Premature babies support group

Hello everyone..

I'm currently expecting my 2nd baby at week 32. My gynae has labelled my bb as IUGR as he is growing under 5% percentile.
My gynae expected my baby to be borned preterm at the rate he's growing. I'm currently being asked to go for bi-weekly CTG scans and weekly growth scan.
i dun know what to expect now as my 1st bb was borned full term. I'm feeling very lost and sad as i do not know what is wrong with me. Gynae suspects my placenta is not in good condition.

I've got some questions which i hope to get some opinions from you.
1) Gynae has advised me to go to govt hospital under subsi rate in case bb really born early. May i know if it is advisable to do so since i am already in week 32? I only worry that i will be seeing different doctors with different opinions which will make me even more stressful.

2) If i deliver in Mt A, will i still be able to transfer bb to govt hospital?

3) I've no bleeding or any signs of early labour now. Anyone have the same experience as me?

Sorry for the long post. I really do not know who can I go to now. Very lost now..
Hi Jas, Just to share, I delivered my 2nd boy at 29w3d in Mt A. His hospital stay of 6weeks cost my $56k. However, his neighbour bb at 32wks stayed only 3wks and her bill was only $15k. Very case is different, it depends on whether they need CPAP, ventilation and Total Nutrient infusion.
Sorry, the post got cut off.
That is my little warrior. He's turning 2y AA in 1 month time. He's now 84cm and 12kg. He has come a long way and so did we
Hi berrybaby

thanks for responding. My gynae has explained to me that the charges will be much if bb is delivered at week 34. I just do not know if i should switch now since it's another 2 more week before reaching week 34.
Think i'm too confuse when i'm given many options. And i just want to weigh the pros and cons before choosing which hospital to go to.
hi jas,
if i were u, if hospital charges is a concern, i would opt to go polyclinic, then refer to kkh asap without waiting. by going polyclinic, u would be under subsidy. different doc also nevermind so long as when bb is born, without knowing what his/her conditions may be, he/she would be well taken care of becoz of kkh's facilities.

if go straight to kkh, think would not be under subsidy.

i had 3 prematured labours due to waterbag burst. like you, no symptoms of bleeding or early contractions etc, the waterbag just decided to burst at 35wks, 32wks and 36wks.

if too late to go kkh n u deliver at mt a, well, like what berrybaby said, it all depends on your bb's conditions, mine all 3 born at mt a, #2 is most ex coz early, but due to his good weight 1.9kg, he doesn't use much special equipments n is discharge aft 2 weeks, but charges still abt $10k.

if bb is born in mt a with certain conditions and need to transfer to kkh, it could add on to baby's stress, your stress and what if kkh will not accept due to limited space or other unforeseen circumstances? it would be tough n bb would not be under any subsidy but go in as private patient, so charges might be ex too.

hope it helps. wish u have a full term labour n smooth delivery n baby well. Take care!
BerryBaby - great pic ! Very encouraged to see other preemies warrior growing
happy birthday to him in advance.

Jas - can consider going poly to get a referral to KKH first, just in case... I went to KKH A&E and was hospitalized under c class.
jas13, maybe it might be good to opt for KKH now. At least, secure a space at KKH. And if baby is able to come out at full term, then deliver with your gynae at private. That's what my friend did. There was a possibility that she migh give birth prematurely. So her gynae from Mount E advised her to go NUH under C class for checkups. Subsequently, all went well. She eventually gave birth in Mount E with no complications. Of course at a subsidized rate, you will see different doctors. But as we are high risk, they will alway be more cautious and seek senior consultant advice.
Hi Hui, lilac and Ning

Thks for your advice! I will go polyclinic to get referral to kkh 1st.

As I have very bad experience with kkh when my #1 was admitted for pneumonia, really dun have the confident to seek for any consultation or treatment there.

Hi lilac, did your friend went for consultation with both pte and Nuh gynae concurrently?
Hi Jas, for the first trimester, she was with her gynae at Mount E. Subsequently, during her 2nd trimester, found out that she has low lying placenta (previa something) and at risk for preterm, so she went to NUH as a C class patient. During her checkups with NUH, she kept her gynae at Mount E posted via email. Eventually, when she was 37th weeks, she went back to her gynae at Mount E for a c-section. I think it also depends on whether the gynae is willing to accept such arrangments or not.
Hi mommies.. Brave mommies all!

