My hubby's SMS

it is not that i cannot forget, i only want to know what are the messages between them and why he lied to me for not contacting her again..

If really they continue with the flirt messages.. then those promises are just fake.. and no way that i could believe him and trust him again.

Bek, that's a really good tactic. Hahaha...once my bf's ex gf also SMS him good night out of the blue, on the spot I ask my bf reply her, good night to u too cos I am otw sending my gf home. And she never SMS him anymore.
u have already confronted him with the previous message but it didn't stop.

Worse still, he use another method to message her.

i think u needs to do more than just confronting him to make him stop
if she is those women with no shame to have affair with a married man, then it will be of no use.

It really come down what u wan to do. U have already give him a chance and within a short period, he did it again. It's mean he is not remorseful and still wan to continue.

Even if u get rid of this one, will he get another one. If he does, he will be smarter and more difficult to catch.
Alex,I'm very angry whenever I see such MSG but no point quarreling.. My hub sometime will jus shut me out completely when I nag too much on issue like this even though it's his fault.. He'd make it s if it's entirely MINE instead.. So nowadays,whenever I see this type of MSG,I'd reply!! And since my hub make himself like a saint,I'd try to bring up a conversation n slowly link to this woman. But I never scold or nag at my hub. But I'd criticize this woman! Add salt! Add pepper!! Add wood! Make it burn! And I'd praise my hub for being so "sweet" for ignoring her... ((frankly,I'm burning inside!!)) normally aft that,my hub more or less look at her differently.. Stop contacting her..
There was once,while he was sleeping,((before we got married)),a text comes in. Saying she juz reach home.. Ha ha,I replied saying"" my boyfriend sleeping. May I know who are u?"" hahahaha....
Nelle,I think it's no point confronting woman like these.. To them,it will be like an achievement.. Wah...ppl's wife so worked up... I work on my hub's side instead.. Threatening him wat if the woman calls his off? Make a big hoo ha there? How is he gonna face the ppl there? Or if our child sees this? How is he gonna explain.. Then I close the subject. This will wake up his idea!!
Hi Disappointed,ur hub is still dumb enough.. Some man worse!! They juz get another prepaid no fr 7/11!! Have another phone! Bingo! I know it's not easy for u..but if u really love him,u muz have more confidence in yourself and cling on to him more. Like me,I'm jus like a slug to my hub!! As n when,I'd tell him to share location!!
Bek - sorry to disappoint u but the sharing location thing can be manipulated. so it's not 100% true. my hubby was the one who shared this wit me. apparently his male colleague told him n demonstrated it to him. so, dun believe 100% wat u see or hear.

the thing I've learnt abt men is that they'll nvr stop lying. lying has become second nature to them. if u are on gd terms they lie n when u r not they also lie. no doubt they are our husbands but keeping them on a tight leash is never ever gonna work. but it doesnt mean u let them go freely too. so my method is to start thinking like them. put on a man's thinking cap for the sake of a more happier u. another method I use is to apply the 'push/pull' tactic or the 'hot/cold' tactic. n for some miracle of God, it works! especially if u are those clingy type. when u start becoming less clingy to him n more independent, he's def gonna wonder y. he might nt say it to u, but trust me, he's def worried. n when u start to show more confidence n that u can manage urself better, he'll def b worried too though he'll nvr show it directly.

y i became this person? well I'm jz sick n tired of heartaches n crying like a baby for a man. it's jz nt worth it. sosometimes we jz have to let go. does it hurt? of course it does! but I'd rather keep my sanity n my mental health in check rather than losing it for someone who possibly can't appreciate half of the things u do for him. so f*** it ladies.. u are more impt than him. mk sure u remedy urself first b4 u remedy him.
Yeah Sofia totally agree with you, guess sometimes we should just suddenly start dolling ourselves and head out without telling them. Or start being aloof to them and let them have a taste of the insecurity that they give us.
The sharing location thing can be manipulated, but I believe apple's find friends location software will not be manipulated? Can give it a try... =)
Sofia,really??!! Omg!! But I'd jus tell myself he shared... Nothing else I can do..errr but u know how it can be manipulated?? Hee hee..

Kim,I totally agree w u!! I started doing it nowadays!! I dress up. Push up!! It makes me feel attractive!! I'm so happy!! As for my hub,he doesn't dare to say anything.. All he said is when I'm done,call him.. He'd pick me up!!

I'm sorry ladies.. I'm turning 40 in no time so maybe it's high time I enjoy myself too before I'm way too be seen wearing a short dress!!
when u start becoming less clingy to him n more independent, he's def gonna wonder y. he might nt say it to u, but trust me, he's def worried. n when u start to show more confidence n that u can manage urself better, he'll def b worried too though he'll nvr show it directly.

This is wat I've always been applying since before being with him. Im still the very much same SeR before marriage, financially independent, staying happy and have my very own group of sisters though I enjoy my current family life too.

In fact my social life is far more interesting than him.

Bek, I agree with u! My mummies friends are living well for themselves too and if they are happy, the family will be happy too!
Ser,I've tried that before.. And my marriage nearly gone busted.. Hahahaha.. My hub is the kind that he gave me all the freedom.. It's just that I look more "sexy "now.. When we are out,he holds on my hands.. Not like before,he couldn't care less.. Now,it's only once a week I go out w my gf.. That's d day he'd be out when he is not,I'm not too..
hehe bek, sometimes gotta give men tt kinda "insecure" feel then they started to brace up n stop taking their wives for granted.

I always agree hands up for mummies to live, dress n take care of themselves. Always be independent as it's not only for ourselves but for our kids too.

