Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Thanks ladies, many thanks for all the encouragements. Really appreciate ur kind gestures.

The main problem is I can only rely on IVF to have a child. I cant do it naturally. Tubal problems due to endo so IVF is my only hope. At times, I do ask God why He make me go thro so much and even "take" my tubes away from me. Initially thought I can do if via IVF since Im still young. But God has his own plans. Wonder if I can tahan another round of disappointment. Or perhaps just turn to adoption...

Syrian, know it is hard to remain positive. My church sister told me to cry out and tell God how I feel. Just release it, God knows. Though my BT was weeks ago, I must admit I still feel sad abt my recent failed cycle cos I tot it will work out too. Maybe there is indeed a plan for us, but it is premature to know it now.
I love this song and I am dedicating to you and all sisters here.
Trust His Heart. *hugs*

Btw, grab a book to read. Just bought the Nick Vujicic - Life Without Limits. Hope his stories will inspire us :)

Thanks hopemiracle, thanks for such an inspiring and encouraging song. So touched by the lyrics. Felt much better now.:)

Its ok to cry and let out everything.*hugs* Its only after that then we can move on. Its ok to look back once in a while and learn but dun dwell too long on it. I also feel sad whenever I looked at the embryos pic & still cannot forget my first failed cycle even though it happened months ago. In my heart, they will always be our precious lil babies even though they didn't make it through. They are our lil fighters..* cheers to all our lil fighters*
Tsf, not sure how fast amh will drop with age. But I dun think it will drop so fast in 10 months. Did u ask any gynaes about this issue? Maybe yours is the empty follicle issue just like us. Im just very curious about this empty follicle syndrome. I really think someone should do a research on this..
Miric, yay u r done with your ER, have a good rest now n let the embryologist do their magic. How many did u retrieve? May they all fertilize super swee swee! :)
Thanks tsf ! I wish i Knew about That before ! I would have conceived younger anyway done is done now we have to fight! Tc
Hi I am starting my ivf with nuh in Dec... Cos I just miscarried yesterday .. I tot I dun need to go thru IVF. But I guess no such luck ... Very upset now ... By the way, wat condition can cause early miscarriage ? Really need some advice ..
Miric, congrats n well done! Have a good rest :)

Celsham, I'm very sorry to hear abt your miscarriage {{hug}} I too, had a miscarriage from my FET earlier this year. According to my gynae, vast majority of early m/c is due to chromosomal abnormalities. The foetus stops growing cos it is not healthy. Docs will usually advise blood test to make sure u don't have any genetic problems (blood, clotting, immunity conditions etc) only if it's recurrent m/c. For most, the chances of a next successful pregnancy is just as high as someone who never m/c b4. Have a good rest now n build up your health, I wish u all the best for your next cycle.
Syrian sry to hear abt ur bfn, hugs. Take a break and move on. We low amh buddies know exactly ur feeling now. Btw, Ur 1st and 2nd ivf is the same dosages? What are the changes?

Lucky we have a few amh buddies reporting here so we can compare notes.

Gigi, when u have your first kid do you already have low amh problem?
At that time, what supplement you took? You did Acupuncture and took TCM?
I am also planning in mar, hope we will be cycle buddies again or best if we can strike naturally.
Gigi plan in jan
Bb blues in mar
How abt orange trigger, hope miracle and tsf? Any plan? You gals staying on or moving to other doc?

Congrats to those ER and 2ww sisters, awaits more baby dusts from you.
Nervous_babe, thanks for the encouragement. Theres no difference between my 1st and 2nd protocol. Both given 375iu of gonal f. Asked prof y theres no change in protocol since i produced only 2 eggs 1st round. Told him my concern of wanting to produce more eggs for next round. He said he thinks better to stick to same dosage since for 1st round, my embryo quality is gd. Transferred a compacted embryo. He said does not mean higher dose is better, might affect the quality. Wat we want is quality not more on quantity. He also said tat my fertilisation rate also gd. Tats y no change in protocol.

Gonna have to wait till 04th dec to see him again for post review! Tats so long way to go! Wanna ask if hes gonna stick to the same dosage next round if i were to stick wif him...coz since both cycles have same dosage, both cycle i only produced 2 eggs. 1st round both matured but only 1 fertilised. 2nd round, 2 eggs but only 1 matured & tat only one got fertilised.

