Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

wah....better go change the DVD...its the only thing that can be kept as memory...

The burger pics makes me hungry manz!!

my boy not in school yet so no chance to see him perform...only get to see him "perform" at Universal Studio...haaa...

<font color="0077aa">afcai, did you order mac delivery after seeing the enormous burger? hehe...

ya ever saw those with 'extra foyer space' on the common corridor but fire hazards lo...tsk some people are plain inconsiderate hanging their laundry &amp; all or mini garden sigh...i ever saw before those staying ground floor &amp; have their own garden with fence &amp; all on the grass patch but at least that one won't disrupt anybody instead will beautify the place though a bit inappropriate cos seems like they staying land house instead of hdb...

i never teach</font> jappooh <font color="0077aa">'s a 'naughty' suggestion but depends if she wanna accept or not ma hehe...</font>

<font color="ff6000">meow,

wah! $50 so ex ah?! some more not nice...but what to do...</font>

<font color="119911">lup,

don't worry, i already video his segment &amp; posted in FB le ang also took plenty of pics! the school admin already book him as next year's photographer le LoL

next time your boy go school will have plenty of chances to see him perform =)

haha...the burger pic also makes you have craving ah? hehe...</font>
perform what at USS? Nt bad sia.

She say she wan to dance, if not i also dun wan let her join the group lor. Not bad, she still stand in the first row in the dance. Teacher comment she did well too during pratice of course as compare to her peers. They even went back on saturday to brush up in Oct. I even join them in their dance replacement whoever is not there. Haha...i have fun too. And with her friends who loves me too. Yesterday also help the teacher put shiny highlight on their eyes...what a challenge. Generally, i enjoy myself haha...
meow - you're very sporting. will join in your gal's practice and bother to help out. i super lazy and i hope i don't have to do all these when my boy goes to school. $50 for a costume that can wear only 1 time is very expensive. i think the school are taking the parents for granted these days. oops sound like i am complaining alot.

joo - yup super busy at work. whole day meetings for some days so no need to post in forum. still read the updates from my iphone when i'm travelling but seldom post because iphone keyboard very small.

luplup - i was at the 12:15pm one. i didn't see you too. there is play in Jan, are you interested?
<font color="#F87431">Have a three tier wooden shoe rack to give away for this thread mummy? anyone interested (did not take any photo). usable and not spoilt.</font>

<font color="#7E2217">ak,
u not complaining. u feedback so that other party can know what 'consumer' think I wish the gov can do something on the four following issues:

1) adjusted height (fr 90cm to 120cm blar or based on schooling age) for children when traveling on public transport.

2)why poly student dun have concessionary rate compare to JC student?

3) why medicine fees gone up but claim still did not increase?

40 why is there isn't any eye claim insurance? most ppl are wearing spec now and using pc etc...

so unfair....haa even the rich get richer too.</font>

<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
aiyo, middle of night liao...cannot eat supper if not, size will grow outwards. already got a tummy sad.

some of them even display their clothes out in the carpark for sun. like clothes parade loh.....of cos, no right and wrong doing that.... agreed....those staying on ground floor can occupy the whole corridor....

haa...ppls said learning bad stuff took 3 days (maybe even 3 mins or 3 sec now) but learning gd stuff take 3 yrs....</font>

<font color="#7D2252">meow,
wow, ex the costume loh.

oh...10kg in a that brand of rice nice?
<font color="#C25283">some Thinking exercises:

1) A woman had two sons who were born on the same hour of e same day of e same year. but they were not twins. how would this be so?

2)Why is it better to have round manhole covers than square ones? Hint:this is logical rather than lateral but a good puzzle.

3) A man went to a party and drank some of the punch. he then left early. everyone else at e party who drank the punch subsequently died of poisoning. why did the man not die?

4) A man is wearing all black- black shoes, socks, coat,trousers, gloves and ski mask.he is walking down a back st with all the street lamps off. a black car is coming twds him with its light OFF but somehow able to stop in time. how did the driver see the man?

