Need Advice about 7th month

Erm. As I recall the date that I had the nightmare of killer chasing me...

Now then I read back my post n realised it's the 1st day of 7th month. I rarely have nightmares so that day really freaked me out. I have been resting for so many days since 22nd July then only on 27th 初一 i got this...

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Came across your posts while searching for some information in this forum and have learnt a lot. Now I'm trying to have vegetarian meals where possible (半天斋), next step is to go full vegetarian on 初一十五.

I have a query that I'm not sure where to post, so posting in this thread. I just got married recently to my husband whose parents have passed away when he was young, and were buried. He hadn't been paying respects to his parents for a long time (more than ten years) as he couldn't remember where the grave was (he don't have the official documents either, it's a long story) and there was a very high possibility that the grave might have been exhumed following NEA guidelines.

My mum suggested installing an ancestral tablet of his parents in one of the temples so that we can pay respects and give them a "proper" home. We are in the midst of looking for a suitable place. Are there anything that we should keep a lookout for when deciding on the final placement, e.g. the location of the tablet in the shrine, timing?

In the meantime, for this 7th month we have paid for a place for his parents at 居士林 for their 七月地藏孝亲报恩法会 and have paid our respects.

Understand you are busy, hope to receive a reply when you are available. Thank you in advance.
Came across your posts while searching for some information in this forum and have learnt a lot. Now I'm trying to have vegetarian meals where possible (半天斋), next step is to go full vegetarian on 初一十五.

I have a query that I'm not sure where to post, so posting in this thread. I just got married recently to my husband whose parents have passed away when he was young, and were buried. He hadn't been paying respects to his parents for a long time (more than ten years) as he couldn't remember where the grave was (he don't have the official documents either, it's a long story) and there was a very high possibility that the grave might have been exhumed following NEA guidelines.

My mum suggested installing an ancestral tablet of his parents in one of the temples so that we can pay respects and give them a "proper" home. We are in the midst of looking for a suitable place. Are there anything that we should keep a lookout for when deciding on the final placement, e.g. the location of the tablet in the shrine, timing?

In the meantime, for this 7th month we have paid for a place for his parents at 居士林 for their 七月地藏孝亲报恩法会 and have paid our respects.

Understand you are busy, hope to receive a reply when you are available. Thank you in advance.

Both you & your mum are very nice & kind.. :)


1. 出外工作的人,在家准备便当,午餐可以吃。不要在外用餐。
2. 没事做,乖乖回家吃饭、看电视关在家。
3. 白天去寺庙拜一拜。少讲些‘有得没得’。


1. 出外工作的人,在家准备便当,午餐可以吃。不要在外用餐。
2. 没事做,乖乖回家吃饭、看电视关在家。
3. 白天去寺庙拜一拜。少讲些‘有得没得’。

Lao shi.. you mentioned early of the 7th month is more dangerous.. i am going phuket on 4th september this yr (chinese jul). what should i take note ?

Thanks in advance.
老师您好! 我刚刚搬进新office四个月,最近办公室的cleaner auntie around 7am 在桌子小睡休息的时候,听见一位阿伯叫她起来。抬头一看是一个半身阿飘。
Lao Shi,

Can our child swim in the pool at daytime during 7th month? As many people always say don't swim during 7th month at night whether adults or children.

Please advise, thank you.
Lao shi.. you mentioned early of the 7th month is more dangerous.. i am going phuket on 4th september this yr (chinese jul). what should i take note ?

1. 去多人的地方逛。海边不去。好兄弟百分百有。
2. 路边摊的食物/饮料,不要吃/喝。
3. 若hotel给你long corridor到最后一个房间,就要求换房。
4. 去佛寺拜拜,沾点佛祖的正能量。
老师您好! 我刚刚搬进新office四个月,最近办公室的cleaner auntie around 7am 在桌子小睡休息的时候,听见一位阿伯叫她起来。抬头一看是一个半身阿飘。
呵呵... 阿飘找清洁女工麻烦了。

1. 老师只能教你基本的。印堂要亮(see photo below) - 把头发梳上去,买Daiso的disposal face towel把forehead, cheek, and chin擦干净了之后就不要在摸脸了。
不要带闪亮亮的耳环,necklace. 穿bright colour的衣服,开YouTube听音乐,专心工作,不要去想其他的。


2. 福建人讲‘普渡’嘛。你应该知道普渡谁了。上班前(还没大肆拜祭前),向香炉鞠躬。烧香(optional)。要是已经开始了,看都不要看,立即回避。然后,交待同事领取福物。孕妇不方便拿桶(福物),可找帮手拿回家。
Lao Shi,
Can our child swim in the pool at daytime during 7th month? As many people always say don't swim during 7th month at night whether adults or children.
首先。必须说的是民间的农历七月是international. 在农历七月,不管是白天或者夜晚,河边、海边、游泳池、蓄水池(reservoir)都有鬼。即使不在农历七月,还是会有,不过少很多很多咯!

