently, let me know,ok? If not, i may probably get fm her later this week.

CL: Wow.. Ur stuff so much...... *almost faint to see so many boxes if i am the one who pack up them* haha.
Haven't logged in here...
To clear up the confusion and collection...

Kaimom: Thanks for the arrangement.
I'll arrange for my hubby to pick up from your work place.

Ming, HJ: My fault.
Paiseh this caused confusion. Ming, remember you and Lenny initially passed the yss orders to me? Since HJ also posted she's starting a yss spree shortly after, I suggested it best for just one person to consolidate instead of having 2 struggling to meet the quota for free shipping. So I asked if it's ok for you to help collect from HJ, and you said no prob.
With that, I told the mums who initially wanted to join my spree that you can be the link to collect from HJ to pass to me.. And they can still collect from me. As a result, quite a few joined her spree altho collection was not convenient for them.

Now, I've found a solution. I've asked Kaimom (who's kindly agreed) to help collect for all who want to come collect from me.

Hope this clears up the mess.

Ming, do you and Lenny want Kaimom to collect for you too so Lenny (or you) can just come to my place for the collection of the SL kits + pc fabulous items?

Those who've joined EC_mom's spree but would like collection from my place, pls make payment to EC-mom by this Fri (25 Sep), Kaimom will be collecting from her over the weekend. She's able to collect for those who've made payment only. Thanks.

HJ: I've just made payment for the yss stuff. Pls pass pax's + my stuff + those who indicated they want to collect from me and have made payment to Kaimom. Thanks.
3As....tonite, can I come by your place to collect my SR kit?

May I pass you something for Kaimon which both of us hasnt make arrangement on collection. Since she helps you to collect from HJ, can you help her this once? If cannot, it's ok, I'll arrange with her myself. Thanks.
nw i see your boxes, I am getting abit worry whether or not i should move out. I cant imagine my stuffs... and that's alot of boxes you have !
I'm drooling over all the nice LOs here.. Haven't been touching my stuff for so long..
Hope my mojo comes back soon..

Pax: That LO is lovely! Hey, kaimom will collect your stuff to pass to me.. And you can come over anytime..

Erna: Love your LOs.. With the close-up shots of your boy, I can see he looks like you!

BBrainbow: You've been very productive..
Nice LOs..

CL: Shocking that after your rounds of lelong, you still have so much stuff!
PC Fabulous Embel - The items are here. Pls make payment $18.60 to posb savings 150-280-532.

Items cost: USD 7.99 + 3.99 - 1 (shipping rebate)
International Shipping: USD 1.5 each
FX: 1.49

Below are the participants:
I have not gone to Joy's place. YOu want to c/o me as I will be asking 2As to mail for mine too. how ? Then once I received I will drop off at Joy's place

Taz, Dorcas, 2As
ha ha you never know till you packed. Yday when I was packing I wanted to cry. ha ha first cry aiyo so many dunno how to start . secondy cry ha ha they have to go into storage
Chic Lil
OMG! Oh you making me kan cheong le!! I cannot imagine the day that I start to move my SB things...ho ho ho...

all along my LCD TV is wall mounted above my study table at the TV area of the living my boy has never been able to touch the TV. Even my DVD player/Hubstation is placed above his height so he has no way of accessing. We really try to make sure our home is as baby-child proofed as possible. I even keep the children VCDs away from his reach, Until recently he could help himself to what he wants to watch. I've always warned him to be careful when handling the VCDs as once scratched, he can never watch them again and I won't replace the spoiled VCDs. So at least now at 3.5 years old, he's able to listen to instructions and tries his best not to get them scratched. Especially after one incident, dunno what he was doing with the VCD (his favourite) and couldn't play anymore...he was so upset but he learned lor...
Of course at 18 months/2 years, he doesn't understand so I just keep everything above reach from him.
Will transfer to you tonight. If BabyRainbowz is picking up from you can I tompang mine together with hers? That is if BabyRainbowz is ok for me to tompang

Is it ok I tompang you if you have to collect from 3As? Do advise me yah? Thanks!
<u>PC Fabulous Embel Deal by 3As</u>

This evening, I'll go over to 3As's place to pick up my own item, I can pick up for:
CL (since u in Clementi)
Pax (I need to meet u to pass u the 6x6 pad)
Sunflower_smurf (meet u when you're back in Dec)
Ming (this Thur, u coming my place to collect your loots)
Jellypurin (collect for u then c/o to Ming)
Sunflower: By postage, what do u mean? Is it to SH? Ann said she can collect for you. Or you know, are u in SH? I may be going there this weekend! Hahah... Hand delivery..
3As...finalised my collection for today:
1) CL
2) Jellypurin
3) Ming
4) Sunflower_smurf

I'll sms you later what time I'll reach. Thanks.
ahhaha.. u know wat. i dun hv chance to log in till now. i txt kaimon liao.. told her to pick up for me n u fr HJ.. wahaha.. i jus post on the other thread to inform u.. so bz today, no chance to txt u in the afternoon. thks for making the arrangement. let me know when kaimom pass to u..

thks! i din no AAA made arrangement for my stuff too. pls pass to AAA. thks thks!
ming.. impressed.

guess wat, i dun even rmbr wat i ordered!!! :p r my items safe to go by post? can u email me the list of items i ordered? cham.. too many sprees liao.

pls chk trf.
To Account POSB Savings
1z4-xxxxx-7 babyrainbow
Amount S$14.25
Transaction Reference 2464808569

Had transfer fund to you a/c
23 Sep 2009 09:26 AM Singapore

To Account POSB Savings
Amount S$18.60
Transaction Reference 2465019930

Saw your name in the list too, wanna share the courier?
the super 'pong' kind goes into those 13x16 clear plastic bag w re-stickable closure. Then use blue tack mount on wall. Same idea as pageframes. but pageframes not thick enough to take,
Erna, actually no, only 6 pc on the wall now. Haha. Enough for my staircase wall only. I've still my bedroom wall, cupboard door, maybe when I run out space I will put on to the bathroom wall LOL.
