My hubby's SMS

yes, do thing for yourself, don't go and do plastics surgery or to make yourself look like a hooker to attract him.

Ladies, you don't have to go plastic surgery or facial to look nice. Just be careful with what you eat. Eating the right food helps more than going facials. If you have time surf the net and you can find a lot of food that is good for your skin.
A few food that is great is celery, tomatoes, grapefruit, carrots.
My hub stopped going ktv and I appreciate that. Secondly I'm no more young FYI... Alrdy 39yrs old.. No doubt it's very tiring to juggle family n work,no choice..
Nowadays,I take really good care of myself.. When I go out,I doll up.. But not like hookers la.. At least looks errr...appealing..hahaha... Look aft my weight,my appearance,my dressing.. No doubt I can never compare with those younger ones,at least I'm still attractive.. My hub shows more attention on me so I think that all d hardwork is worth it.. Ladies,I need to wake up everyday to go work at 5am.. I used to refused my hub's advances but not now anymore.. Even if it's 3am,I'd go for it!! To me,since he puts in effort to quit ktv and work harder in our marriage,I need to put in effort too...
bek - u mention u took collagen pills bought from watsons. wat does it do and how did it help you to improve? are u still taking it nw?
Its been a while since i have finished my confinement period and my husband still do not seems to be making advance on me. I suspect something is wrong, what should i do?
kimberly - did u have a natural or c-sect? dun panic, ur hubby may jz b scared or worried for u, esp if u had a c-sect.

how are u feeling btw? are your wounds completely healed? do u still feel any pain? if u are nt in any pain, maybe u can communicate to ur hubby n convince him tat u are ok n 'ready to go'. so chin up ok mummu
I'm having natural, i did try to hint it but he doesn't seems to get it and he does not seems to be interested and he give me the feeling that he seems pretty turn off.
Kim - instead of hinting maybe u can try to b more straightforward like making the first move first? I feel men sumtimes are pretty dumb. they dun get hints, mz b straight fwd.
i very much agree with what u say about boys not being instal with the values to respect woman. something i never realise until u said.
Many have told me that men are very visual creatures (pardon the pun).

Have fun dressing yourself up, and while you are having a lot of fun looking great for your own well-being,you never know, he might be pouncing on you before you know it ... ;-)
Hi Sofia,colleagen makes u look kinda younger.. More radiant.. Frankly,which woman doesn't want to look good.. Be it for ourselves or our partner.. It's totally worth it when ppl said u look few yrs younger!!
-Kim,yes! I check my hubby's Hp! As and when when the opportunity comes!
-Nelle,it's very true! When I dress up,my hubby seems to take note!! He even ask when n where I got those dresses!! Recently I manage to get quite nice dresses at less than $20 a pc!!!
Ladies,I manage to loose abt 5kg!! And got myself a very very very good push up bra! (I'm sorry if I sounded crude) The bra really works wonder!!! Only $29.90!! No brand.. I've never had such "big" boobs before!!! And recently my hubby is always asking me to put on weight!! He said I look better when I'm fatter.. I just smile.. I told myself,I'm not gonna buy what he said!! I'm very happy with myself now..
Kim and Sofia,I share a joke with u gals.. I read on book on how to turn my hubby on.. I did it and guess what,when I turn around,he has fallen asleep!! Xi!/#%}*€£!
Sofia,tell u what I did. I wore a very lacy g string n topless n my back facing him.. Standing in a very sexy position,applying body lotion((I learnt fr a book)).. The book says its kinda seducing him..and I did it.. Aft applying for awhile,still no calls or movement fr him.. I turn around and he is already SNORING!!! Damn paiseh man!! I put on back my pj and go to sleep!!
Bek, you should wake him up! By rubbing his 'P' area with your crotch like sitting on him. Dim the lights, let your hair down n look abit messy hair. If he is horny enough, he will forget about sleeping instantly!
Guys get turned on with a lot of things. A nice looking nightie, lingerie, low cut top. Basically those can see a bit but not totally will make their imaginations run wild!
Question for you girls, how you feel about giving your man a blow there? Dirty? Ok? Love it?
Bek, blow just enough to wake up his horniness but stop once he is teased enough and let him takeover. That's my advice. :p
Guys love to be in charge. >.<
Hee, then I suggest you tease him these few days visually. Or maybe out of the sudden before he go to sleep, tell him you'd love to suck him hard....>.<
Make him go O.O and lol
Believe me, he would be so looking forward for it!
bek / alexandra - I think this thread is getting a bit 'steamy'... hehehe :p

bek - did u manage to find the brand of the collagen pills?
Hahaha, well there's nothing wrong with it. It's just a very open adult talk.
Talking about collagen, I drink a bottle of Collagen drink everyday. On top of that I take grape seed pills also.
I went for chemical peel on my face and had laser treatment done also. >.<
I am considering getting my nose fixed, maybe fix my cheeks also.
Alexandra, tell us mor about the chemical peel, its cost and results? Is it a jessner peel or deeper?

How much did your doctor charge you for the laser?

I have this lady friend who does all these things and my, she does look not bad!
Nelle, there are a lot of very affordable nice looking dresses around at gmarket, or you can do a search for Korea dresses online. Once a while I do get dresses online too. But some of their cutting a bit small at chest area which is a bit problem for me cos I quite busty there. >.<

I did my laser n chemical peel together. Every 6 weeks once. So my dr did chemical peel first then 3wks later did laser n 3wks later chemical peel.
Laser was about 1k plus, chemical peel about 800 if I am not wrong. 5/6 sessions for each treatment.
Results was I find my pores has shrink significantly, skin tones are more fairer, freckles not so obvious.
Oh ya, a lot of my friends commented that I look better *blush* :p
Anyway now I take a lot of time washing and taking care of my complexion and maintaining my weight, cos I hope to lose another few kg. hee.
Hi Nelle,go to VIVIDOLL or Especially job n shop!! I love it!! I guess all ladies will love it too !! I've bought several dresses,awesome!! Cheap. But Alex is right.. Cutting is small.. But m size prob..