农历七月(白天)让小孩去游泳池游泳的话,大人必须看紧了。死盯着,视线不要离开。Forget about Whatsapp/WeChat/Facebook/Line/Twitter. Hope this answer your question. :)



1. 去多人的地方逛。海边不去。好兄弟百分百有。
2. 路边摊的食物/饮料,不要吃/喝。
3. 若hotel给你long corridor到最后一个房间,就要求换房。
4. 去佛寺拜拜,沾点佛祖的正能量。

Thanks Laoshi for your advise...
Laoshi, i am curious, what happens if humans eat the saliva of those spirits who had already'eaten' the food? do you see any spirit in your own house?
(i) Starting/Origin



  • 农历正月十五日 -
  • 农历七月十五日 -
  • 农历十月十五日 -

(ii) Actual Celebration

台湾人/南洋福建人常讲‘七月半’就是7月+15日(七月十五日 = 中元节)。一个月30日,那么第15日是半个月,而这晚的月亮是full moon!


在我们华人农历新年, 是不是年三十晚,吃团圆饭、牛车水放鞭炮、搞倒数活动热闹呀?接着正月初一去拜年,十五元宵节,然后十六之后就平息了呢?


Let's observe the Olympic and Sea Games, did you realise there is always an opening and closing ceremony? 开幕与闭幕都是喜悦欢腾的!


六月廿九 [准备开始]
七月初一 [正式拜祭]
七月十五 [大肆庆祝]

(iii) Towards Ending




另一个事项 - 六月廿七、八、九 至七月十六、十七、十八,死的人是特别多的。这个是没有办法,地府要收人很快。远亲债主找上门,索命纠缠的鬼不胜枚举。

七月十五日过后呢,已是结尾了。中元节一过,it will be the end. 基本上多半的鬼会自动离开,走了七七八八。逃走、顽皮、好色、冤枉的鬼还是会有。
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From post #2301

Just to ask, tomorrow my husband company praying 7mths at office which this company is my aunt and she ask me bring along my kids also. I don know is it can bring kids go? My kid one 6 one 18mths . Thank you
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Hi Toblerone,
do you advise pregnant mummies to burn offerings and prayers for 7th month?
So far i have been asking my husband to do it on my behalf.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Oh I just read through past post, I think I found the advice, most likely it's okay to ask others to do it on my behalf.

Thanks anyway
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Hello Master Jolyn! Topic aside, if a lady is pregnant, can she attend 满月 or 1st year birthday of other kids or wedding (tea ceremony and dinner)? Will these auspicious events "clash" with the unborn child?
Hello Master Jolyn! Topic aside, if a lady is pregnant, can she attend 满月 or 1st year birthday of other kids or wedding (tea ceremony and dinner)? Will these auspicious events "clash" with the unborn child?

Hello towkayneo,
Teacher mentioned before best is to avoid no doubt those are auspicious events. You may want to refer to the zhu sheng niang niang thread in this forum as well. Hope this helps.
Thanks Rubilite. I saw that thread. Would like to know exactly why will clash since it's red to red, not red to white..
Thanks Rubilite. I saw that thread. Would like to know exactly why will clash since it's red to red, not red to white..

Hello towkayneo,
Hope the attachment answer your question. :)


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Today Chinese 7/14 is it scary day and must reach home before 6pm? My friend said me y I Don take leave today stay at home with my kids. Coz my kid one at childcare and one at babysitter there. I'm usually by 7pm will reach home with my 2kids. Thank you

Today Chinese 7/14 is it scary day and must reach home before 6pm? My friend said me y I Don take leave today stay at home with my kids. Coz my kid one at childcare and one at babysitter there. I'm usually by 7pm will reach home with my 2kids. Thank you

Hello gemson,
Before sunset should be okay. Hope his helps.
首先。必须说的是民间的农历七月是international. 在农历七月,不管是白天或者夜晚,河边、海边、游泳池、蓄水池(reservoir)都有鬼。即使不在农历七月,还是会有,不过少很多很多咯!

