Premature babies support group


Jerlynn also needs to hold on to something most of the times when drinking milk awake... but she will throw the thing after playing awhile, and we gotta keep changing the toy etc so that it is something new and will interest her...No point picking up the one she threw cos she will keep throwing it after dat...sianzz loh...same as HX loh, we have to standby alot things to let her hold...
She also like corners of clothes and pillows & she also dun wan hold her own milk bottle...haizzz Premmies realli are like graduated from same school hor, dunno who teach them same things...hahaha

Jerlynn recently skipped her 4-5am feed liao, so Happy!!! but it also means I have to keep feeding her whole afternoon, with 7-8 teaspoons of cereals (12 pm), followed by fruit (1pm), then some milk (only abt 100ml) (3pm), then a biscuit/snack (4pm), then 1 Rice bowl of porridge (abt 6pm), then if we having dinner (8+pm), i gotta give her a piece of tofu or egg yolk loh, cos she sees us eat, she also wan to eat...Apart from that, she drinks average 4 times 150ml milk...Damn Shack loh, me and my mum take turns feeding until damn tired...last time my mum come over in the afternoons I still can take a cannot ler

This way of feeding was recommended by the dietitian to skip her night time feed, and indeed it works!! but realli dunno when I go back to work..who can feed her like this?


Yah when Yilin gets bigger, then safer to use the "in-the-ear" too young...
I tried that b4, it's really comfy, cos moulded to fit perfectly into the ear... and for Girls it's best...I used to work for a Hearing Aid Company...

Hi styi,

Welcome to the thread! Advertise abit here, U can also find us on Facebook.. Search for "Singapore Premmies" and join us there too...

Do not worry too much if the doctor already reassured u... my girl had bleeding in the brain as well as PDA not closed aka "a hole in the heart", and it realli resolved by itself few months later...
If the doctors knew anything u should worry about, they will not hesitate to tell u, trust me, the doctors are not very good at keeping the truth... they always will prepare us anything that is not gonna be good...

Give them lots love and hugs and I'm sure they will be back with u very soon!!!

Yeah we have another set of twins here!!! Cool!!!


everytime I have old or new and un-used stuffs that I wanna sell away, i started missing "Yahoo Auction"!!! Do u feel the same way???
My stuffs are piling up high, and started to feel that my hse is sooo small....

BTW is ur baby Cot in white? PM me, might be interested if the price is Good and the 28" x 52" kind, mine gonna fall apart soon...


Is the Cot on Sale at Toys R Us in White and the Big type? 28" x 52" mattress? keke


Have u all tried adding Pumpkin into the porridge and mashed it up with the porridge to feed??? It works for everyone I recommended and the babies really do eat more...
Now I add dried scallops, also damn sweet loh, and she can eat a full Rice bowl of the porridge...
Either is these items that made her eat so much, or just that she is a Glutton like me!!! hahahaha

BTW, she eat so much but nvr put on good weight leh... and she can Poo Poo at least twice a day, sometimes 4 times a day...
and the Poo Poo is alot de...hahaha... guess she "Jiak Liao Bee" aka "Waste Rice" and Poo nia, nvr absorb...
mummylian...wah.. i thot if its full school fees then u can relax abit hehehe..but this sum will boost his confidence which is what our kids need!

tree ice,my gal dislike solids, eat incomplete meal, ..sighh...

afcai, ahaha.. i think u r proof that premmies are more difficult to 'maintain' than full term bbs ahahaha

gingal..wah..non stop feeding.. but my gal is in cc..cannot ask teacher to feed her like that... another reason for her sleeping thruout might also be the cooler weather (if u dont use aircon). my gal usually sleep better in the cooler months.... cannot use aircon cos her nose is sensitive and skin is dry.. (mah fun hor) i miss yahoo auctions too! the new gmarket is nothing in comparison!
ya.. scare us too. cos u see.. they are premmie.. immune is low.. whenever she caught a virus, we will be scare..

ya, hope will improve too. but even if cannot improve, we are happy with the current result too. as compare to those that are totally impaired, she is lucky already..

wah, morning can eat so many times ah.. HX no need morning nap? yilin need to nap around 9.30am leh, depending on her previous milk feed timing. she will take her 2nd milk feed and fall asleep. usually will sleep for about 1hr++. by the time she wake up, almost lunch liao.

afcai's HX eating the whole morning, your Jerlynn gotta eat the whole afternoon.. haa.. so funny. but really difficult leh. will be very busy preparing food. after this meal, gotta prep the next meal.. maybe slowly give her bigger portion of food and reduce the no. of meal.