Wat abt u? Do u intent to stick to prof next round? Or switch gynae? Btw how many rounds of ivf have u done? Is this ur first?
Bb_blues, nervous_babe, we might be cycle buddies in mar! Yay! Me too trying next in march. Juz tat i have not decided to do wif which gynae..
Syrian likely I will stay with prof as cant afford to go private. My dosage was high to max and was on 13 days as my follicles grow v slow. How abt u? i rem ur follicles grow quite fast, how many days of stim u have? I am interested with sf loh if not cos of cost. Yes this is my first ivf. Maybe after my review with prof I will decide.
Will see how Gigi progress in jan. if her protocol is diff maybe will consider switch. Gigi, keep us update, k
Gigi, when u have your first kid do you already have low amh problem?
At that time, what supplement you took? You did Acupuncture and took TCM?
I ve been pg and miscarried in 2006 my hb had had a cancer 5 years before - when you have chimio your fertility decrease but can come back little after 5 years so i thought this Mc was due to my hb low sperm quality - have not done amh test And the year after 2007 pg again my kid born in 2008
Then i tried from 2010 to 2012 - 2012 pg And Mc - i had tests done we discovered hb had low morpho (we Know that ... ) And i low amh ( what the f***) i had no idea before
According to doctors i ask i was certainly low amh before ( would explain my 2 miscarriage) And was not aware or i became after Surgery ( they did not mention which Surgery but i had D&C And hysterectomy to remove uterine
I probably also had a chemical miscarriage before 2012 because i contracted anti d (in my a- blood ) anyway hard to explain i had at least 2 maybe 3 Mc And low amh was certainly already the reason why
Syrian likely I will stay with prof as cant afford to go private. My dosage was high to max and was on 13 days as my follicles grow v slow. How abt u? i rem ur follicles grow quite fast, how many days of stim u have? I am interested with sf loh if not cos of cost. Yes this is my first ivf. Maybe after my review with prof I will decide.
Will see how Gigi progress in jan. if her protocol is diff maybe will consider switch. Gigi, keep us update, k
I Will definitely
I ll try with sf Loh in jan but with sf loh i have to take dhea ( its been quite hard for me this week hopefully it Will get better over the 3 month intake)
If i fail i Will try again once till next summer when i Will turn 39 - if fail again i stop or go for egg donor in Spain
Nervous_babe, my stim this round is 11 days. Last round was 13 days. Duno why, but i think prof triggered my 2nd round too early, tats y one of my eggs is immature. Got so limited numbers of eggs already & yet one was immature. Btw have i gone for ur post review wif prof? Update us what he suggest for ur next round k. Yup me too cant afford to go private. So ex lah. My tcm already cost me a bomb. Hb said to use up the 3 gov grant for fresh 1st den we can opt to try private. But duno where else to go for govt hospital.
At that Time nervous babe i took no supplements at all ! No acu nothing i did only ovulation test worse i was a smoker!! Believe me if it has to work it works !
Now i run i eat healthy no smoking no drinking And no pregnant (!!)
Syrian i heard a girl who said you could claim gouvernment even in THomson medical centre it was a old post you should Check
Gigi what did you do in 2007? Any acunputure, supplement or TCM? From what u said, low amh gals have higher odds having natural babies compare to ivf, haiz, but we have been trying for so many years and we need to keep trying be it ivf or naturally.

Syrian I will update u. If comparing only govt hospital I think nuh is gd. I stay in the east and I travel all the way to nuh. Unless I can afford private. TCM and acupunture and supplement already cost a bomb.
Gigi what did you do in 2007? Any acunputure, supplement or TCM? From what u said, low amh gals have higher odds having natural babies compare to ivf, haiz, but we have been trying for so many years and we need to keep trying be it ivf or naturally.

Syrian I will update u. If comparing only govt hospital I think nuh is gd. I stay in the east and I travel all the way to nuh. Unless I can afford private. TCM and acupunture and supplement already cost a bomb.
Nothing i did i was not living here did not even Know chinese medicine !
Put it that way nervous babe many women make love only to have bb And then stop And hb go away
With us hb are Never bored And lonely :)))
Jia you.may be its not the time yet for your lil one to arrive. GOD has chosen another time for you.
It will happen keep e have time.
I feel nothing like preggy symptoms. The check up today took 5 minutes and waiting took 1 hr 40 mins
Paid for my snow babies at CHR. Came home @ lunch time n snoooozed for 2 hours.
Hi bbcripps thanks for your advice. Maybe I should these test before my ivf. Really hope for a success in Dec. had an ectopic preg in mar so not sure if counted as recurrent m/c ... But I noe it is recurrent misfortune ....
Morning ladies,

Nervous_ babe, i also stay in the east and i think nuh is the best for govt hospital. I loved their service. Heard kkh is not as good, the system & waiting time. But if prof protocol gonna be the same, i will opt for other gynae. Think wat gigi said is true, prof's success rate is better for the ohss ladies but not for us wif low amh. Im down wif my last gov grant for fresh cycle. Fet grant still got 3 but no snow bbs.

I think i wanna ask gynae if i got implantation problem. Both cycles failed to implant. Perhaps i shd try the endo scrapping as suggested by tsf. Btw nervous_babe, when is ur post review? Update us wat prof say k.

