Recommendation for post natal massage


I have written to recommend Diana for post natal massage before and I simply had to write again to recommend her!

After I had my first post natal massage with Diana, my flow of milk was good and body felt really relaxed. Throughout the session, Diana made me feel comfortable, chatting with me as though we were old friends. What was touching was she continued to text me about updates on my flow of milk even after my sessions had ended.

Then during one of my confinement weeks, I developed a fever due to mastitis and I asked Diana for help to try and ease my pain. Her breast massage was very good! She managed to get rid of the stubborn milk ducts (as it was almost after 3-4 days that I contacted Diana for help) in about 2-3 of my sessions with her. She even shared tips on how to rid of the ducts on my own, should I encounter problems again. Most of all, she continued texting to ask about my well-being which I feel was out of her own thoughtfulness and kindness.. Something so rare these days!

If you are considering getting a post-natal massage, do contact Diana at 94793566! Highly recommend!