农历七月(白天)让小孩去游泳池游泳的话,大人必须看紧了。死盯着,视线不要离开。Forget about Whatsapp/WeChat/Facebook/Line/Twitter. Hope this answer your question. :)


Toblerone Lao Shi,

In your opinion, is ba zi analysis that has already pre-determined our fate in life? Are there ways to change certain things in life?
Do you do ba zi reading? I went to a fengshui master to consult on something, however he advised certain thing, which I am in a dilemma now.
My friend's 9th month old kid was having fever for 4-5 consecutive nights (only at night, in the day, he was well). Hence, her mother suggested praying to the "good brothers" to see if it helps. True enough, she prayed yesterday night and the kid did not have fever afterwhich..

Coincidental? Up to us to decide.
I do believe because is happened to my boy when he celebrated his 1st birthday started he have fever till fits and ever start we no longer celebrate his birthday every year. Feel guilty on that but is still for his own good. My boy very petty always kena kacau by this thing when small. Now better ever since he reached his age 5yrs old.
I do believe because is happened to my boy when he celebrated his 1st birthday started he have fever till fits and ever start we no longer celebrate his birthday every year. Feel guilty on that but is still for his own good. My boy very petty always kena kacau by this thing when small. Now better ever since he reached his age 5yrs old.
Ya, some kids are more pantang. So you dont intend to celebrate his birthday anymore?
My friend's 9th month old kid was having fever for 4-5 consecutive nights (only at night, in the day, he was well). Hence, her mother suggested praying to the "good brothers" to see if it helps. True enough, she prayed yesterday night and the kid did not have fever afterwhich..

Coincidental? Up to us to decide.
my partner's niece also ganna (her dad is french btw) when she came visit with her mum (my SIL). my MIL take pomelo leaves and spray water at her, then she ok liao.. my MIL prays to guan yin..

my SIL asks if she go back to france, no pomelo leaves how? my MIL say just take neaby her house plant's leaf and spray water, shld be ok.. not sure how effective though...
my partner's niece also ganna (her dad is french btw) when she came visit with her mum (my SIL). my MIL take pomelo leaves and spray water at her, then she ok liao.. my MIL prays to guan yin..

my SIL asks if she go back to france, no pomelo leaves how? my MIL say just take your house leave and spray water, shld be ok.. not sure how effective though...

Ya, sometimes, the pomelo leaves / pomegranate (xia liu) leaves worked. My friend tried the leaves before she prayed, but couldn't work. So her mom advised her to go down to pray and bring along packets of "ice jam biscuits" - the colour hard cream on biscuits - suspect may have "children" disturbing the kid.


Hi sifu,

Want to get advise from you, Chinese 7 month coming soon and my kid every Wednesday have wushu class at RC void desk at 7.30pm-9pm. Can I bring my kids to class? He is 7yrs old. He usually wearing 附身夫wherever he go.

Appreciate for your reply.
My grandfather-in-law passed away in the 7th month so my in-laws will usually do prayers at home at night on the anniversary. This year is first year I have my baby, can anyone advise if it's ok to bring <1 year old baby to in-laws house to pray on that night? They usually set up a temporary table at the backyard for food and joss stick offerings.
My grandfather-in-law passed away in the 7th month so my in-laws will usually do prayers at home at night on the anniversary. This year is first year I have my baby, can anyone advise if it's ok to bring <1 year old baby to in-laws house to pray on that night? They usually set up a temporary table at the backyard for food and joss stick offerings.
For me as my fsm adviced me not to bring my gal to any of the white affairs before she turns 3 I never bring. I think coz babies still lack certain energy better don't. When your baby grow older pray also not late.
For me as my fsm adviced me not to bring my gal to any of the white affairs before she turns 3 I never bring. I think coz babies still lack certain energy better don't. When your baby grow older pray also not late.
Thanks for replying. Is such death anniversary considered as white affairs?
Thanks for replying. Is such death anniversary considered as white affairs?

For us, we never bring her to pray and also my mum felt that she was super fussy as she used to be a crying baby most of the time she asked us not to bring over. I guess it's up to your comfort level :)

For us, we never bring her to pray and also my mum felt that she was super fussy as she used to be a crying baby most of the time she asked us not to bring over. I guess it's up to your comfort level :)
Thanks, I am also reluctant to bring my baby over to pray since she is so young and also because they usually set up a table outside in the dark so I don't feel comfortable.
I can't read Chinese so I can't understand what was said in this forum about eating the food offered to ancestors. Can anyone please explain what is the reason we should avoid eating those food offerings?
