Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

<font color="#F9B7FF">meow,

thks for the recommendation.

is wespt at westmall? the tent is the kids tent where it inclusive colorful ball type. bought that tent at toyrus....

what do u mean by not gd support?</font>

<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
I only post wtb bicycle with 2 supports wheel and tnf big set. got to include bones of tent then....

hmm...yeah, all of us....hmm..why keep quiet...shd scream and shout for everyone to come in here....

re:kitchen cutter
any pic to show? can't visualize it.


<font color="#F88017">Joo,
yeah, mon super blues. low mood and low morale. tml, gg for my gar's teacher meet up session. she always being allocated no 1 slot. gd for me.....then got to bring my little ox to kkh for neo-natal checkup.

my feet hurts liao now i gotta strain my eyes to read wat you're typing. Then i believe those tent no choice to replace liao. Its wire wor, dunno how to fix can hurt the kids wor. Go get another one if they like it so much for xmas present lah. No idea abt the support. Some pp jus comment the positioning is not good. To me i no diff so its up to individual. Ave cost around $40-60 for the lowest range for those sell in giant and major supermarket. Never to buy it from JB cos their conditions is worst then local. When i was sourcing then i was shocked to see the condition they sell there.
<font color="0077aa">afcai,

I don't have a pic of the kitchen cutter cos if I have means I would have owned it already LoL

Let me try to describe it to you...the shape looks like a stapler but of cos way open it like when you wanna insert the staples then you put your onion, garlic etc on it then you close &amp; staple it...&amp; voila! You got your diced food =)</font>
<font color="0000ff">meow,

Your feet hurts but are you going to work?! Better faster go see doctor! It sounds serious!! What happen?!</font>
my feet ah...long story lah. Also dunno why i so suay lor. Careless and clumsy bah. I learn my lesson the hard way
<font color="#41A317">MaggieHeng,
it's Happyfeet who sourcing for that...hmmm daiso...

<font color="#7D2252">meow,
pai seh, I changed the color loh. got go 'tui na'??

what is Ave? I also root to sg since 2005 liao not even mentioned gg to M'sia.

not wire but plastic type.


<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
hmm..thks for the description. is it the similar kind as those slice egg type?

see maggie posting, maybe daiso got sell.
<font color="#F87431">today, really (*&amp;(*&amp;( cos got raining rice from dunno which storey till my kids clothes are stain with rice. really inconsiderate ppls.</font>

To let go at 1 x Enfakid A+ $5 voucher but prefer to stay in Bt Gombak area so that i can pass to you asap bcos valid till today (18/11) as just found this in my drawer!

Pls PM or email [email protected].

*Voucher only valid for purchase 900g Enfakid A+

<font color="119911">pauling80,
welcome to the thread. how many kids u have?</font>

<font color="119911">Sinkor,
I did sms e mum liao but she did not reply. maybe on business trip again blar...</font>

<font color="0077aa">Sandy,
oh...dear, did u go and see doc? take care...

<font color="#7D2252">meow,
now, ntuc got promotion on rice till end of the mth. faster grab. dunno sheng siong have or not cos next fri is their last day of the business. will be gg there next wk to see what's on offer.

'luckily', this time rice not curry sauce.
the rice my mom likes is only found in Sheng Siong lor. Heng got offer for their store only. Instead of $19.30 in papers, they're like $17.90 so i grab 2 bags liao. Maybe weekend grab another 2 bags bah
welcome pauling,
you stay very near to suika
morning mummies!

luplup - welcome back! did your boy enjoy the babies prom? my boy slept in it. i suppose he is not very musically inclined.
<font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="aa00aa">ö</font><font color="808080">r</font><font color="0077aa">n</font><font color="0000ff">ï</font><font color="119911">n</font><font color="ff6000">g</font> <font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="119911">ü</font><font color="808080">m</font><font color="ff6000">m</font><font color="aa00aa">ï</font><font color="0077aa">e</font><font color="0000ff">s</font>

<font color="ff6000">Afcai</font>
Take it as a break from work and a little bonding with the kids on that "Meet the parent day"

<font color="0000ff">Pauling</font>
Welcome to the thread

<font color="aa00aa">Meow</font>
Your leg at this state liao and u still go lug so many bags of rice?!?! *faint*
You'd better treat your leg first hor.

<font color="119911">Sandy</font>
Your stomach much better by now?! Take lesser meat since harder to break-down.
Rest well over the weekends ya.

<font color="808080">Ak</font>
You getting busy lately ar?! Seems little posting from you too. Take care ya. Think this afternn will be seriously packed and hectic before I can see the weekend ... lol
(Just ask abt u and u 'appear' liao ... really 'Great minds think alike' *and almost same time posting* ... kekekeke)
i was looking for you...can't find you...
my boy enjoyed it...even brought him up the stage to dance a bit...haa...but certain part of the concert he got restless though...

so your boy slept through the concert?

you know after the concert we went for lunch, and my boy fell face down the stairs cutting his lips
what a bad day yesterday.... so heartpain!!

hi pauling, welcome
Hi snowbb,

hope your boy is ok. Today my 2 boys are having the school concert today. I didnt manage to take leave. Ask my SIL to go take video for me.

