Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Hi ladies
Bbblues well he mentionned he did not use gonal f but i think menopur saying its the same kind of drug it Will be short protocole - he did not say je would use pergoveris - he was really into dhea saying that was the success key

Good morning. CHR called update - 5 good, 8 satisfactory, 3 below average... ET on wed... The number of good ones drop :( im getting worry
Is there any reason for the hospitalization leave?
miric - good numbers!! congrats!! may you have a successful ET!!

bbcripps - sorry. coz I read you writing about getting a bfp while flying off to bali during the 2ww. so i thought you had #1 already. but i read again later that you had a m/c.

syrian - HUGS. i am so sorry to hear your news. no words can help to make you feel better. like you said, take a break for a while before you plan for the next step.
Miric don't worry u still have 13 growing embbies, that's a really good sign! Anyway, satisfactory grade can very well lead to a bfp too, so u have plenty! Unless u want like 十兄弟 la, haha. The hospitalization leave is for u to rest from ER to BT. I must be their only patient who actually request for them to cancel the hospitalization leave n issue me a 4 day normal MC instead. Cos my colleagues really super kay poh la, last few days already bombarded me w whatsapp asking what's wrong, today back in office round 2, haiz. So I just told them I had 4 days of gastric n bloating, which is technically not a lie, hehe.
hi ladies. I just had my scan 2 of Day 5 of stims. Feel abit down. Dr Anu did the scan as Prof is away today. She checked the right ovary first and said there were 6 follicles ranging from 7-10mm. Then she looked the left ovary and went "hmmmm" and had a weird look on her face. I told her I had a 10cm size cyst on my left ovary previously which engulfed most of the ovary. She said oh ok explains why there are only 2 follicles there then. Then she went out and read my file again and said oh you also had a cyst on your right? I said yes and I also have bicornuate uterus. She was like "oh. ok nvm, we will try our best dear."

Haish. Feel like so many odds against me. Even if I BFP, I will have to be afraid of having a premmie for the next 9 months. Haish. Sorry to ramble on ladies. Just alot weighing on my mind suddenly. :(
bbcripps> thanks :) and yes i was asking them can issue mc instead of HL, same as ur case, pple in office keep watsapp me asking me wat happen... (-_-)lll so u went bsck to work already?
Anie> my first scan has only 7R and 5L, the left side infact stays 5 till the 2nd scan... Most of us feel really emo during this stage, i cried to myself, no one knows... Think the hormones play a part too... Dont worry, they will grow :) its good you have a channel to pour out, we are here!! Hugs!
Kopibaby, no problem. Haiz, over the weekend I was abit emo too, cos if I was just thinking that if I didn't m/c, my lil peanut would have been due in 6 weeks. My hubby tried to comfort me, said peanut wasn't healthy, n that my next pregnancy we will name the foetus our little walnut instead, cos walnut is tougher than peanut, haha.

Miric yes I'm back at work. Trying to take it easy n not be too stressed out over the mountain of emails n paperwork. :p

Amie angel, big hug, I understand how u must feel, this is a roller coaster ride, with a lot of highs n lows every step of the way. But end of the day we can only try our best n leave the rest to God. Yes there r obstacles but we have science on our side! Think of it this way - me as an example, chances of conceiving naturally is 5-10%, by doing ivf, my chances of success is 30%... I am improving my odds by 3 times! Isn't it great that we live in a day n age where that's possible! We r blessed. So with science, n alot faith n prayers, I truly believe that one day soon we will all succeed! Jia you.
Nervous_babe : I will finalize my decision after seeing PC Wong in early Nov as I want to hear his comment. I will still continue to see him too. Most likely will do my IVF early next year.
Actually i feel like going back to work... Staying at home alone makes me think too much tsk tsk tsk but i hate work @_@
Bbcripps! Pour more positive vibes to me!!
Miric, haha I think we r kindred spirits, staying at home is damn depressing right??!! It's always like that, every time at work we think abt nua-ing at home, but once we get to nua at home, we want to run back to work. Ok ok, I shower u w positive vibes *sprinkle sprinkle* - u r doing very well so far, think your report card is the most beautiful one here so far, just rest your body to get ready to welcome back your beautiful embbies :)
bbcripps! Exactly! Lol! Ok ok i'll try to sit back n relax! Thanks n muacks! U r such a babe!! Pls dont work too much, 意思意思can liao :D
Gd noon ladies! Hows all doing? Started my 1st day at work after the long long HL. Already missed my bed..but had a great time yesterday bonding wif hubby, watch movies & had a great meal. Felt so good after tat...

Kopibaby, thank for the encouragement.

Miric, u going for 5 day transfer? High chance to BFP! All the best to u!
Thanks miric and bbcripps. I'm better now. Ate 4 egg whites and an avocado in hopes more follicles grow!

You gals should stop thinking about work! Hehe. Go read a good book or watch a movie!