5) A man &amp; his son are in car accident.the father dies on e scene, but e child is rushed to e hospital.when he arrives e surgeon says"I can't operate on this boy,he is my son!". How can this be? Why?

6) what is black when not in use but red when use and turn gray after use?</font>
Yeah lor, even if you choose to buy the video of the event also must pay $20 for a copy. We paid lor. And heng we bought, half way thru their finale, my camera ran out of disk space. At least they more pro too lah, scene wont shake like mine.

my co got $200 on spec or dental care. Well since gov already gives free dental, then none for spec lor. Maybe that way consider fair bah. Claims wise all depends on schemes one lah, my co also claims up to $500 max, after which pay from own pocket. So far havent exceed, monday see my KK invoice can claim or not. If can that will be best since i use less than $100 so far
me me, sukia me... I got pm u lei...
<font color="#7D2252">meow,
wow, yr co so gd got $200 on spec or dental where got free dental? I only have $70 claims but each claims only can claim half of it....sigh.

my sis 's co hor can claims a lot. she went to do rooting canal on her teeth. can claim $900+.
about the costumes cant rent at all, its all made to measure and custome made one. Sorry my max claim is $300 not $500. You cant go to the dental centre near your office mah? I see many DXO there leh. Root canal my HB also did with dental centre leh
<font color="#7D2252">meow,
like that like force to buy or tailored one leh....

no, we non-U &amp; I'm not fr that scheme so not entitle to go. only can claim $70 max. sian, dunno how many time per year need to wash the teeth then can claim full.

gg to dental next mon after a long waiting at polyclinic. hope my teeth are ok cos one part kept on strucking things. last yr, I went to dentist and dentist said I got a bit of chip molar. </font>

<font color="aa00aa">suika,
think prima deli also sell cupcakes if I'm not wrong...saw my sil order barney one.</font>
<font color="0077aa">meow,

you didn't enrol your gal in ballet since she like to dance?

wow! you super sporting to join in the dance &amp; help out with the make up hehe...

i also paid $20 for my boy's D&amp;D DVD.</font>

<font color="ff6000">ak,

don't worry cos i think you're not the only one complaining anyway i think 'feedback' is a more appropriate word to use =)

do agree that $50 for a 1 time costume is expensive. as regards to being taken for granted well now everything is going up except salary =(</font>

<font color="119911">afcai,

you clearing the wooden shelf you put outside your door? hehe...

i think the best is charge by age like NZ instead of height.

life is never fair...the rich get richer &amp; the poor gets poorer so now we must be more stingy cos thats how the rich save their $ LoL

for people who cook everyday to finish a pack of 10 kg rice in 1 month is normal...

wah! you post so many IQ Qn?! i cannot answer cos i already saw some answers in your FB hehe...but do post the correct answers =)</font>
No ballet for her. Not cheap to enroll her into that lor eventhou she still likes that. Then got test and also i dun see the light in going to ballet. I rather spend my money to enrichment classes
<font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="0077aa">ö</font><font color="ff6000">r</font><font color="808080">n</font><font color="aa00aa">ï</font><font color="119911">n</font><font color="0000ff">g</font> <font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="ff6000">ü</font><font color="808080">m</font><font color="0000ff">m</font><font color="119911">ï</font><font color="aa00aa">e</font><font color="0077aa">s</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Suika</font>
Last time Crysxxx Jxxx hv very nice cupcakes but they gradually increase their pricing and the cupcakes more fluffy and no much texture liao. And so sweet too. In the end, I give up and even my elder one don't want it too.

<font color="0000ff">Maggie</font>
U do cupcakes too?!?!

<font color="ff6000">Afcai</font>
For Qn 1 and 2, I can't have any answers leh ... let me try the rest ...
Answer for:
Qn 3: The man is the one who poison the drink???
Qn 4: Bcoz the man on the street show his shiny white teeth???
Qn 5: Bcoz the surgeon is the child's mother???

<font color="aa00aa">Meow</font>
I receive the brochure on Giant current promotion on the toy collection ... and inside already pre-printed with a complimentary sticker ... meaning to say u need to collect 15 stickers only *if u know what i mean*
U want that slip *before i go recycle it*?!?!

