Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

good da morning!
ytd CHR was pretty packed with current patients and quite a few new couples (kapo me haha) then I overheard quite a few ER tmr oso heee... had my suprefact last nite! its a painful jab for me, needle seemed 'jam' halfway and it just wouldnt go in wahahaa think I was so tensed....
Good morning ladies! CHR is packed this morning too! Did bloodtest and baseline scan already. Now waiting to learn the jabs.

Miric - good luck for yr ER tom!

Syrian - good luck for yr BT tom!
Gd morning ladies, tested HPT just now. Its neg. Today is 11dp3dt. Haiz. Anyone encountered a neg HPT but pos beta? Cant help worrying. Read online tat in some women, hcg does not appear tat much in urine. BT is confirmatory coz more sensitive.

Btw which HPT brand did u ladies use? Theres so many in the market, all promising >99% accuracy. Mayb i shd have bought the early response one. Hmm..duno shd i go down buy another HPT or guai guai stay at hm & wait for the results tmr..any advice?
Ladies I need some advise. I recall during the first briefing the nurse told me at the start of stim should start eating 3 egg whites a day. But today when I double checked with a different nurse who was teaching how the jabs should be done, she said no need and only eat egg whites after ER if at risk of OHSS. I'm confused! Eat or don't eat? :confused:
Good morning ladies!

Miric tomorrow is a big day, all the best!

Amie angel, jia you for your stimms! Egg whites can not only reduce bloatedness (which u will feel as the stimms progress), but also the protein will promote follicle growth. So no harm eating now. Just make sure they r not raw, to avoid tummy ache.

Syrian, chin up babe, BT is definitely more conclusive, it ain't over yet. For HPT I think clear blue is the best brand out there. All the best, let's pray for a miracle tomorrow! :)
hello syrian
if you buy a new one now it will notbe first urine in the morning (except if you store it ;)) so i think no need to get further stress
otherwise blue dye color hpt are supposed to be less efficient (clear blue ones) and yes early predictor ones are more expensive and work starting 7 days after ovulation but for less than 50% women so really either you test tomorrow morning with new hpt or just wait for your BT tom morning but no need today
take care, thinking of you
bbcripps> thank u :) and please dont sneak out back to worlk again ok! haha
syrian> stay positive, wait for BT, meanwhile, continue talking to ur 'bb' :)
Gd morning ladies, tested HPT just now. Its neg. Today is 11dp3dt. Haiz. Anyone encountered a neg HPT but pos beta? Cant help worrying. Read online tat in some women, hcg does not appear tat much in urine. BT is confirmatory coz more sensitive.

Btw which HPT brand did u ladies use? Theres so many in the market, all promising >99% accuracy. Mayb i shd have bought the early response one. Hmm..duno shd i go down buy another HPT or guai guai stay at hm & wait for the results tmr..any advice?

Hi Syrian.... HPT is evil... :p But admire your guts to test before BT. Just to encourage you, I bought the early pregnancy predictor (forgot which brand), and tested after BT was positive (i.e. at 14 day post ET). It was only faint positive.... If I had tested few days earlier, the faint could have been fainter. Perhaps you tested too early.... dont think too much and be patient for BT :)
hi tsf
i met both as well ;)
my point (even if you ask machobaby who probably have another view)
foong does not propose more than wong except that he is more expensive plus more talkative and i must say very nice (i dont say wong is not but he s so busy we dont have the chance to talk) - so both seem good one is cheaper than the other one
loh talks more has more time and take risks he s more straightforward more "western" : no TCM no acu but new hormons he looks at the US and trust those methods - for pricing he equals nuh

maybe someone should compare with mount e kk raffles care?:) we are becoming experts ladies

i forgot mention but my case is for low amh i noticed we don t succeed in nuh for OHSS girls nuh seem to have great success rate (if i see this cycle mustard seed cheeka...:)
gigi, i think eventually all boils down to the quality of the embryo. If not wrong, mustard seed and cheeka both transferred good grade embryos.