Just to share
Seeing gynae at class c subsidised rate at Kkh
Good experience so pls don't worry.
Be it ward c or b, it's not as bad as it seems.
I used to think I will be so sad staying in a class c but becos of
Complications I have to think of the costs n all so no choice take ward c but after staying there once at ward c and ward b+, my experience is telling me I worry too much.

It's my second pregnancy now and for the first one I felt like a queen with the best ward and all. But now tho I am at ward c seeing diff gynae I find that it's ok. If I hve a problem, the medical officers will seek senior on confirmed advice to give us - be it admission or wat.

I am now admitted again for baby is havings complications:
1. Good: Blood resistance on Doppler test: this week ok
2. Good: baby weight: only 1.6kg at week 33 but better than last week
3. V bad: Amniotic fluid: 3.5cm
4. Mom diabetic

They just gave me two jab to build baby lungs. Omg that was freaky painful like being punched but don't worry too, only lasted 5-10 mins. Becos of the jab, my sugar went mad high and that's one reason they insist I stay.

I feel like praying that baby quickly come out so I don't have to struggle with 1st son enrichment classes and the twice weekly visit to Kkh.. V tired. Bad mom me ;)

Just wanna say: all moms are GREATEST.
Everyone jia you!
Weight n height is not important.
Most important is e kid's health.

My first kid born full term at 38 weeks but he is only 5 percentile all the time n is 99cm n 14 kg only but so what, he is healthy or normal as of now with occasional fever la.. A bit bronchitis la .., but I love him still.

Keep in touch all!

Maybe we can set up a fb so that it's easier to communicate fm there!
Hi all, I have been a silent reader for the past week. This is my second pregnancy n was being told by my gynae tt I will be having preterm labour at 32weeks. Was being admitted to TMC for bed rest immediately but due some childcare issue of my boy n my hubby kena dengue, i have requested for discharged after 3 days. Gynae had predicted bb to be delivered at 34 weeks (which is next week). I am still quite in the lost of what I should do. To continue at TMC or go kkh due to the hospital charges. Based on earlier post, seem tat even I go kkh, it will not be under subsidy rate. My bb is nw at 33 weeks 5 days n weigh 2.199g. Unsure how long will hd be expected to stay. Btw, wat's CA?
bubblymommy, yes, you can still be under subsidy. Cos during admission time, they will ask you which class you want. Or rather, they will advise you to take C class because we are high risk = pre-term baby = high NICU cost. Unless they don't have beds in NICU. Actually, 34 weeks is very good. When my water bag prematurely, my gynae says if I can tahan till 34 wks, its very good already. And your baby weight is very good! Usually for for premature babies to be discharged, their weight needs to be at least 2kg. It also depends on your baby's medical condition when he is delivered.

CA = Corrected age
Bubblymummy, please do try to rest as much as possible. I know u have other commitments but try get help fr relatives / frens etc... Every single day your baby spends in your womb is an extra bonus for the baby. Your baby is of a gd weight, ESP compared to a lot of babies in this thread that are delivered at less than 1kg. Hang in there! Hope you reach 35 weeks (then not considered premature already).

When I was admitted to KK for contractions, they also advised us to choose C class.

Suggest you ask TMC to provide estimated charges for baby assuming delivery at 32 weeks? But the charges really depends on the baby 's condition but at least you can have a feel of the possible charges. I know KK does show the 50 percentile / 25 percentile charges
Thanks Lilac n Ning for your advice. Don't think can still prolong till 35 week. Based on last review, my cervix length was shorten to 11mm. My gynae said tt anything below 10mm, cervix will start to open. So currently I am on standby mode... Quite scary coz I dunno wat will happen....

