Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Thanks ladies... Of coz there r moments when my hubby n I r sad, cos we r nice people wat, I'm confident we will make good parents, we will do everything in our means to raise our kid right, n we will love them so so much, so we don't know why God has not blessed us with a child yet. But, deep down inside, I know one day it will happen, just gotta be patient n keep the faith. Nay I know I have tried my best, I won't blame myself as to whether I should have rested more, eaten better etc, cos I truly believe if it's meant to be, it will survive, really don't think the embbies can be that fragile or petty to say "ok, u didn't take an afternoon nap, or u had Macdonalds, so I shall stop growing!" :D

Life goes on, I have 2 holidays lined up for the next 2 months, n I realized they r both around my ovulation time, so hey, who knows! Haha, stranger things have happened.. If not, then I will do my FET in Jan. :)

yup. can definitely relate to the 'illogical brain' part. but sometimes when the emo aspect gets the better of us, we must learn to switch and go back to logic to stay sane. hahahahaha... it took me quite a while to get back to my senses after my 2nd failed ivf cycle, trying to find answers, both spiritually and medically. it's a painful and lonely journey and even though i had lots of support from loved ones, it is still a personal struggle ultimately. :cool:

I had no frosties and each cycle is a make or break with just one embie fertilised. so syrian, i can identify with your situation. continue to keep your faith up. as hubby & i thought it through, there must be a reason why the gov't gives grants for up to 3 cycles (i.e. statistically, most women succeed by the 3rd try i suppose). wahahahaha :D

bbcripps: great mentality but dun give yrself too much stress yah. just enjoy the time with hubby & be romantic, not technical... heehee... i think the romance with hubby all lost during these 4 yrs of TTC liao. everytime is 'make baby', not 'i want you' kind of moments... sigh

sunshine: all the best for your BT tomorrow! i'll keep u in prayer! btw, if u r having ur beta in NUH CHR, my advise is go early to get yr results faster. i went in at 8.15am and got my result in under 2 hours! but when i did my beta at 10.30am last time, they only called back at 3 plus pm. so first come first serve!! :)
Bbcripps ...all the best for BT tmrw.jia you.

Lotsahugs...thanks for your post. Gd idea to go early.will do that.thanks for the prayers.

Anie...thanks for praying for touched.:)
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Good morning ladies!

Bb_cripps, sunshine, all the best for ur BT later!

Thanks for the encouragement lotsahugz. Am still keeping my faith & gearing up for next battle. Jia you to all the strong ladies here!
Good morning ladies!

Went for my BT already, so funny, they almost tagged my blood to the wrong patient! Turns out there's another lady due for BT today with a very similar Chinese name, as in all 3 characters r spelled differently, but pronunciation is almost identical, it was only when they r verifying the IC number that they realised they got the wrong patient's sticker. Lucky they checked, if not sekali actually her BT is positive, then made her disappointed for nothing, haha.

Am now wondering if I should do my FET in Dec instead, since it will be super laid back in the office in year end, plus I got annual leave blocked for quite a number of days already. Unlikely they can squeeze me in for next month right? Oh well, will check w the nurse when they call later.

Sunshine, waiting for your good news! :)

Anie, is your ER confirmed? U r almost there! Jia you!

Miric my dear, how's your 2ww coming along?
good morning ladies
good luck bbcrips and sunshine! bbcrips you seem to already be sure - if your dec month is quiet you d better do it at that time lets see if your body ready or not
twinns yes indeed loh told me the ivf results is the best indicator - my case one egg mature no need to check i have bad quality/quantity
take care ladies
Bbcripps - oh my that's scary! Luckily they checked the ic number! Prof said that will need to wait for 2 AF cycles for FET and 3 AF for fresh cycle.

Did my trigger shot at 12.30am so ER is confirmed for 12.30pm tomorrow. I hv been sneezing abit more than my usual sinus issue and it's kinda worrying me. I don't dare take medications and am just drinking warm water and took vit c. Praying ET isn't cancelled after suffering thru all the jabs :(
Lotsahugs, hello to u :)

Syrian, yeah! Gear up and chiong again! Oosh!!

Anie, ready for your ER? All the best!!

Sunshine, all the best for the result!

