Pregnant again.


New Member
Hi currently my baby is 5 month plus old...n I give birth thru c-sect now I just find out using home pregnancy test that im positive again...not sure if its very accurate as I re check twice n its positive...I cant believe that my body is ready n to be fertile so it ok for me to be pregnant again when I just give birth last year dec? A gap of close to 6 month...will I be doing fine I scared my wound is not fine yet....Im not sure...anyone have pregnant again too soon via c sect?

I was preggy when my #1 was 4m+ via csect. U may wish to visit ur Gynae to confirm ur pregnancy. And jus b more careful if u r indeed positive.
Thank u what may I encounter during my second pregnancy I tot to wait another 2 weeks than go to gynae...but I dunnoe how to tell my employer n my friend... :(
Hi, I was generally ok with my 2nd pregnancy except a preterm scare at wk 32, but I don't think that has anything to do with getting preggy so soon...

My mum n mil jus kept asking me not to carry my #1 coz worry of my csect wound. Externally, e wound may hv recovered but it potentially take up or more than 1 yr for internal wound to heal 100%.

I took longer to resume normal activities after #2 csect. Was in terrible pain for 2-3 days after which the nurses all explained it was likely coz both csects were too close and e wound fr #1 hadn't healed properly. I jus made sure I took pain killers when needed, wore the binder for 1 mth and tried not to carry my #1 n newborn so often during the 1st 2 mths.

Will suggest that you speak to ur Gynae and ask for advises as different ppl may hv different experience.

As for ofc, I was very out front w my boss once I knew of my pregnancy. for friends, I didn't see a need to explain anything. In fact, our friends and relatives were happy for us.

There are definitely some pros and cons to hv another one so soon.. E initial 12-18m are more tiring...but now that my boys are older at 3 and 4, they are very close and have a lot of fun together. And we try to teach them together though the younger one may not b 100% ready. Furthermore, we only had to go thru the night-"mare" of feeding and carrying at 1 go...
Oh 1 more thing, it was easier for my #1 to accept #2 as he was still too young to understand anything when we brought #2 home.
Thank u for the info...I hope everything will be ok...maybe I today will go to clinic to check if im confirm than will book appt with gynae