I have this gf who's 51 this year but when she go out with us, there's 20+ chap who wanted to befriend her. With her figure n looks, she looks only 35!
bek - i'll ask hubby again how it can be manipulated. but, pls dun thnk too much abt it ok. if ur hubby indeed share location, it is already a good sign
& u dun have to be sorry bek, go enjoy urself. we mummmies deserve entertainment/enjoyment too, instead of just wallowing in sorrow all the time.
Agreed hands up...I be so happy for my mummy too if ever she go out to njoy herself, workout, holidays, hi tea, shopping rather than coping at home n nagging non stop at dad :p

My mum always worry abt my gal, me, my bro n dad unnecessarily though we are all doing well while the whole family just feel that if she's happy, we will be doubly happy!! She's beaming, the whole family will beam.
Unhappy, all of us will be doomed!

To ensure that, my bro n I are making sure that she has ample to spend, taking turns to sponsor her holidays to avoid naggings at our end :p
ser - i totally agree with you.

i think it is impt to let our husbands know that they are A PART OF OUR life... they are not entirely our life., just like our family, jobs, frens, etc. But of course family is more impt as compared to frens / jobs /etc.
true true, hands up

i think it is impt to let our husbands know that they are A PART OF OUR life... they are not entirely our life

How stress will they be if they ever noe they R..
Once men start to lie, they will continue. Sadly, alot of men place their priorities elsewhere and get easily flattered by sweet/young things.

Just look at the many men who threw away their careers over the then-underaged prostitute in the latest case!!! You have even the elite folks like Howard Shaw (divorced, remarried 6 months to 26 year old China-born lady) going to Hotel 81 for a rendezvous with a teenager. Horrific!
Bek, not sure if he is dumb.. Haha.. But it may b his way of showing me tat he is really sorry for wat he has done.. Tat y din have additional phone or prepaid card. But even he has and he put it in office I would not know either.. Haiz...

Agree with Kim, i was damn angry n cried when I found out the SMSes and did not wana talk to him for three days.. Maybe u ladies think how come it last so short..cos in between, i Still have to travel to in-law hse for meals... Couldn't really show them I'm angry,.. Cos I will think I will cry in front of them, which I do not wish to do that...

Now I'm trying to make things work better btween us, but in my mind I m still Abit sore abt it. But ladies, if at this point of time having sex with my hub, u think he will have the impression that he is forgiven? Errr... Sounds like I have already forgiven him bt in actual fact, not 100%...but at same time, I dun wish to drag until our gap is getting further n further... How?? Duno the next step to take...
my hubby doing worse.... he usually comes home very late at night and then goes out from midnight onwards......
There are so many massage parlours these days. Open all night. The sleazy ones. Men will surely get tempted.

I read what Bek wrote. Yes, if we don't wear mini skirts now, then wait until when? 50??
Hi ladies... I'm sharing something with u all... Errr...I've juz done a breast fillers!!!! Wow!!!! I love it!!!!!!!
Ladies,sorry I'm lost recently.. Bz.. Work.. Man are jus such! U care for them,they find that we are naggie.. At times,I really wish I can dun bother...

I totally agree with Kim! We must really keep ourselves beautiful and presentable at all times.. I'm proud to say,I realize I'm looking nicer recently but it's really hardwork!!!
Hi Rina,when we feel good,look sexy,our hubby will wake up too!! As long as we dun look like hookers,it's fine!! I got a no of short dresses lately... I love the way I look in them!!! Delicious for a errrr....a 39yr old woman!!!
Hi Nelle,I paid abt 8k.. But I have a bra that's not bad too. Only $29.90 n the push up is magnificent!!! If u want,I can help u to buy.. Push up is really good! Better than those branded n expensive ones!! But only black n light brown.. I myself got 4!!!! Have been using it before my fillers...
It's already d cheapest la... Inclusive of gst and other charges.. Elsewhere will easily abt 9 to 10k.. Not permanent... But at least no down time.. Not much scaring..
I personally think it's tragic that women have to alter their looks/dressing just to retain their hb. Just goes to show how shallow men are even though many make themselves out to be good family men. I will never go under the knife just to please a man. In the first place, such men should have married Hello Kitty or some foreign teenage wife if they wanted a youthfulo partner.
hi bek

i aso tot of gg for fillers, tot of the $$$ & is nt permanent, the idea died off... aso no lobang which doc is gd in tis...

u any recommendation? can pay by installment?
Hi Rina,it's ok to buy online.. I've bought alot recently but their cutting is small. So for a s or a m,it should be ok..

Hi Zodiac,to me,it's every cent worth!! No doubt its x and it last abt 1 to 1 1/2 yr,it's still worth it!! I'm enjoying every moment of it!! Just like u rebond ur hair,it's not forever but it's worth it! Why? Cos u look good in it!! LoL..
hi bek

thanks.. can PM me the contact for the doc, & can it b paid by installment?

my hb says he's a boob lover...when i ask him i'm gg 4 breast fillers, he says no nd waste $$..

contridicting hor...
Hi Zodiac,man are like that. Jus like my hub. Before I did it,he always tell me he dun mind it's small but I can see that once its done,my boobs seems quite inviting to him... LoL!! U can try my clinic. Not bad though.. It's in jurong west. But they want full payment.. But maybe aft paying,u can call the bank to ask if they provide installment plan.. I
Look Aderline. She is a very good assistant.. I hope this help. I love my new boobs really much!! Thought of increasing it alittle more next year.. Meantime,I need to save some money.. Frankly,I thought of doing it in Malaysia but no lobang..
