Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

ok loh, give u a, finally, gg out liao cos need to bring bck my gar loh. gg to smack my hubby this weekend again since he luv to be a sleepy nanny. choice la....mummy n daddy very different hb can sleep beside my gal n she cried so loud but e still ZZZZZZ lol....but we know they do care for the kids la...when they are wide open hahaha...
oh, same same. dunno why hubby are the deep sleeper kind. so now is still training him to get up (need ot smack him to get up) for my gar's night feed.
Sandy, u take care!!

Snowyin, ya... waiting n enjoying being kicked. :p I gng to Gleneagles.

afcai, as what Sandy said dun listen to so much. If the baby is yours, he/she will be there for you. I also got squat in my 2nd tri coz toilet full and only the squat available.

Even news got report... excercise n stretch, bending wont cause miscarriage, the health of the foetus will. There are many reasons for miscarriage, but one thing that is important is mum has to be positive and trust in yourself n baby.

Your liquid can just be bai tai, defending bacteria and clearing for you loh. Diff ppl diff reaction.

Baby bonus effective is 17 Aug 2008, but they will only give out from 1 Jan 2009. So like they will qian till 1 Jan then give all fm 17 aug loh. That's what I understand, correct me if I am wrong.

I guess so much $$ involved, they need to prepare esp F1,etc are coming.

Hi Sylvia

Thanks ya...last nite just give me the antibiotics + the phelgm one...also headache hainz....btw..did you receive my email...??
thks. oh, counting down for yr bb arrival. this wk shd be yr wk 39.

dun think they will give all bb bonus. only the 16 week of ML is effective only. the rest not effective will only start Jan 09. that's what I heard fr news y'day.

oh...last preggie, I got so much of thw yellowish liquid wor....told TMC clinic staff who called me y'day but she did not say anything. only say as long as no spotting gd.
as of yesterday GOM not out yet. I jus estimate only lah, no cirulation jus base on my calculation only. wont be back till next tues...on compassionate leave
U take care and dun read the other thread title ... a sad blog ...

Sylvia: U also dun go read hor ...
(So heart-wrenching ... sigh ... Right Sandy?!)

Meow: U take care...

din read as I think I read b4.

Always similar ones around... anyway.... what I believed... to let go of these angels... coz they are there for a purpose. So parents though heart pain hv to let go n let these angels free too.
My take care.

Please dun stress yourself with all the stories.
Just take care of yourself, eat well, rest well.

Sandy ,
You too....please rest well too while taking care of boy boy ok?
hmmm, so quiet today....
how's weekend, mummies?

ur boy ok liao?

U got rest well? Still on MC?

U still ard? Hope u have a smooth delivery!
Of course different situation lah.

Have to be positive mah.........

& appreciate loh. Coz if I din rem wrongly... that is been up for a long time... last time read will feel sad, but continously......... u will feel that they have to move on.

I'm new to this thread, but wondering if any mummies in BBK area interested to let go for their SNS stamps? I have 6 and looking for another 6 stamps (either cash or exchange with postage stamps). Prefer to meet up cos' kenna cheated a few times by post liao.

Interested parties, can email me at [email protected]
Becoz i hv gone thru n i understand fully hw it was. anyway..................... dun ask me anymore about it.

Hi Mummies,

Anyone here from Goodview Garden looking for domestic help? Relative of mine looking for some temp assignments.

Rate : $10/ hr, min 4 hrs
Chores : Sweeping, mopping, laundry , marketing, etc..

Interested pls PM me to discuss further...
Heya ladies..

I used to post.. but too bz to tis days.. I was reading up and saw i tink Sandy ur son got a lot of phelgm at where? Coz my son who is coming to 3yrs tis nov used to fall sick quite frequently, often becoz of the phelgm in his body, whh makes him haf cough n flu.. quite bad.. n no matter wat medicine or doc i bring him to.. end up.. a week or 2 later, he will fall sick again.. den my #2 also kena.. but my mum brought him to c a doc below her blk at bb st 25 there, they gave him drink FLUMICIL, its an orange powder drink.. after a few times, nw my son seldom fall sick n no more phelgm for a few mths liao.. so am glad.. mayb u wld like to try.. or u wan to PM me for more info..

Hi afcai.. heh.. hw r u?
Hihi... boy still alot of phlegm in his body ....yup keep falling's the taste? Orange taste? Dun mind trying if he is willing to take keke... hv problems asking him to take his medicine :-(
Y'day, Just discharged fr hospital after staying for 4D3N, sat got a scared while on the way for breakfast in the morning with my gar and hubby. then I felt a warm liquid coming hard and I prayed hard it 's not blood cos i happened on 1/8 too. then just placed my finger and felt, OMG, finger stains with red stains. so I walked a bit faster to the nearby TMC woman clinic. the doc has not come. they were quite a lot of ppls there waiting and I was sitting slanted cos cannot sit straight as my panties and shorts already stains with so much blood. so quickly, I went to toilet and cleaned up and placed a lot of toilet paper but blood just kept on dripping. the doc came fr hospital half an hr later. before that, hubby already told the receptional that it is A&E and can we have our turn first but the receptionist just called the name of the first person in the appt list. but those ppls there quite understanding and asked the receiptionist to let me go first. *&(*&^ the receiptionist..... so then doc just gave me 2 jabs and refer me to hosptial. so scary.