<font color="0077aa">Happyfeet</font>
Me me me ... have to keep replenish my stock on the grain/rice. Generally, 2 wks for a pack of 5kg rice.
Well, can't help it but agree with yr rich and poor statement ... lol ... but hor, think u can't be too rich either since v difficult for u to be stingy wor... kekekeke
<font color="0000ff">meow,

Agree that ballet not cheap. Even the tutu alone already so expensive. Initially I thinking of letting my boy learn piano but must learn for many years + must buy piano for home practice also not sure if he got the patience &amp; interest to learn that long not so still considering...</font>
yes I do cupcakes and cakes also...

latest cupcake:

DOG FONDANT $1.80 per piece (mine is the cheapest) if can source even cheaper will be those maid in the house whom the employer is a bad fellow... like one in Bt Panjang


Erine &amp;Elmo (my leftover colors anyhow do one)


DOgs a SMH mummies order in Simei so far.
<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
I agreed with Meow that ballet is not cheap tough gar like that. I dun think will be enrolling too.

yeah, agreed with the rice and poor statement too.</font>

<font color="#7D2252">meow,
for ballet issue,
I also have that same thinking as light in gg to ballet. but my manager told me the adv of ballet. it helps ppl to get walk with a good posture.</font>

<font color="#F88017">Joo,
I had a bad experience with Crysxxx Jxxx esp at holland village side.

u onlt got the qn 5 with correct answer. as for qn 4, I think it is the reflection of the belt. but the correct answer is it is day time. for qns 3, it i the ice-cubes. when the man drank at that time, the ice is in the freezing mode so the drink not poison mah.
$1.50 hummmm, I dont have actual car cutter lei. only the outline car shape cutter.. pretty small lei.

the cake box carrier cost $5(exp lor but is standard price).

let me check. revert to u tmr can?
Morning ladies!!

cupcakes for what occasion? K's BD? Cars again ah? He shows he likes cars or not at moment yet?

the cupcakes looks cute.
morning pretty mummies!!

it's for K's BD in sch....was searching if got cheap cupcakes anot...if out of budget then i'll juz give goodies bags enuff liao
Meow xie xie... my SMH friend says on MRT, the fellow beside asking what smell so nice... Its the vanilla cream and she sold one of the dogs cupcake to the fellow...keke and she earn $0.80 after sales service... was laughing away....keke

Suika so sorry cars dont have...dinosaur, or girls flower all have... Winnie the Pooh want a not... $1.50 can provided u provide carrier box lah or buy those aluminum tray to put....
i wont be going Meiji this year. Got plans and maybe some change of plans too. Anyway the sales more or less the same as previous years. I've stock up plenty of foodstuffs already from Sheng Siong last sunday. The kids cant take choco either
today did this cake after a 1 to 1 lesson for a mummy trying to learn how to bake muffin for her precious 3 babies. 1 morning gone liao.

<font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="0077aa">o</font><font color="ff6000">r</font><font color="808080">n</font><font color="aa00aa">i</font><font color="119911">n</font><font color="0000ff">g</font> <font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="808080">u</font><font color="ff6000">m</font><font color="119911">m</font><font color="aa00aa">i</font><font color="0077aa">e</font><font color="0000ff">s</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Meow</font>
I throw alot of the Meiji biscuits in the end since didn't consume before the expiry date.
Kids can't take choc and biscuits for quite a while.

<font color="0000ff">Maggie</font>
*wow* U give lessons too?! Guess yr kids 有口福 each time you conduct the cake session
morning ladies!!

<font color="0000ff">Joo,
threw away? oh....wad a waste, anyway i stock up but not too much till cannot finish

duno if i shd go dwn anot....last time went the queue was so damn crazy</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Suika</font>
Ya, really wasteful but no choice either. That time, also very to near exp date so dun dare to give others too.
Free Live Shows in Singapore Shopping Malls
2010 December School Holidays
The live shows in Singapore shopping malls are here too. Live shows in shopping malls are free shows that are usually 30 minutes long. If you wish to take pictures with the characters, you will have to queue up in advance. Below is a list of live shows in December 2010.