Bbcripps, I can't believe u went to work..don't stress ok. And rem to speak to yr embies!
Syrian good to hear u had a good break over the weekend, keep your spirits up n jia you! U will succeed soon! :)

Miric n anie angel, ok ok I will not stress, I'm enjoying a 2.5 hr lunch actually hehe. Stay at home also nothing to do, hubby is out of town whole week, unless I can find 3 other ladies here to play mahjong la, then I will immediately reactivate my hospitalization leave, haha! :D
Thanks syrian & cheeka :) me still praying hard! Bbcripps> mahjong... Hands itchy huh... Yah shld find kakis here!
Anyone of u feel cramp after the insertions? I dont feel cramp after ER but feel cramp after start of insertion...
@kopibaby you can just wait And take antibiotics or try chinese herbs .. I developed a uterine synecchie cause they scratched too much the entrance at the 2nd D&C afterwards my 1st D&C doc said they should have just waited And monitored of course
@nervous babe no nothing i Know some ask for extra BT he said no need i ve got your results 4 follies its more than needed (mean low enough to Know you need dhea)
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I thought of going to work this week but this morning felt like staying home. This is first time I am getting a staycation.. I am going to chill out. since I am done with all my Kpis for this year..yoo hoo.
Love reading while I lay by the pool. I heard vit D is good for ttc.

Still don't feel brown spots....only the breasts hurt sometimes. .. is it due to the meds?if it is a bfn I am going to heartbroken...phew!! Anxiety anxiety

Stay cool n chill. If you plan to get to work just manage the meds. Also dont stress yourself.
@bbcripps When do you plan to do your it on day 10 or 11 of Et?
Duffy, how did your review go? Everything ok?

Miric, hmm no cramps lei... actually, no symptoms at all, jia lat. My tummy is flat as a pancake again n my boobs r back to their usual selves. Oh well. :(

Kopibaby n anie angel, if I can find an equivalent of 50 Shades or Twilight (I know, I know I'm very "intellectual" hehe), I don't mind staying in bed the whole day to read... any recommendations?
Miric, v good numbers! So envy...

Nervous babe, I won't be starting next cycle so soon... Seeking 2nd opinion and may be switching doctors.
Bbcripps: Got bleeding after lunch then stopped... Told Dr Chew about my bleeding and cramp tat I had experience on & off....

He did a scan for me and say my lining was oki ... Measured at 10 which is normal.... He say he saw nothing much but he scare I got infection and so he gave me antibiotics .... But warn me if the next 5-7 days got vvv heavy bleeding suddenly , I must go A&E!!

Also, he said tat my case was a bit unusual cos two sac was v obvious in my first scan ... Even if 1 sac drop, the other sac shld be developing oki... He said in my last HSG result done in kkh, there was mention of unclear polyb or fibroids... he is worry tat my sac implanted on the polyp and hence, they can't develop properly ...

Hence, he suggested to "look" inside my uterus for any Polyp and he can remove it straight away... He does't want me to waste my extra embryos and same things happen again...

But he say the process can be quite painful and ask me if I want to be under GA .... Of course I opt for GA so tat I won't feel any pain and he can take his time to check it out for any polyp or fibroid ...

He say if everything clear, then I can embark on my FET ....

Also, I dunno if I walk too much or the ' stick' Poked inside me for scanning , When I reach home, I got bleeding again...

Haiz.... Tml I better be good girl resting at home & dun walk too much...
Duffy, ok, so did Dr Chew say why u r still bleeding on n off? Cos I thought it's quite unusual to be still bleeding n crampy so long after the d&c... U think u should go for a second opinion? Let me know if u want any contacts. When do u plan to go for the polyps removal surgery? Sounds like a good idea to clear it all out, so as to avoid any problems with your next pregnancy. :)
@duffybear yea second opinion is recommended. Good idea to get the polyp out but first things first... clear this one. Recover. Then followed by polyp thingee.
Fet should be wen all coast is clear.