during my stay at KKH hospital, got 2 sad case all wash up case. another malay gar (very young) dunno if she is preggie or not, only heard fr doc that her scan show something outside the womb and her hGH level also drops. so she got to monitor another day for the blood test to determine the cause. the indian gar just went for a A&E operation wash up the next day.anyway, she never stay still on bed, nurse kept on searching for her. she only came back with her hubby/bf in the middle of night only. Saw the nurses pushed her out of the toilet using the wheelchair at 3am. then the doc came and checked. think situation was bad. then saw the doc (dress in operation suit) just pushed the bed at 0550am and then she was pushed back ar 0720am only. so scary....

so now, was given 18 days of hospitalisation leave. in fact, doc asked me if I wanted to go hm or stay...I chose to go hm after 4D of stay. so boring and can't get to slp easily at hospital. y'day, sleep so well but nearly 'faintz' when I reached hm cos hse is in a mess.

think, I'm giving up TMC liao cos the )(*&)(* receiptionist services. hubby is also fed up with the services at TMC clinic opp gombak. the doc called Dr wong. he has a clinic at level 5 of TMC also.

tat's day, he paid for the bills and was shocked to see $205. haa...told him that TMC very ex liao....then he told me think stick to KKH better.

sian, think hubby spend more time with his col in the office than me. always came bck at after 8pm or 9-10pm after work...sian....even, when it was the day where he visited tx, he also reached my mum'plc later at 0740pm only. ai-yo, tx 's slp time is at 8pm or slighty after. sian....told him lot of times still like that.

<font color="#C25283">Joo</font>
I cannot 'date' u today cos y'day just got out of hospital only. so can meet next wed or fri instead. I can meet at anytime since i'm on hospitalisation leave.

<font color="#C25283">Meow</font>
will only go bck office on 10/9 only cos I was given 18 days of hospitalisation leave after I discharge fr hospital y'day.

oh, so sad to hear that, sigh, take care.

<font color="#C25283">Lynn/joo</font>
thks. still worries for my case loh. sian....

<font color="#C25283">snowyin</font>
Y'day, Just discharge fr hospital after staying for 4D3N so will be on 18 days of hospitalisation leave till 9/9 for my checkup.

<font color="#C25283">sylvia</font>
ai-yo, so scary th link.why got hand inside the one...

<font color="#C25283">sunshine75</font>
I got 4 of sns stamps. so fed up, reserved for 1 person(ask me to reserve) since last wed till now but no response fr her till now. do pm me if interested, I'm living at goodviews gdviews can only meet u at gombak since I'm on hospitalisation leave. if not, will ask hubby to meet u along gombak - clementi mrt station.

<font color="#C25283">宝贝</font>
welcome. which part of bb u live? ga is coming to 2yr old in 4 more mths loh. think our kid are born in the same yr then....same as joo.

<font color="#C25283">celtricia</font>
not gd wor cos stay at hospital for 4D3N.
I'm back afer MIA for a while again..

You really better take good care of yourself. It's really no joke to keep bleeding; don't walk or sit up too much; lie down on bed as much as poss. In worst scenario, if your husb agrees, stay with your mom with yr daughter temporary so that you can rest more &amp; your mom can take care of you (i assume yr mom has retired?) since yr husb usu works late &amp; can't contribute much.
If you need help with household chores, I'm currently using one part-time cleaner who cleans up my house every Sun morning; she charges $10/hr and works min 3 hrs. if interested, SMS me &amp; I'll give u her contact &amp; u see if she has slots for u.
Hi mummies,

Can I join? I'm staying at Bt Panjang.

Btw, any mummies had sent or consider to send your kids to these kindergartens? Would appreciate if you can share your views and opinions with me as I'm considering the following kindergartens for my boy.

1) Grace House @ Bt Gombak
2) Christian Methodist Incarnation @ Teck Whye
3) Bt Panjang Methodist Church @ Upp Bt Timah
4) Glory @ Bt Timah
5) St Francis Asisi @ Jurong West
6) Hope Community @ Choa Chu Kang
7) Apple Tree @ Choa Chu Kang

Thank &amp; regards.
no wonder no hear from u lately...
keep bleeding very scary leh.
u muz really take good care and don't move about liao... rest more till stabilize k...
Sandy, ya its orange taste like wat Joo said.. n my son calls it orange juice.. juz nid to drink it twice a day.. like their normal water intake.. u can purchase it from normal pharmacy at polyclinic.. quite cheap also n i find it very effective..


after reading ur post, u better take good care of yourself n rest more. I had something similar when i was pregnant with my son, but not so serious. try to lie down more.

paiseh about the SNS stickers, I gave up and went to make purchases yesterday to make up the difference. Thks for the offer!