Bbcripps, my positive vibes!!! Forever my positive vibes! Me super nua-ing im progress! Its good they ask us our IC no. to cross check... During ER n ET think i have beeb asked at least 6x hehe
Anie, i had throat inflammation before my ER, prof asked me to get medicine from my gp but must remind them that im going thru ivf... So i was given anti-biotic... Think too stressed :p
All the best to you!!!
Ok ladies, CHR called, quite efficient ya, so it's confirmed negative, think the nurse sounded more sad than me, haha. It's ok, like I said, poas has prepared me for this, I had the whole weekend to be sad, but then again my hubby is very good, don't let me stay at home n mope, drag me go shopping, watch movie, so I'm ok la, life goes on. The only painful part of that whole phone conversation was when the nurse told me to see Prof for a review on 10 Dec.. that hit a bit of a raw nerve cos that was my due date for peanut if I hadn't miscarried. Sigh.

Anie, big day tomorrow, all the best! Oh dear, sinus ya, maybe can take more vitamin C n dress warmer? Those 2 days weather very cool n shiok.

Miric, haha enjoy your nua-ing... waiting for your good news next week!
Bbcripps .... it will surely happen one day. With your attitude n spirit you surely gonna do it.
Anie...all the best.

About my BT... I am at nuh now... I tested positive.:)...just seen prof.. Given some meds n a jab on mon n thursday for which I need to come to chr.
Scan with Dr Anu on Monday 11 Nov.
Bbcripps - :( hugs babe. It will happen one day! Yr peanut is in a better place now and you will get yr happy ending! Look forward to your holidays!
Bbcripps, hugs for u! Big tight ones! Go for rounds of mahjong!!

Sunshine, congrats!!! U hang around at nuh while waiting for results? So fast jab?
Sorry ladies, I been busy since I went bk to work....

Bbcripps: Dun give up... We will strike it 1 of these days... Jia you...

Sunshine: congrats and happy for u... Please take care ...

I rushing bk home to bath and gg down nuh to see dr chew later.... Got bleeding again... Super sian.... Hopefully I won't have to do another D&C !!!
Sunshine, yayy, congrats! Happy for you!! Grab your baby dusts :)

Thanks ladies, I'm ok, I know it will happen one day, I shall (try to) be patient. End of day I want a healthy baby, if the 2 embbies r not healthy, I rather they don't implant than have to go thru any more heartache later on. At this point I didn't have that much time to get too attached to them yet, haha.

Duffy, oh no, bleeding again? Babe, maybe u should go for 2nd opinion. Too early to be your period right? Hope everything is ok!
Thanks all. Miric , duffy bear, anie.... big time baby dust for all ladies here.
Duufy bear....I kno it is a long way to step at a time...phew!
Miric... no went home n slept.
Woke up to nuh's call.came quickly to see prof. I live near nuh.

Thanks bbcripps....of course baby dust for you.u are my cycle buddy.

Duffy bear.... I agree with bbcripps...hope all is well with u soon.
Sunshine, thank u for ur bb dust!!! So ur morning sun works! :D

Duffy, i oso think u shld go for 2nd opinion after u see dr chew? Just to be safe :) u must take care okie?
Congrats sunshine! May u have a smooth & healthy pregnancy ahead. Grabbing ur bb dusts! :) Rest well ok.

Bb_cripps, *hugs* its not easy but im sure your time will come soon. Our time too..Gd things will happen to those who wait & persevere. Glad tat u are taking it positively. Continue to keep up the positive vibes. Keep the faith alive allrite?

Miric, enjoy ur 2ww. So far any symptoms?

Duffy, oh dear u bleeding again? Any crampings? Hope all will be fine wif u..agreed wif the rest, u better seek second opinion.
Bbcripps,... *hugzzz* You'll be okay. You're a strong mother-to-be... and yes, one day it will be your turn... dont be discouraged okay? *HUGZ*

Sunshine, congrats for your bfp! Take care of your diet and body, and pray for a healthy baby and pregnancy. Have a smooth 9 mths ahead!
Dear ladies, I'm at the clinic waiting to see DR chew....

Yeap.... Still bleeding but not the heavy type but I can't help worry abt it... Ware got bleeding sooo long one??? Wonder if bcos last sat I drink up a bottle of green tea and is too cooling for me???

Maybe bcos I walked too much on sat???