from wat i heard from u and afcai, i wondering did i give Yilin too little.. maybe u all can help me to judge,,
wake up : milk feed (about 6.30am, sometime as early as 5.30am, my mum wanna faint liao.. haa)
before morning nap : milk feed
lunch : 6-7 spoons of oatmeal + smashed fruit/pumpkin/sweet potato (sometime porridge)
after afternoon nap : milk feed
dinner : porridge/pasta 1 bowl (sometime she naughty, eat 1/2 bowl only)
depending on the dinner time, before sleep time, sometime will have 1 milk feed sometime 2 milk feed, cos she can sleep pretty early.. about 9pm.. sometime even earlier if she sleep enough in the afternoon.
in between meals, will give her jelly, fruit or biscuit as snack too.
thanks everyone for the kind support, very much appreciated. now jus praying that they will be ok and that the hospital bill will not be a killer!!
Hi styi,
welcome to our big premmie family

During yilin's head scan, doc said she got this unusual brightest in the middle part of her brain. they can't tell wat tat is. they said tat it might not be csyt. whether will it go away anot, they also cannot confirm.. or either it is damage, they also dunno. we were so worried.. cos even doc can't tell wat tat is.. and we gotta wait weeks after weeks for the head scan result.. i can understand how u feel now. but dun worry too much.. just keep supporting your baby.

now, yilin is a cheerful naughty baby, CA 1yr old already.. haa.

I dunno how to gauge Yilin's appetite u go for dietitian's appt still? They can reccommend better... Based on Jerlynn's CA 7th mth's appt, the dietitian is reccommending:

Morning Meal 6-7 teaspoons of Cereals,
Lunch 1/4 Rice Bowl of Porridge,
Tea Snack 1/4 slice of Fruit or biscuit,
Dinner 1/4 Rice Bowl of Porridge,
Milk Feed to be abt 600mls a day in total, If lesser try to feed some water about 40mls if she drinks only 500mls of milk...

Jerlynn pics always show her like very Big leh..but in real person smaller, ask the mummies who met her at the gathering...keke Maybe she looks fatter cos of her Cheeks la... keke

She caught running nose and couldnt sleep well last night... must be from the crowd in Orchard ytd..sad...

we dun have the appt for dietitian already leh. base on your dietitian recommedation, i think yilin is doing ok ba.. though you have 3 solid meal, but yilin's portion is bigger and compiled into 2 meals. so not too bad la..

but recently after her jab, she has fever. then her appetite dropped though now recovered. she still eating solid well in the afternoon, but dinner she takes 1/2 bowl of porridge only, her milk feed also dropped.. usually can drink 230ml, now drop till 150ml only.. sometime even lesser..
hello mummies

seem a lot to catch up on the thread. I spot my name and siang

on speech wise, so far we are still on review with the speech/audio therapist. I am still montioring is speech progress (and over view). Was told by the teachers at his cc so far he is doing well but they will help to monitor for any changes in his hearing and learning progress.

Thanks for all the praise but he is really just a normal boy (despite he has hearing impairment) and like Yan, i too felt that (not that we wish to compare) our children is so much more fortunate. there are really children out there who faces much more challenges.

Yan - perhaps next round of gathering we can try to meet up. i let you see my Siang ;) and i would love to meet lovely yilin (who share the same birth date as siang)

gingal - interesting to know u ever work in a hearing aid device company. can i PM u? i got some question to ask :p
yes!! once of these days, we should meet. not only they have the same birthday, they are same 26 weeker too right .. ha.. Siang is exactly 2 years older than yilin.
Hi Yan

haha correct siang is exactly 2 years older than yilin and they are both 26 weekers miracle bb
strong and doing us proud. What siang achieve now yilin will too and perhaps even outshine him ;)

your patience now will be rewarded in time to come. you will see it real soon, perhaps even now
ya. can feel that she is progressing on each and every day. more sensitive in hearing. she response pretty fast to us. now she knows how to fake cry too.. so cute.. trying so hard to squeeze tears out when we leave her alone in her playpen.. haa. and now even got times she stand up with support, but later on busy with her toy and let go the support completely for about 3-5sec. haaa.. my maid also trying to train her.. she make her stand up and let go.. see how long she can stay w/o support. yilin enjoying so much when hear her kaka counting how long she can stand...
saw from facebook that u are preg!! congrats, really have to salute u leh.. haa.. hope that this pregnancy will be a smooth 1, and of cos hope is/are princess/princesses..
<font color="119911">Tree_Ice </font>,
oic...a cot selling at $99, hmm..indeed quite a catch. why not go forum and buy? for me, HX is still using his jie jie playpen to slp. it is also a great deal when I bought fr JL sales few yr bck at $70+.

<font color="aa00aa">kkf</font>,
did rebonding twice b4 few yrs back but the rebonding cannot ta han for long. ppls can ta han up to a yr or ++ but mine 8mth-9mth starting to become wavy.