I have paid n signed package with TMC gynae, but my friend ask me to admit to kkh under subsidy when delivering. Was think if it is a better idea to deliver at TMC n transfer bb to kkh. Did anyone of u did this arrangement before? Can bb still be under subsidized rate?
hi bubblymommy,
when i deliver my #2 at 32 weeks, he's 1.9kg, need to stay 2 weeks at mt a. total charges ard $10k we paid out of pocket. he's in nicu during the stay but no need any special equipments but had phototherapy due to jaundice. did gynae mention anything abt bb's development? based on weight, seems good, if detailed scans also no problem, then u may just opt to deliver at tmc then since u already signed up n also gynae knows your records. would recommend kkh if u know bb has some conditions uncertain. anyway, go by your feel, n try not to get overly worried n stress up. relax n everything will be fine.
Hi hui, so far all detail scan are ok. Thus was shock initially when gynae told us tt I will have Pre term labour. Muz checking, hw u all determine CA and AA?
, your bb is of a very good weight. My bb was born in Kkh at week 33 and 5 days. His weight is 2.916kg and stay in special care for 12 days as he has jaundice. U can ask tmc to give u an estimate bill if deliver in week 35 for an comparsion
Hi babybaby75,

Your baby weight is so good. 2.9+ is almost a full term bb's weight.

Is special care room ex? My gynae did mention tt likelihood to have high level of jaundice for preemies.

Don't have appetite to eat much lately...dunno if it will affect bb's weight. Kept having the feeling n pain to empty my bowels.
Jaundice is very common in all babes. Even when they are discharge have to monitor by testing their blood in polyclinic every 2 weeks
Hi, would like to check if any of you bought the Angelcare monitor when your babies went home? Is it supposed to detect breathing?

I have looked at their website, can't really tell the difference between the various models. Is the monitor still necc if baby sleeps in the same room as you?
hi blossom, i bought mine when baby was discharged. he was sleeping in the same room as me but i still used the monitor cos' worried. its quite sensitive. would u like to buy off from me? cos' i used it for 3 mths. after about 3 mths, baby seems ok with breathing already, so don't need it anymore. let me know if you are interested. will email u details if u are keen.
Jas, Ning and Xuan
Thanks. We are so glad that he's growing well. But we are still stressed with his feeding. At almost 2, he's still on semi solids, can't manage rice or any hard, otherwise he'll just spit it out. Anyone has the same problem?

My boy during 1year+, he still can't chew harder stuff and not even rice and on porridge for quite sometime.. The fish/meat/vege in his porridge got to b very minced if not he will split out too.. He is seeing therapist till now.. I sent him to childcare when he was 22months when some mummies told me under peer pressure or when he see his friends eating he will follow.. Initially the teacher did comment that he's not chewing his food and he will gag and he dun like bread.. But after abt 1year in cc, he is so much better.. The teacher also say he improve a lot.. He can now eat harder food like apple, nugget but have to cut into smaller pcs lah.. But is a great improvement to me and I m quite contented with this.. The only problem is he quite selective in food.. He is turning AA 3years old in June, height abt 100cm and weight abt 17+kg.. He was a 31weeker...
Congrats Blossom! I remember our happiness when baby was moved to SCN

Berrybaby/jagiebaby - my boy is just AA 12 mths, CA 9.
He shuts his mouth tightly when we attempt to feed him. Haizzz even the speech therapist can't help. Hoping he will outgrow this phrase
Congrats.. SCN and ur twins will b home in no time...

He will outgrown this... My boy started cereal only on CA9-10months.. B4 that he was not willing to eat anything except fruits puree..
Thanks! =))
One was moved on Sat and the other today. I got to do Kangaroo care today as well =)))

Today, someone remarked that my babies are almost 3 times their size compared to when they were born. That's such a positive way to look at things, esp when we agonize over their slow growth. Sunkissed, your girl is almost twice her size already! That's actually quite a feat for a tiny baby. Must remember that they have put in a lot of hard work to get to where they are now. And mummy has put in alot of hard work too at the pump =)
i have a 25 week boy in NICU born on the 23rd of February.
I am very worried for him as he has gone through four intubations till now.
Has anybody met with such a problem?
his lungs are fine and the doctors have no idea what is causing this frequent desaturation...
hi blossom, PMed you regarding the monitor. congrats on babies moving to SCN! What a milestone! I remember being really excited about having my boy 'downgraded' to SCN cos it meant he is nearer and nearer to being discharged! Jiayou!
Hi mummies, my baby was borned at 27+5 weeks, borned in Mount. A. on 20 Jan 12, weight 946gm. We transferred him after 2 weeks of his birth to SGH due to the cost as doc estimated that his stay will be mths. With 2 weeks stay at Mount. A. we spent about 25K. My baby was discharged from SGH on 27 Mar 12 weighting 1.9kg. Any mummies that need any advice in anything please let me know, Im happy to share with you if I can help! I know it can be very stressful having a preterm baby. I broke down serveral times but managed to stand up again. Most importantly must be strong and have a positive mind! My baby is about 3 weeks back home and so far doing well. He is on 60ml formula milk feed...
Hi Sally!