It just at the school it self but i am quite excited to knw that my younger one is having singing and dancing as well.. Hee

cos i have to go site this afternoon. Cant take leave. Ya i guess will be cute. at hm he dance for us too. Though i cant figure our wat he is singing..haha..

Now he come hm telling me he play slide in school. Glad that he is use to school liao.
Wah jappooh how old ur child. Got concert. so good.

today elder son last day of schl.he got to go for extra Phonics class-teacher say one, if not cannot go Pri 1.....

today did this puppy cake for son to bring to schl:

my boys are 4yr old and 23mths old. it just a small school concert. Parents invited with buffet provide. Too bad i cant go. My MIL and SIL went instead
of course not i carry lah, i merely hold the kids, my man must carry mah haha else the trolley can do the job and push to car

that's sad. My gal and sandy's boy also have performance tonight. Will be going to watch tonight. Also to put makeup for her

at first look i was thinking what's that like one of the ice-cream in advertisement many years ago...verneto or something like that. Till you say its a dog, then i realise its a Shuitzu. Cute
<font color="119911">pauling80</font>
how old is yr bb?

<font color="119911">maggie</font>,
I also tot it is an ice-cream.

<font color="ff6000">meow,</font>,
rice can kept for long one meh...I dare not stock up cos it might grow those little bug....

hmm..what performance is that? party?

<font color="ff6000">Joo,
I'm on course but the new manager still sms me this and that....what is pissed me off is before I went on leave
and course, he told me to go bck to think and plan of some work task. I had not bveen to office since mon liao.

this morning, jusr celebrate my gar bd in advance in sch and then rush to attend course. the younger one also enjoys it.</font>
the rice within a month will finish a pack, so its still ok else i have to travel to woodlands to buy the rice leh. Its a graduation ceremony for the K2s bah but all K1 and K2 have dances later
<font color="0077aa">afcai,

raining rice?! oh gosh!! sometimes damn sick to meet inconsiderate neighbours but what to do unless you stay highest floor otherwise gotta pray hard...</font>

<font color="ff6000">meow,

what brand rice so special only available at sheng siong?</font>

<font color="119911">sandy,

virus going around lately again...better drink more water &amp; rest well!</font>

<font color="0000ff">pauling80


<font color="aa00aa">jappooh,

leave not approve then take mc lo wahahaha...=D

i thought your boys all along is ok with school? but most important is they enjoy school otherwise like me last time headache when my boy "chut" pattern don't wanna go school...</font>


agree that when kids perform is very cute!! last week my boy's D&amp;D saw the kids perform is super duper cute lo!!

today receive the DVD unfortunately cannot play...keep stopping at 2.02 min so gotta bring back &amp; change.

<font color="ff0000">its school holidays...guess i won't be online so boy at home i think i more busy...</font>
<font color="0000ff">day 14 went for ATV (all terrain vehicle) ride &amp; was trying hard to manuvouvre the vehicle + avoiding the muddy water splashing on us so no scenery pics.

the helmut stinks! the rain coat gear muddy! it was an experience but i will NOT do it a 2nd time!

after that we went to "dabao" the famous ferg burger &amp; boy was it huge!! even much bigger than my favourite carl's jr but taste wise was so so...carl's jr beats it hands down. &amp; it was not cheap though i can't remember exactly how much but was something like about $15 or so for just the burger.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">DAY 14 - PIC 1</font>

<font color="aa00aa">DAY 14 - PIC 2

it comes packed in an envelope paperbag. by the way most stuff comes in paper. they are so environmentally conscious that they will ask if you need a bag for every purchase but the staff was nice as i order 2 burgers + fries so she gave me a plastic bag else i wouldn't know how to carry back hehe...</font>

<font color="#7D2252">meow, seems like DnD for the kids.last sun, MP came in the morning, think for K2 graduation (saw kids wearing old version Uniform) at the hardcourt(got a stage) there...another batch of K2 kids, got dunno what concert at home team also 2 wks ago. so that day, declare no school.

yeah, usually, will finish one pck of 5kg per mth. u bought 5kg or 10kg one?

<font color="#8D38C9">happyfeet,
wow, when I went to this thread, the first thing I saw is the burger in the middle of the night making me drool and tummy growl... burger got free hp?? (just joking..)

yeah, &amp;(*&amp;)*(&amp; those ppls who anyhow throw these things...sigh...when it was my turn to choose that blk, there isn't any higher floor. the other block have up to 23 and 22 storey but hor....saw those not auto ppls machiam got a mini palsam malam along their corridor as well as conquer others one. another one, plant so many plants...the 21th floor is a christian who did some fancy decor etc...anyway, that block got blockage which is no gd cos if u use binococular, one will see the other unit. can even see what they eat in the dinning rm and watch which tv channel in the room.

aiyo...u teach Jappooh bad things (take mc) wor...


its a thai brand Nam Ru something.

Its 10kg a pack. Its a graduation. All K2 are call up on stage to get a cert from the MP. No DnD lah, where got dinner? Its jus performance lor. Those performers need to pay for their own costumes k? Its $50 wor. My costume not so nice lor, in future also wont wear out

will you let your son wear his costumes out or keep aside? Eh text you also no reply leh. Your Grow how?