<font color="aa00aa">gingal</font>
how long do J take to drink her milk?HX can take more than 20 mins to drink a 125-150ml of ebm. HX really make me boil and lost my patience in the morning. he luv to play with the teat, just hold the teat into the mouth without moving. scold him he will fake cry, keep on wanting to get out. dunno why....but sometimes, gg mood will drink finish the ebm. hai...

haa...indeed agree that premmies are like graduated fr same sch bec they live in the same rm (SCN) before they graduated from there and go home, maybe they learn fr one another fr the room. :p.

wow, J eat so much cereal. HX only 2 scoop of fm scoops. for fruit, he seems dun like any. I gave HX banana, apple (worst still, squeeze eyes and avoid) and avocado. all dun like. what he like best is bb biscuit.

hmmm why shack that J took average 4 times of 150ml milk leh...unlike HX only 1 time 150ml, 2x120ml and 1 time 100ml. see not even 500ml wor....

hmm...J must be chubby(fr the fb's photos look) blar since she consume more than HX. hmm..J still went for dietian appt? when will she discharge? am curious to find out when did the dietian do during J appt? so far, J now is ok right, so dun think she need dietitian right?

re:sale item.
why not try ebay at sg side? no fees needed.

so far, HX only tried once pure one did not add into porridge.

<font color="0000ff">bloom</font>,
yeah....really even my mum surrender.....she care for us (3 siblings include me) plus my gar + my cousin also dun have behaviour like that. HX is really....err......just shake head and hope that he will be guai guai next time....

haa...tat's time, u have not see HX's face right bec he is covered with his handky when he zzz...he luv that if not, he will opened eyes and KPO.

<font color="119911">Yan</font>,
re:morning nap.
wkend will be happy hr for him cos mummy and papa ard so dun need to slp as the most priority thing to him is guai guai first than anything else. he can dun need to eat and slp one when gg out. my caregive said that during wkday, he will guai guaI slp bec hse quiet and nothing to distact him. so he will either nap after his bath at 9pm till 12pm+ if not 11am+.

yeah true, HX appetite is gd in the morning....noon time is either slp or play time.

re:wake up time.
is YL standard timing of waking up at 5am+ - 0630am? for HX like got programmed scheduler one. he will wake up at 0645am-7am on mon and sun (bec he 'chong' during wkend mah) and from tues-fri will wake up at 6am-0630am. sat will be either 0615-0645am. now he seldom wake up 5am+. if so, I heard he mumble but then fall asleep again, dun care again him.

u did not give YL any solid food for breakfast? like bread, cereal, zhu chang fen, water cake(in hokkien) or cooked mee sua etc b4 her morning nap?

if compare to my elder, HX appetite is far lesser liao. my gar (full term) last time better still can eat the whole day one (eg morning feed 6oz of ebm followed by cereal or bread 1 hr later, 4-5oz of ebm after morning nap ard 11am+, lunch- si shen brown rice then nap, 3pm drink 4 oz of ebm and then 5pm+ a rice bowl of porridge, 0730pm+ 6 oz of ebm again....1am-2am still got night feed of 6oz of fm) my caregive said, HX cannot bec of his small appetite. when he is infant, I suspect he got reflux cos he needed to be feed very small amt of milk hrly...if not, he will merlion out easily. so that's why my caregiver dun want to overloaded his small tummy.

<font color="119911">sam</font>,
did I hear u preggie? congrats....really salute leh!

can add into porridge, quite tasty.

re:wake up time
yes, she never sleep past 7am. maybe beco he sleep pretty earlier.

as for breakfast, no leh. morning she will have 2 milk feed. each feed about 230ml. but afternoon, will have 1 bowl of cereal.

seem like for u, u give milk just 1hr after the cereal.. usually we will even out. every 3hr 1 meal, regardless milk or solid. hmm... is it we pull the timing too far apart already? i told my mum about the breakfast.. tmr will try to replace the morning 2nd milk feed with cereal. then lunch and dinner continue with the usual 1 bowl of porridge...
<font color="119911">Yan</font>
even HX slp late at 10pm when we reached hm during wkend. the next day, he also wake up the latest is 7am or slightly 10 min past 7am. but he will still be very tired then and then he will nap his morning nap very long (3hr)

hmmm morning usually ppls got eat solid food u dun give cereal to YL? first feed so early at 6am+ so shd be ok to feed her at 8am mah...then 9am+ -10am still can give lesser milk feed. drinking 230ml is a lot...(eye I wish HX can drink tat much. even 150ml, he also struggling...sigh...when can he upgrade to big bottle...he still using small avent bottle).

ok, gg moo moo sian...a tired 'cow'

Yah I think shld be ok for Yilin, actually as long as she is growing well then we dun have to wory bah, just need to make sure the foo dis balanced with greens, orange veges, meat, fruits etc...