Sunshine, thanks for the encouragement. Today is how many days post trf? Mayb its too early so no symptoms yet?
Celsham, no problem, oh dear I'm sorry to hear abt your ectopic... I know no words can make u feel better abt this, but look at it this way - the fact that u can get pregnant 2x within 6 mths means that you produce good quality eggs n your hubby's boys r strong. You will succeed one day soon, jia you!!

Sunshine, me too, I waited 1 hr 20 mins n Dr Anu literally breezed in, touched my tummy 4x, n sent me out in less than 1 min!! Omg the women's clinic sure is ALOT more pleasant at 7 plus than it is at 10 plus... so many super preggie ladies n screaming/running babies/kids, made me so claustrophobic. :oops:

Oh for the ladies in 2ww, if u r trying to find durians, I found a makeshift durian stall in the new Giant at Suntec basement, they have more than 10 varieties. Didn't know which one to choose, so I asked the uncle which one is the best, so of course he pointed to the most expensive one, some XO butter something, $38 for one packet, probably super ex but I wouldn't know cos I never buy before, so I dumb dumb said ok cos damn happy to finally find durian, n he was so surprised that he only charged me $30... Must think I'm an idiot...n I do feel like one later, cos I realized I can only keep for 2 days so I will probably end up throwing 1/2 the packet away. :( But it is super super creamy n yummy. :p
bbcripps you r damn funny lor. Hahaha. It's ok, we shall write off the $30 and hope for bfp!! Don't eat too much durian even though it's yummy ok. I will need to remind myself that when my turn comes cos I love durians! :p
bbcripps, they called me my ET will be wed... Not tmr so its a day 5 transfer. Out of 17, 7 good grade, 6 satisfactory. Is it ok to be day 5 transfer? I'm worried :(
Miric, u have 13 fertilised embbies?? That's awesome!!! Don't worry, u have a great number, day 5 transfer has a higher success rate anyway, ooh so excited for u! Keep us updated ok. :)
bbcripps>but they say not all eggs will survive during this few days. Im just gona hope for the best! Stress is no good haha!
So u enjoying ur durian feasting huh? Yummy!!! Ur hubby can take the smell?
Miric, don't worry u have a good number for buffer, I read somewhere day 5 blastocysts have a success rate of up to 70%, u r doing good! Will u transfer 1 or 2? My hubby is ok w durian smell, thankfully. He actually eats them too, he don't really love it, but if I make him, he will eat it. Haha.
Syrian, hope u r feeling better now.. *hug hug*

Miric: OMG... U have so many good grades of eggs!! I read online that Day 5 transfer Is suitable for those who have many no of embryos retrieved and in good grades too....

I oso thinking to start my FET in march or may next year.... Still planning ...

Having bad cramp for the past 2 days ... It already been 7 days past my D&C done on Monday... Wonder y the cramp can last so long.... Haiz....
Duffy, prolonged cramping can be a sign of retained tissues, when r u due for your post d&c review? Doc should do a scan to make sure it's all clear.
bbcripps> i opt for 2... Glad that ur hubby eats durian!! Thanks for ur encouragements!
Duffy> u better let doc know abt ur cramp during review. Must 'tiao' ur womb back to good good condition prepare for next battle! Ooosh!!!
Hi girls
@duffy bear
Are you taking antibiotics ? You have to to avoid infection .are you still bleeding ? It should have stopped now - call your doc to ask for a review - take care
Still going for my acu... Eating egg whites, ensure milk (powder), if my tongue is abit white, i go take red bean soup (get it from dessert stall), wear bed room slippers at home...
Wow work. Congratulations. Day 5 cool. More chances of pregnancy.all the best for ET.

Yup I agree with gigi go for a doc'd advice.
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Hi gals, my post D&C check up due tml...

Oki oki, I tell Dr Chew about my cramp and bleeding now... Still have abit of blood clot passing out ....

Try to get a scan tml to see any retained tissues... No antibiotics was given to me after my D&C too...
@duffy bear keep us informed
Please if retained tissue avoid new D&C! Remember what happened to me
@bbblues tonight i started 75mg dhea so far so good!! What about you?
Hi all sisters, thanks for the advice and kind words. I will prepare my body for the ivf in Dec. anyway, I think maca root helps. Got preg twice on it but the preg did not last. Hope it will help all sisters here . I will stock up on my maca root as well :)

Morning ladies!

miric, congrats on the many good quality embryos! Good chance they will make it to blastocyst! All the best!

Celsham, first time heard of maca roots? Is it a kind of vegetables or supplements?

Gigi, I am still taking 50mg. I ordered a 25mg separately but yet to arrive. Good that you are adapting well to the dosage. Oh, did Dr Loh suggest what protocol for your next cycle? Or he will suggest the protocol when you going to start cycling?