1. Musical Christmas Comes Alive!
Venue: AMK Hub, B1 Exhibition Hall
Date: 10 December to 19 December 2010
Tuesday to Friday: 5pm &amp; 8pm
Saturday &amp; Sunday: 2pm, 5pm &amp; 8pm

Join Tommy on his magical journey to see Santa! Sing along and dance to your favorite Christmas carols with the mischievous Elves and the beautiful snow flake fairy. Great fun for the whole family and it's sure to delight the little ones.
2. Simply Magical
Venue: AMK Hub, B1 Exhibition Hall
Date: 21 December to 26 December 2010
Tuesday to Friday: 5pm &amp; 8pm
Saturday &amp; Sunday: 2pm, 5pm &amp; 8pm

Get ready to be amazed and delighted this Christmas by our talented performers. Be it magic tricks, puppetry or juggling, there is bound to be something for all ages. Enthrall the kids and bring out the kid in you!
3. Care Bears Mini Musical Live Show
Venue: Event Square at Downtown East
Date: 30 Nov - 31 Dec 2010 (Weekends and Public Holidays only)
Time: 6:00pm

Catch an exciting Mini Musical Live Show featuring the Funshine Bear, Love-a-lot Bear and Share Bear as they sing and dance to the catchy tunes of Christmas Jingles! At the end of the Live Show, 50 families with photo taking passes will be entitled to a photo shot with the Care Bears!
4. Strawberry Shortcake Berry Bubblelicious Show

Yew Tee Point (Meet &amp; Greet only)
Date: 19-21 November
Time: 1pm, 4pm &amp; 7pm

Compass Point
Date: 23-28 November
Time: 1pm, 4pm &amp; 7pm

Causeway Point
Date: 30 November - 5 December
Time: 1pm, 4pm &amp; 7pm

Date: 7-12 December
Time: 1pm, 4pm &amp; 7pm

Date: 14-19 December
Time: 1pm, 4pm &amp; 7pm

Anchorpoint (Meet &amp; Greet only)
Date: 21-23 December
Time: 1pm

Bedok Point (Meet &amp; Greet only)
Date: 21-23 December
Time: 7pm

Read more
5. Dora "The Big Pinata" Live Show
Venue: Raffles City, Level 3
Date: 19 November - 5 December (except Mon)
Tuesday to Friday: 1pm &amp; 7pm
Saturday to Sunday: 1pm, 4pm &amp; 7pm

Read more
6. Mr Men and Little Miss Christmas Musical
Venue: Takashimaya
Date: Friday, 3 December to Saturday, 11 December
Time: 1pm, 4pm and 7pm daily
(No show on Monday, 6 December)
7. Yo Gabba Gabba! Musical Meet &amp; Greet
Venue: Takashimaya
Date: Monday, 22 November to Wednesday, 1 December
Time: 1pm, 4pm and 7pm daily
(No show on Monday, 29 November)
8. Bandai Characters
Venue: Takashimaya
Date: Friday, 12 November to Sunday 21 November
1pm &amp; 5pm - Masked Rider Den-O
2pm &amp; 6pm - Tamagotchi
3pm &amp; 7pm - Power Rangers RPM
(No show on Monday, 15 November)
9. Barney's Christmas Surprise!
Venue: United Square Shopping Mall
Date: 24 November to 6 December
Monday to Friday: 2pm &amp; 7pm
Saturday to Sunday: 1pm, 4pm &amp; 7pm
(No shows on Tuesday)
10. Go Diego Go! - The Iguana Sing-along
Venue: United Square Shopping Mall
Date: 9 to 20 December
Monday to Sunday, 12pm, 4:30pm &amp; 7pm
(No show on Tuesday)
11. Hi-5 Live Show
Venue: Central Atrium at Marina Square
Date: 26 November to 12 December
Time: 1pm, 4pm, 7pm (daily)
No show on Monday
12. The Elves and the Shoemaker retold by Precious Moments
Venue: JP1 Centrestage at Jurong Point
Date: 1 to 12 December 2010
Time: 1pm, 7pm
Weekend meet and greet: 4pm
13. Pokemon Show
Venue: Open Plaza at Tampines Mall
Date: 26 November to 26 December 2010
Tues to Fri, 1pm, 7pm
Saturday &amp; Sunday, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm
11 &amp; 12 December, 1pm, 7pm
14. Sesame Street Live Show
Sembawang Shopping Centre
23 to 28 November