The one is not Jerlynn's diet la... that is Dietitian reccommended porton for a 7 month old...u go scroll up abit and will see what my Glutton can take in a day....

Jerlynn can Fake Cry too...hahahaha like what u say loh, squeeze tears, and scream...These premmies really graduate from same school man...haha


Yes pls, just PM me, or email me on Facebook, I hope I can answer ur queries...


Same loh, J also takes very long to finish her milk now... depends on her level of hungry-ness...sometimes can be very fast, like less than 5 mins, sometimes almost 30 mins loh...milk also turn cold liao...
If she takes too slow to finish her milk and we are going out, i usually dun care her loh, dun drink dun drink la... let her go very hungry then feed her in the car or outside...then she will guai guai drink, and at times sooo hungry til she will grab the bottle and feed herself...

They throw the toys so that they can get up hor? sianzz loh... last time she not so bad getting very naughty...
J also dun like apples...haha, she eats papaya, avocado and sometimes honeydew....

Her dietitian appt still going on leh, next visit will be in March 10 when she turns CA 1 year old, and I'm thinking of discharging her from then...
Her cheeks cubby la, other than that, not chubby leh...dunno whr the food and milk goes to...must be the Poo Poo, she Poos alot loh...

dunno why, dun realli like ebay... like not so user-friendly and lazy to figure out how to sell etc...

Re: Moo Moo

I also sianz to Moo Moo trying to deadline to stop is 31st Dec... Die Die must stop... haha...
sam u r preggy? congrats!!!!!!!

yan, wah..ur maid not bad leh.. still bother to train yilin...

afcai..ahahha... ur poor mom...
wowwowowo sam! 3 kids and now going to have more? wowowowowowowow. congrats! may this pregnancy be smooth all the way!
talking about pumpkin porridge, thats violet favorite too. but my mum said cannot eat too much?
afcai, gingal
yes, 1st feed very early hor.. maybe becos last feed early too.. about 8:30 - 9pm.

will try adjust her feeds.. 2nd feeding will try to give cereal instead of milk.. 8am++ difficult to feed leh, becos my mum will bring her downstair jalan jalan. by the time they come back and bath, will be next feeding time already.

ya gingal, saw J's diet.. steady leh.. can eat non stop.. yilin loves papaya, banana and avocado too.. think banana is her fav..
My boys are in NUH. i hust asked for interim bill its abt 12k for both now hoping that all can be paid by Medisave.
Actually i just hope they can be healthy. Yesterday went to see them and both are off the drip nutrition thing, and putting on weight so hope they can be home by Xmas.
yes.. food like pumpkin, carrot, papaya.. cannot take too much. if consume too much, the baby's skin will turn yellowish..

actually.. i think.. no matter what kind of food, how good it is.. also cannot take too much.. everything must take moderately.
That y I m abit regret getting the bb cot.. Shd hav bought it from the forum..

Yup, its white one but I forgot the length of the mattress.. lolz..

congrats!!! How many wks r u now?

I hav been having contraction since 28wks but these few days, it getting more intense and painful.. Going for 32wk gynae appt later at 230pm, hopefully everything is fine.. My fren told me and I do heard of it before that contraction is the 1st sign of cervix dilating.. sighz.. lets hope for the best..
tree ice, yah yah, must tell ur gynae about those contractions, and maybe ask her to put u on monitor to track?? when i went ann tan last time, she will track for me each time i visited after 30 weeks i think.

yan, precisely, thats why headache. i everyday give violet fish. i am afraid will be too much for her, but then what else to give? pumpkin also cannot eat too much...vegetables, she dun quite like, carrot also cannot give too much. running out of idea.

wow, yan, gingal and afcai, seems like u are giving your babies cereal? i never give violet cereal in the morning leh...and i just give her milk, thats all. she is on 3 hourly milk, once or twice in the morning, then porridge, then milk again, then porridge, and milk again. so about 4-5 times milk of about 200ml, and two meals porridge around half bowl each time. in between she snacks on biscuits and bread too. she loves them. maybe i shd try on cereal as well.

terror wakes again...sigh

Yah ppl say cannot take too much, but J already ate almost daily for abt 2-3 months liao, *touch wood* she is not yellow yet... my MIL say it's ok to take pumpkin, but if carrots then gotta take moderately...maybe 2 or 3 times a week, so far the kids I knew that take pumpkin porridge daily didn't turn yellowish... BTW J can't take carrots, gave her twice b4, and both times also cannot digest properly loh, Poo Poo will be hard and also orange in colour... Yilin's Last feed at 8-9pm means it's the milk feed or the dinner meal? sometimes I still feed J tofu etc at 10pm leh, cos she Glutton, see us eat, she also it too late?