Regarding the cost of the clinics, KKH should be the cheapest, CARE should be the same as Dr Foong, equally expensive. There is actually one more new IVF centre called Sincere IVF centre located at Novena Specialist Centre (same building as Dr Loh and CARE). This clinic is managed by Prof Ng Soon Chye who used to operate at Gleneagles, but not sure if is the same clinic as Dr Foong. Wonder if anyone check it out.
hi bbblues yes i know... but none of the low amh gals seem to succeed i am looking for one in the forum (!)
btw i feel much better now that i take dhea at night lets see how the day pass :)
what about u? still no side effect? have you ever taken pills of progesteron (utrogestan?) cause i have exactly the same feeling if you know it
gigi, good that you feel better. I am ok so far, no side effects. Yes, I have taken utrogestan orally, I will get very giddy and feel the room spinning after taking that. So now you taking 50mg, are you gg to increase to 75mg?
Bbcripps thanks for the reply! I'm glad u r being guai and staying at home today! :p Went and bought some organic eggs. I shall eat 2 egg whites everyday and see how the progress is on monday's scan. Only thing is prof is on leave on Monday and it will be doctor anu doing the scan.
@bbblues tonight i ll take 50 lets see how it goes (ytd took only 25) yes my aim is to reach 75 dont Know when - when do you take your 50mg by the way??
bb_blues> ok thanks
duno its the suprefact making me super bloated today @_@... there tummy rise till my chest level liaoz ...
Syrian, how is yr HPT??

Marcobaby, after consulting sf Loh n lc foong, who do u think is better?
Loh is more open to options & believes in DHEA & supplements & he has connections for donor eggs/overseas fertility clinic etc whereas Foong is more conservative & he dnt recommend DHEA as HSA not approved drug etc...also Carpark is a big issue over at Foong's stressed out no lots except valet
Anyone felt any side effects with gonal f? I feel light headed and slightly nauseous whole day. Wondering whether it's due to the shot. :( My dose was 225 UI.
Hi ladies, thanks for the advices. I also think HPT is evil. Very bad influence on the mind. So decided not to test anymore & juz gonna leave to the fate. Sorry typo error. Today is my 12dp3dt. Tmr is BT day. Its day 13 post transfer. I thought usually BT is 14 days post transfer rite?

Anyway juz a question, do u think tcm can tell if someone is pregnant? Even in the early stages? Juz a random thought coz sometimes they show in tv dramas..hehe mayb i watch too much tv..
Syrian - Good luck on your BT tomorrow. Stay positive.

I saw some ladies mentioned in other forum something like "slippery" pulse if you are pregnant, but normally the TCM doc will not mentioned as they are worried to disappoint the patient.
@anie_angel yes i had very big headache with gonal - the first days i took 1g panadol after the gonal f then as the days passed the pain was more bearable and i could stop the panadol
@syrian good luck!!!
Good morning ladies!

Sunshine, I'm going for a post ET review today too... Probably to check no ohss I guess.

Syrian, all the best to u!!

Miric, big day today, all the best!! Hope they retrieve lots n lots n lots of beautiful embbies!!

Anie angel yes I remember my first 2 days of jab I had abit of headache. Plus I was feeling very warm at night as the stimms progress. All normal symptoms, don't worry!
Morning ladies, done with my BT already. Now the actual countdown begins..thanks for all the wishes!

Miric, all the best for ur ER ater! Hope u will have nice & good eggs!

Sunshine, bbcripps, they will juz press2 ur tummy & chk for any bloatedness or pain. It will be very fast. No worries. Take care gals..
Hi ladies, juz as expected its a bfn. Sorry no bb dust to spread. Duno wats my next step now.

My low amh buddies, so which gynae u all have in mind? Can share? Mayb i wanna switch gynae still 2 x failed with pc wong. Mayb i shd consider dhea as well.
Syrian, sorry to hear that. Good that you have not given up trying. Seems we low AMH have to try harder than the others.
I am currently torn between Prof and SF Loh. Have yet to meet both of them hence have not decide. I think Gigi and macrobaby consulted both SF Loh and LC Foong. Perhaps you can consult them for 2nd opinion too. As for DHEA, there are mixed reviews, SF Loh encourage but LC Foong discourage.
Thanks cheeka & bb_blues, done wif my tears already. Gonna plan next strategy. Hb & me have decided to take a break for now. Its juz too much to endure. Plan to start next cycle in march next year.