Plaza Singapura
30 November to 12 December

Bt Pajang Plaza
14 to 19 December

Time: Tuesday to Thursday, 1pm, 7pm
Friday to Sunday, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm
15. PowerRanger
Sembawang Shopping Centre
30 November to 5 December

Bt Panjang Plaza
7 to 12 December
Tuesday to Thursday, 1pm, 7pm
Friday to Sunday, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm
16. Bob The Builder
Venue: West Coast Plaza
Dates: 20 November to 5 December, Saturday &amp; Sunday only
Time: 4:30pm, 8pm
17. Thomas The Train
Venue: Millenia Walk
Date and Time:
25 &amp; 26 November, 2, 3, 9, 10 December at 7pm
27 &amp; 28 November, 4, 5, 11, 12 December at 1pm, 7pm

2010 December Holiday Activities

1. The Grand Parade
DATE: 11,12,18 &amp;19 December 2010
Time: 6pm
Venue: B1 Exhibition Hall to Main Entrance at AMK Hub

See your favorite Christmas characters come to life as Santa, Santarina, Reindeer, the Elves Gingerbread Man, Snowman, Snow Flake Fairy and the Dancing Christmas Tree take part in this lively parade together with our marching band! It's grander than ever, so be sure to take lots of photos!
2. Snow, Bubbles &amp; Laser Show at Santa's Village
Date: 3 to 26 December
Monday to Thursday: 6:30pm
Friday to Sunday: 6:30pm &amp; 8:30pm
Venue: AMK Hub main entrance

Prepare to be dazzled by our special snow, bubbles &amp; laser show when Santa comes to town. Come on down to our delightful Santa's Villiage and enjoy this spectacular display for a truly white Christmas.
3. Meet the Xmas Folks!
Venue: AMK Hub

Tomato Mascot
10 to 26 December (Friday to Sunday only), 1pm &amp; 4pm

Santarina (with glitter tattoo giveaway)
10 to 26 December, 3pm &amp; 7pm

Christmas Fairy (with balloon sculpting)
17 to 23 December, 3pm &amp; 7pm

Dancing Christmas Tree and the Elves
24 to 26 December, 3pm &amp; 7pm

Santa Claus and Santarina
25 &amp; 26 December, 3:30pm &amp; 7:30pm

These adorable Christmas characters will be coming to AMK Hub! Grab this chance to say hello to them, and don't forget to bring your camera!
4. Care Bears Nite Parade on Weekends
Date: 1 - 26 December 2010 (Weekends Only)
Time: 8:00pm - 8:30pm (Additional Parade on 31 Dec at 3pm)
Venue: Event Square, The Alley and E!hub at Downtown East

Come join Bedtime Bear, Funshine Bear, Love-a-lot Bear, Share Bear, Dander and Y from Twisted Whiskers as they parade around Downtown East and receive a chance to get up close and personal with them!
*Parade Route subject to change without prior notice.
5. Care Bears Dance Workshop
Date: 12 December 2010
Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Venue:eXplorerkid &amp; Event Square at Downtown East

Calling all children aged between 5 to 12 years old! Be the first 20 participants to take part in this special dance workshop where you get to dance and perform with the Care Bears LIVE on stage! Be thrilled as Care Bears guide you on the dance steps before you showcase your impressive dance performance too everybody at the Event Square stage. At the end of it, you will receive a Certificate of Participation plus a photograph opportunity! Read more
6. Care Bear Handicraft Workshop
Date: 1, 8, 15, 22 &amp; 29 December 2010
Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Venue: eXplorerkid at Downtown East