Shit... Talking abt Avocados, now I rembr i have 3 ripen ones in the fridge and forgot gave her eat any this week.!!!! Damn it loh, gonna spoilt again...I always forget...dunno my brain why so useless now...always buy alot things for her to try varieties, but always forget to give her!!!


12k for 2 is quite ok leh...we paid $30++k for J's bill! Hope ur babies will be back to celebrate Christmas with u... oe at least back for New Year Day! Last Christmas, I was still on bedrest...and New Year's Day gave birth!!! She can't even make it back for CNY...
This Year gonna make up for it...Celebrate Celebrate!!! Fast One year liao!!!


How's ur appt? Nvr see ur FB updates..hope u are ok!


Yah Cereals very convenient leh... Just mixed with milk...

Talking abt J can finish a whole bowl of porridege for is my first try of feeding her outside as we were having dinner outside just now...usually we will feed her first then go out, but today too rush...guess what! This naughty girl barely finished 1/4 bowl loh... so Hong Sim... Buay Tahan!!! Look here look there, bang tables, play with her Granduncles and Grandaunties...I almost scold my uncles loh, wan ask them stop playing with her...haha...they see I abit pissed, and then say J also next time will be like her mum, short-temper...hahaha then I cooled down...hahaha My uncles loved me alot la, so just like them play with J la...Everytime I say she can drink alot, her milk intake will drop, then now I say she can eat alot, she ate little...Kids realli cannot praise one hor...Tak Boleh Tahan... My uncles carried her, and say she "Jian Fei" slimmed down liao...they say shld be Mummy "Jian Fei" ma..not her...*Faint*!!! Die la, suddenly I feel like "Jian Fei" liao...
yah yah, u reminded me, must go buy cereal.
hee. let violet try.

i want to jian fei, but the weight is stagnant there for soooooo long liao. sigh. sob. i dun ask for much, but at least must go back to healthy BMI. sigh. how to jian fei, i feel that eating is my life! hahaha.

yeah! my life saviours are back! my mum and in laws both back. yeah! i already dump violet with my mum liao. hahaha. dun dare to dump with my in laws cause they never take h1n1 flu jab and was back from china just yesterday. my mum also back from china, but at least she got take h1n1 flu jab. i think i can only let violet go back my in laws only next thursday after 7 days.
oh yah, gingal u are not the only lor. i am always forgetting to cook. but sometimes not forgetting, but you see, like pumpkin, it is so big, i dun dare to let violet takes too many times per week, so in the end, by the time i want to cook the pumpkin again, it is already spoilt, and most of the time i only use 1/4 of it.

btw, meat and fishes are sooo expensive hor? i keep buying and buying until like very heart pain. haha. cause i throw meat everytime i cook porridge for violet to make it taste better.
kkf,i think old folks think pumpkin is cooling... my mom also give kate fish family believe fish is the best,for brain.. ehehe.. i always think my hb's brain not so quick cos he doesnt like fish (i think also his job very technical , no need to be ling2 huo2) hahah amaybe u ask ur school to let u join jogging CCA?

luxelectrique, hope u got ur xmas wish!
my bill for my gal is $11K for 1 kid (SCN only, no NICU)

tree ice, keep us informed ok! is it the same gynae as ur last round? is the gynae doing anything to prevent prematur birth?

gingal, ditto lah.. i also always forget abt the veg in the fridge, then > half of it will be spoilt cos i only cook during the weekends..
waste of food.. last time i did think of starting a puree biz (u know , prep serving size then go to diff mrt station and pass to the mommies hahahaa)
yilin cannot take carrot too.. tried 3x already.. all 3x after she took carrot, she cough..

yilin last feed is milk. she took her dinner around 6pm. not sure whether is it too late to give solid at 10pm, but i heard from a chinese sin seh said, soy bean product is difficult to digest.. tofu also make from soy bean right.. maybe dun give tofu too late.

wah.. u bought 3 at 1 shot ah.. since u so forgetful, dun buy so many la.. i usually buy 1 at a time.. 1 can eat 2x.. so enough for 1 week consume liao..

go outside is like tat de.. they very hong sim.. see here and there.. no need to eat also won't complain.

some cereal dun even need to add milk, just water will do. i bought nestle oat prune.. smell great! not only yilin loves it, weng likes it too.. though weng is a little over age taking tat cereal.. haa..

not easy to jian fei ah..
especially tummy area.. frankly speaking.. i only need to reduce my tummy, but then hor, is the most difficult part to get rid lor.. sigh...

as for pumpkin, u no need to buy the whole pumpkin ah.. just buy a small portion of it.. those extra ones, actually u can stired fried it, nice and healthy dish

at least u are tall leh... so u look still ok...not fat short, cannot get too fat liao...haha...