Bb_blues, yup as gigi said, we low amh buddies juz got not luck wif pc wong. Mayb i will consult both & see the outcome. But going private means more $ to fork out. Haiz..guess wat? My SIL is pregnant. She juz gave birth last dec & now 5
mth preg wif 2nd one. Unplanned. Happy for her but sad for me. Juz when i thought i can nail it this round..hmm..

Others can get it easily but its juz a long & tough journey for us here..have tried hard, prayed hard & fallen hard as well..sorry for being a bit emo. Juz wanna let out goes on. Gonna have a feast this wkend wif hb before back to reality, to work on monday! Take care ladies!
Syrian, understand what you mean. My younger sis just gave birth to her 3rd one! Already can imagine what my relatives will say during CNY. Argh! Really dread this CNY.
Yes, we fell hard but we still manage to get up and march on. Most important, we have our HB for support. Go enjoy and pamper yourself, you deserve a break!
Oh, I am also planning for next cycle in March. Now busy planning where to go for holiday. HeeHee..
Syrian, I'm really so sorry to hear abt your result, I was really hoping for a miracle for u... I know no words can make u feel better now but just want to let u know u r not alone in this journey, we will be rooting for you every step of the way, have a good rest, n recharge for your next move. Perhaps like what the other ladies said, u can seek another opinion with a private doctor. I do feel that they have more time for their patients n can better customize the protocol for different individuals. Take care babe {{hug}}
Syrian, so sorry to hear dear. I was really hoping and praying hard for you. I know what you mean. All my close friends are on to their 2nd kids. I am so happy for them and at the same time feel damn miserable for myself. Don't give up. It will happen for us all. Take a break and pamper yourself for now. Hugs babe.
Hello all the wonderwomen! Me just pushed back. To my ward so bear wif my typo if any cos the GA still making me googy haha
Thank u all for the well wishes!
Syrian> hugs for u... All of us have tried our best! We are all wonder women!!!
*hugs* Syrian
I understand how you feel. My hub's brothers (elder and younger) all father their children already and we are trying so so hard for one. I do feel pressurised too.
Take some time to heal physically and emotionally. Meanwhile, continue with TCM to tiao the body, u never know u may strike naturally. Continue to pray and seek God for peace and pray that one day, He will open up ur womb like He did for Hannah. Cry and tell Him how u feel and after that, come back stronger to fight this battle.
Sorry to hear abt the bfn Syrian. I think it's time to change doctor for u. Come back stronger. we r all here for u.
I'm considering changing doctor as well.

I'm jus curious. How fast can AMH drop with age? Does FSH correlate with AMH? Which reading is more accurate?
I did my AMH test and FSH early this year:

AMH : 11.5, FSH 6.1

I'm asking because out of 8 follicles, I only managed to retrieve 4 eggs. That is only 50% harvest. I'm worried tat my AMH has declined.....
Thanks ladies, many thanks for all the encouragements. Really appreciate ur kind gestures.

The main problem is I can only rely on IVF to have a child. I cant do it naturally. Tubal problems due to endo so IVF is my only hope. At times, I do ask God why He make me go thro so much and even "take" my tubes away from me. Initially thought I can do if via IVF since Im still young. But God has his own plans. Wonder if I can tahan another round of disappointment. Or perhaps just turn to adoption...
Syrian - Be strong and lot of HUGS. You have done your best and dun give up, dear. Start planning for your holiday trip. We must strongly believe in miracle as one day all sisters will walk into the parenthood path.
hi syrian
oh am sorry :(
if am not wrong you re still young so you have to keep faith you can try and try and try again also if am not wrong you did same protocol for both ivf its time to change no? have second opinion - 2 failed trials is enough
am taking dhea yes and its sf loh who told me to try at the beginning i felt dizzy now am fine (i take at night) am ready to give it a try but cannot say if it will work(!) - my ivf will be in jan - take care and keep on and bare in mind
1. it can work naturally
2. you can go for egg donor

tsf your amh level is in which unit? was it considered high at that time?(there are 2 scales) foong told me amh can drop with age or after surgery (!)