@bbcripps not sure leh!! thinking doing this Sat.
OMG duffy :( he should have given you antibiotics before !! If i was you , leave your polype off your bleeding has to stop first - in my country we say : he puts the carriage in front of the horses (!)
I Know its not good to give names but dont go to mount e doctor name lady initials CYT that was my doc last year
Bleeding has to stop after a few days
Have definitely second or third opinion !
@kopibaby you can just wait And take antibiotics or try chinese herbs .. I developed a uterine synecchie cause they scratched too much the entrance at the 2nd D&C afterwards my 1st D&C doc said they should have just waited And monitored of course
@nervous babe no nothing i Know some ask for extra BT he said no need i ve got your results 4 follies its more than needed
What do you mean?
Hi nervous babe well sorry i mean he said considering my poor response to the protocole its obvious i need dhea ( he is very sure dhea improves your egg reserve in terms of quantity And quality ) not all docs think that but he does
He did not Check my BT.
Thanks gigi cos Understand that dhea may affect our testosterone and estrogen level. Was worried it will further affect all these hormone as they are already off balance now.
Oh yes am worried too but we ll see after my 3 months intake - sf Loh was not worried -
75mg at one go but i ll start to split 3 Times a day 25 as prescribed by doc Loh its just that because it made me dizzy he asked me to take at bed time but at night it gives me insomnia gosh not easy ;)
bbcripps - get one of those old sidney sheldon books? or mills and boons?!?!?! hahaha...a bit old fashioned but its the type that you are looking for!! hahahahah
Kopibaby haha hey the mention of those authors brings me back to the days of my teens years when I will take the bus to Jurong East national library to borrow every Sidney Sheldon or Stephen King book I can find. I never read any Mills n Boons though, see, I was deprived back then, maybe that's why I like 50 shades so much now, haha. Aiya, it's not abt those graphic scenes la, it's all abt the idea of an alpha male who has so much control n power, but becomes putty when they meet that one seemingly very normal girl. Same storyline as Twilight. Or the one n only Taiwanese drama that I ever watched n obsessed abt - Meteor Garden.
bbcripps - i didnt read 50 shades of grey and didnt read nor watch twilight either! yeah, so much for my social/entertainment life!! but i have heard enough about them to agar agar know what they are about.

i didnt read mills and boons growing up too but i rem the mother did. but i did a couple of sidney sheldon when i was a teenager and thought they were quite good!
duffy_bear - please take care and do consider getting a second opinion?
like what gigi said, the bleeding should have stopped by now. please monitor and discuss with hubby....
Omg Kopibaby u HAVE to read the Twilight series during your 2ww, trust me, the 14 days will feel like 14 hrs. Twilight was the only book that ever made me almost missed a connecting flight even though I was already at the airport 3 hrs before, cos I didn't want to stop reading to go q at the security line. N because of the book, I didn't want to go sightseeing, visiting, shopping or even eating. N this was in Las Vegas. All I wanted to do was stay in bed n read. My hubby was so so mad at me. I swear that book cast a spell on the reader. Pls don't waste time on the movies though, they r crap.
Yea twilight n 50 shades.. can really pass your time quickly.
Younger days mills n boons, daniel steele.would hv been better..... ok I gotta go library n get some daniel...and other trashy stuff.
Mills n boon may be I csn finish in 2 hours
.... jodi picoult not too bad
Hi ladies, thanks for the concern .... Bleeding more or less stopped... Crossing my fingers tat no sudden rush of heavy bleeding in the next 5 days....

I guess my bleeding is due to the "sheng Hua tang" tat I drank on Friday night cos I had a v bad cramp in the middle of night then my bleeding on & off cos the soup expel out " dirty old blood & blood clot"....

I intend to do my scoping test in Dec ... Mostly the week b4 Xmas as I dun want to take mc again.... Already been on hospitialization leave for so many days and my HR might dun likes it.... :(

Bbcripps: u still go to work?? Take care lol...dun walk too much & carry heavy things ....

Btw, Any ladies out there doing FET in march or April??? :)
Duffy_bear, monitor ur bleeding. Better get 2nd opinion if ur condition didnt get better k.

Bbcripps, sunshine, hows ur 2ww?? Bb_cripps, how can u still go work? U so workaholic lah. Take it easy at work alrite. Dun get too stressed up. Walk slowly. So u gals gonna test this wkend? When is ur BT? All the best!

My low amh buddies, i feel like going for endo scrapping b4 next fresh. Wat do u think? Who noes can help in implantation next round.

Gigi, u plan to start again in jan rite? Wif sf loh? I thought of going to see him next mth.
Hi syrian
Yes indeed except if Wong proposes smthg really different
But yes i think we took the decision to go with Loh already
No idea for this endo scrapping yes i might ask in dec
hi ladies. just wanna ask whether any of you experience spotting during yr stims? Today is day 6 and i started cetrotide this morning. I wiped myself after using the restroom a while ago and there was bright red blood on the tissue. :( I called the CHR nurse and she asked whether my period came after nor-e and I told her yes it came and ended last week. She said she will check with prof and get back to me tomorrow afternoon. Haish. Now til tomorrow afternoon I am going to be in a state of paranoia. Maybe my lining is shedding? Trying to be positive and not paranoid but it is so difficult. :(
Hi anie_angel, i did not experience tat. Do u have cramping? Like menses cramps? Dun tink ur AF comes either since juz ended last wk. Mayb its ur body's way of adjusting to the stimulation drugs? Dun tink too much k. Hope everything will be ok. Take care..
There is no cramping. I don't think it's AF since just ended last week and I don't think it's leftover blood also since it's bright red. Trying not to worry or cry but cannot seem to help myself. :(

Oh dear Anie, big big hug, don't cry babe, I have not experienced that either, but Prof is very experienced n he will know what to do. Meanwhile take things easy n rest more tonight. Take care!