I buy pumpkin in half or 1/4 portions, so wont get spoilt... as for meat, i eat them, let her eat....Yes, very expensive loh, their FM leh...haizzz, and she "jiak liao Bee", "Waste my rice", nvr get fat...

My hubby dun like fish too, also find him slow...or maybe not os of fish, it's cos of MEN generally slower...hahahahaha


Oh dear... I give Tofu late night sometimes...faint...
Hi gingal &amp; Bloom,

My gynae is the same one who see thru my 1st pregnancy.. He did prescribe me some med to prevent early labour and create more blood flow to bb.. But then again I m not satisfied with my bb weight.. He weighed 1589g at 29 wk but yest weighed 1.8kg to 2kg at 32wker.. I m jus worried he is slowing down on wt like his kor kor.. my gynae assured me this bb is growing well though..
Tree Ice, I think 1.589 kg is quite a good weight for a 29 weeker. Babies usually put on weight towards their due date. So don't worry about it. For me, my son was only 1.035 kg at 28 weeks. So dun worry yah? And 32 weeks is very good already. Remember to just rest alot if possible. k?

How come I didn't receive the notification of the Premmies Awareness Day arh? Its at KKH, right? My boy was from KKH wor..
tree ice,
need not worry, i know a friend 's boy, 31 weeker but weigh 1kg only.. so yours consider very good already. i believe soon he will exceed 2kg. even if he come out early *touch wood*, also no worries..

ya.. MEN are slow.. haa.. they very relax de..

think small amount should be ok ba.. but if u worry, change to other food lor.
NTUC diaper promotion fr 10-23 dec
Nepia pants/diaper - 2 for $28.95
Pet pet diaper (mega pack) - 2 for $32.75
Mammy poko - $21.45
drypers - 3 for $38.45
Pamper active baby value pack - 3 for $46.75
Pampe premium active baby (jumbo pack) - 2 for $46.75
NTUC diaper - 2 for $19.95

Huggies promotion(free mothercare suit worth $12 with every pack of Huggies NB or small size purchase.
Huggies NB (green pack - 24 pcs) - $6.45
Huggies small(44 pcs) - $12.45
Huggies dry (blue pack) - $16.95
Huggies jean pants pull up - $6.45

Other bb products
Jnj shampoo/soap/otion/power/wipes, kodomo brand, pigeon refill pack liquid cleanser($9.90), tollyjoy 900ml liquid cleanser, ($8.90), tollyjoy baby laundary/detergent 1000ml - $6.90, tollyjoy napikin ($17.90 per pack), NTUc brand wipes, 55g drapholene cream($9.65 per pck) , mamil gold, promil fm.

<font color="aa00aa">gingal</font>,
fruits...HX dun seems to want leh, J want certain fruits. true, HX consume within 5mins when we 'starve him for 4hr and above bec we came bck late after buying groceries from central mah.

do J take cold milk? sometimes when the milk drink half way is too cold, HX would not want it. so we had to warm up again and he will drink again. true true, when bb is too hungry, they will grab bottle.

wow, J got supper wor...what time she slp?

hmm..u give her cold avocados?

how many times she poo per days? HX max poo 2 times per day if not once a day. during the teething period, he can poo a bit by bit for 3-4 times.

starting I also dunno how to use. now I only maintain the a/c but hubby is the one who do the meet up.

re:moo moo
wow, u so on to wean off. my bm getting lesser now after reducing to 3 times, also did not really stick to 8hrly to pump and also bec of the tiredness. for me, my dateline is b4 cny. let it natural dry up loh....

<font color="aa00aa">kkf</font>,
u look ok mah, where's got fat?
I agree, my mum also say pumpkin very 'liang' and will also cause yellowish skin if eat too much.

HX also eat fish and yao rao daily for his porrige. haa I wondered will he sick of it.hmm veg why not mash so tat she won't taste it mah. what's abt giving Violet tofu and potatoes? HX like tofu and potatoes.

hmm why not cereal, cereal got calicum leh...I also added in 2 scoops of fm in. after cereal, this boy will also consume bread or water cake.HX also eat brown rice si shen power during lunch time instead of porridge.

arrr...u make me envy that violet can drink so much milk, unlike HX....sob...

buy a smaller size one mah.

<font color="119911">yan</font>,
my last feed is 7pm, much earlier than u loh unless we go out during wkend then HX will have milk at 9-10pm. after that, will doze off.

hmm...cereal + mill (add on) loh. haa...go downstair and feed her loh...