Congrats on your baby going home
isn't 1.9kg a bit light btw? KKH requires the baby to be about 2.2kg if I'm not wrong.

Your baby coping well at home?
My girl just reached 1kg after 2+ months in NICU. I'm so so happy to see her grow. The difference in size is so obvious now. Whenever I recall how she looked when she was just born, I still remember my feelings then cos she looked so frail and my heart broke to see so many lines stuck into her tiny arms and legs

I know 1kg is still far from discharge date but it's a milestone! Hope she grows quickly so that I can carry her soon
My gal born 1.5 at 31weeks , stay in nicu for exactly one mth n she weigh 1.9 when she went hm
Nw she is 8.4kg -_-" at 9mth( corrected age is 6.5mth)
dun worry they will catch up very very fast
Totally understood Ur feeling
Isn't it amazing our lil ones are fighter
Fighting hard to leave the nicu soon

Soon she b in Ur arm
I still remembered the day they told me I Can carry her
I told god I will exchange anything for dat moment
ESP when am allowed to do skin contact with her
The joy is a zillion dollar joy dat can't compared to..
Hi Sunkissed, for SGH, they discharge their babies once they reached 2kg. Which I think this is the standard weight for most of the hospital. Doc actually advise us to bring him home earlier even his weight has not reached 2kg cos he is all well to go home.

For the frist night, my baby didn't really sleep well. Maybe is the change of enviroment. The whole night I didn't sleep a wink too!!! Was so tired the next day. Lucky my MIL is at home to help me.

Glad that your baby girl is doing well with her weight gain. Once she reach 1kg, you will watch her grow very fast. Currently, how many ml of milk is she having?

When my boy was 1kg, he is only having 25ml of milk and within 2 weeks, doc increase his feeding to 40ml and 50ml. His average weight gain per day is about 30gm to 35gm. So I believe your girl reach 2kg in no time. Is she still in incubator or in cot? Is she still on tube feeding? For my boy, when he is at 1.7kg, nurse alternate him with tube feed and bottle feed.

The first time when I carry my boy was on valentine day. The nurse was so kind and asked me if I want to carry him (during than he was still in incubator) and I was shocked and ask her if I can? I was so happy. It was the most momerable gift that I have for this valentine..

So good luck to you. Your girl will be home in no time and you have all the time to carry her..
Hi MissyLing, just to check how do you calcuate your baby corrected age? When your gal went home than, did you strictly follow accord to the doc advise on the milk feed (in ml).

My boy is now discharged about 4 weeks. Upon his discharge doc advise is 50ml feeding. Within a week, we increase to 60ml as he seems to be hungry and wants more. And now, we have increased to 70ml (for a week already).

Another question is did you get any insurance for your baby back than? What kind of insurance is suitable for baby for a begin?

Hi mummies,
I was thinking to create a group chat in FB so we can communnicate from there... What do you think? Anybody keen before I create. You may also ask any of the premmie mummies that you know to join too.

The main purpose is for all mummies to share info and ask questions when in doubt.

Please do let me know your thoughts. Thanks
I was told by the nurse in 2009 that the weight to discharge is 2kg and gestation is 35weeks if all well.. When my boy hit 2kg he was not able to discharge coz he got some sucking problem so extend for another 2weeks..

Corrected age is the edd date whereas Actual Age is the date ur baby born.. So u use there to minus the weeks/months to get ur CA.. My boy was borned at 31 weeks too but once ur baby hit 2years, they will no longer use their CA anymore..

My boy discharge with 45ml but once we reached home we gave 50ml coz difficult to measure 45ml, then follow the doc advise to increase 5-10ml every 1 or 2 weeks.. See how ur baby drink.. If he is asking milk earlier than usual for a few times, it's time to increase..

I don't mind joining the FB group..