Calling all children aged 12 and below! Come join us for a fun and simple paper craft for kids!Get creative as you dress up your favourite Care Bear with crushed coloured papers. And you get to catch the special appearance by the Care Bears! At the end of the workshop, receive a chance to pose with your masterpiece together with the Care Bears! Read more
7. Care Bear Character Appearances
Venue: Escape Theme Park at Downtown East
Date: 3 - 31 December 2010 (Every Saturday)
Time: 3pm

Venue: Wild Wild Wet
Date: 3 - 31 Dec 2010 (Every Weekend)
Time: 3pm
8. Fun-filled scrapbooking workshops
Venue: Compass Point

My Family Scrapbook
Date: 13 November &amp; 20 November 2010
Time: 2pm &amp; 3pm
Registration start 6 November 2010

Christmas Card
Date: 11 December &amp; 18 December 2010
Time: 2pm &amp; 3pm
Registration start 4 November 2010

Learn through Fun and Play. Spend $30 in three same-day, same-mall receipts to register your child (aged 4 to 12 years) for a scrapbooking workshop. Registration is limited to a maximum of 1 workshop per shopper per day and 15 kids per session on a first-come-first-served basis. For more information, please visit the Customer Service Counter at Basement 1. The workshops will be held at Sengkang Public Library, Activity Room, Level 4. Terms and conditions apply.
9. Christmas Gift Workshops
Venue: Northpoint

Gingerbread Man Photo Frame
Date: 20 November 2010
Time: 2pm &amp; 3pm
Registration start 14 November 2010

Christmas CD Photo Frame
Date: 27 November 2010
Time: 2pm &amp; 3pm
Registration start 21 November 2010
10. SpongeBob SquarePants Meet &amp; Greet
Venue: United Square Shopping Mall
Date: 9 to 20 December
Monday to Sunday: 2pm
(Daily except Tuesday)
11. Hot Wheels Create &amp; Race World Challenge (by John Little)
Venue: JP1 Centrestage at Jurong Point
Date: 22 to 28 November 2010
12. Bouncy Fun at the Changi Fantasy Castle
Venue: Changi Airport Terminal 3, departure check in hall
Date: 4 December 2010 to 6 January 2011
Time: 12pm to 10pm daily

Treat the kids to a bouncy and slidey time in a giant castle. Simply present any shopping or dining receipt* (no minimum spend) from Changi Airport to enjoy this fun treat.
13. Pinocchio - The Musical
Date: 4 November to 12 December 2010
Time: Refer here

Read here for more details
14. Build-A-Bear Workshop Activities
Venue: Plaza Singapura, Main atrium, level 1
Date: 22 to 28 November
Read here for more information
Wah suika the list is so long leh. You bringing your kids to watch mah? I'm going this saturday whether or not my HB is around or not to city hall and marina
too far it's hard for mi to travel dwn....coz K is very sticky, he insist i carry him using the sling then L how wor
Hi Sui Ka,

My daughter is 19 mths old now.
Wanted to put her to ELFA childcare next year when she turns 2 years old.
Any comments about this childcare?
with me ard he ask the maid to go away

oh....abt same age as my boy! ELFA? heard from my neighbour not so good....but i guessed it's the nearest to our place, y not send her to playgroup instead since u not working rite
joo yeah give 1 to 1 lessons only.. hehe..

Suika ur list so long.. I got headache... tmr then read.. blur liao...keke

good bb so close to u then maid. would u prefer the other way round?? dont think so lei..
Morning Mummies..

Now I can't come in as often le.. cos my IT. think was doing something with the system.. so some days I will be blocked to go in the forum...

suika.. will you be going to the parenthood fair?

<font color="ff0000">A</font><font color="119911">f</font><font color="ff6000">t</font><font color="808080">e</font><font color="aa00aa">r</font><font color="0077aa">n</font><font color="0000ff">o</font><font color="ff6000">o</font><font color="119911">n</font> <font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="808080">u</font><font color="0000ff">m</font><font color="0077aa">m</font><font color="aa00aa">i</font><font color="119911">e</font><font color="ff6000">s</font>