<font color="119911">Tree_Ice</font>,
unless u want to keep for no 3. but hor u know, old folk won't like it cos they are patang.

do take care (ask bb to guai guai stay put, not time yet) and be careful. do yr boy ask u to carry him etc?
wah.. so early for the last feed, wat time he sleep?

ya.. usually for cereal we add in milk too.. make it fatter.. haa.
sometime my mum will feed her downstair for dinner, but i try not too.. i dun want her to develop this habit.. i scare once we dun bring her downstair, she will refuse to eat.

i got example to see, tat's why i scare.. got 1 grandma baby sit her granddaughter staying same floor as me. she said her granddaughter refused to eat, so every meal she bring her downstair to eat.. now the girl 4 yrs old already, still everyday must go downstair to eat.. worst still. she ride bicycle and the poor grandma gotta chase behind her...
Hi all, i am new to this forum and is very worried over my situation now. Hope someone can provide some advise.

I am a 29 weeker with 2 twin girls and i am currently seeing Dr SF Loh in KKH. Currently the smaller twin is not growing at the normal rate due to placenta issue (she is only 800g+ while the bigger twin is 1400+g). Dr Loh advised that i will have to deliver within the next 2 weeks. I have taken 2 jabs these 2 days to mature their lungs already and will be doing CTG scans over the next few days.

1- Anyone has the same experience as me? My condition is called IUGR. Mind to share your experience?

2 - Did you buy any insurance to cover NICU expenses? I am very worried about the high bills. Dr Loh has said that my smaller gal will have to stay in NICU for 2 months! Is it too late for me to buy insurance now? I read that it will be cheaper to downgrade to Class C - is that right? But if that is the case, that means i wont have Dr Loh to deliver my girls?? I am currently seeing Dr Loh in TPS.

3 - No one in TPS has spoken to me about booking of hospital bed etc. When are you girls approached to talk about this? My next visit to the doc is next Monday - hopefully i can clear this up and also have some advise on costing etc.
Hi VirgoAries, sorry to hear abt your situation. I don't have your condition but can help with the 1 question.

2. No, I did not buy insurance. I don't think you can buy any insurance for your unborn baby at the moment. Yes, it is better to downgrade to C class. I was with TMC and my gynea immediately asked me to trnasfer when I was leaking aminotic fluid. I stayed in KKH for 3 weeks in the C ward. Very uncomfortable cos sharing the ward with 5 other people. However, I know I don't really have to worry about the bill because I am in C ward and my baby will be charged C class price. Our bill was fully coveredbby medisave. Did not have to pay cash.

NICU is wardless meaning all premmies go there and are very well taken care of by the professional doctors. Nurses are very well trained to work in the NICU. Unless Dr Loh make special arrangement, you probably will be delievered by the attending doctors. That was what happened to me.

I am praying that all will go well with you and your babies. Try to get as much information as possible on premature babies so tt you will know what to expect. In the mean time, try to be positive though its difficult. And come in here for support cos we all have been through varying situation of premmies.
Hi Mummies,

Have been MIA in a while. Danya is doing well and challenging the damages cause by bronchiolitis. She is still has alot of phlegm. Will throw out phlegm almost after every feed.

So busy since Danya discharge. Busy moving all our stuff from our old place to our new dream home. Finally, tomorrow, we will give Danya a brand new environment. Finally, we are able to enjoy the fire work over the skyline at Suntec area on this coming new year eve count down.

Hi Virgoaries,

Welcome to our forum. I am a daddy of a brave warrior princess. All the mummies here are super mummies, very supportive and very helpful. My princess is also having a IUGR condition due to High BP and preeclampsia which my queen was suffering during the 2nd trimester onward.

Danya is born a 26 weekers with a birth weight of 590 gram. Your Gynea did the right thing. The steroid will mature your warriors lung within 48 hours.

Unless your pregnancy is via IVF or you have taken up a pregnancy policy before you conceive, otherwise, no insurance under writer is going to take up your case. If you know that your are going to delivery early, check into KKH and ask for C class ward. This will guarantee that your warriors will be bill under C class rate during their stay in NICU.

Nevertheless VirgoAries, be strong for your warriors. Teach them the spirit of fighting brave and strong. Is it also good to prolong the pregnancy but not at the expense of your brave warriors. FIGHT HARD, FIGHT BRAVE, FIGHT STRONG.

Thanks for the diapers info... u very good leh, u went and note it in a Notepad? Or u have so good memory ah? keke I just bought from NTUC Huggies Ultra Jumbo for abt $18.++...dunno the cents value, forgot liao...
But the Pampers Active Baby quite worth wor... Giant also have 2 packs in a box selling $31.++..forget cents value also...hahahaha

haha, yah yah, must starve them then they will drink hor?