Anyway, my left side oso feeling abit funny funny... Got some cramping and pulling sensation .... Wondered wat wrong wit my left overy ???
Sunshine, congrats. Once you have tested bfp, the jabs (which is the support jabs aka proluton) are done at the women's clinic. Not CHR. From now on, no more CHR for u :)
Bbcripps, pardon my nonsense, i think u shld go for dec wan, yes its painful as the date happen to be ur peanut supposed due date, maybe that is the arrangement? Dec will be the Peanuts time!!!

Syrian, no symptom except for feeling tired and sleepy... Feeling lazy :D

Sunshine, did u have any symptoms?

Cheeka, how r u doing? :)

During one of my bloodtest at chr, i saw a lady came wif a jab waiting for dr lim to jab wor... Not sure wat jab
Miric Not really.just sleepy all the time. Thot it was the sun. Breasts started feeling funny on Saturday. ... I am not very observant types...
Oh duffy bear so sorry :(
I Know how you feel i had the same last yeah :(
Please make sure you avoid other d&c this si extremely invasive
Get 2nd opinion and please dont feel guilty at All !!!
Congrats sunshine!! :) i'm sure you must be over the moon! :)

Bear HUG to you bbcripps! so glad to see you stay so positive still. keep looking forward!
Dear ladies, Dr Chew said is likely my menses lol...

Lining look good except tat polyp or fibroid tat he can see more clearly from the ultrasound scan tat bother him .... He say is only a v small possibility tat some tissues r left from my miscarriage but chances r v slim...

I ask him will I have infection but he say unlikely and give me 1 more week of antibiotics ....

But he say I gotta to do a scope to let him see wat is inside my uterus as he didn't want me to start my FET w/o clearing all obstruction tat might cause my early miscarriage again ...

Hb r happy with his services and say I'm "safe" in his hand .... Hahahaa....
Duffy bear, that's good that it's just yr menses! I'm glad u and hubby r happy with Dr Chew cos I think it's very important to be comfortable with your doctor.
Congrats sunshine. Can tell from ur post u are a happy, relax and take it easy gal, that could be the reason why u got bfp. Wishing you a smooth pregnancy.
Thanks Cheeka, Syrian n Lotsahugz :) Well, every month is a chance, ivf or not, we will try naturally while we wait for the review with prof to see what he says. Now waiting impatiently for my AF, so ironic.

Anie, big day today, all the best for your ER!! Hope they can retrieve lots n lots of beautiful embbies! :)
Duffy, good to know its just your cycle returning to normal! Ya, sounds like a good idea to take a look at what's inside so that it will be all swee swee cleaned out to welcome back your frozen embbies. :)
Morning ladies...
Anie, yeah yeah big day today, wish you many many good da eggs!

Bbcripps, go piak naturally during ur holidays!
Thanks a bunch tsf, nervousbabe n lotsahugz. Its a long way will take one step at a time...I join work tomorrow. await the scan results on monday.see how it goes.

@Maomia...I figured that no more chr for me.the butt injection surely hurts.

Duffy bear... yea clear all doubts before the next cycle.

Anie... all the best. BIG DAY today.
Thanks ladies! On the way to NUH now. Having lotsa cramps since last nite. Ovaries seem to be on overdrive. Praying all goes well later.
Haha i was hungry before my ER starts too! When the nurse gave me milo and a pack of biscuit after the procedure, i was so so delighted!!! Wahahaha
Anie, all the best for ur ER later! May u have nice & mature eggs! U are almost there!!

Miric, me too! The milo & biscuits were so heavenly! Dr came in to chk on me after ER, listened to my tummy & she can even hear my tummy rumbling!! :p Super hungry lah..
Hello ladies
My low amh buddies just to inform you in the ivf thread there is a girl named babycomecome with low amh 0.6 who took 75mg dhea among other intakes who just bfped :))) on 2nd try
Oh really! I saw her post but didnt noe tat she got low amh. Den theres a chance for pple like us..hope we can all strike next round!
Yep :) i remembered her picture :) and went backwards in postings also theres another one who bfped at 38 my age yeaaaah
Anie, u must be done w your ER by now, hope it went smoothly n they were able to retrieve many many embbies! Have a good rest.

NUH just called, told me a slot to see Prof opened up tomorrow morning, so I can do my review tomorrow instead of having to wait till 10 Dec... awesome, I have always planned to just stay in my seat n do nothing but sulk the whole day of 10 Dec anyway. In memory of peanut. Haha.