Alex,may I know where u go for the peel.. Aft each peel,how long u wait to go for the next one.. Is it x?? I know d results is gonna be good.. U wanna go do ur nose?? I thought if doing my......BREAST!!! Hahaha.... Any idea the price? I prefers fillers type.. Any idea the price.. Worried very x..
Hi Sofia,
-kordel's - La Beate
-sheep placenta 3000
Metro causeway point having a 20% store wide sales today. Check it out. Can get all these there.. Cheaper.
Bek, I did my chemical peel n laser treatment at SKN aesthetic clinic located t centrepoint, dr is very nice n patient. If you are only doing chemical peel, it's every 6 weeks, it's about 800 for a package of 5/6 treatment. Hee yap, I want a smaller sharper nose. I injected fillers on my nose bridge to make it higher once. Nice natural results. :p never done boob before cos still in good shape. Haha. But you can call and check.

Sofia, the collagen drink I took is from sasa, it has 10000mg collagen as compared with others. 46 only for box of 10. I heard fancl is ex and contains fats n also it only contains 5000mg collagen.
Hi Alex,800 every 6wk? That kinda steep for me... And as for the nose,how much u paid for it? Painful? Downtime? Need to take care? Frankly,I'm very interested in making my boobs bigger.. Cos mine is really SMALL..... Sob sob sob...

Hi Sofia,no prob! Hope you'd be able to find something that make yourself look beautiful ....
Bek, no its 800 for the whole package of 5/6 treatment. :p fillers on the nose about 600, not painful no downtime. Nose fillers nothing much to take care.
I saw some girls that done nose jobs and cheek reduction pictures, looks nice and natural.
Hi ladies

Recently I found that my spouse had a new friend finder app on his phone, and actually had befriend one woman from there, which he had a few flirting messages with her.

I saw those messages and confronted him.. he mentioned he only started a few weeks ago. He said only flirt in his sms and guarantee that he had never betrayed me. Yes, i agree he were with me and my young gal most of the time after work daily and most weekends. I guess he did not really lie to me since he spent most of the time with us when he is not at work.. After my confrontation, he immediately removed that app from his phone.

But i know that woman has his mobile no. cos i saw her sms in his phone as well.. he had also removed her from his watsapp chat.. (but pls.. the woman still have his no. rite!)

Most guys would be extra careful after being caught for such behavior, and yes, the same goes for him.. Nothing can be found/seen from his mobile or sms for the past few days.

I also thought that he may have sms her during his work and delete her smses before he comes back home.. But since i cant find any evidence from his phone, I will take it as he really did not contact that woman anymore..

BUT TOO BAD, i saw that woman sms again in his whatsapp.. a goodnite message.. so does that mean that he did message her during the day? If not why she suddenly send him a goodnite message in the middle of the nite?

Does the woman purposely want to show to me?!

I actually wanted to forgive him already (although i will not trust him 100% anymore), and planned to go for trip to rebuild up our relationship.
But at this point of time, i saw this sms from her! Is god trying to play tricks on me?

I am damn disappointing! I really find sms flirting is also a "Mental betrayal" to the spouse.

I’m still thinking whether to proceed the trip with him.. I really duno..

Any advice for me?
Hi Alex,actually....I prefer to get my breast done first.. My face still acceptable.. Jus worried that it's gonna cost me a bomb!! I wonder does man ever think of enlarging their dicky for us?? Hahahaha.....
Hi Disappointed,if it's me,I'd go for the trip! No matter how pist or disappointed you are,juz go ahead! Dun let that woman feel that she is a threat to you. I know it's not easy but no choice.. We make too much noise,it's like we pushing our hubby to them.. I understand how u feel.. I'd say all tks to my dear fren that thought me the use of watsapp that now I keep a very close tap on my husband. How? Share location!
And,if it's me,when there is an opportunity,I'd copy down that woman's Hp no!!
If its me?? Worse!! I'd reply her her msg on my hubby's Hp in a sweet manner! Errr...I've done it before several times actually.... Oops!
Hi Bek, i have her mobile no. and some messages between my spouse and her.. captured as picture in my mobile. it may be in use in future.. who knows.

But how to send sweet sms to her? seeing her mobile i already full of anger..
how to share location using watsapp?
or are u saying installing share location app in his mobile, then wouldnt he know that i m tracking his whereabouts already?
If you really cannot forget it, ask if your husband can call her on the spot, on the speaker, and tell her that he is married and stop contacting him in front of you. Provided he is agreeable. You can tell him that the thought kept haunting you and that it's a assurance that he is still true to you. Just a suggestion.

Hi Diaspponinted,yes! Keep her no! For what,I dun know but just keep!
Massage? Oh,my hubby's off,he has a woman that always text him good night la,happy new yr la,merry Christmas la.. I'm fumeing inside but I keep my cool.. I mean maybe she is jus trying me out so I always see MSG fr her when my hubby is either bathing or sleeping.. I'd DEFINITELY reply her sweetly by saying,eg she said good night,i'd reply"good night n sweet dreams to you too.. My husband is asleep,I'd inform him of ur MSG when he wakes up."
And next day openly tell ur hubby that she had text and u told her he sleep already. Trust me,both will be stunned! Dun scold him. See how it turns out first... Rmb,trip muz go!! If she kinda fancy or alrdy fancy ur hubby,she is definitely hoping that you'd not go n Everyday quarrel with ur hub..