Yes, she drinks Cold milk... kekeke. I rembr u said b4, HX since very young already dun wan cold milk... still like dat now ah? J will drink room temp milk loh... unless we are in air-con room, if the milk abit too cold, then we warm...

re: Sleeping

If I'm lucky, she sleeps at 11pm...if I'm not she can sleep at 1am...

re: Avocado

Yah Abit cold leh... I take out from fridge, and cut and dig out and mash abit and give straightaway liao...
she will squeeze her face abit on the initial few spoons, then after that she will get used to the coldness...hahahahaha, bad mummy hor...?

re: Poo Poo

She Poo Poo at least twice a day and alot and damn smelly kind loh, at most 4 times a Average is 3 times...I clean her butt til I sianzzz.. cos it's so challenging, she flip all over and will try to sit up!!!

re: Moo Moo

I think I'm drying up soon... supply dropped more than half of usual... and getting lesser each day...maybe cos psychologically dun wan liao, and body will take the signals??? hahahaha...
Congrats to myself!!! Im Graduating!!!


Nice to hear from u, hope Danya get well soon...
How is she Poo Poo now? Her rashes better liao?...Sometimes can try different brands of diapers, cos some diapers do give bad rashes...

So nice ya, can see the fireworks... cannot guess which area u moving to, cos I am a Road Idiot! I can still turn in the wrong road to work last time when I drive to work...Imagine, daily route also blur... hahahaha

Hi VirgoAries,

If u really wish that ur gynae can deliver for u, what u can do is to opt for downgrade after u gave birth...
but quite a hassle to do so... and prior to approval, u still gotta pay the higher class rates...
I find the gynaes and midwives who delivered for me were quite ok... they were very encouraging too...
Hi afcai,

You really very good to share the info with us. But if indicate the packing will be better. Hee hee. Too much hor!


Nice hearing from u. I also curious where u stay leh? Must be town area. Hope Danya recovers soon.

Hi VirgoAries

My boy also having IUGR due to placenta problem. He is a 26weeker with birth weight 635g.

David was right, unless u conceive thru IVF or buy insurance in the initial stage else no insurance company will cover u at this moment.

I was warded in B class, but my boy was downgrade to C class automatically due to forsee long stay in NICU. (but also subject to approval)
So you might want to downgrade to c class.

As for the bill, they will only discuss with you after you give birth. If you have any problem on yr bb's medical bill, you can talk to the social worker. A social worker will come to look for you after u give birth.

Be strong! Any other problem, you can ask the mummies and daddy here. They're helpful and friendly.
Hi Xiaowanzi, BabeliciousFat, David and Lilac,

Thank you all for your encouraging words..

I actually conceived via IVF, but in HK. Back there no one talked to me about buying insurance. Anyway, even if they did i will not be buying coz i know i will deliver in Singapore.

Anyways, it seems right now there is no way for me to buy insurance now and the only way to save $$ is to downgrade to Class C.

I will try to keep positive (though when i read up on IUGR on the web and learnt about the possible complications of IUGR children..i got really worried!).

Thanks again for being here.
Gingal, your J very cute leh.... still will squeeze her face. Very adorable. I like her.

David, thanks for sharing about Danya. May she recovers speedily and enjoy the fireworks! I know where you staying. Must be Duxton, right? Cos' a few of my friends got their keys during this period. Nice place!! If really Duxton, next time gathering at your place? Hee....

afcai, you very good leh. Still bothers to post the promotion here. Thanks for remembering us mummies when you come across good deals =)

Virgoaries, feel free to come in here for encouragement. I still remember when I gave birth to my premmie boy, the mummies and daddy has been really wonderful in encouraging.... very touched by their constant encouragement. So, come in and pour out your fears and anxiety.
Hahahaha... David...Duxton!!! Cool!!!
The Price almost tripled right???

I have a "Bro" staying there...keke, Can I visit Danya when I go there anot???
tree ice...32 weeks ok gynae din give any scary news that day? very soon it will be 33. 34.35.36. then FULL TERM hhhhahaa eat more durians i the meantime... 2kg is fine actally, kate was 1.8kg when she was at 34weeks

yan, oh yes..i saw some PRC grandparents around my neighbourhood, literally camping downstairs to feed their grandkids...

virgoaries, good luck! some mommies did get 'immediately' downgarding of ward for their kids (cos social worker expect their bill to be high) BUT dont expect that to happen all the time! safer to downgrade. Hope u get a good doc on duty!

gingal..ahaha..its time to take out toys etc and let her play with them when u clean up her butt.. to capture her attention.. must have a few cos she might lost interest after a few sec..and make sure they can be clean easily just in case she drop them onto her own poo!

david... ahhaa..lilac ad gingal congrat u on duxton.. i see duxton i go.. poor david... cos i went the showflat before.its pretty small right? of course central location , high floor , high price is good! ahhee..yes. next fireworks time gathering at david's pl! (buay paiseh) hehehehee

hi all mummies here, im realli glad i found this support group for my premature baby! My baby was at 35 weeks gestation at 2090grams...

So far he's doin ok. yest went for his injection, doc says he abit on the small side...
